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RESPECT THE LAWS We must always respect the laws, sense and sensibilities of a country and never test

its firm resolve in uphold them. For example, polygamy is allowed in this part of the world but not abroad, nudism and public display of affection are punishable by law here but a normal activity elsewhere, homosexuality is a serious offence here, but tolerated in other parts of the world, consumption of beef is a practice abhorrent to most Hindus but consumed by practically the rest of the world, Muslims & Jews are forbidden from eating pork and are appalled at its sight, but is a delicacy in western countries, etc. Human society is neither random nor capricious. Practices and beliefs can be rational or irrational, but an individual that fails to adapt to his environment is doomed so please respect the laws, sense and sensibilities of the conservative UAE and GCC and you will never fall in trouble.

DOnt be sure of any law, laws are twisted and changed when ever they like. so if you want to live here, simply live without any arguments. apologise even if you are not wrong. Don't think you are very smart. or don't be brave.

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