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Margarot, Maurice. The Trial of Maurice Margarot, Delegate from London, to the British Convention. London, England.

Newcastle University. 1794. This book talks about the history of common law in England. The source contributed little to our research, as it had very minimal information we were looking for. Nevertheless, it was a source used for the research of our project. Paine, Thomas. Letter Addressed to the Addressers, on the Late Proclamation. London, England. Oxford University. 1792. This book contains material on punishments and crime in 18th century London. It also includes information about law and justice in that time, and explains that there is no English constitution, and therefore there is no specific list of rights for those in Britain. [Author Unknown]. Punishments at the Old Bailey. The Proceedings of the Old Bailey. 4 Jan. 2014. <>. This web source contains punishments in London from the late 17th century to early 20th century. Though the time frame is quite large, this primary source has information from the original records of the Old Bailey criminal court, making it very useful to this project. Overall, the entire website contains lots of material on crimes, punishments, justice, and law in London during that time period.

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