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Internet Security

Internet Security

What is Internet Security .........? Why do we need Internet Security....? Different Types of security issues....? How do we Improve it ............?

What is internet security....? Internet security is a branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet. The Internet represents an insecure channel for exchanging information leading to a high ris

Why do we need Internet Security ?

However with all advantage of the internet,there are

dealings are mode over the internet,It is estimated that billion of dollars are being exchanged on These cyber criminals develop software called spyware that invades our personal computer a

Different types of security issues: Phishing : username,credit card details through mail { link manipulation ,filter phishing,phone fishing {vishing voice phishing}} Virus :

{ It copy itself and infect computer }{usb,email,internet} {antivirus s/w,update regularly,

Social Engineering: Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confi

How do we improve it..?

propper anti virus s/w updates, Firewall for hacker attacks Delete unvanted email without opening Do not share personal info on internet

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