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INFINITIVO (Base Form) Arise Awake Be/ am, are, is Bear Beat Become Begin Bend Bet Bind Bid Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build PASADO SIMPLE Arose Awoke Was / Were Bore Beat Became Began Bent Bet Bound Bid Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast Built PARTICIPIO TRADUCCIN PASADO Arisen Awoken Been Borne / Born Beaten Become Begun Bent Bet Bound Bid Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast Built Surgir, Levantarse Despertarse Ser / Estar Soportar, dar a luz Golpear Llegar a Ser Empezar Doblar Apostar Atar, encuadernar Pujar Morder Sangrar Soplar Romper Criar Traer Llevar Radiar Edificar

Burn Burst Buy Cast Catch Come Cost Cut Choose Cling Creep Deal Dig Do (Does) Draw Dream Drink Drive Eat Fall Feed

Burnt /Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Came Cost Cut Chose Clung Crept Dealt Dug Did Drew

Burnt / Burned Burst Bought Cast Caught Come Cost Cut Chosen Clung Crept Dealt Dug Done Drawn

Quemar Reventar Comprar Arrojar Coger Venir Costar Cortar Elegir Agarrarse Arrastrarse Tratar Cavar Hacer Dibujar

Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soar Drank Drove Ate Fell Fed Drunk Driven Eaten Fallen Fed Beber Conducir Comer Caer Alimentar

Feel Fight Find Flee Fly Forbid Forget Forgive Freeze Get Give Go (Goes) Grow Grind Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt

Felt Fought Found Fled Flew Forbade Forgot Forgave Froze Got Gave Went Grew Ground Hung Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt

Felt Fought Found Fled Flown Forbidden Forgotten Forgiven Frozen Got / Gotten Given Gone Grown Ground Hung Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt

Sentir Luchar Encontrar Huir Volar Prohibir Olvidar Perdonar Helar Obtener Dar Ir Crecer Moler Colgar Haber o Tener Oir Ocultar Golpear Agarrar Celebrar Herir

Keep Know Spin Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing

Kept Knew Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank/Stunk Strode Struck Swore Sweat Swept Swelled Swam Swung

Kept Known Spun Spat Split Spoilt / Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck Sworn Sweat Swept Swollen Swum Swung

Conservar Saber Conocer Hilar Escupir Hender / partir / rajar Estropear Extender Saltar Estar en pie Robar Pegar Engomar Picar Apestar Dar zancadas Golpear Jurar Sudar Barrer Hinchar Nadar Columpiarse

Take Teach Tear Tell Think Throw Thrust Tread Understand Undergo Undertake Wake Wear Weave Weep Wet Win Wind

Took Taught Tore Told Thought Threw Thrust Trod Understood Underwent Undertook Woke Wore Wove Wept Wet Won Wound

Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thrown Thrust Trodden Understood Undergone Undertaken Woken Worn Woven Wept Wet Won Wound

Coger Ensear Rasgar Decir Pensar Arrojar Tirar Introducir Pisar, hollar Entender Sufrir Emprender Despertarse Llevar puesto Tejer Llorar Mojar Ganar Enrollar

Esta simbologa es para comprender los cuadros gramaticales del ingls. S: Sujeto he, we, you, etc. V: Verbo C: Complemento Aux: auxiliar have, do, will. Neg: negativo -Not. To be: am, are, is / was, were. V(ing): verbo en gerundio. V(p.p): verbo en participio pasado. Ejemplo: S+Aux (will)+Neg+V ( base form )+C She + will + not + travel + to the Brazil

GRAMTICA Presente Simple:

AFIRMATIVO S+V (base form)+C I He You eat We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (do)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I He You Do We It They Nota: Eat? Does She Eat? She eats We It You Do not eat She Does not eat I He NEGATIVO S+Aux (do)+Neg+V (base form)+C

Existe una excepcin en la tercera persona, se aade una -s al final del verbo. Cuando el verbo termina en -s, -ss, -sh, -o, -ch, -x se aade la terminacin"-es". Ejemplo: to fix - fixes Cuando el verbo termina en "y" precedida de consonante cambia la "y" por "ies"; y cuando el verbo termina en "y" precedida por una vocal (a,e,i,o,u) nicamente se aade la "s". Ejemplo: to study studies to buy buys Para construir la forma negativa e interrogativa en presente simple se recurre al verbo "to do" que realiza una funcin auxiliar. En la tercera persona la forma "do" cambia a "does".

Pasado Simple:
AFIRMATIVO S+V (pasado)+C I He You studied We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (did)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I He You Did We It They Nota: study? Did She study? She Studied We You did not study I He She It did not study NEGATIVO S+Aux (did)+Neg+V ( base form )+C

El pasado simple funciona con el auxiliar "did" para todas las personas (incluida la tercera persona singular 'he/she/it'). En la forma afirmativa, el auxiliar "did" no aparece para ello se emplea en su lugar la terminacin "ed", esta es la forma de pasado para todos los "Verbos Regulares". Si el verbo termina en -d o -t, se le pone -ed como slaba aparte; si el verbo termina en -e, se le pone slo d; si el verbo termina en "y" precedida de consonante la "y" cambia por una - i - y se aade ed; si el verbo termina en "y" precedida de una vocal (a,e,i,o,u) la "y" no cambia y se aade nicamente ed. Ejemplo: to graft grafted to study studies to play plays

Futuro Simple:
AFIRMATIVO S+Aux (will)+V ( base form )+C I He You will travel We It They They INTERROGACIN Aux (will)+S+V ( base form )+C+? I He You Will We It They Nota: travel? Will She travel? She will travel We You will not travel I He She It will not travel NEGATIVO S+Aux (will)+Neg+V ( base form )+C

La voz pasiva de un verbo activo se forma poniendo el verbo tobe en el mismo tiempo que el verbo activo y aadiendo el participio pasado del verbo activo, es decir que el sujeto de un verbo en pasivo corresponde al objeto de un verbo en activo. Ejemplo: He wrote this book in 1976 (Activo) This book was written in 1976 (Pasivo) "by": esta preposicin se usa para decir quin haca la accin o que la causaba, por ejemplo: Cristbal Coln discovered America in 1492 (Activo) America was discovered by Cristbal Coln in 1492 (Pasivo)

Presente Simple (Pasivo):

AFIRMATIVO S+ to be(present)+V (P.p)+C I am spoken here He You We They are spoken here She It is spoken here You We They INTERROGACIN To be (present)+S+V (P.p)+C+? Am I spoken here?

NEGATIVO S+ to be (present)+Neg+V (P.p)+C I am not spoken here He She are not spoken here It is spoken here

He You Are We They Nota: spoken here? Is She It spoken here?

El Adjetivo se coloca antes del sustantivo que modifica, no varia segn el gnero o nmero. Pero existe algunas excepciones donde el Adjetivo va despus del sustantivo (to be, to become, to feel, to get, to look, to seem, to smell, to sound y to taste) Ejemplo: a good book It tastes nice

Los Adverbios son palabras que no varan segn el gnero o nmero. Los Adverbios matizan, modifican el significado del verbo, sustantivo, adjetivo o adverbio. Se forma aadiendo la terminacin "-ly" (angry angrily); tambin existen adverbios parecidos al adjetivo (early early) y los que no derivan de otra palabra (here, soon).

Son artculo definido y artculo indefinido. EL Artculo Definido: es una palabra que funciona como un adjetivo el cual esta puesto antes del sustantivo, calificando o limitndolo. Este artculo es "THE" que es invariable en nmero y gnero. Es usado para referirse a sustantivos en sentido especfico y es omitido cuando se refiere a sustantivos en sentido general, cuando se refiere a pases o trminos geogrficos, cuando se refiere a iglesias, escuelas, prisiones, hospitales y otros lugares pblicos, delante de nombres de sustancias, colores e idiomas, con los meses, estaciones del ao, semanas, aos, cuando se toma como referencia el tiempo actual y con los das de la semana y horas. El Artculo Indefinido: es una palabra que funciona como un adjetivo el cual se pone antes de un sustantivo, calificando as este sustantivo. Este artculo es "A" y cambia a "AN" cuando la palabra que se sigue empieza por una vocal. Este artculo es invariable a los gneros. Se usa para designar profesiones y con determinadas expresiones numricas.


Los Pronombres y Adjetivos Demostrativos son invariables en relacin al gnero, pero ellos tienen una forma singular y plural, su uso depende de la distancia del objeto o sujeto.
Distancia Singular Plural Cercano Lejano This That These Those

Los Pronombres Relativos son "WHO, WHICH, THAT" que se emplean para introducir clusulas independientes. Ejemplo: I tipped the waiter who (that) served us. We thanked the people that (who) helped us. En estos dos ejemplos That y Who son intercambiables, pero es mucho mejor usar Who para las personas y That en relacin a cosas. En cambioWhich se emplea nicamente para cosas. Ejemplo: The car which we rented doesnt work.

Sujeto 1 2 Singular 3 I You He She It 1 Plural 2 3 We You They complemento Me You Him Her It Us You Them Pronombre reflexivo Pronombre reciproco Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Ourselves Yourselves Themselves Each other Each other Each other

B.P at Used Example

Specific times Definite place Full address Speed Idea of definite time and place

He has class at 8:30. My brother is at school. They live at 2388 Park Road. He was driving at 90 miles per hour. The exercise is at the end of the lesson.

Exception: at night: use in for the other parts of the day. in


We are in the kitchen. The school is in the UCV. How long have you lived in Caracas? I live in the West. We saw many interesting sights in Europe. We have class in the morning. Graduation will be in July. Youll have your exam in seven days. Ill be back in ten minutes. The book was on the table. Their house is on First Street. My apartment is on the sixth floor. My birthday is on October 22nd. There is no class on Saturday. He works on campus.

Cities, boroughs States, countries Parts of countries Continents Parts of the day Months, seasons, years Time (length of time) Within


On the surface

Streets, avenues Floors Dates Days of the week On a farm, a planet, an island, campus


Hes usually here on time. Note: in time for something) You learn by repeating. You can get there by car. The leg of the chair was broken. I bought a pound of carrots.


Means, by way of (pasando por; por va de; como; por medio de; a modo de)


Possessive of things

Parts of a whole


Exact position (vertical)

The light is over jack. The cabinets are over the counter. We are going to New York. The plane to Houston left an hour ago. He got to his office at eight. They will arrive in New York tonight.



Leave for Arrive at place Arrive in a city


The temperature is above 40. There are cabinets above the sink.

Degree higher than

Location higher tan


To a lower degree

Is Caracas above or below sea level?



Wine with your meal. To have dinner with Alex. To be fed up with

Con Estar harto de



What about me?


Para m Para

Its for me.

Trabajar para ganarse la vida

To work for a newspaper To work for a living Whats for dinner? To be ready for dinner To look for something To depart for Tokyo To go for a walk

De cenar Para la cena Buscar algo Hacia Tokyo Ir de paseo


VERBOS TRADUCCIN COMP. add up answer back ask about ask for ask back ask in ask up back away back up be away Totalizar contestar de malos modos preguntar por (un asunto) pedir, preguntar por invitar a volver invitar a entrar invitar a subir Retroceder Reforzar estar fuera back out be about be back volver atrs estar por (un lugar) estar de vuelta add up to answer for ask after ask up to ask down ask out alcanzar un total responder de preguntar por la salud pedir hasta (un precio) invitar a bajar invitar a salir VERBOS COMP. TRADUCCIN

be for be off be out be up bend over blow down blow out break away break in break up bring back bring along bring in bring up burn away burn out buy for buy up call at call back call in

estar a favor de irse, estar apagado estar fuera estar levantado Inclinarse derrumbarse por el viento apagar (se) (una llama) Soltarse irrumpir, interrumpir terminar el curso o una relacin Devolver traer (consigo) hacer entrar criar, educar consumirse (el fuego) consumirse (el fuego) comprar por o para Acaparar Hacer una visita, hacer escala Llamar (a alguien) para que regrese Llamar (a alguien) para que entre

be in be on be over bend down blow away blow off blow up break down break off break out bring about bring down bring out brush off burn down burn up buy over

estar en casa estar encendido estar acabado agacharse llevarse (el viento) dejar salir (el vapor) volar (con explosivos) derruir, averiarse romper (se) (relaciones) estallar (una guerra) acarrear derribar, rebajar hacer salir, publicar quitar el polvo derrumbarse (por el fuego) consumirse (por el fuego) sobornar

call away call for call on

Seguir llamando Pedir a voces, exigir Ir a ver (a alguien)

call out call up carry along carry on clear away clear out close down come about come along come away come for come in come on come to come up to count on count up to cry out cry to cut in cut out

Gritar Telefonear Persuadir Continuar Dispersar (se) Marcharse Cerrar Suceder Acompaar, venir por (la calle) Desprenderse Venir por (en busca de) Entrar Vamos! (en imperativo) Ascender (una suma), volver en s. Acercarse a Contar con Contar hasta Llorar a gritos Llamar a gritos Interrumpir Recortar, omitir

call over call down carry off carry out clear off clear up close up come across come at come down come from come off come out come up count in count up cry for cry over cut down cut off cut through

Pasar lista, enumerar Llamar (a alguien) para que baje Llevarse a la fuerza Llevar a cabo Marcharse Aclararse (el tiempo,un misterio) Acercarse Encontrarse con Embestir Bajar Venir de Desprenderse Salir Subir Incluir Calcular Pedir llorando Lamentarse Reducir gastos, talar Separar de un tajo Acortar por un atajo

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