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Todays Date: _________________

Creekins Baptist Church

Soundtrack Sermons As we welcome audio sermons into CBC, we will now have sermons on recording for you to listen to as needed. Please let Rev. Mitchell know if you need a CD to borrow. New Bulletins As you can see with this bulletin, Creekins will now be having a new bulletin design. These new bulletins will have more in them and will have a different design. Sanctuary Flip-Flop As you may know, CBC recently got a screen and projector. The screen could not fit in the front so we had to put it in the back. Due to this, the front of the sanctuary will be the back of the sanctuary, and the back of the sanctuary will be the front of the sanctuary.

Latest sermon series:

-Praise: Heres WhyWhy really do we praise God? Let Rev. Mitchell show you why in this three-part series.
This sermon series is available on soundtrack.

Todays songs:
1) Good To Me- Planetshakers 2) We Worship You

Pastor says:
I want you to remember that God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. That is something that we humans have trouble remembering. So even if you have to burn it in your mind (like a permanent tattoo) I want you to remember it.

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