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Discrimination in U.S.

Housing and Property Ownership Research Guide

Directions: Gather details on your assigned research topic and record the information below. Each group will then report its findings to the class so that everyone can complete this guide. A resource for each topic has been provided as a starting point, but you are encouraged to consult additional sources. Group 1: What is redlining? Suggested Resource: Interview with Melvin Oliver (particularly his answer to the question How does housing history and homeownership contribute to racialized discrepancies in wealth?)

Group 2: What is blockbusting? Suggested Resource: Blockbusting

Group 3: What is racial steering? Suggested Resource: Residential Segregation and Housing Discrimination in the United States

Group 4: What are sundown laws? Suggested Resources: The Washington Post: When Signs Said Get Out Sundown Towns in the United States

Group 5: What are racially restrictive covenants and what is the Shelley v. Kraemer case? Suggested Resource: Shelley House

Group 6: What is the Fair Housing Act and does discrimination continue today? Suggested Resource: USA Today: A Growing Number Allege Unfair Treatment in Housing Market

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