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A hospital in not just an entity in itself as it offers considerable advantages to both patient and society.

Large number of health problems would often require intensive medical treatment and personal care that are normally not available in the clients residence and in their local clinic. Treatment of such conditions require a large amount of professionally and technically skilled personnel that apply their knowledge with the help of world-class expertise advanced and sophisticated equipment dedicated to the improvement of the patients health. The effectiveness of hospital services provided depend on how well the human and material resources are utilized to promote patient care. In the previous generation, hospitals have developed into a institution not only to treat health conditions, but also to diagnose and for the restoration of health and well being of temporarily deprived patients. The first and foremost function of a hospital is to care for and nourish the ill or injured without the bias of having any social, economic or racial discrimination among patients. In line with this, hospitals must also perform additional actions. The education and training of doctors and nurses, support to medical research and assistance to all activities carried out and further to promote healthy attitude are some of the important services of modern hospitals

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