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"Blissful Retirement" By Aaron Brehm

INT. OLD AND RUSTY WAREHOUSE- AFTERNOON The warehouse is faded and dirty--nearly empty except for a purple, luxurious desk in the middle of the tattered floor. TIMOTHY NARKEL, an overweight and balding man in his late 40s, is sitting on a chair by the empty desk. He is wearing a sweat dampened suit with a loosened tie attached. He pulls out a handkerchief and wipes the sweat from his forehead. The loud noise of a door opening OS startles Timothy as the noise echos through the warehouse. Enter BOOKER MARTIN--a tall and skinny man with a full head of hair and dark, brooding eyes, who is in his late 50s. He appears in a golf T-shirt and cargo pants with TWO SECURITY GUARDS--big guys with tough expressions. Bookers steps echo as he walks to the desk and sits down in another chair. The guards stand on each edge of the desk. Timothy glances at each of the guards before locking eyes with Booker, who is looking directly at him. Timothy starts sweating again. BOOKER You look thirsty. Booker turns to GUARD #1. BOOKER Go. Go get our pal here some water. Booker motions with his hand for guard #1 to leave. Booker turns back to Timothy. A door closes OS. BOOKER Its good to get some water in yourself. Its a hot day. I just got done playing eighteen holes, and I can tell you that I am utterly exhausted. Timothy nods. TIMOTHY Its a great day for golf. Booker smiles. BOOKER Youre a smart man. Physical activity is great for the body and mind. Timothy nods again--more rapidly this time: instant agreement.




TIMOTHY A good game of putt-putt calms the soul. Booker laughs. He leans back in his chair. BOOKER You play now? TIMOTHY Oh, you bet. Ive always had a love for the game. Booker straightens up. He looks directly at Timothy. Timothy sinks back into his chair--forehead full of sweat again. BOOKER You failed to mention that the last time we met during the political season. Timothy takes a hard swallow. TIMOTHY I didnt think it was important. Booker lingers his stare, then backs off. He relaxes and returns to his sunken position in the chair. BOOKER Well, for the future, be sure to share. Great benefits can come to a man who swings the iron. Timothy smiles. BOOKER (CONT) Ive enjoyed this little reunion-Booker begins to stand up. Timothy quickly rises from his seat. TIMOTHY Thats a great thing to know-Booker smirks and cocks his head. He sits down. BOOKER Thats right. You came here for something. Water, right? Timothy slowly sits down.




TIMOTHY No. No. I...Im here to ask about-A door opens OS. Guard #1 returns with a plate with two glasses, a pitcher of water, a knife, and a lemon. Guard #1 places the plate on the desk--right in the middle of Timothy and Booker. BOOKER Ask about what? Booker picks up the lemon. BOOKER (CONT) Do you like lemon in your water? Timothy looks down. His face is sweating again. Booker snaps his hand at guard #1 and looks down at the knife. Guard #1 picks the knife up and puts it in Bookers hand. BOOKER (CONT) I think a lemon-Booker slams the knife into the lemon--easily splitting it into two segments. Timothy jumps back in his chair a bit. BOOKER (CONT) Really amps up the taste. Dont you think? Timothy laughs nervously. TIMOTHY Just not a fan-Booker slams the knife down again--splitting a segment. BOOKER You know I dont give money out any more, right? Thats all in my past. Timothy tries to talk. No words come out. BOOKER (CONT) And my past is something I dont like to revisit. It makes me uneasy. Booker looks directly into Timothys eyes before slicing the segment again into two smaller slices. Timothy jumps in his seat again; his face is flooded with sweat.




BOOKER (CONT) Are we clear? Timothy nods his head erratically and gets up quickly. TIMOTHY Yes. Yes, we are. Timothy turns to leave. BOOKER Oh, Timmy? Timothy stops dead in his tracks. He closes his eyes and gulps hard. TIMOTHY Yeah? Booker holds up a glass of water with a lemon slice in it. BOOKER Dont forget your water. Timothy opens his eyes and turns around. He goes back to the desk. Booker holds out the glass of water for Timothy to take. Timothy takes the glass. Booker smiles. BOOKER (CONT) Drink it down. Dont let dehydration get the best of you. Timothy smiles and takes a drink. Booker watches him. BOOKER (CONT) Good? Timothy nods. BOOKER (CONT) Good. Booker stops smiling. BOOKER (CONT) Now get the hell out of here. Timothy quickly turns around and speed-walks out of the warehouse--glass of water in hand. The exit door of the warehouse closes OS. Booker leans back in his chair and wipes his hands over his face. He turns to GUARD #2.




BOOKER Fucking politicians.

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