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11.5 Revolution and Civil War in Russia!

Estimate of 1,000 were either injured or killed

Date: January 22, 1905

Location: St. Petersburg, Russia

Unarmed, peaceful demonstrators marched to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II were gunned down by the Imperial Guard.

Bloody Sunday sparked a series of riots and revolts throughout Russia collectively known as the 1905 Revolution

II. March Revolution, 1917

!! Bloody Sunday failed to solve Russias basic political, economic and social problems. !! Elected Duma (parliament) set up after the revolution had no real power. !!Tsar Nicholas II was a weak & ineffective leader. Used the secret police to stay in power.

!! March Revolutions caused by the impact of WWI. !!Ineffective resources led to 2 million casualties in 1st year !!Nicholas II showed patriotism by showing up on the battle front.

Vladimir Lenin !!Revolutionary !!Brother hanged for plotting to kill tsar !!Adopted Marxist ideas to fit Russian conditions !!Formed the Bolsheviks

!! By November1917, conditions were ripe for the (RED) Bolsheviks to make their move. !! 1918
!! March - Bolsheviks sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. !! June-July - Civil war erupts between Reds (Bolsheviks/Communist) and Whites (counterrevolutionaries). !! Reds execute the tsar and his family.

!! 1920
!! November - Communist (Red) wins civil war. Used the Cheka to control Russia.

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