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Jeffery Esquivel Hannah Joson Catrina Canchola

The nature of our business is revolved around body art. The marketplace need our tattoo/piercing shop is to fulfill the high demand in self-reflected art todays society is delving itself into. Our services meet these needs because we hope to nurture the imagination and artistic desires people have in creating sentimental statements on their body. We hope and strive to perform these needs in a safe, positive, and cautious way; for tattoos and piercings are still considered taboo. Many shops and its staff have a negative connotation and we hope our services will show everyone the importance in being able to artistically express themselves and to break down the barrier behind those that are tattooed and pierced and those that are not. The consumers, companies, and businesses Inkd Up will serve are those of todays generation. Our consumer demographic revolves around people that have an inkling around art, fashion, music, etc. Our consumers are probably first timers or people that frequently get tattoos/piercings. Businesses and companies our shop serves are tattoo workshops, piercing workshops, fairs, artistic magazines, etc. What puts our shop in the limelight of this competitive business is our location, staff members, and all around energy and environment we strive to have. We are located in Hollywood, Los Angeles, an iconic part of the world for all forms of art. People worldwide make time to visit Los Angeles, specifically Hollywood. It is a never-ending area of innovation and imagination. Our staff members are caring, passionate, level-headed, organized, and collaborative. This is all while being consistently strong in their artistic pursuits. Our employees include arguably one of the greatest tattoo artists, Kat Von D. Together with all these things we promote and have an environment that attracts various types of people and will continue to do so for many more years.

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