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"A Guide for Tourists & Businessman") ________________________________ FACTS ABOUT THAILAND ________________________________ GEOGRAPHY: Thailand has a land area of 513,115 Sq. km. bordered by Malaysia (South), Myanmar (West & North), Laos (North & East) and Cambodia (Southeast). CLIMATE: Temperature varies from 38oC to 19oC; humidity from 82.8% to 66% . SEASONS: Hot (March to May), Rainy (June to October) and Cool (November to February); average temperature 27oC POPULATION: About 66.7 million. Of the total, 84.7% live in rural areas, 9.9% in Bangkok, and 5.4% in other towns and cities. RELIGION: Buddhist 95%, Muslim 3. 9%, Christian 0. 5%, Others 0. 6% GOVERNMENT: A constitutional monarchy headed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej, (Rama IX) with 76 provinces, each sub-divided into amphoes (districts), tambons (sub districts), and mubans (group of villages). Head of State: H.R.H. King Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX of the Chakri Dynasty) Prime Minister : Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra (Recently elected from PPP) President of the Council of National Security: Administration: 76 provinces, each subdivided into amphoe (district), tambon (subdistrict) and muban (village) NATIONAL FLAG: The red, white and blue bands symbolize the Nation, Buddhism and the Monarchy respectively. LARGEST PROVINCES Nakhon Ratchasima 20,493. 96 Chiang Mai. 20,107.06 Kanchanaburi 19,483.15 HIGHEST PEAKS Doi Inthanon Doi Luang Phu Soi Dao 2,565 m. 2,175 m. 2,102 m.

LARGEST ISLANDS Phuket Samui Chang 543.00 239.90 212.09

PRINCIPAL RIVERS Chi Mun Nan Chao Phraya 765 km. 750 km. 740 km. 370 km. (or 1,110 km. if Nan is included).

MEASUREMENT OF AREA: Thailand has its own system of area measurement. The basic units are square wa (4 sq. m.) and rai (400 sq. wa or 1,600 sq.m. or 0.16 hectare). CLOTHING: Thin cotton is the best. A jacket or sweater may be necessary in the cool season, especially in a mountainous area of the North or Northeast. ELECTRICITY: 220 volts 50 cycles throughout the country. WATER: Drink only bottled or boiled water. DINING: You can find places to eat 24 hours a day, but better avoid sidewalk stalls where, though food is cheap and palatable, hygienic conditions may sometimes not be up to standards. SHOPPING: You have a wide range of good buys to choose from. They are beautiful because Thais are gifted artists, and inexpensive because the labor cost is low. VISA Almost all foreign nationals can stay in Thailand for up to 15 days without a visa. Contact the Royal Thai embassies or consulates for details. To extend your visa after arriving in Thailand, contact the Immigration Division in Soi Suan Phlu off Sathorn Tai Road, Bangkok, Tel. 2864231.

_____________________________ CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS _____________________________ Thailand is a Buddhist country where Buddha images are held sacred. Sacrilegious acts are punishable by imprisonment even if committed by foreign visitors. Thai people hold their King and Queen and the Royal Family in great reverence, and so will not tolerate foreigners talking about them in disrespect. Generally Thai women are conservative. So do not touch them without their consent. Dress properly when entering a Buddhist temple. Take your shoes off before going inside the hall of worship. Ladies must not on any account touch a Buddhist monk, give things direct to him or receive things direct from him. Intimacies between man and woman should not be shown in the public. Sunbathing in the nude is prohibited. Call Thais their first names; use the title "Khun" to all adults (male & Female). Thai people smile to express gladness and happiness, to thank for small services, to return the wai (a way of greeting) of children and inferior persons, and even to excuse small inconveniences. __________________________ CURRENCY __________________________ Foreign visitors may freely bring in foreign currencies or other types of foreign exchange. Upon leaving Thailand, they may freely take out all foreign exchange they have brought in. For residents, unlimited amounts of foreign notes and coins, but no more than US$20,000 in drafts or cheque, may be taken out for traveling expenses. Foreign visitors may bring in an unlimited amount of Thai currency. For travelers leaving Thailand, the maximum amount permitted to take out without prior authorization is 50,000 Baht per person or, if they are going to one of Thailand's neighboring countries, 100,000 Baht per person. Foreign tourists are allowed to take out gold ornaments free. But import and export of gold other than jewelry are subject to licensing by the Ministry of Finance. The basic monetary unit in Thailand is the Baht. A Baht is divided into 100 satang. The following coins and notes are currently in use:

Coins: 25 and 50 satang; 1,5 and 10 Baht. Bank notes: 20 (green), 50 (blue), 100 (red), 500 (purple) and 1,000 (pale brown) Baht. Major foreign currencies can be exchanged for Thai Baht with banks and authorized money changers. Major credit cards are also widely accepted in tourist centers. __________________________ CUSTOMS REGULATIONS __________________________ Exports of Buddha images (except small ones carried on person), antiques and genuine works of art require export licenses from the Fine Arts Department. The shop you deal with can provide such service for you. It is prohibited by law to bring any of the following items into Thailand: Narcotics (e.g., marijuana, hemp, opium, cocaine, morphine, heroin); obscene literature or picture; firearms or ammunition - unless a permit has been obtained from the Police Department or the local Registration Office; certain species of fruits, vegetables and plants. One still camera with 5 rolls of unused film, one movie-camera with 3 rolls of unused film and used household effects may be brought in free of duty. __________________________ DINING __________________________ Most Thai food is already cut into small pieces before serving or made soft enough to be cut with a spoon or fork; thus, knives are not necessary. Salt-shakers are rarely found on Thai dinner tables, so add a little caramel-color fish-sauce (called nam-pla in Thai) instead, if you find your food not salty enough. English is spoken in large restaurants; and most establishments have menus in Thai and English, except street-side food stalls and some small restaurants. Normally, a tip of 10-20 Baht or 5 -10% of the bill should be left when dining in a middle-or high-class restaurant. __________________________ SHOPPING __________________________ Bargaining is an art long practiced in Asian countries including Thailand. So feel free to ask for a proper discount when shopping in places where prices are not marked.

Be careful in dealing with sidewalk vendors who may not offer genuine goods at fair prices. Receipts should be obtained for the goods you buy. For jewelry you must get a certificate of guarantee as well Some shops can offer a money-back guarantee, but you should clearly determine all conditions with the shopkeeper beforehand. LIST OF USEFUL THAI EXPRESSIONS

Kharp Kha Phom Chan Khun Sa Wat Di Khop Khun Khrap/Kha Khaw Thot Mai Pen Rai Ki Baht/Tao Rai Phaeng Lot Ra Kha Dai Mai Chai Mai Ah Rai Sai Khwa Trong Pai Yud Pai Krungthep Khlap Krungthep Hong Nam Ta lat

The Important word spoken by males only; can mean yes sir or yes Maam The important word spoken by females only; means the same as Khrap I or me (spoken by males only) I or me (spoken by females only) Mr, Ms, Mrs Hello; Good morning, Good evening, Good afternoon, Good night, Good-bye Thank you Excuse me, Sorry It does not matter. Never mind How much? Expensive Any discount? Yes No What? Left Right Straight ahead Stop Go to Bangkok Go back to Bangkok Rest room, Toilet Market

Ran Ah Han Phoot Thai Mai Dai Mai Kao Chai Tai Ruup Dai Mai Food and Beverage Cha Kafae Cha/kafae ron Nam Nom Nam Som Khai Kai Pla Mu Kung Phak Klui Sap pa rot Ma la kaw Kuai teaw Kin dai mai Kin dai Kin mai dai Pham/Chan Pen muslim Ah han muslim Numbers soon neung saung sam si ha hok

Restaurant I cant speak Thai I dont understand May I take a Photograph? Tea Coffee Hot tea/coffee Water Milk Orange Juice Egg Chicken Fish Pork Prawn Vegetable Banana Pineapple Papaya Noodle Is it edible? Is it fit to be eaten? Edible; It can be eaten Not edible; cannot be eaten I am a muslim Muslim food Zero one Two three Four Five six

jet paet kao sip sip et sip saung yi sip yi sip et yi sip saung sam sip sam sip et si sip ha sip hok sip chet sip paet sip kau sip neung roei neung phan neung meaun neung sean neung land

seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twenty twenty one twenty two thirty thirty one (substituting sam for yisip) forty (substituting si for yi) fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one thousand ten thousand one hundred thousand one million

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