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Definitions of Writing

How do I know what I think until I see what I say? E.M. Forster

Writing is the interaction of mind and world.

Donald Graves

Writing has got to be an act of discovery I write to find out what Im thinking about. Edward Albee If I write what you know, I bore you if I write what I know, I bore myself therefore I write what I dont know. Robert Duncan Writing to me is a voyage, an odyssey, a discovery, because Im never certain of !recisely what I will find. Gabriel Fielding "our writing is trying to tell you something. #ust lend an ear. Joanne Greenberg I think that one is constantly startled by the things that a!!ear before you on the !age when youre writing. Shirley Hazzard I dont start a novel or a !lay saying, $Ill write about such and such.% I start with an idea and then find out what Im writing about. illia! "nge Writing, like life itself, is a voyage of discovery. Arthur Miller &he language leads, and we continue to follow where it leads. right Morris Writing is like e'!loring as an e'!lorer makes ma!s of the country he has e'!lored. #awrence $sgood Writing makes me know what I did not know I knew.

Abbas Husain

Teachers' Development Centre

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