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Eva Smith Diary Entries Tuesday, September 19th, 1910

Stephanie Ling

Im exhausted today. It was another hard day at the Works. The weathers getting worse and the opportunity of a pay rise is the only thing keeping me going at the moment. However, Im not that optimistic of achieving it. Birling is an ignorant, stubborn, old fool and is determined on widening the gap between rich and poor. Tomorrows the day hes going to discuss our offer. Its a lost cause. Ive always fought for what I believe in but I know Im beginning to wonder what the point is. This job is the only thing Ive got and I cant afford to lose it. People nowadays dont have sympathy toward single girls who are unemployed and have no prospects. Anyway, thats enough for tonight, I better get to bed.

Wednesday, September 20th, 1910 It turned out that Birling didnt want to negotiate at all! He sacked me! Just when I thought I was on the verge of a promotion, this happens! He works us like slaves and isnt even willing to negotiate a compromise. It just isnt right. The world would be a much better place without scum like Birling. He gave us a load of old waffle about how he didnt want to drive labour costs too high and in his words, regrettably we are going to have to discharge you. The creepy, good for nothing, weasel, he made it sound as if he had no choice. Well I suppose theres no point wallowing in the past, whats done is done and Im not going to make things better by being bitter about it. Ive got to stay positive and look to the future, even though the future is uncertain. Theres no rewarding system for girls like me, another fault of society. I suppose Ill just have to make my own way in life, just as always.

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