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Riverview Middle School Technology

Grade 6 students will be making small quilted pillows. We hope to start on ________________. Students are required to bring supplies to complete their pillows. These include fabric 100% cotton or flannelette), thread matching their fabric, 1 small package of needles for hand sewing, 1 small package of polyester fiberfill pillow stuffing. Material Requirements: Fabric #1 dimensions: 15cm by 30cm (6 x 12) print #1. Fabric #2 dimensions: 15cm by 30 cm (6 x 12) print #2. o Prints of fabric #1 & #2 must complement one another. Fabric #3 dimensions: 30cm by 30cm (12 x 12) - solid colour. o The solid colour must complement the two prints. ALL FABRIC MUST BE COTTON.

Piece #1 15 cm by 30cm (approx 6 x 12)

Printed Fabric

Piece #2 15 cm by 30cm (approx 6 x 12)

Printed Fabric

Piece #3 30 cm by 30cm (approx 12 x 12)

Solid Colour Fabric

Should this be a problem, let me know right away.

Thank You.

Mrs. Bingham Email:

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