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Translated from the Latin and edited b Ri!hard S" #ald$in


'e A!ti(a Cor)or*m Coelesti*m Et Passi(a S*bl*nari*m 'eterminatione


The A!ti(e 'eterminations of The Celestial #odies And The Passi(e 'eterminations of The S*bl*nar ,orld -" #" Morin Paris . /00/


,ashin3ton1 '"C 45556

In !ontem)orar astrolo3 it is ironi! that at a time $hen so m*!h is bein3 $ritten on this s*b7e!t1 so (er little is a!t*all 8no$n of the man $hose $or8 has formed the basis of all reliable horos!o)e inter)retation sin!e his lifetime" At a time $hen one sometimes hears that astrolo3 sho*ld be )*r3ed of its medie(al s*)erstitions and ar!hai! form*las1 man are s*r)rised to learn that this )ro!ess of )*r3ation and rene$al $as in fa!t alread !om)leted in the se(enteenth !ent*r $ith the )*bli!ation in Fran!e of the Astrolo3ia %alli!a of -ean9#a)tiste Morin :8no$n in En3lish b his Latini;ed name1 Morin*s<" In !ha)ter 4/ of this (ast $or8 the a*thor demonstrated a l*!id !om)rehension of the )rin!i)les of the inter)retation of the horos!o)e that has not been )resented in so s*!!in!t an o*tline either before or sin!e" From the t*rmoil and ar3*ment that s*rro*nded astrolo3 d*rin3 that !ent*r " Morin*s alone $rested the lo3i!al tr*ths of inter)retation and $as able to 3i(e to them an irresistible and definiti(e statement" #*t it $as too late= The be3innin3 s!ientifi! re(ol*tion had alread be3*n to )ass b the an!ient s!ien!e $hose a!!*m*lation of s*)erstition had made it seem foolish" And altho*3h astrolo3 >s lon3 asso!iation $ith the Ptolemai! s stem of astronom dealt it an *nfair b*t hea( blo$1 its timeless (ision of man as mi!ro!osm or mirror of the inter)la of !elestial for!es $as ne(er !om)letel for3otten" The fa!t remains1 in an !ase1 that in an histori!al !onte2t the )resent $or8 is the sin3le most im)ortant do!*ment on the s*b7e!t of inter)retation sin!e the Tetrabiblos itself1 altho*3h the ori3inal $or8 has *) to no$ been *n8no$n to the En3lish9s)ea8in3 )eo)les1 and the debt o$ed b astrolo3ers to the $or8 of Morin*s has not been reali;ed" Morin*s $as born in /?@61 the son of modestl $ell9off )arents" He re!ei(ed a do!torate in medi!ine from the Uni(ersit of A(i3non in /0/6 b*t d*rin3 the t$el(e ears he )ra!ti!ed this )rofession he $as ne(er ha)) and stated he felt he $as treated as a domesti! b the t$o )atrons in $hose ser(i!e he $as em)lo ed as a )h si!ian" After bein3 introd*!ed to Astrolo3 b one ,illiam 'a(idson1 a S!ot residin3 in

Paris at that time1 Morin*s later )redi!ted that in the ear /0/A his em)lo er1 the #isho) of #o*lo3ne1 $o*ld be arrested and im)risoned" ,hen this a!t*all o!!*rred it $on Morin*s a !ertain fame and he be3an to be !ons*lted b the hi3h9born and the im)ortant1 in!l*din3 B*een Marie de Medi!is herself" In /04C the B*een inter!eded $ith the +in3 on behalf of Morin*s $ho had a))lied for a))ointment to the !hair of mathemati!s at the Colle3e de Fran!e1 and in Se)tember of that ear he left the ser(i!e of the '*8e of L*2embo*r3 and too8 *) his d*ties as )rofessor of mathemati!s" There is no e(iden!e that Morin*s $as e(er em)lo ed b Cardinal Ri!helie*1 tho*3h it is D*ite )ossible the Cardinal ma at some time ha(e as8ed Morin*s for a !ons*ltation" In an !ase the reader ma $onder 7*st $h Morin*s felt so *n7*stl treated at the hands of Cardinal Ri!helie* as this is ne(er made !lear in the te2t1 altho*3h Morin*s all*des in man )la!es to his disli8e of Ri!helie*" Se(eral of the rei3nin3 monar!hs in E*ro)e at the timeEin!l*din3 the 8in3 of Fran!eEhad offered a lar3e s*m of mone to be a$arded to an one $ho dis!o(ered a reliable method for the !al!*lation of 3eo3ra)hi! lon3it*des1 as this had lon3 been felt ne!essar 1 and )arti!*larl for determinin3 )re!ise lo!ations in sea tra(el" Morin*s de(elo)ed a method for this based on the follo$in3 )ro!ed*reF The ele(ation of the Moon $as meas*red from a star $hose )osition $as 8no$n e2a!tl 1 and from this the ri3ht as!ension and latit*de as $ell as its lon3it*de and de!lination $ere obtained" It $as ne!essar then to !al!*late a!!ordin3 to tables the time $hen the Moon had this same )osition in the s8 in the )la!e for $hi!h the tables $ere !om)iled and of $hi!h the lon3it*de $as 8no$n" The differen!e in the time $hen !on(erted into de3rees $o*ld 3i(e the )osition of the shi)" On Mar!h 651 /06G1 in the 3reat hall of the arsenal at Paris1 Morin*s 3a(e a demonstration of his HS!ien!e of Lon3it*desH before an assembla3e of 655 )ersons in!l*din3 ei3ht !ommissioners desi3nated b Ri!helie*1 as $ell as mathemati!ians1 )relates1 and members of the !o*rt" After D*estionin3 and dis!*ssions lastin3 si2 ho*rs a (erdi!t of a))ro(al $as 3i(en b the mathemati!ians )resent" Ne(ertheless1 for reasons $hi!h are not !lear Cardinal Ri!helie* s*mmoned fi(e of the !ommissioners ten da s later and $itho*t allo$in3 Morin*s to be )resent re(ersed the earlier de!ision" Morin*s bitterl resented this and ne(er for3a(e Ri!helie*" After the )*bli!ation of the S!ien!e of Lon3it*des in -*l 1 /06G1 he soli!ited letters from $ell9 8no$n astronomers thro*3ho*t E*ro)e on the (al*e and !orre!tness of his $or8 and then in /060 )*blished this !orres)onden!e1 altho*3h it in no $a !a*sed Ri!helie* to re(erse his de!ision" Ho$e(er1 after Ri!helie* had been dead for three ears1 Morin*s )re)ared a len3th re)ort s*mmari;in3 all that had o!!*rred1 and

after enlistin3 the s*))ort of the '*8e d>Arles and the Prin!e de Conde and other im)ortant nobles1 he s*bmitted the re)ort to the Ro al Co*n!il in /0G? $ith the intention of obtainin3 the finan!ial re$ard that had ori3inall been )romised" At last a fa(orable de!ision $as rea!hed and he $as 3ranted a )ension of 41555 li(res )er ear :a (er 3ood s*m< as $ell as a re$ard of /1555 li(res dire!t from the ro al treas*r " Morin*s>s diffi!*lties $ith mone had be3*n at an earl a3e1 and the follo$in3 e)isode ill*strates this as $ell as )ro(ides an e2)lanation for a remar8 in the te2t !on!ernin3 the *nfa(orable attit*de of his mother to$ards him" ,hen he $as t$el(e ears old both of his )arents be!ame ill at the same timeEhis mother in !hildbirth from $hi!h she later died1 and his father from a fe(er from $hi!h he $as not e2)e!ted to re!o(er" '*rin3 this time his older brother as8ed him $hi!h of his )arents he $o*ld rather see die and Morin*s said he $o*ld )refer that his father sho*ld li(e" His brother re)eated the !on(ersation to his mother $ho from that instant *ntil she died t$o da s later $anted to disinherit him1 and ref*sed to 3i(e him her final blessin3" The lo!al )riests1 ho$e(er1 remindin3 her abo*t the state of her so*l1 finall )ers*aded her to 3i(e this blessin3 and to allo$ him to inherit at least the minim*m le3al amo*nt" Morin*s later noted that his sister re!ei(ed three times $hat he did and his brother e(en more than that" In the first se!tion of this boo81 the a*thor e2amines the theories of stellar infl*en!e )*t forth b +e)ler and others and demonstrates $ith irref*table lo3i! $hat is to be a!!e)ted or re7e!ted in them" Morin*s>s ar3*ment in this se!tion is in(al*able as a so*r!e of *nderstandin3 of the 8ind of dis)*tes $hi!h o!!*)ied the minds of the best astrolo3ers of the )eriod1 $hile in the se!ond se!tion of the boo8 his o$n s stem of the )rin!i)les *nderl in3 horos!o)e inter)retation are set forth $ith ele3an!e and sim)li!it " A de(o*t man1 Morin*s ends this final se!tion $ith a mo(in3 statement des!ribin3 the stellar for!es as the )rimar instr*ment of the 'i(ine ,ill in nat*re" The translator

PREFACE In 7*d3in3 the effe!ts of the !elestial bodies on the s*bl*nar $orld1 the astrolo3ers of antiD*it relied *)on )rin!i)les that $ere either in(ented and therefore *nfo*nded in nat*re1 or that $ere to a !ertain e2tent fo*nded in nat*re b*t badl *nderstood and )*t to e(en $orse a))li!ation" In the former 3ro*) are the terms1 de!ans1 fa!es1 the (ario*s )arts1 and the ann*al1 monthl 1 and di*rnal )ro3ressions1 as $ell as the other $orthless items introd*!ed b the Chaldeans1 Arabs1 and E3 )tians" In the latter 3ro*) are the *ni(ersal si3nifi!ators1 $hi!h Cardan*s !alls Hsi3nifi!ators b essential nat*re1H and $ith $hi!h all astrolo3ers heretofore ha(e been mainl !on!erned"/ In fa!t1 it is D*ite nat*ral that the S*n sho*ld be !onsidered analo3o*s to honors1 8in3s1 the father1 et!"1 rather than to dishonor1 )easants1 or !hildren1 et!" It is also !lear that -*)iter sho*ld stand for mone 1 &en*s for the $ife1 Mer!*r for the mental D*alities1 and so on for the other )lanets1 as has alread been e2)lained" Undo*btedl 1 the S*n re)resents the father and is the *ni(ersal si3nifi!ator of honors1 b*t $hat astrolo3ers $ish to ded*!e therefrom is abs*rdEnamel 1 that in an horos!o)e the honor and )resti3e of the nati(e1 as $ell as his father :at least in a di*rnal horos!o)e<1 is to be 7*d3ed !hiefl from the S*n alone1 re3ardless of the ho*se it ma o!!*) or be r*ler of" The also !onsider that $hen !al!*latin3 dire!tions the S*n sho*ld al$a s be ta8en as the si3nifi!ator of the !ond i t i o n of the father and of honorsEand so on $ith the other )lanets" #nl :he !elestial bodies are *ni(ersal !a*ses and are indifferent to the indi(id*al thin3s of the s*bl*nar $orld tho*3h these latter 3i(e a determination to them" There are (ario*s 8inds of determinations of these infl*en!es1 b*t the !an be red*!ed to the t$o main !lasses of )osition and r*lershi) in the horos!o)e" So1 the !elestial bodies infl*en!e all thin3s born into the s*bl*nar $orld a!!ordin3 to the )arti!*lar $a that infl*en!e is modified b themEthat is1 b lo!ation or as)e!t in a 3i(en ho*se of the horos!o)e1 or b r*lershi) o(er a ho*se1 or b as)e!ts $ith the r*lers of the ho*sesEall of $hi!h is as!ertained from the moment of birth" No )lanet !an !a*se or indi!ate an thin3
/ Cardan*s is the Latini;ed name of %irolamo Cardano:/?5/9/?A0< $hose Commentaria or Commentaries on Ptolem >s Tetrabiblos a))eared in /??G"

in the horos!o)e e2!e)t a!!ordin3 to these methods of determination $hi!h $ill later be e2)lained" The )lain tr*th of this method is fo*nd o!!asionall in the a)horisms of the astrolo3ers of antiD*it 1 $ho often 7*d3ed )lanetar effe!ts from their )osition in or r*lershi) o(er one ho*se or another1 or from as)e!ts $ith the r*lers of the ho*ses1 b*t these a)horisms are too !onf*sed1 fan!if*l1 and intermi2ed $ith false notions1 $ith the res*lt that that tr*th in its sim)li!it has ne(er be!ome a))arent1 b*t instead has be!ome obs!*red" A!t*all 1 from Ptolem >s Tetrabiblos1 #oo8 61 !h" /1 the method of )redi!tin3 b !ombinin3 the infl*en!e of the stars $ith ea!h other and $ith the si3ns and ho*ses :$hi!h is nothin3 else than the )roblem $e $ill later be !onsiderin3< a))ears to be D*ite old and to ha(e been *sed b his E3 )tian )rede!essors and !ertainl b the Chaldeans and Arabs1 as Cardan*s e2)lains in his Commentar " From them the %ree8s re!ei(ed that astrolo3 handed do$n b Adam and Noah1 b*t alread fallen into an im)*re and !orr*)ted state" Ho$e(er1 Ptolem re7e!ted this method1 not be!a*se he sa s it is false1 b*t be!a*se he felt it to be at best !onf*sin31 diffi!*lt1 and too indefinite1 and ha(in3 referen!e more to the inter)retation of )arti!*lars than to 3eneral )re!e)ts" Ho$e(er1 Cardan*s in his Commentar admits that if it !o*ld be $or8ed o*t in detail it $o*ld be a m*!h sim)ler method" So1 Ptolem onl treats the 3eneral )rin!i)les he himself tho*3ht o*tEthat is1 he ta8es the )osition of the S*n in a horos!o)e as re)resentin3 the health1 and !onsiders the $hole caelum in referen!e to it1 as Cardan*s has sho$n in his Commentar I and he treats his other 3eneral si3nifi!ators in the same $a " Ne(ertheless1 Ptolem freD*entl )ro!eeds a!!ordin3 to this (er old method1 as $hen he !om)ares the r*ler of the MC or of the As!endant $ith the S*n or the Moon" For the !onf*sion1 diffi!*lt 1 or indefiniteness is far $orse $hen !om)arin3 the S*n>s )osition $ith the $hole caelum in D*estions of health1 as Cardan*s in his Commentar on #oo8 41 !h" A1 of the Tetrabiblos also !laims sho*ld be done1 than $hen ma8in3 a 7*d3ment on the len3th of life or health from the !ondition of the As!endant and its r*ler" Th*s1 this an!ient method m*st be re(i(ed if $e $ish to )*rs*e that tr*e astrolo3 handed do$n to )osterit b Adam and Noah and remain faithf*l to its )rin!i)les" And so finall 1 ha(in3 re!o3ni;ed and then $eeded o*t these fi!9 titio*s elements1 I no$ )ass on to )osterit E$ith %od>s $illEthe basi! f*ndamentals of 7*di!ial astrolo3 1 $hi!h are )resented in this boo8 on the (ario*s determinations of the !elestial bodies" Of these determinations the astrolo3ers of antiD*it ne(er e(en dreamed1 b*t in them is !ontained the $hole s!ien!e of ma8in3 7*d3ments and )redi!tions1 and in the follo$in3 )a3es their *se $ill be made !lear"

CHAPTER I The formal or essential determination of the primum caelum1 All )hiloso)hers admit that the !elestial bodies are *ni(ersal !a*ses and the are ri3ht to do so1 be!a*se alon3 $ith the )rin!i)al a3ents inferior to themsel(es the *ni(ersal !a*ses )rod*!e all nat*ral effe!ts1 in a!!ordan!e $ith o*r definition of a *ni(ersal !a*se 3i(en earlier" In fa!t1 these effe!ts are a!!idental to those bodies1 sin!e it is D*ite a!!idental to the caelum or the S*n that the sho*ld )rod*!e a man1 a horse1 or a tree1 et!"1 o(er $hi!h flo$s forth the formal effe!t of those bodies" #*t $hen the S*n )o*rs forth its s)e!ifi! infl*en!e1 this a!tion is not a!!idental to the S*n b*t is !ontained in its essen!eEas man himself !an obser(eE and if the S*n $ere )la!ed in some ima3inar s)a!e o*tside the caelum it $o*ld still be *nable not to )o*r forth its s)e!ifi! infl*en!e or its heat1 tho*3h these be not re!ei(ed b an ob7e!t" Therefore1 the S*n is not a *ni(ersal !a*se of that effe!t1 b*t a )arti!*lar !a*se1 for $itho*t the !oo)eration of an inferior a3ent it nonetheless )rod*!es that effe!tE $hether its heat or s)e!ifi! infl*en!e is re!ei(ed b an ob7e!t or not" So it is !lear that e(er *ni(ersal !a*se is in itself indifferent to its o$n a!!idental effe!ts1 and is !a)able of determinin3 those effe!ts b*t not its o$n formal effe!t1 for this latter has been essentiall determined b the A*thor of nat*re1 and nat*re is an entit endo$ed $ith an a!ti(e )o$er" Therefore1 $e shall !onsider first the determination of the primum caelum and after that the )lanets and the fi2ed stars" The primum caelum has the 3reatest !a)a!it to )rod*!e an 3i(en effe!ts in nat*re1 in !oo)eration $ith an of the other nat*ral !a*ses In the (ario*s re3ions of the $orldE!elestial1 ethereal1 or
Primum caelumEthe s)here of the fi2ed stars" The reader is )robabl familiar $ith the )re9Co)erni!an idea of the *ni(erse a!!ordin3 to $hi!h the primum caelum of the most d i s t a n t of those s)heres rotatin3 aro*nd an immobile earth" The primum mobile or that for!e $hi!h !a*sed the caelum to r ota te aro*nd the earth $as in(ented to e2)lain the ill*sion $hi!h $e no$ 8no$ to be !a*sed b the earth>s o$n rotation"

elementalEbe!a*se it !learl !om)rises all other nat*ral )o$ers1 as $as )ro(ed earlierI therefore1 the caelum itself is a first nat*ral !a*se" It ma be ob7e!ted that if the primum caelum and all other !elestial bodies $ere annihilated e2!e)t the S*n and earth1 the S*n $o*ld still 3i(e off its li3ht1 heat and s)e!ifi! infl*en!e1 and $o*ld ill*minate and $arm the earth1 $o*ld still ha(e an infl*en!e on itEor an animal born on it E inde)endentl of the primum caelum. Therefore1 the S*n m*st effe!t these thin3s inde)endentl of the primum caelum, for the caelum !o*ld not !onfer thro*3h its )resen!e or e2isten!e that $hi!h $o*ld not be ta8en a$a b its absen!e or annihilationI therefore1 the primum caelum is not a first nat*ral !a*se" #*t I $o*ld re)l that it is ne(ertheless tr*e thatEadmittin3 s*!h a h )othesisEthe S*n $o*ld still 3i(e off these D*alities mentioned1 for the are formal to the S*n and a!ti(e e(en to a 3reat distan!e1 !a*sin3 the heatin3 and ill*mination of the earthI ho$e(er1 these effe!ts are not !elestial b*t elemental1 and in !onformit $ith the nat*re of fire" #*t the S*n does not ha(e an infl*en!e on earth1 or an animal born on it1 e2!e)t (er 3enerall 1 b*t not s)e!ifi!all Eas on the health1 )rofession1 et!"E be!a*se no s*!h s)e!ifi! infl*en!e e2ists e2!e)t that $hi!h is bro*3ht abo*t thro*3h ho*se9lo!ation in the horos!o)eI and the infl*en!e of the stars al$a s !omes thro*3h these ho*ses" One mi3ht ar3*e that the )rimar ho*ses $hi!h !ondition this infl*en!e are nothin3 other than a di(ision of the entire s)a!e s*rro*ndin3 earth1 and on earth areEor !an be !on!ei(ed of asEthe )oles1 a2is1 and eD*ator b $hi!h that s)a!e is di(idedI and in this $a the infl*en!e of the S*n or a )lanet is to be admitted" I $o*ld re)l that there is no active infl*en!e thro*3h the )rimar ho*ses1 $hi!h are nothin3 other than em)t s)a!e and therefore ina!ti(e1 b*t there is rather a determinati(e infl*en!e thro*3h them" #*t in fa!t $e sho$ed earlier that the s stem of si3n di(ision has an a!ti(e infl*en!e not onl $ith the )lanets b*t also b itself1 s*!h as $hen the (ario*s si3ns a))ear on the As!endant or in the other ho*ses" The si3ns1 ho$e(er1 are not )arts of immobile s)a!e sin!e the themsel(es are mo(eable thro*3h the )rimar ho*ses or s)a!esI nor are the )arts of the earth be!a*se the earth is also immobile and therefore $itho*t )oles1 a2is1 or eD*ator" In fa!t1 the si3ns are those )arts of the primum caelum $hi!h $ere determined b the )lanets at !reationEthat is1 first !a*ses from se!ondar ones" Sin!e the no$ ha(e a sim*ltaneo*s infl*en!e1 as a first and se!ond !a*se of the same effe!t $hi!h is ne!essaril de)endent on ea!h1 it follo$s that the stars are not able to e2ert a specific infl*en!e $itho*t the !oo)eration of the primum caelum, altho*3h the are able to 3i(e off li3ht and heat" From this it is !lear that it is one thin3 to 3i(e off heal or some

8ind of infl*en!e and another thin3 to a!t*all heat *) or e2ert that infl*en!e on somethin3" For this latter sit*ation reD*ires an ob7e!t $hi!h is re!e)ti(e to that heat and infl*en!e1 the former does not1 sin!e this effl*en!e !an ta8e )la!e $itho*t an ob7e!t1 as in the ima3inar s)a!es $here the )o$er of the primum mobile )robabl ori3inates1 if one admits that s*!h s)a!es e2ist" F*rther1 it is !lear that the primum caelum is the first !a*se of all !elestial infl*en!es and also the first !a*se of li3ht and heat sin!e it !learl !ontains li3ht1 heat1 and other elemental D*alities1 for other$ise it $o*ld not be di(isible into the t$el(e si3ns $hi!h ha(e different elemental nat*res"

CHAPTER II The formal or essential determination of the planets and the fixed stars -*st as the primum caelum has been determined b the A*thor of nat*re $ho 3a(e to its o$n essential nat*re and a!ti(e )o$er1 so the se(en )lanets ha(e also been 3i(en their o$n essential nat*res and D*alities" Therefore1 the S*n a!ts in a solar mannerEthat is1 3i(in3 off heat and li3ht and its o$n s)e!ifi! infl*en!eE$hile the Moon a!ts in a l*nar mannerI and so on for the remainin3 )lanets and the (ario*s fi2ed stars" -*st ho$ diffi!*lt it is to define the nat*re and the D*alit of a )lanet has alread been stated" This diffi!*lt arises from the fa!t that thro*3h the same essential D*alit a )lanet !a*ses one res*lt in a metal1 another in a )lant1 and another in an animal or a h*manI moreo(er1 it !a*ses different thin3s in different men as $ell as in the same indi(id*al" And in addition1 a )lanet !a*ses one thin3 in one si3n and somethin3 else in some other si3nI similarl 1 one thin3 in as)e!t to one )lanet and somethin3 else in as)e!t to anotherI and also1 different res*lts $ill be seen de)endin3 on the different as)e!ts it ma ha(e $ith that other )lanet" #e!a*se all 8inds of !ombinations *s*all o!!*r1 the inter)retation of a )lanet>s a!tion and D*alit !annot b*t be e2tremel diffi!*lt" #*t it a!ts in all !lasses of ob7e!ts at the same time1 and if it is !aref*ll and !losel st*died in an one !lassEs*!h as h*mansEan adeD*ate *nderstandin3 !an be reali;ed $hi!h $ill res*lt in 3reater !ertaint of 7*d3ment" ,hen a )lanet is in domi!ile the nat*re of that )lanet is not min3led $ith an other1 es)e!iall if it is not in as)e!t $ith an other )lanetI for e2am)le1 the S*n in Leo s*ffers no admi2t*re of other D*alities in that si3n as both the )lanet and the si3n ha(e a solar nat*re" #*t the )rimar ho*ses or s)a!es of the horos!o)e neither dire!tl infl*en!e nor actively !on!*r in these effe!ts1 b*t merel D*alif or 3i(e a determination to the infl*en!e of the !elestial bodies" In *nderstandin3 the elemental nat*re of the )lanets no diffi!*lt is )resented in the !ase of the S*n and Moon1 ea!h of $hi!h has b*t a sin3le si3n1 b*t some diffi!*lt arises in the !ase of Sat*rn1

-*)iter1 Mars1 &en*s and Mer!*r 1 as ea!h r*les t$o si3ns $hi!h are !ontrar to ea!h other b nat*re" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn r*les both Ca)ri!orn and AD*ari*s1 and the latter is $arm and moist $hile the former is !old and dr " In des!ribin3 dis)osition or !hara!ter astrolo3ers are a!!*stomed to state some$hat !arelessl that Sat*rn in Ca)ri!orn is !old and dr Ethat is1 it ma8es thin3s !old and dr Eb*t in AD*ari*s is $arm and moist1 thereb ma8in3 the )lanet>s o$n D*alit follo$ the nat*re of $hi!he(er si3n it o!!*)iesI and the do the same $ith the other )lanets" #*t ho$ !an it lo3i!all be said that Sat*rn is b nat*re !old and dr if it is not onl !old in a !old si3n and dr in a dr one1 b*t also $arm in a $arm si3n and moist in a moist oneJ The fa!t is the astrolo3ers err $hen1 in e(al*atin3 dis)osition and !hara!ter1 the do not ta8e into !onsideration the elemental nat*re of the )lanets in the (ario*s si3nsI instead the $o*ld ha(e it that Sat*rn and Mars in Aries1 for e2am)le1 are $arm to an eD*al de3ree1 as in fa!t Ori3an*s !laimed"/ Moreo(er1 it is a fa!t that e(en those si3ns $hi!h are de(oid of )lanets still ha(e an infl*en!e on the As!endant and else$here in the horos!o)eI and the f*n!tion in an elemental $a a!!ordin3 to that nat*re $hi!h $as determined initio mundi; their s)e!ifi! infl*en!e1 ho$e(er1 follo$s the nat*re of their r*lers" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn r*les both Ca)ri!orn and AD*ari*s1 $hose elemental nat*res are !ontrar to ea!h other1 b*t ea!h si3n has an infl*en!e $hi!h is Sat*rnian be!a*se Sat*rn is the r*ler of both" Sat*rn>s elemental nat*re is most !learl seen in Ca)ri!orn be!a*se in Ca)ri!orn he ma8es thin3s (er !old and dr 1 $hile in AD*ari*s1 on the !ontrar 1 his !oldness and dr ness are remitted1 $hi!h is onl )ossible thro*3h the !ontrar D*alities of heat and h*midit belon3in3 to AD*ari*s" Therefore1 $e ma sa that Sat*rn is e2trinsi!all 1 or manifestl !old and dr 1 b*t intrinsi!all 1 or latentl is no less $arm and moist" ,e ma !on!l*de1 then1 that altho*3h Sat*rn>s infl*en!e ma be $arm1 !old1 moist or dr 1 its elemental nat*re is !old and dr " For this reason AD*ari*s onl has referen!e to the nat*re of its infl*en!e1 $hile Ca)ri!orn has referen!e to its elemental nat*re as $ellI and therefore1 Ca)ri!orn !ontains more of Sat*rn>s nat*re than does AD*ari*s1 and for this reason Sat*rn in AD*ari*s is less malefi! than
> 'a(id Ori3an*s of Amsterdam :/??@9/04@<" The referen!e is )robabl to this a*thor>s best 8no$n $or8 Astrologia Naturalis $hi!h $as $idel read at the time" He be!ame )rofessor of %ree8 and Mathemati!s at the Uni(ersit at Fran8f*rt an der Oder $here he had st*died1 He ad(o!ated the re(ol(in3 of the earth1 b*t he is best 8no$n for his Ephemerides Novae Brandenburgicae for the ears /?C?9/065" This $as the firstI attem)t at the re3*lar )*bli!ation of an e)hemeris"

in Ca)ri!orn" In Ca)ri!orn the in7*rio*s elemental D*alities re(eal themsel(es b*t in AD*ari*s a balan!e is str*!8 thro*3h that si3n>s elemental nat*re of air" And so in a similar $a $ith the other )lanets"

CHAPTER III The description and refutation of an error frequently encountered in Astrology Astrolo3ers ha(e al$a s ass*med in !onsiderin3 the essential determinations of a )lanet that the S*n1 for e2am)le1 $o*ld si3nif the father1 the h*sband1 8in3s1 nobles1 fame1 )resti3e1 and the health1 et!"1 and Cardan*s states that the S*n si3nifies these thin3s Ha!!ordin3 to its essential nat*re"H Similarl 1 the Moon stands for the mother1 D*eens1 the !ommon )eo)le1 et!"I -*)iter stands for $ealthI Mer!*r for mental D*alities1 and so on for the other )lanets" S*!h statements are freD*entl fo*nd in the boo8s of the astrolo3ers of antiD*it 1 $here these )lanets are !alled the 3eneral si3nifi!ators of s*!h thin3s and these si3nifi!ations are made the basis of their )redi!tions in both the natal horos!o)e and $hen inter)retin3 dire!tions" Ptolem 1 in #oo8 61 !h" G1 of the Tetrabiblos1 $here he s)ea8s of one>s )arents1 statesF HThe S*n and Sat*rn !orres)ond to the father thro*3h their (er nat*reI the Moon and &en*s to the Mother1 and the relationshi) of these stars to ea!h other and to the other )lanets indi!ates the fort*nes of the )arents"H Similarl 1 in #oo8 G1 !h" 61 he states that the Moon stands for the $ife and the S*n for the h*sband and from the !ondition of these )lanets the fort*nes of both )arents !an be )redi!ted" Then in #oo8 61 !h" /@1 in s)ea8in3 of the nati(e>s mental D*alities he sa sF HThe D*alities !hara!teristi! of the mind and reasonin3 )o$ers are e(al*ated from the !ondition of Mer!*r I those !hara!teristi! of the moral nat*re and of the sensiti(e fa!*lties ar! e(al*ated from the l*minaries of a less s*btle !onstit*tion1 for e2am)le1 b the Moon and the stars !on7*n!t or in as)e!t to it"H U) to no$ astrolo3ers ha(e follo$ed this instr*!tion and made their 7*d3ments !on!ernin3 the nati(e>s father from the S*n or Sat*rnI !on!ernin3 the mother1 from the Moon or &en*sI on the moral nat*re from the MoonI and on the mental D*alities from Mer!*r 1 re3ardless of $hat ho*ses these )lanets either o!!*)ied or r*led o(er1 sin!e the onl !onsidered their !elestial state and their relationshi) $ith an other )lanets1 b*t $ith no !onsideration for the ho*ses of the horos!o)e or for their r*lers"

Ho$e(er1 Ptolem >s instr*!tion is not !om)letel tr*e and the astrolo3ers of antiD*it made e2!essi(e *se of the analo3i!al meanin3s of the )lanets d*e to the fa!t that1 altho*3h ea!h of the )lanets differs from the others in its nat*re and D*alit 1 ea!h does ha(e an analo3 to the (ario*s !lasses of s*bl*nar thin3s $hi!h !orres)ond to its essential nat*re" For e2am)le1 the S*n stands for the health1 the father1 the ran8 or )osition1 et!" #*t be!a*se this analo3 is based on the essential nat*re of the S*n and the infl*en!e of the S*n is !om)letel *ni(ersal and indifferent1 the S*n !o*ld not b analo3 alone indi!ate the health an more than it !o*ld the father1 the h*sband1 the 8in31 or the )osition1 altho*3h the S*n>s nat*re does indi!ate )ersons or !ir!*mstan!es $hi!h are ill*strio*s1 )*bli!1 and distin3*ished1 rather than obs!*re and of little im)ortan!e" #*t be!a*se of this 3eneral indifferen!e one !o*ld not ass*me that the S*n s)e!ifi!all means one of these thin3s an more than another" If it $ere ta8en to stand for e(er thin3Ethat is1 the father1 h*sband1 )osition in life1 et!"Ee(er one $o*ld a3ree that that $o*ld be abs*rd and !ontrar to e2)erien!e" In fa!t1 Cardan*s seems to ridi!*le this (er idea in !h" 0 of his Liber de Re(ol*tione in the Commentar $hen he states that Ptolem introd*!ed a 3reat deal of !onf*sion $hen he assi3ned se(eral meanin3s to one si3nifi!ator1 and made the Moon1 for e2am)le1 the si3nifi!ator of the bod 1 the morals1 the health1 the $ife1 mother1 da*3hters1 maid9ser(ants and sisters" Sa s Cardan*sF H,hat then m*st be the !ondition of the Moon in the horos!o)e of one $hose $ife had died in !hildbirth b*t himself li(ed a lon3 life1 $ho had man health da*3hters b*t also maid9ser(ants $ho ran a$a 1 $ho had a so*nd bod b*t a mother $ho died o*n31 and $ho himself sho$ed a )oor moral !hara!terJH Ptolem 1 Cardan*s1 and others $ere also in error $hen the !laimed that in e(er di*rnal horos!o)e 7*d3ment !on!ernin3 the father of the nati(e is to be made from the !elestial state of the S*n1 and in a no!t*rnal horos!o)e from the !ondition of Sat*rn1 b*t the do not see that this is abs*rd1 be!a*se if the S*n $ere in Leo and1 for e2am)le1 !on7*n!t or trine -*)iter or &en*s no !hild $o*ld be born an $here on earth d*rin3 the !o*rse of that da $hose father $o*ld not be fort*nate and lon39li(ed1 or on the other hand1 *nfort*nate and short9li(ed if the S*n $ere badl )la!ed" And of !o*rse1 as this as)e!t $o*ld remain in effe!t for se(eral da s it is !learl foolish to s*))ose that d*rin3 this )eriod e(er !hild born $o*ld ha(e the same 8ind of fatherI this is not onl !ontrar to e2)erien!e b*t $o*ld also render meanin3less the si3nifi!an!e of the ho*ses" And the same $o*ld hold tr*e for Mer!*r $ith res)e!t to the mental D*alities as lon3 as its !elestial state remained fa(orable or *nfa(orable1 and the same for -*)iter $ith re3ard to finan!es1 et!" It is no$ !lear that ea!h )lanet refers to all those indi(id*al thin3s

$ith $hi!h it has an analo3 of b nat*re1 b*t that this determination is an essential one and is so *ni(ersal and indifferent that it has no more meanin3 for a man than for an animal1 sin!e these analo3ies are shared as m*!h in the affairs of animals as the are in those of h*mans" Nor o*t of the man men born at the same time o(er the $hole earth does a )lanet refer an more to one than to anotherEdoes not refer to life an more than to death1 the father an more than the h*sband1 or friends an more than enemies1 *nless these s)e!ifi!s are determined thro*3h its )osition in or r*lershi) o(er )arti!*lar ho*ses of the indi(id*al horos!o)e and its as)e!t $ith their r*lers" If it ha))ens that these determinations thro*3h the ho*ses refer to thin3s to $hi!h the )lanet has an analo3 1 the res*ltin3 effe!t $ill ta8e )la!e $ith !onsiderable !ertaint " Some e2am)les of this $o*ld be the referen!e the S*n has to the )arents in a da 9time birth horos!o)e1 or b its lo!ation or r*lershi) in the fo*rth ho*se at ni3htI the S*n>s referen!e to the )rofession b lo!ation or r*lershi) in the tenthI or Mer!*r >s referen!e to the mental D*alities b lo!ation or r*lershi) in the first1 and so on" And be!a*se it freD*entl does ha))en that these si3nifi!ators ha(e a s)e!ifi! determination in a!!ordan!e $ith their analo3ies1 astrolo3ers ha(e de!ei(ed themsel(es b ta8in3 to be an in(ariable tr*th that $hi!h is reall an a!!idental !ir!*mstan!e" Consider m o$n horos!o)eF I $as born d*rin3 da time and the S*n1 Moon1 Mer!*r 1 &en*s1 and Sat*rn are in the t$elfth ho*se and sD*are Mars $hi!h r*les the As!endant" The Moon is therefore the si3nifi!ator of the )arents be!a*se it is r*ler of the fo*rth1 and of m mother in )arti!*lar sin!e the Moon is feminine and is lo!ated in the feminine si3n Pis!esI its se)aration from the !on7*n!tion of Sat*rn $hile a))l in3 to no other )lanet indi!ates disli8e b m )arents E )arti!*larl b m mother E and *nfair treatment at her hands" Ho$e(er1 the S*n is in )artile !on7*n!tion $ith -*)iter1 and this !a*sed Cardinal Ri!helie* to be m se!ret enem as this S*n is in the t$elfth alon3 $ith Sat*rn" The S*n here is the si3nifi!ator of )o$erf*l enemies and the in7*ries !a*sed b them1 b*t not of m father altho*3h / $as born d*rin3 da li3htI in fa!t1 m father ne(er disli8ed me and ne(er deliberatel did me an harm" And so1 this horos!o)e is an e2am)le of ho$ the *ni(ersal si3nifi!ators are not able to refer to an s)e!ifi! sit*ation or e(ent sin!e1 !onsidered b themsel(es onl 1 their meanin3 and a))li!ation remain too 3eneral" The ob7e!tion mi3ht be raised that $hile it ma be tr*e that the S*n !onsidered aloneEhas a si3nifi!an!e $hi!h is too *ni(ersal to refer to the father in )arti!*lar1 or the Moon and Mer!*r are too *ni(ersal in themsel(es to refer to the moral or mental D*alities1 the fa!t is that the Moon is indifferent to an s)e!ifi! moral D*alities as these are a!t*all determined b the si3n in $hi!h it is lo!ated1 or b that si3n>s r*ler1 and the moral D*alities $ill differ a!!ordin3 to $hat

that si3n and r*ler ma be" Therefore1 Ptolem 1 Cardan*s1 and others are indeed ri3ht in ass*min3 that the Moon and the r*ler of the si3n $herein it is )la!ed $ill sho$ the moral nat*reI and so on in the same $a $ith Mer!*r and the mental D*alities1 et!" #*t I $o*ld re)l that in this matter the astrolo3ers of the )ast $ere also mista8en" It is !ertainl )ossible to sa that the Moon>s infl*en!e (aries and somethin3 different is indi!ated de)endin3 on the si3n thro*3h $hi!h it is mo(in3 and the r*ler of that si3n1 b*t this infl*en!e b si3n is still *ni(ersal and a))lies to the entire $orld" For the Moon>s !elestial state does not indi!ate the moral nat*re an more than the mother or the $ife1 et!"1 be!a*se in order to refer to an one of these rather than another a s)e!ifi! determination is reD*ired E that is1 the Moon>s r*lershi) in the horos!o)e or as)e!ts $ith the r*lers of the ho*ses to $hi!h these matters )ertain" Th*s the r*ler of the As!endant a))l in3 to the S*n1 $hi!h is al$a s analo3o*s to honors1 indi!ates honors for the nati(eI $hen a))l in3 to -*)iter1 $hi!h is analo3o*s to mone it indi!ates $ealthI $hen a))l in3 to &en*s1 $hi!h is analo3o*s to a $ife1 it indi!ates the $ife and in this !ase $ill e(en more !ertainl indi!ate the $ife $hen &en*s is in the se(enth ho*se or r*ler of the se(enth" And so1 !aref*l attention sho*ld be )aid to the )lanets> lo!ation b ho*se1 or their ho*se9 r*lershi)s1 and to $hether the as)e!t fa(orabl or *nfa(orabl a )lanet ha(in3 an analo3 $ith the meanin3s of these ho*ses1 and $hat the !elestial state and determinations of this other )lanet ma in t*rn be" From all this a (er a!!*rate )ro3nosti!ation !an be made1 for herein lie the se!rets of astrolo3 " F*rthermore1 the Moon is in domi!ile in Can!er1 and1 sin!e the Moon and Can!er ha(e the same basi! nat*re1 the Moon there is not s*bordinate to another )lanet b r*lershi)" Consider also the fa!t that for the len3th of time Mer!*r remains in the same si3n the mental D*alities )rod*!ed $o*ld be the same all o(er the $orld1 $hi!h is !ertainl !ontrar to e2)erien!e1 sin!e in fa!t at ea!h ho*r or e(en at ea!h min*te these D*alities do !han3e" So1 if Mer!*r 1 the 3eneral si3nifi!ator of the mind a!!ordin3 to analo3 1 is fo*nd to be the )arti!*lar si3nifi!ator of this same thin3 b )osition or r*lershi) in the first ho*seE$hi!h refers to the mental D*alitiesas $ell as of the $hole 3eneral !ondition of the bod and so*lEthe effe!t of Mer!*r on the mental D*alities in s*!h a !ase $ill be (er stron3l )rono*n!ed" Similarl 1 if Mer!*r has some relation to the As!endant or its r*ler b r*lershi) or b as)e!t it $ill also ha(e a stron3er infl*en!e on the mental D*alities" And the more s*!h determinations it has the 3reater $ill its infl*en!e be on the mental D*alities1 b*t if there are no s*!h determinations Mer!*r $ill ha(e no referen!e to the mental D*alitiesI and the same is tr*e for the other )lanets and ho*ses" One ma ob7e!t that in se(eral )la!es Ptolem ta8es into first

!onsideration the )osition of the 3eneral si3nifi!ators $ith res)e!t to the an3les of the horos!o)e1 and !onseD*entl 1 these sho*ld be !onsidered an im)ortant determinin3 fa!tor" I $o*ld re)l that this determination is still too 3eneral sin!e there are onl fo*r an3les in the horos!o)e1 nor is a s)e!ifi! determination as )ossible as it is b *sin3 the t$el(e ho*ses" And *nless the determination is a s)e!ifi! one the Moon !o*ld not indi!ate the moral !hara!ter an more than the mother or the $ife" #*t Ptolem 1 as is e(ident from the )assa3es !ited abo(e1 does not follo$ o*r method nor do an other astrolo3ersI instead1 $hen e(al*atin3 the mental D*alities1 the onl !onsider Mer!*r and Mer!*r >s r*ler1 re3ardless of $hat Mer!*r >s !ondition ma be in the horos!o)eEthat is1 the do not !onsider its s)e!ifi! determinations" Their method m*st be false sin!e as lon3 as the Moon $o*ld remain in the se(enth ho*se1 the same thin3s $o*ld ha(e to be )redi!ted for both the mother and the $ife1 and that $o*ld be senselessI for e(en if the Moon $ere r*ler of the fo*rth ho*se and therefore si3nifi!ator of the )arents and the mother in )arti!*lar1 it is still lo!ated in the se(enth ho*se and b this determination thro*3h lo!ation refers more !learl to the $ife than to the motherI and so on for the other )lanets and ho*ses"

CHAPTER IV The accidental determinations of the primum caelum Ha(in3 dis!*ssed the a!ti(e determination of the !elestial bodies1 $e $ill no$ !onsider their a!!idental determination and be3in $ith the primum caelum or the first !a*se in nat*re" The !elestial bodies a!ti(el determine the s*bl*nar $orld $hile the latter )ro(ides a determination of the !elestial bodies in a )assi(e $a onl 1 sim)l be!a*se the s*bl*nar $orld is dire!tl infl*en!ed b the !elestial bodies1 and not (i!e9(ersa1 altho*3h the ob7e!ts of the s*bl*nar $orld ma themsel(es ta8e a!tion as a res*lt of this infl*en!e thro*3h $hi!h the then be!ome the )arti!*lar !a*ses of their o$n effe!ts" Th*s1 the primum caelum as an effi!ient !a*se1 determines all thin3s" It determines the nat*re of the )lanets as $ell as the elemental nat*re and the s)e!ifi! infl*en!e of the ;odia!al si3ns" Ho$e(er1 this determination is shared b the entire s*bl*nar $orld and is *n!han3eable from the $orld>s be3innin3 e(en to its end1 for $hen this state of nat*re has !eased1 the stars ha(e dissol(ed1 and the elements ha(e melted in fire1 a ne$ hea(en and earth $ill be formed1 as )redi!ted in the Hol S!ri)t*resI thereafter $ill !ome another $orld less in!lined to disorder1 less s*b7e!t to !han3e" It also determines the nat*re of ea!h of the )lanets and the fi2ed stars thro*3h the motion of these bodies *nder the primum mobile. -*st as at the !reation of the $orld the nat*re of the caelum $as determined for all time and for the entire $orld1 so also that )art of the primum caelum $hi!h the S*n o!!*)ies at the birth of an animal or a man1 and $hi!h is !alled the )osition of the S*n1 determines the s)e!ifi! solar D*alit of an indi(id*al for as lon3 as he li(es" And in the same $a 1 Sat*rn>s )osition at that time determines the s)e!ifi! Sat*rnian D*alit for the nati(e1 the )osition of -*)iterEthe D*alit of -*)iterI and so on for the other )lanets and fi2ed stars" And these )ositions !ontin*e to f*n!tion in )la!e of the )lanets themsel(es for the nati(e>s entire life1 7*st as the si3ns !ontin*e to f*n!tion in )la!e of their r*lin3 )lanets for the entire $orld as lon3 as this $orld9state shall last" Sin!e a first nat*ral !a*se is D*ite !a)able of ma8in3 both a

*ni(ersal and )arti!*lar determinationEas befits s*!h a !a*seE Sat*rn>s antis!ion or o))osition )oint as $ell as all its other de2ter and sinister as)e!ts1 also re!ei(e a s)e!ifi! Sat*rnian determination1 and at ea!h of these )oints somethin3 of Sat*rn>s D*alit remains $ith res)e!t to that indi(id*al1 as is )ro(ed b the dire!tions of or to those )oints1 and b the re(ol*tions and transits of the )lanets o(er themEall of $hi!h is most $onderf*l to obser(e" Ho$e(er1 7*st ho$ these thin3s a!t*all ta8e )la!e is diffi!*lt to *nderstand" L*!io #ellanti1 in $ritin3 a3ainst Pi!o della Mirandola1/ !laims that the D*alities of the )lanets are someho$ im)ressed onto the )arts of the primum caelum and retained there for a lon3 time" #*t he is mista8en be!a*se first1 the caelum is the first nat*ral !a*se1 $hile the )lanets are se!ondar !a*ses1 and a first !a*se s*ffers nothin3 nor re!ei(es an thin3 from se!ondar ones" Se!ond1 he is $ron3 be!a*se the caelum $o*ld be !ontin*all !han3in31 $hen in fa!t it is *nalterable" Third1 he is $ron3 be!a*se the D*alitati(e for!e of Sat*rn remains in its radi!al )la!e for the nati(e>s entire life1 b*t $hen thro*3ho*t the nati(e>s life the other )lanetsEin )arti!*lar the MoonE$o*ld transit o(er Sat*rn>s lo!ation the $o*ld ne!essaril ha(e to effa!e the D*alit of Sat*rn at that )oint and th*s render it ineffe!ti(e1 or at least distort it thro*3h a mi2in3 of D*alities sin!e there is no reason $h the caelum sho*ld refle!t the nat*re of Sat*rn more than an other )lanet" Fo*rth1 he is $ron3 be!a*se the )lanets $o*ld b their o$n motion thro*3h the si3ns destro the nat*re of the si3ns or !om)letel distort them thro*3h these im)ressions" #*t in fa!t1 the si3n on the As!endant1 e(en tho*3h de(oid of )lanets or as)e!ts1 still has a dire!t effe!t on the nati(e in a!!ordan!e $ith the tr*e nat*re of that si3n1 and therefore the D*alit of a )lanet does not remain in some area of a si3n thro*3h an im)ression" +e)ler1 in his Liber de Tri3ono I3neo14 !h" /5 denies that the !on7*n!tions of )lanets im)ress an D*alities onto that )art of the s)here of the fi2ed stars $here the )lanets !ome to3ether1 be!a*se of

%io(anni Pi!o della Mirandola :/G069/GCG< $as the a*thor of the $idel read !ritiD*e and ref*tation of the !laims of astrolo3 F isputationes adversus Astrologium ivinatricem. Amon3 those $ho immediatel !ame to astrolo3 >s defense $as L*!io #ellanti of Siena $ho $rote e Astrologica !eritate "iber #uestionum$ Astrologiae efensio contra %oannem Picum &irandulum in abo*t /GC@" In this $or8 he !laimed that Pi!o $as no 3reat s!holar1 of mea3re !*lt*re and i3norant of oriental lan3*a3es1 and !ites AD*inas and others in defense of astrolo3 " He be!ame in(ol(ed in Florentine )oliti!al intri3*es and died m sterio*sl in /GCC at abo*t a3e 66" This $or8 b the famo*s astronomer $as )*blished in /056 and the $or8 men9 tioned a little later e 'tella nova in pede 'erpentarii $as )*blished in /050 after the a))earan!e of a ne$ star $as obser(ed in /05G" These t$o $or8s $hi!h ill*strate their a*thor>s interest in astrolo3 ha(e ne(er been translated into En3lish"

the immense distan!es in(ol(ed" Instead1 he !laims that the )o$er of a !on7*n!tion !onsists in the im)ression made onto s*bl*nar nat*re and its di(ine fa!*lties1 and that the caelum !ontrib*tes nothin3 e2!e)t a )lain ba!83ro*nd" In !h" @ he statesF HThe a!tion of a !on7*n!tion is not the $or8 of the !on7*n!t )lanets1 from $hi!h there is onl li3ht and heatI it is rather the a!tion of s*bl*nar nat*re itself" For altho*3h the )lanets !on7oined ma affe!t s*bl*nar nat*re1 the do not do so as nat*ral a3ents 3i(in3 off some 8ind of D*alit or )o$er1 b*t rather the affe!t nat*re as ob7e!ts affe!t the sensesEas li3ht or !olor affe!t the e es1 so*nds the ears1 et!"Efor as the ob7e!t is1 so also is the sense in s*bl*nar nat*re"H +e)ler attrib*tes to animals1 )lants1 and e(en earth itself1 a sense $hi!h )er!ei(es the as)e!ts of the )lanets1 $hi!h m*st1 therefore1 be intelli3ibleI and he !laims that the !on7*n!tions1 o))ositions1 or sD*ares )er!ei(ed !a*se the s*bl*nar $orld to be stim*lated to the mo(ements and a!ti(ities $hi!h are !alled the effe!ts of s*!h as)e!ts" HThe s*bl*nar fa!*lties do not res)ond indis!riminatel to an and all as)e!ts1 b*t from these ha(e the !hoi!e of harmoni! similarities1 b $hi!h the earth is also stim*lated to thro$ off (a)ors1 $ith a )leas*re similar to that $hi!h an animal feels in e7a!*latin3 the seed1H he states in the Liber de no(a stella in )ede Ser)entarii1 !h" 4@" Ho$e(er1 in !h" /5 of the Tri3ono I3neo he statesF H,hen the )lanets !ross those )oints $hi!h $ere o!!*)ied b the As!endant or the S*n or Moon1 the nati(e is more 3reatl in!lined to )*rs*e all those a!ti(ities $hi!h are in !onformit $ith his !onditions of time and lo!ationI ho$e(er1 this !o*ld onl ta8e )la!e thro*3h an im)ression of the entire !onfi3*ration of the caelum at birth on the sensiti(e1 animal fa!*lt "H In other $ords1 he belie(es that sin!e the caelum e2erts an infl*en!e on all thin3s1 the nat*re of its !onfi3*ration at birth !ontin*es on in the one born" And he belie(es that this same thin3 o!!*rs to the entire earth1 $hi!h he !onsiders to be )ossessed of the same fa!*lt " #*t this o)inion is similar to that foolishness of +e)ler>s !on!ernin3 the Moon1 and $e re7e!t his ar3*ments" +e)ler does not )ro(e an of his assertionsEleast of all the !laim that a di(ine fa!*lt is inherent in e(er s*bl*nar bod in!l*din3 earth itself1 and that this fa!*lt is able to sense and dis!ern the )resen!e of a !elestial bod and rea!t $ithin itself in a!!ordan!e $ith its sensation of that bod 1 $itho*t a !elestial !a*se of an 8ind )arti!i)atin3 in the rea!tion" +e)ler !laims that this fa!*lt is rational not onl in that it )er!ei(es and distin3*ishes the !elestial as)e!ts and their )eriods1 b*t also in that it !an ma8e a !hoi!e bet$een se(eral )ossible as)e!tsI b*t this $o*ld be the f*n!tion of a free a3ent $hi!h !an be indifferent to one a!tion or another1 and is !ontrar to his h )othesis" Nor does he 3i(e a reason $h this fa!*lt $o*ld !hoose one as)e!t rather than another" Or if his !laim is that it is onl e2!ited b harmoni! as)e!ts it is false

be!a*se if the harmoni! as)e!ts $ere alone s*ffi!ient for )rod*!in3 effe!ts in the s*bl*nar $orld the same !onfi3*ration $o*ld al$a s )rod*!e the same effe!ts and it $o*ld not matter $hi!h )lanets $ere !onfi3*red b the same as)e!tEsD*are1 o))osition1 et!" #*t1 in fa!t1 $e 8no$ that -*)iter sD*are Mars effe!ts one thin3 $hile Sat*rn sD*are Mars effe!ts another1 and the differen!e here does not lie in the as)e!tE $hi!h is the same in both !asesEb*t lies in the different nat*res of Sat*rn and -*)iter" Moreo(er1 the )er!e)tion of an ob7e!t b a fa!*lt !annot be $itho*t an attention of the fa!*lt 1 as is !lear in o*r o$n sensations" #*t ho$ do the fa!*lties of sim)le )eo)le )a attention to s*!h thin3s $hen the are i3norant of them and do not 8no$ $hat a !on7*n!tion1 o))osition1 trine1 or harmoni! as)e!t isJ Or in $hat $a are the blind and the deaf able to be attenti(e to these thin3sEor for that matter an one elseE$hen a !on7*n!tion1 o))osition1 and sD*are o!!*r belo$ the hori;onJ For if the fa!*lt !an $itho*t an attenti(eness be e2!ited to an3er1 l*st1 m*rder1 or other$ise1 $h sho*ld not the one $ho is attenti(e be aro*sed more effe!ti(el J Indeed1 the astronomer endo$ed $ith senses and intelle!t )er!ei(es $ith his o$n e es the !on7*n!tions and as)e!ts of the !elestial bodies1 b*t is not stim*lated or im)elled to an thin3 be!a*se of that1 as astronomers 8no$ from e2)erien!e and +e)ler himself 8ne$ $ell from e2)erien!e E other$ise the obser(ation of the stars $o*ld be dan3ero*s" #esides1 there $o*ld ha(e to be allo$ed in man t$o minds or fa!*lties )er!ei(in3 the same ob7e!ts1 of $hi!h one $o*ld be attenti(e to ob7e!ts and $o*ld )er!ei(e them1 b*t $o*ld not be stim*lated1 $hile the other1 tho*3h not attenti(e1 $o*ld )er!ei(e and be stim*lated" #*t these )ost*lations are abs*rd and *nheard9of in I lie )er!e)tion of ob7e!ts" Consider also the fa!t that this se!ond fa!*lt $o*ld in man ha(e to be somethin3 other than the intelle!t and far more di(ine and s*)erior to it than $hat +e)ler attrib*ted to the )lanets or e(en the earth" F*rthermore1 if at birth the caelum !ontrib*tes nothin3 ho$ is it that the !hara!ter of indi(id*als is different1 sin!e this differen!e $o*ld not alone follo$ from this fa!*lt $hi!h is the same for ea!h indi(id*al1 nor from the differen!e in the seed as $e sho$ed earlierJ In fa!t1 !hara!ter is al$a s in a3reement $ith the birth horos!o)e1 and the nati(e does re!ei(e an im)ression from the )o$er llo$in3 from the !elestial bodies" Finall 1 in the same fashion it !o*ld be denied that the S*n heats *) the earth and the )eo)le on it1 b*t that these are a!t*all heated b this inherent di(ine fa!*lt $hi!h $o*ld f*n!tion $hen the S*n $ere )resentI for $h sho*ld this fa!*lt not f*n!tion $ith res)e!t to heat in the same $a as $ith res)e!t to an other infl*en!es attrib*ted to the S*nJ #*t if this $ere so1 nat*re $o*ld not1 in effe!t1 !ontain an e2trinsi! effi!ient !a*ses1 and this is )lainl abs*rd" Therefore1 +e)ler>s assertion that the stars 3i(e off no )o$er of their o$n is abs*rd1 for if none $ere 3i(en off the im)ression

on the indi(id*al of the a!ti(e D*alities $e !all !hara!ter !o*ld not o!!*r" Moreo(er1 $hen transitin3 )lanets !ome to the radi!al )la!es of the S*n1 Moon1 or Sat*rn1 for e2am)le1 the stim*late the nati(e a!!ordin3 to the nat*re of the S*n1 Moon or Sat*rn1 and it is therefore ne!essar that the D*alit of these )lanets $o*ld ha(e to be retained in their lo!ation in the horos!o)e e(en after birth1 and this is !ontrar to +e)ler>s o)inion" This1 then1 is o*r ref*tation of the o)inions of +e)ler and #ellan9ti1 and $e maintain that for an indi(id*al the D*alitati(e )o$er of the S*n $ill remain in the S*n>s radi!al lo!ation b*t not thro*3h an im)ressionE as #ellanti tho*3htEb*t thro*3h a determination1 $hi!h !ontin*es to infl*en!e the nati(e in a solar mannerI and the same holds tr*e for the other )lanets" This s stem is nothin3 ne$1 and $e onl !ontin*e to em)hasi;e the determination of the primum caelumEof the first !a*se in nat*re $hi!h *nderlies all others" The t$o determinations of the primum caelum des!ribed abo(e are !a*sed b the )lanets and the fi2ed stars1 $hi!h modif the caelum in a )arti!*lar $a and a!!ordin3 to the nat*re of the determinin3 bod I b*t the effe!t is a *ni(ersal one" The de3ree of the primum caelum $here Sat*rn1 for e2am)le1 is lo!ated has been determined to f*n!tion in a Sat*rnian $a 1 b*t no more for a man than for an animal1 and no more for one )arti!*lar indi(id*al than for an other" Most remar8abl 1 this determination does not ne3ate or $ea8en the a!!idental determination of the primum caelum b its di(ision into the si3ns1 b*t instead both ha(e an effe!t on ea!h other" For e2am)le1 $hen Sat*rn 3oes thro*3h Leo it does not in an $a destro or s*))ress the )o$er of the S*n1 b*t instead the )o$er of Sat*rn and the S*n are both in for!e in the lo!ation of Sat*rn 7*st as if the t$o )lanets $ere a!t*all fo*nd in the same lo!ation" It is be!a*se of this that the lo!ations of the S*n in Leo and Sat*rn in AD*ari*s1 or -*)iter in Sa3ittari*s1 et!"1 are so effe!ti(e1 for in Leo the stren3th of the S*n is do*bled1 $hile in AD*ari*s the stren3th of Sat*rn is do*bled1 and so on" On the other hand1 the nat*re and D*alit of the S*n and Sat*rn are to the 3reatest e2tent o))osed to ea!h other and $hen Sat*rn is in Leo the D*alit of ea!h is (itiated and an *nfort*nate effe!t is )rod*!ed" In other !ombinations that are not hostile1 s*!h as $hen Sat*rn is in Sa3ittari*s or %emini1 intermediate effe!ts $ill res*lt" This determination of the caelum b the )lanets> !on7*n!tions and other as)e!ts $ill be dis!*ssed in 3reater detail later on" The caelum is of !o*rse determined b the nat*re of the )arti!*lar s*bl*nar thin3 $hi!h re!ei(es its infl*en!e" In man the effe!ts m*st be in !onformit $ith the !a)a!ities inherent in h*man bein3sI in a horse1 on the other hand1 the effe!ts m*st be in !onformit $ith

the !a)a!ities of horses" The same $ill be tr*e in the !ase of )lants and minerals" Finall 1 the caelum is determined b the lo!ation of its (ario*s )arts in the birth9horos!o)e and m*st )rod*!e a!!idental D*alities and e(ents $hi!h are in !onformit $ith the indi(id*al" This lo!ation of its )arts ma8es the indi(id*al s*s!e)tible to D*alities and e(ents in !onformit $ith the nat*re of the )arts" For e2am)le1 Aries in the first ho*se ma8es one bilio*s1 darin31 3enero*s1 et!"I Ta*r*s E sens*al1 %eminiE!le(erF and so on for the other si3ns lo!ated on the As!endant1 MC or else$here" So1 $e !an see that the !elestial bodies a!ti(el determine the indi(id*al $ith re3ard to the essential effe!t1 b*t are in t*rn determined )assi(el $ith re3ard to the a!!idental D*alities and e(ents $hi!h are a))ro)riate" For a man re!ei(es an im)ression from the caelum $hi!h ma8es him s*b7e!t to some a!!idental D*alities rather than others and to different rea!tions to these !onditions as $ell" It sho*ld be noted that the si3nifi!an!e of the si3ns is broader than that of the )lanets" Th*s the si3nifi!an!e of Can!er )ro!eeds from the fa!t that the Moon is in domi!ile there1 -*)iter is e2alted there1 and Mars is in tri)li!it thereI and so on for the other si3ns" Also1 the de3ree of the si3n risin3 has 3reater si3nifi!an!e for the nati(e than the r*ler of the As!endant or a )lanet in the first ho*se" This be!omes !lear $hen dire!tion the as!endin3 de3ree1 as as)e!ts to this de3ree are more )o$erf*l than those to the r*ler of the As!endantI and the same holds tr*e for the MC"

CHAPTER V The accidental determinations of the planets and fixed stars in general The )lanets and the fi2ed stars as effi!ient !a*ses are s*b7e!t to se(eral a!!idental determinations" First1 the are determined b the si3ns" Altho*3h the S*n m*st ne!essaril f*n!tion in some si3n it is indifferent to $hether it f*n!tions in one or the other" Therefore1 its lo!ation in a )arti!*lar si3nEs*!h as AriesEis a determination of its o$n a!tion1 and a!t*all the S*n and the si3n Aries effe!t a determination on ea!h other at the same time" And the same holds tr*e for the r*ler of the si3n as $ell as the si3n itself1 for the si3n a!ts a!!ordin3 to the nat*re of its r*ler sin!e the are of the same nat*re" This fa!t forms the basis of all those te2t9boo8 a)horisms $hi!h state $hat a )lanet $ill do in the si3n of another )lanet thro*3h a !ombination of D*alities" Ho$e(er1 one sho*ld note that the )lanets Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 Mars1 &en*s1 and Mer!*r ha(e t$o si3ns1 and the S*n>s a!tion is not the same in AD*ari*s as it is in Ca)ri!orn" Se!ond1 a )lanet>s a!tion is determined thro*3h its !onta!t $ith other )lanets and fi2ed stars" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn>s a!tion is in itself indifferent to Mars1 &en*s1 o!*l*s Ta*r*s1 or !or S!or)io1 b*t $hen it is !on7*n!t one of these the modif ea!h other as tho*3h the $ere )artners in the same a!tion" F*rther on this determination b !on7*n!tion or other as)e!t $ill be dis!*ssed in detail1 b*t the t$o determinations 7*st 3i(en are onl universal ones from $hi!h it is not )ossible to !on!l*de an thin3 in particular sin!e the onl refer to the !elestial state of the )lanet and are the same for all s*bl*nar thin3s and therefore indifferent $ith res)e!t to indi(id*al thin3s" Still1 these t$o determinations !an assist or (itiate both the *ni(ersal and )arti!*lar a!tion of the )lanets1 and this $ill also be e2)lained in 3reater detail f*rther on" #*t this fa!t is the basis of all those a)horisms of the astrolo3ers of antiD*it $hi!h state $hat a )lanet $ill effe!t in !on7*n!tion1 se2tile1 sD*are1 trine or o))osition to another )lanet" #*t in this matter the erred in that1 from a !onsideration of the !elestial state onl E $hi!h is indifferent and *ni(ersal for the $hole earth E

the )redi!ted s)e!ial or )arti!*lar effe!tsI b*t s*!h a )redi!tion $ill be false *nless !onsideration is also 3i(en to the indi(id*al and the terrestrial state of the )lanets b lo!ation or r*lershi) in the ho*ses in the horos!o)e" Third1 the )lanets are determined b the nat*res of the s*bl*nar thin3s affe!ted1 as $e ha(e stated alread in !onne!tion $ith the primum caelum; $hen!e !omes that famo*s D*otation from AristotleF HSol et homo 3enerant hominem"H And it is also tr*e that the son of a 8in3 is somethin3 different from the son of a )easant" Fo*rth1 the )lanets are determined b the ho*ses of the horos!o)e as $ell as other $a sI these determinations are )arti!*lar ones be!a*se the ha(e referen!e to some )arti!*lar indi(id*al or thin3" Moreo(er1 the )lanets are determined b the ho*ses in fo*r $a sE b a!t*al lo!ation in the ho*ses1 or b di3nities1 as)e!t1 or antis!ion in them" The di3nities are threefoldEthat is1 the !an be in domi!ile1 e2altation or tri)li!it $ithin a )arti!*lar ho*se" And a3ain1 t$o !onsiderations follo$ *)on the determinations of r*lershi) or lo!ation" First1 !onsideration sho*ld be 3i(en to the analo3i!al meanin3s of an other )lanet a )lanet ma be $ithI for e2am)le1 if the r*ler of the As!endant $ere !on7*n!t the S*n it $o*ld also refer b this determination to the )resti3e of the nati(e" Se!ond1 !onsideration sho*ld be 3i(en to the determinations in the horos!o)e of this other )lanet" So1 the r*ler of the first ho*se !on7*n!t the S*n r*lin3 the t$elfth $o*ld foreshado$ illness or )o$erf*l hidden enemies" These thin3s $ill be treated later in 3reater detail and $e $ill sho$ $hi!h of the (ario*s determinations are the most im)ortant1 for in 7*st these e(al*ations are fo*nd the main se!rets of astrolo3 1 $hi!h $ere D*ite *n8no$n to the an!ients" Later on $e shall also e2)lain $hat a )lanet sho$s thro*3h its nat*re and !elestial stateEthat is1 thro*3h the si3n it o!!*)ies1 the r*ler to $hi!h it is s*bordinate1 and its !on7*n!tion or as)e!ts $ith other )lanetsI and also1 $hat ma be indi!ated thro*3h its terrestrial stateE that is1 thro*3h its lo!ation in a )arti!*lar ho*se of the horos!o)e or thro*3h its r*lershi) in a )arti!*lar ho*se" For altho*3h a )lanet>s !elestial state is *ni(ersal and refers ali8e to all indi(id*al s*bl*nar thin3s and therefore b itself indi!ates nothin3 s)e!ifi! for an one1 a !onsideration of its terrestrial state alone in the indi(id*al horos!o)e $o*ld not allo$ one to !on!l*de $hat it mi3ht mean in )arti!*lar for that indi(id*al *nless $hat is sho$n b its !elestial state is alread 8no$n" For from a )lanet>s nat*re and !elestial state a !ombination of D*alities res*lts in $hi!h the )lanet>s o$n nat*re )re(ails b*t is affe!ted either for 3ood or ill b its !elestial state1 and in a!!ordan!e $ith this !ombination the )lanet a!ts on a )arti!*lar indi(id*al thro*3h its lo!al determinations in his horos!o)e" Therefore" in 7*d3in3 the )arti!*lar effe!ts of the )lanets their *ni(er9

sal !ondition m*st first be 8no$n1 and this is *nderstood from their nat*re and their fa(orable or *nfa(orable !elestial state" ,hen the S*n is in Leo and trine -*)iter1 and there are no malefi!s in(ol(ed1 all thin3s of a solar nat*re in the entire s*bl*nar $orld are stron3l affe!ted b the s*))ort of the -*)iterian D*alities1 and this in!l*des an indi(id*al born at that time" #*t its )o$er is (itiated in AD*ari*s1 or $hen in sD*are or o))osition to the malefi!s1 and an effe!t $hi!h is ad(erse both *ni(ersall and )arti!*larl res*lts in the S*n>s a!tionI and the same is tr*e for the other )lanets"

CHAPTER VI The celestial bodies as both uni ersal and particular causes It is !ommonl asserted b man )hiloso)hers1 and in )arti!*lar b those $ho ha(e $ritten on astrolo3 1 that the !elestial bodies are *ni(ersal !a*ses onl " #*t the follo$in3 $ill sho$ that this is not tr*e" If the primum caelum is !onsidered as a $hole it is a *ni(ersal !a*se1 be!a*se onl th*s is it the most *ni(ersal !a*se $ithin nat*reEits )o$er !on!*rrin3 in all the effe!ts of se!ondar or inferior !a*ses" #*t the primum caelum !an also be !onsidered in terms of its di(ision into the t$el(e si3ns $hose nat*res are determined b the )lanet r*lin3 the )arti!*lar si3n" In one sense a si3n is a *ni(ersal !a*se as is the primum caelum, b*t a3ain a si3n is to be !onsidered in t$o $a s" First1 its a!tion !on!*rs $ith that of the s*bl*nar a3ents inferior to it1 s*!h as men or animals in the )ro!ess of be3ettin3 offs)rin3" Insofar as the si3n>s )o$er )rod*!es the same effe!t amon3 men as $ell as animals it is a *ni(ersal !a*se1 b*t insofar as it !onfers to the offs)rin3 )arti!*lar D*alities $hi!h neither men nor animals !o*ld !onfer it is a )arti!*lar !a*se of s*!h D*alities" It sho*ld be !lear that the caelum and the stars not onl !ontain $ithin their )o$er the for!es and effe!ts of the s*bl*nar bodies b*t also !ontain )o$ers of their o$n $hi!h !annot be !onferred b s*bl*nar !a*ses1 and therefore1 s*bl*nar !a*ses reD*ire !elestial ones sin!e the are !om )leted as $ell as 3o(erned b themI e(en Aristotle himself stated this" Se!ond1 a si3n>s action sho*ld onl be !onsidered as *ni(ersal in that it )o*rs forth its )o$er into the entire *ni(erse $itho*t !on!ern for )arti!*lar effe!ts in the s*bl*nar $orld1 b*t a si3n as s*!h is not a *ni(ersal !a*se be!a*se it does not a!t alon3 $ith !a*ses inferior to it self1 b*t onl $ith )artners1 as $as sho$n earlier" Therefore1 its a!tion is as a )arti!*lar !a*seI and in )o*rin3 forth its )o$er into the entire *ni(erse it matters not that this )o$er )rod*!es at one and the same time the most di(erse effe!ts1 for this fa!t does not ma8e a !a*se *ni(ersal" It ma be ob7e!ted that e(er )arti!*lar !a*se is s*bordinate to some *ni(ersal one1 b*t a si3n is not s*bordinate to an *ni(ersal

! a * s e *nless o* sa that the primum caelum is a *ni(ersal !a*se $ith res)e!t to its o$n )arts1 $hi!h seems abs*rdI therefore1 a si3n !annot be a )arti!*lar !a*se" I $o*ld ans$er as follo$s" First1 the ante!edent is absol*tel falseI other$ise %od1 $ho is the )arti!*lar !a*se of 3ra!e1 $o*ld ha(e to be s*bordinate to some )rior !a*se" And the primum caelumEthe )arti!*lar !a*se of its o$n infl*en!eE$o*ld be s*bordinate to some s*)erior nat*ral !a*se1 and an infinite series of nat*ral !a*ses $o*ld ha(e to be admitted1 $hi!h is !ontrar to a h )othesis !on!ernin3 an first !a*se in nat*re1 and this h )othesis m*st ne!essaril be admitted" Se!ond1 a si3n is a se!ondar !a*se s*bordinate to a first !a*se $hi!h is *ni(ersal" Nor does it matter that a si3n is materiall a )art of the primum caelum sin!e formall it is no more than sim)l a si3n" The same thin3 ma be stated re3ardin3 the )lanets be!a*se the si3ns and the )lanets $hi!h are their r*lers ha(e the same nat*re" So1 a )lanet $hi!h !on!*rs in the effe!t of an s*bl*nar !a*se as1 for e2am)le1 $hen the S*n !on!*rs in the be3ettin3 of offs)rin31 is the *ni(ersal !a*se of that effe!t be!a*se the S*n !on!*rs $ith a !a*se in9 ferior to itself" #*t $hen it !onfers a s)e!ifi!all solar !hara!ter to an indi(id*al1 or !a*ses fame and )osition for him :$hi!h !o*ld onl (er do*btf*ll be !onferred b )arents $ho $ere either )easants or too )oor< the S*n m*st be !onsidered to be the )arti!*lar !a*se of these effe!ts be!a*se the are e2)lainable onl b the S*n>s )o$er or infl*en!e" Similarl 1 $hen the S*n is merel )o*rin3 forth its )o$er into the entire *ni(erseEin other $ords $hen it is a!tin3 *ni(ersall Eit is the )arti!*lar !a*se of its effe!ts $hen no !a*se inferior to the S*n !on!*rs $ith it" ,hen the Moon or the earth1 or ob7e!ts on the earth1 are ill*minated b the S*n these are )arti!*lar effe!ts of $hi!h some )arti!*lar !a*se m*st be fo*nd1 b*t sin!e there a))ears to be no other !a*se other than the S*n1 the S*n m*st be their )arti!*lar !a*se" And the same holds tr*e for an other form of the S*n>s infl*en!e1 or for that matter for the other )lanets and si3ns" It ma be ob7e!ted that $hen the S*n is in Leo its a!tion in that si3n is as a *ni(ersal !a*se1 for Leo m*st be inferior to its o$n r*ler the S*n1 $hether or not the S*n is !onsidered as a!tin3 *ni(ersall $ith a s*bl*nar a3ent" #*t I $o*ld ans$er that the si3n Leo is inferior to the S*n not be!a*se of the nat*re of the solar infl*en!e1 $hi!h is the same for both1 b*t be!a*se the si3n>s nat*re has been determined b the S*n" The s*)eriorit of a *ni(ersal !a*se is *nderstood as )ro!eedin3 from the s*)eriorit of its nat*re1 and a s*)erior and inferior !a*se ha(e different nat*res1 the latter bein3 s*bordinate to the former1 tho*3h both ma !on!*r in their a!tion" From this $e !on!l*de that the S*n

and Leo a!t as )artners $ith the same nat*re1 altho*3h the si3n Leo is essentiall de)endent on the S*n as its nat*re has been determined b the S*n" Therefore1 the caelum and stars are at times *ni(ersal !a*ses and at times )arti!*lar !a*ses1 b*t not at all times *ni(ersal ones1 as in fa!t $as stated b man $riters" L*!io #ellanti in his ref*tation of Pi!o della Mirandola1 art" 01 !laims that the caelum is a *ni(ersal !a*se be!a*se it sim*ltaneo*sl )rod*!es different effe!ts $ith !a*ses inferior to itself" #*t he ma8es the caelum a )arti!*lar !a*se $hen it )rod*!es those effe!ts $hi!h are de(oid of an other )arti!*lar !a*se1 asEhe sa sE amon3 those born from !orr*)t matter" #*t the seed is in !orr*)t matter1 and is endo$ed $ith an a!ti(e )o$er1 as $e stated else$here" #*t the sim*ltaneo*s m*ltit*de and di(ersit of effe!ts do not in themsel(es ma8e a !a*se *ni(ersal"

CHAPTER VII The celestial bodies as both signs and causes of effects in the sublunary !orld A !a*se is that $hi!h )rod*!es an effe!t either thro*3h its o$n )o$er1 as1 for e2am)le1 $hen the S*n ill*mines the earth1 or thro*3h some other )o$er1 as a )lanetar as)e!t1 $here the as)e!t is de)endent on the )lanet formin3 it1 as $ill be des!ribed in Se!t" 41 !h" C" On the other hand1 a si3n is that $hi!h )resents itself to the senses1 or if not a!!essible to a sense1 to the *nderstandin3 of the intelle!t1 as1 for e2am)le1 the i( han3in3 in front of a sho) anno*n!es that $ine is on sale" The meanin3 of a si3n does not !onsist in that $hi!h is )resented to a sense :for a si3n is not sim)l a re)resentation of itself<1 b*t in that $hi!h is made !lear to the intelle!t and is *n8no$n to the senses1 and of $hi!h it is said to be the si3n" F*rther1 there are three 8inds of si3nsF dia3nosti!1 )ro3nosti!1 and re!olle!ti(e" 'ia3nosti! si3ns are si3ns of somethin3 )resent1 s*!h as those obser(ations from $hi!h a do!tor $ill dia3nose the 8ind of disease )resent" Pro3nosti! si3ns are si3ns of somethin3 to !ome1 s*!h as those obser(ations from $hi!h a do!tor $ill )redi!t the death or re!o(er of the )atient1 or from $hi!h a sailor $ill )redi!t a storm at sea or a farmer the barrenness or fertilit of the land" Re!olle!ti(e si3ns are si3ns of somethin3 )ast1 as ashes are a si3n of a )re(io*s fire1 or a $olf>s tra!8 is a si3n that a $olf has )assed b at some )re(io*s time" There are )eo)le of the o)inion that the !elestial bodies are not tr*e si3ns of f*t*re e(ents be!a*se of the )assa3e in -eremiah1 !h" /5F H#e not disma ed at the si3ns of hea(en"H #*t the Hsi3ns of hea(enH in this )assa3e do not refer to the !elestial bodies b*t to the idols of $ood and 3old $hi!h the #ab lonians $orshi))ed at that time1 as is e(ident from the freD*ent statements in that !ha)ter $hi!h !learl refer to these idols and not to the !elestial bodies" Still other )ersons are of the D*ite !ontrar o)inion that the !elestial bodies are onl the si3ns of effe!ts in the s*bl*nar $orld and not their !a*ses1 be!a*se of the )assa3e in !h" / of %enesis $here it is $ritten that %od saidF HLet there be li3hts in the firmament of the hea(en to di(ide the da from the ni3htI and let them be for si3ns1 and for seasons1 and for da s1

and ears1 et!"H +e)ler also seems to ha(e been of this o)inion $hen he stated that )lanets in !on7*n!tion1 sD*are1 or o))osition do not affe!t the s*bl*nar $orld as nat*ral a3ents a!t*all )o*rin3 forth their )o$er1 b*t rather that the onl affe!t the sensiti(e animal :or (e3etable< fa!*lties of s*bl*nar thin3sEand of this earth as a $holeEas ob7e!ts affe!t the senses" +e)ler>s )oint of (ie$ has alread been ref*ted1 and it is !ertain in an !ase that the S*n is not a si3n of the da or the ear1 b*t rather their !a*se sin!e it !a*ses both the da and the ear" Nor is the S*n sim)l a si3n of the da $hi!h it !a*ses1 sin!e1 as $e ha(e stated1 the meanin3 of a si3n !onsists in $hat the si3n ma8es !lear to the intelle!t that is *n8no$n to the senseI b*t as both the da and the ear are made !lear to the senses the S*n is not a si3n of these )henomena b*t the !a*se of them" Therefore1 $hen Hol S!ri)t*re states that Hthe S*n and Moon are for si3ns1H $e sho*ld *nderstand that the are si3ns of somethin3 other than da s1 ears1 or seasons1 and $e ma !on!l*de that the are si3ns of other effe!ts o!!*rrin3 in the s*bl*nar $orld" +e)ler himself $o*ld ha(e !on!eded this )oint1 )ro(ided that the $o*ld not be !onsidered the !a*ses of these effe!ts b*t onl the ob7e!ti(e stim*l*s of a )arti!*lar fa!*lt $ithin nat*re" Ho$e(er1 he !ontradi!ts himself to some de3ree $hen he admits that an im)ression of the !hara!ter of the entire !onfi3*ration of the !elestial bodies is made on this )art i ! * l a r sensiti(e fa!*lt and )ersists in the or3anism and stim*lates it to a!tion" For it is ne!essar that a )ermanent )o$er of e2!itation belon3 to that !onfi3*ration so that there $ill be a rea!tion $hen the )lanets !ome b dire!tion or transit to its most im)ortant )ositionsI sin!e the !hara!ter of that !onfi3*ration flo$s forth from the caelum and is im)ressed on these fa!*lties1 its )o$er of e2!itation m*st therefore flo$ forth1 and this is !ontrar to +e)ler>s o)inion" Therefore1 $e maintain that the caelum is the nat*ral !a*se of these s*bl*nar effe!ts1 for the !a*se of another !a*se is the real !a*se of $hat is finall )rod*!ed" In addition1 !onsider that this s*))osed fa!*lt m*st b that im)ression be stim*lated to a!tion not onl in the affairs $hi!h1 as +e)ler sa s1 are *nder his !ontrol1 b*t also to )rod*!in3 those )assions1 diseases1 or disasters $hereb both the man and the fa!*lt itself $o*ld be destro edI nor $o*ld man>s intelle!t or reason be able to )re(ent these res*lts sin!e this fa!*lt $o*ld ha(e to be inde)endent of them" Therefore1 $e m*st !onsider it )ro(ed that the !elestial bodies and the si3ns are the a!t*al !a*ses of s*bl*nar effe!tsI and this is !ontrar to the o)inion of Cardan*s1 $ho in the Liber de Interro3atlone1 D*est" /61 stated that onl the stars are !a*ses1 b*t not the si3ns" The !elestial !onfi3*ration atl a man>s birth is a re!olle!ti(e si3n of his !hara!ter and )h si!al ma8e9*)" Ho$e(er1 these are a!t*all in

formation before birth and the )ossibilit of e(al*atin3 the nat*re of this !hara!ter and )h si!al !onstit*tion $hi!h has )re!eded birth means that the horos!o)e is a re!olle!ti(e si3n of these feat*res1 b*t not their !a*se1 sin!e the )re!eded the horos!o)e in time" Moreo(er1 the same horos!o)e is a dia3nosti! si3n of the !hara!ter and )h si!al ma8e9*) of the nati(e insofar as these are no$ !om)leted and finished1 b*t also of the moral nat*re1 mental D*alities1 and entire dis)osition1 $hi!h are no$ e2)osed to the (ario*s (i!issit*des of life" This is so be!a*se altho*3h the !hara!ter and )h si!al ma8e9*) )re!ede birth the are a!t*all bro*3ht to !om)letion b the dis)osition of the caelum $hi!h at a s*itable time brin3s the !hild forth from the $omb in a!!ordan!e $ith its destin " AndEas it $ereEa seal is im)rinted on the nati(e $hi!h is a re)resentation of the nat*re1 !ondition1 lo!ation1 and )arti!*lar determinations of the !elestial bodies" Therefore1 the horos!o)e for the moment of birth is not onl a si3n of these thin3s b $hi!h the !an be re!o3ni;ed1 b*t is also their !a*se insofar as the bod >s formation and the !hara!ter are !om)leted and determined b the !elestial !onfi3*ration" Finall 1 the same horos!o)e is a )ro3nosti! si3n of f*t*re e(ents for the nati(e be!a*se of the s*bmission to fate or destin mentioned abo(e1 for that !elestial !onfi3*ration $hi!h holds the nati(e s*b7e!t also !ontains in )otential e(ents $hi!h at the a))ro)riate times $ill be )rod*!ed b dire!tions1 transits1 and re(ol*tions1 as $ill be e2)lained in detail later on" Therefore1 it sho*ld be !lear that the horos!o)e is not onl a )ro3nosti! and dia3nosti! si3n1 b*t is also the !a*se of those thin3s of $hi!h it is a )ro3nosti! and dia3nosti! si3nI sin!e *nless it $ere the !a*se it !o*ld not be the si3n1 and to the same e2tent that it is the !a*se it is also the si3n" For if the horos!o)e is not an effi!ient !a*se ho$ else do these thin3s !ome abo*t in !onformit $ith that !elestial !onfi3*rationJ Ho$e(er1 d*e to the fa!t that a !a*se onl a!ts in a!!ordan!e $ith the dis)osition of the s*b7e!t it follo$s that it is )ossible to resist the !elestial !ondition1 as Ptolem himself bro*3ht o*t in a)horism ? of the CentiloD* $hen he statedF HHe $ho is 8no$in3 !an a(ert man of the stars> effe!ts b *nderstandin3 their nat*re and )re)arin3 himself ahead of time"H Therefore1 these si3ns or !a*ses are b no means ine(itableEas man thin8Eand $hi!h error is also !ondemned b the Ch*r!h" It also seems !lear that the same horos!o)e is at one and the same time the a!t*al !a*se of those thin3s for $hi!h it is itself a dia3nosti! si3n1 and a )otential !a*se of those for $hi!h it is a )ro3nosti! si3n1 as $ill be more !learl e2)lained f*rther on in the dis!*ssion on dire!tions and transits" Th*s1 ass*min3 that the stars do in fa!t brin3 abo*t that $hi!h the indi!ate1 the )lanets $hi!h are the si3nifi!ators of death1 for e2am)le1

$ill brin3 abo*t this e(ent either thro*3h a dire!tion or a re(ol*tionI and the same $ill hold tr*e in other matters" It ma be ob7e!ted that Mars r*lin3 the As!endant and ad(ersel )la!ed in the ei3hth ho*se !ertainl indi!ates a (iolent death for the nati(e1 b*t Mars itself does not 8ill the nati(eE$hi!h is ob(io*sE therefore it is onl a si3n and not a !a*se" I $o*ld ans$er that Mars does not 8ill the nati(e dire!tl b*t in9 dire!tl 1 for its infl*en!e on the nati(e ma8es him s*b7e!t to a (iolent death $hereb he himself brin3s it abo*t thro*3h 7*st that infl*en!eI therefore1 Mars is the !a*se of the !a*se of death of that nati(e" No$ let *s as8 $hether the stars indi!ate $ith !ertaint the f*t*re e(ents in the life of an indi(id*al" I belie(e the ans$er is Hno1H other$ise an ine2orable fatalism m*st be admitted and the statement of Ptolem 3i(en abo(e $o*ld not be tr*e" For the stars do not indi!ate man>s )ossible resistan!e a3ainst their )o$er thro*3h )r*den!e and di(inel ill*minated reasonI the ma sho$1 for e2am)le1 an illness or an alter!ation at a !ertain time1 b*t the !annot sho$ sim*ltaneo*sl that there $ill be no alter!ation1 or that b )r*den!e and ta8in3 s*itable medi!ines one>s health ma be safe3*arded" The fa!t is that of those thin3s $hi!h !an ha))en to a man in life some are not in his )o$erE s*!h as $ho his brothers or enemies are1 or his death1 or !han!e o!!*rren!esE$hile others are in his )o$er in that the !an de)end on his free $illEs*!h as his finan!es1 !hildren1 ser(ants1 $ife1 liti3ations1 !ombats1 7o*rne s1 and )rofessional honors" These matters are e2trinsi! to the nati(e sin!e he is able to ma8e a free !hoi!e re3ardin3 them and !an a(oid or re7e!t them altho*3h the infl*en!e of the stars ma ma8e him (er m*!h in!lined to do other$ise" #*t the stars> indi!ations so stron3l in!line or )redis)ose the n a t i ( e that at least the in!lination !an be asserted $ith !onsiderable !ertaint " And of the )ossible effe!ts attendant *)on s*!h an in!lination those $hi!h are not in the nati(e>s )o$er $ill ha))en $ith the 3reatest !ertaint $hile those $hi!h de)end on his o$n $ill ha(e a more do*btf*l o*t!ome" Ho$e(er1 as most )ersons *s*all fall in line $ith the stellar dis)osition and as man is *s*all i3norant of $hat he himself isEthat is1 his o$n nat*re1 as $ell as the thin3s that are destined to ha))en to himE he does not do eno*3h to o))ose *n)leasant f*t*re e(ents" And sin!e it is ard*o*s to resist one>s nat*ral )ro)ensities (er fe$ e(en be3in the str*33le m*!h less )ersist in it $ith steadfastness" Therefore1 astrolo3i!al )redi!tions freD*entl !ome tr*eI for inferior and )arti!*lar !a*ses !learl are obedient to the )o$er of s*)erior and *ni(ersal !a*sesEthis is a la$ of nat*reEaltho*3h all )redi!tions are in fa!t merel !on7e!t*ral and no one !an )redi!t an thin3 $ith !ertaint " Therefore1 $e ma !on!l*de that the infl*en!e of the !elestial !onfi3*ration at the moment of !on!e)tion is the a!t*al effi!ient

!a*se of the !hara!ter and )h si!al ma8e9*) of the nati(e as these ha(e their be3innin3 at that moment" And the !onfi3*ration of the caelum at the moment of birth is a re!olle!ti(e si3n of that same !hara!ter and )h si!al formation be3*n earlier1 a dia3nosti! si3n of $hat is no$ finished and !om)leted1 and a )ro3nosti! si3n of thin3s to !ome in relation to that !onstit*tion $hi!h has been !om)leted" Ho$e(er1 it is not a !a*se of thin3s )ast or in an $a a horos!o)e for those $ho $ere born before the nati(e1 s*!h as his father1 mother1 or older brothers and sisters1 et!"1 b*t onl a !a*se of thin3s )resent and f*t*re" As a matter of fa!t1 it is the a!t*al !a*se of the bod formation1 !hara!ter1 and mental and moral D*alitiesI b*t of thin3s to !ome it remains a )otential !a*se $hi!h $ill !ome to fr*ition in d*e time thro*3h a!t*al !a*sesI b*t if these latter are absent1 or !ontrar ones are )resent :as $hen an illness is )re(ented b ta8in3 s*itable )re(enti(e meas*res<1 that !a*se is not bro*3ht to a!tion and remains fr*strated in its effe!t" It is still a !a*se1 ho$e(er1 be!a*se at that time it $as not absent in the nati(e or ino)erati(e in his affairs1 b*t $as sim)l $itho*t the !oo)eration of an a!t*al !a*se1 or $as )re(ented b others1 as $o*ld be the !ase1 for e2am)le1 $ith )re(enient 3ra!e" Therefore1 the !onstit*tion at birth is a )ro3nosti! si3n of thin3s to !ome in the f*t*reE*nless the are in some $a )re(entedEb*t also a !a*se of them if the do ta8e )la!e"

CHAPTER VIII The extent of the entire caelum(s !on!*rren!e in an s*bl*nar effe!t The !on!e)t that the entire caelum !on!*rs in e(er s*bl*nar ef9 fe!t $as entertained b Pi!o della Mirandola and other detra!tors of astrolo3 $ho $ere i3norant of its basi! )rin!i)les1 and as s*!h it is false" ,hen an indi(id*al is !onsidered in his entiret Ethat is1 both a!!ordin3 to those thin3s $hi!h are intrinsi! to him s*!h as his moral and mental D*alities1 !hara!ter1 et!"1 as $ell as those thin3s $hi!h are e2trinsi! to him s*!h as his finan!es1 brothers1 )arents1 !hildren1 reli3ion1 and the (ario*s meanin3s of the ho*ses other than the firstEit is !ertain that the entire caelum is di(ided into the t$el(e )arts or ho*ses to )rod*!e this total effe!t in a!!ordan!e $ith the meanin3s of ea!h of these ho*ses and the different !a)a!ities for e2)erien!e the re)resent" #*t $hen s*!h a total effe!t is onl !onsidered $ith res)e!t to an One of its )arts $hi!h is inherent in it either a!t*all or )otentiall 1 e29 trinsi!all or intrinsi!all 1 as $hen an indi(id*al is onl !onsidered in terms of his mental D*alities1 or finan!es1 or )rofession1 or !hildren1 et!"1 then the entire caelum does not !on!*r in that )arti!*lar effe!t1 b*t onl the si3n1 )lanets1 and stars $hi!h b lo!ation1 r*lershi) or as)e!t o!!*) that ho*se to $hi!h that effe!t )ertains1 in!l*din3 )lanets referrin3 b analo3 to that effe!t" For e2am)le1 if a man>s marria3e is all that $e $ish to !onsider1 onl the )arts of the caelum and the stars $hi!h ha(e referen!e to matrimon thro*3h the determinations of lo!ation1 r*lershi)1 or as)e!t !on!*r in this matter1 b*t not the entire caelum nor all the stars"



The accidental determinations of the planets and their effect on the sublunary !orld

CHAPTER I The accidental determinations of the planets by location and rulership in the houses These t$o methods of determination ha(e 3reater effe!t than an others1 and the more effe!ti(e of the t$o is the lo!ation of a )lanet in a )arti!*lar ho*se of the horos!o)e" These t$o methods $ill therefore be !onsidered first" All thin3s $hi!h o!!*r in this $orld are bro*3ht abo*t b hi3her !a*sesEthat is1 the caelum and the starsEas Aristotle himself im)lied $hen he saidF HThis lo$er $orld is !onti3*o*s $ith the hi3her re3ions $hi!h 3o(ern all its a!ti(ities1H and else$hereF HThe s*n and man be3et man"H Ho$e(er1 man !omes to *nderstand the !ondition of the !elestial bodies b s*r(e in3 and st*d in3 them and thro*3h the 8no$led3e 3ained thereb it is )ossible to )redi!t f*t*re thin3sI for if )arti!*lar !elestial !a*ses in the )ast and their res*ltin3 effe!ts are 8no$nEs*!h as e!li)ses or the !on7*n!tions of )lanets in the same si3nEit is )ossible to estimate !orre!tl $hat these thin3s $ill brin3 abo*t $hen the re!*r in the f*t*re" And these !a*ses ma be said to si3nif s*!h f*t*re e(ents or that s*!h e(ents are to ta8e )la!e1 for the !an be said to si3nif somethin3 onl thro*3h their effe!ts1 and sho*ld the effe!t nothin3 !o*ld not 7*stifiabl be said to si3nif an thin3 :see !h" A of Se!t" I<" Moreo(er1 ea!h )lanet has a *niD*e and essential D*alit $hose )o$er e2tends thro*3ho*t the entire $orld and thro*3h $hi!h its effe!ts are a!!om)lished1 and this )o$er is to be !onsidered in t$o $a s" First1 it is absol*te and therefore affe!ts all indi(id*al thin3s in the s*bl*nar $orld *ni(ersall and indifferentl " Se!ond1 it )ermeates and re(eals its )o$er in all thin3s" #*t this )o$er is !onditioned or modified b the re!ei(in3 ob7e!t in s*!h a $a that altho*3h the )o$er of the S*n>s a!tion is the same on a man or a )lant at the time either !omes into bein31 it does not1 ho$e(er1 brin3 abo*t the same effe!t in a man and a )lant be!a*se of the different nat*re of :he ob7e!ts affe!ted b this same )o$er1 for in different 8inds of ob7e!ts it )rod*!es different effe!ts tho*3h it be a))lied to ea!h in the manner"

F*rthermore1 altho*3h this *ni(ersal )o$er is !onditioned b a man at his birth it does not affe!t ea!h man in the same mannerE e(en those born at the same timeEbe!a*se !learl it $ill not be modified in e2a!tl the same manner b ea!h indi(id*al nor does a )lanet *s*all refer in the same manner to ea!h indi(id*al1 b*t for one is lo!ated in the first ho*se1 for another in the se!ond1 and for another in the third1 et!"1 or for one is r*ler of the first1 for another is r*ler of the se!ond1 for another of the third1 et!"1 so that for ea!h indi(id*al different effe!ts are )rod*!ed b the same )lanet" Therefore1 it follo$s that the S*n !annot be the !a*se of all the a!!idental D*alities and )resent or f*t*re e(ents of a 3i(en indi(id*al1 for all these a!!idental D*alities and e(ents )ertain not solel to one ho*se of the horos!o)e b*t to all t$el(e1 and the S*n1 neither b lo!ation nor r*lershi)1 !an at one and the same time refer to all these D*alities and e(entsI therefore1 the S*n>s effe!t is onl in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n s)e!ifi! determinations1 $hile other effe!ts o!!*r thro*3h the )o$er of the other )lanets and a!!ordin3 to their o$n determinations" Th*s1 the entire horos!o)e has si3nifi!an!e for the nati(e sin!e he is the s*b7e!t of the a!!idental meanin3s essential to its t$el(e ho*ses and it affe!ts him in terms of those a!!idental meanin3s" The horos!o)e ta8en as a $hole does not !a*se a s)e!ifi! D*alit or e(ent1 as Pi!o stated it did1 b*t ea!h of its ho*ses !a*ses these a!!identals thro*3h the si3nifi!an!e the caelum ass*mes for somethin3 s)e!ifi! in that ho*se" So1 if the S*n or the S*n>s r*ler is lo!ated in the first ho*se it $ill a!t on the nati(e>s )h si!al !on9 stit*tion and !hara!ter" And -*)iter or its r*ler in the tenth a!ts on the nati(e>s !areer and re)*tation1 $hile if Mars or its r*ler is in the ei3hth it a!ts on the !ir!*mstan!es of the nati(e>s death1 and so on" And altho*3h the death or other e(ents or traits a))ro)riate to the nati(e>s brothers1 !hildren1 or s)o*se !learl ha(e more dire!t si3nifi!an!e for them than for the nati(e1 it is ne(ertheless )ossible to infer somethin3 )ertainin3 to them from the horos!o)e of the nati(e1 sin!e the affairs of )ersons !lose to the nati(e $ill be of some im)ortan!e to him as $ell" It m*st no$ be made !lear that the )rimar ho*ses1 sin!e the are merel )arts of the s)a!e s*rro*ndin3 earth1 are neither the !a*se nor stri!tl s)ea8in3 the si3nifi!ators of the a!!idental feat*res attrib*ted to them :for s)a!e !annot be a!ti(e as it is onl em)t s)a!e<1 b*t are instead the fa!tors $hi!h modif or delimit the D*alit of the si3ns1 )lanets or fi2ed stars so as to )rod*!e some 8ind of a!!idental D*alit or e(ent in the life of the nati(e1 a!!ordin3 to the essential attrib*tes of those ho*ses" For the s)a!es themsel(es ha(e no determinati(e )o$er and the first s)a!e does not1 )ro)erl s)ea8in31 si3nif the )h si!al !onstit*tion and d*ration of life1 b*t instead )ro(ides a s)e!ifi! determination $ith res)e!t to the )h si!al !onstit*tion and

d*ration of lifeI the se!ond s)a!e )ro(ides a s)e!ifi! determination $ith res)e!t to mone 1 and so on for the other ho*ses" #*t neither are the se!ondar ho*sesEthat is1 the )arts of the caelum or the si3ns o!!*) in3 the )rimar ho*sesEsi3nifi!ators of the a!!idental D*alities and feat*res attrib*ted to the )rimar ho*ses1 nor are the )lanets in them or r*lin3 the si3ns in them" For the !elestial bodies do not si3nif an thin3 )resent or f*t*re e2!e)t insofar as the effe!t that $hi!h the are said to si3nif :see !h" A1 Se!t" I<" And the si3n Ca)ri!orn or the )lanet Sat*rn in the first s)a!e or Sat*rn r*lin3 the first1 does not al$a s ha(e the effe!t of 3rantin3 life1 b*t sometimes destro s or denies it" And Sat*rn or its r*ler in the tenth ho*se sometimes !onfers and sometimes denies honors or )referment" Therefore1 )ro)erl s)ea8in31 a !elestial bod in the first s)a!e merel has some sort of si3nifi!an!e for the d*ration of life and the !hara!ter1 or in the tenth for the )rofession and )resti3e1 and so on for the other ho*sesI and the )lanets do not sho$ that the nati(e is $ith !ertaint 3oin3 to ha(e somethin31 b*t rather $hether or not he ma ha(e it1 for this is mainl $hat !an be sho$n b a )lanet in a ho*se1 its r*ler1 and b their !elestial state" From these one dis!o(ers $hether he is to ha(e it1 as $ell as to $hat de3ree and in $hat manner it is to o!!*r" The )lanets1 then1 denote thro*3h their determinations a !ertain 8ind of inherent a!!idental D*alit or some f*t*re e(ent1 as $ell as its e2tent and nat*re1 and these !ir!*mstan!es are made !lear b the nat*re and state of the )lanets $hi!h are lo!ated in the ho*ses referrin3 to the )arti!*lar e2)erien!e1 or $hi!h r*le o(er those ho*ses1 and of an as)e!ts $hi!h these )lanets ma re!ei(e" So if the S*n b lo!ation1 r*lershi) or as)e!ts si3nifies friends it $ill sho$ friends amon3 8in3s1 )rin!es1 or )ersons of im)ortan!e1 $hile if Sat*rn ll3nifies diseases it $ill sho$ Sat*rnian onesI and so on" The same is tr*e for the r*lers of the first1 tenth1 and other ho*ses1 for b r*lershi) a )lanet si3nifies the same thin3 as if it $ere lo!ated in the ho*se itself1 sin!e a si3n>s a!tion )ro!eeds from the D*alit of its r*ler1 as $e ha(e stated earlier" So it is !lear that a )lanet in the se(enth ho*se denotes the s)o*se1 o)en enemies1 and liti3ationsI this $ill be tr*e for an )lanet lo!ated in the se(enth ho*se or referrin3 to it b some other determination1 and it is )ossible to learn from these fa!tors $hether the nati(e $ill en!o*nter these sit*ations or not1 and in $hat $a and $ith $hat meas*re of s*!!ess" Th*s1 in !onsideration of marria3e1 for e2am)le1 a )lanet>s nat*re is itself indi!ati(e1 for -*)iter and &en*s in the se(enth sho$ a ha)) marria3eI Sat*rn and Mars den marria3e or remo(e the s)o*se or brin3 misfort*ne1 hindran!es1 or dela s in !onne!tion $ith the s)o*se" These thin3s !an also he inferred b the

si3n on the se(enth and its r*ler1 b that r*ler>s )osition $ith res)e!t

to the S*n and its as)e!ts $ith other )lanetsEes)e!iall $ith the r*ler of the se(enth1 or the firstEand also b the r*lershi) o(er some other ho*se b a )lanet a!t*all in the se(enth1 for if a )lanet in the se(enth is r*ler of the t$elfth it im)lies somethin3 different abo*t marria3e1 o)en enemies1 or la$s*its1 than if it $ere r*ler of the tenthI and the same thin3 is of !o*rse tr*e for the other ho*ses" And the e(al*ation of the r*ler of the si3n on the se(enth )ro!eeds similarl sin!e it !an ha))en that the r*ler of a se(enth9ho*se )lanet is not itself also in the se(enthI for a )lanet al$a s a!ts a!!ordin3 to its o$n nat*re and its s)e!ifi! determinationsEes)e!iall those of lo!ation and r*lershi)" Th*s1 Mars or its r*ler in the ele(enth 3i(es militar friends or friends of )rominen!e1 or *)sets friendshi)s thro*3h D*arrels1 de)endin3 on $hether its !elestial state is fa(orable or *nfa(orableI Sat*rn in the t$elfth ho*se 3i(es Sat*rnian illnesses1 and so on for the other )lanets and ho*ses" Moreo(er1 e2)erien!e sho$s that the As!endant or a )lanet therein or that )lanet>s r*ler refer to the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 $hile the MC or its r*ler or a )lanet therein refer to the !areer and )*bli! honor1 and these are li8e$ise !onsidered the si3nifi!ators of these a!!idental D*alities or e(ents" Therefore1 the S*n in the tenth $ill sho$ the f*t*re o*t!ome of these a!!identals b its nat*re and its !elestial state1 and ma also sho$ the !a*ses of the !ir!*mstan!es !onne!ted $ith an f*t*re e(ent of a tenth ho*se nat*re1 or e(en its im)ossibilit or other !han3e of !ir!*mstan!e" ,hen $e sa that the As!endant si3nifies the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 $e *nderstand b that that )art of the caelum $hi!h o!!*)ies the be3innin3 of the first s)a!e b*t not the first s)a!e itself" For $ith re3ard to matters of health the As!endant is mo(ed b dire!tion and the dire!tional motion is different for ea!h )oint of the e!li)ti! in the same first s)a!e of the same 3eo3ra)hi!al lo!ation1 and the be3innin3 of that s)a!e has no motion sim)l be!a*se s)a!e is immobile" Therefore1 Sat*rn1 for e2am)le1 does not )ass o(er the As!endant in the same $a the eastern hori;on )asses b )rimar motion thro*3h the be3innin3 of the first s)a!e1 b*t onl $ith that se!ondar motion )ro)er to itself does it tra(el thro*3h that )art of the caelum $hi!h the first s)a!e o!!*)ied at the time of birth" Finall 1 the be3innin3 of that first s)a!e or ho*se is not effe!ti(e b*t onl determinati(e1 $hile the si3n or the )art of the caelum $hi!h o!!*)ies that s)a!e is effe!ti(e1 a!!ordin3 to its o$n nat*re and determinations" Therefore1 Aries on the As!endant )rod*!es one thin31 Ta*r*s another1 et!"1 either in the radi2 horos!o)e or thro*3h dire!tionsI and so the dire!tion of the As!endant in Libra to Mars is more *n9 fa(orable than $hen the As!endant is in Aries" The !elestial bodies a!t on the indi(id*al thin3s of the s*bl*nar $orld in fo*r $a sF b 3rantin3 the a!!idental thin3s to $hi!h the

refer b their determinations1 b den in3 these thin3s1 b remo(in3 $hat has been 3ranted :$hi!h is intermediate bet$een 3rantin3 and den in3<1 or b affe!tin3 in (ario*s $a s $hat has been 3ranted to the nati(eEbe it 3ood or illEthro*3h fort*nate or *nfort*nate s*bseD*ent !ir!*mstan!es" For e2am)le1 !hildren ma be 3ranted or denied1 or those 3ranted ma be ta8en a$a 1 or the ma be made fort*nate or *nfort*nate d*rin3 the father>s lifetime" From this it is !lear that the ta8in3 a$a of somethin3 )ertains to the final o*t!ome of a t h i n 3 3rantedI so1 )rofessional honors alread a!D*ired 3i(e rise to the D*estion of $hether the $ill be lastin3 and stable or not" Ho$e(er1 denial of somethin3Es*!h as $ealthEmeans not onl that there $ill be no $ealth for the nati(e obtained b his o$n efforts1 b*t it also means that sho*ld he 3ain some mone b inheritan!e from his )arents it $ill be dissi)ated and )o(ert $ill ens*e" Similarl 1 if the !a*ses $hi!h den brothers and sisters are )resent the nati(e not onl $ill ha(e no brothers o*n3er than himself1 b*t also those older $ill die1 as is sho$n in the birth horos!o)e of Lo*is Tronson1 $ho had Mars and Sat*rn in the third ho*se and $as the o*n3est and *ltimatel the sole s*r(i(or of t$el(e brothers and sisters" So therefore1 the )ossibilit of these (ar in3 sit*ations is to be !aref*ll st*died1 and if there seem to be se(eral1 the !om)arati(e stren3th of their effe!t m*st be $ei3hed $ith e(en 3reater !are" T$o thin3s are no$ !learF the )lanets indi!ate (ario*s a!!idental D*alities of the nati(e or !ir!*mstan!es )ertainin3 to his life thro*3h their lo!ation1 r*lershi)1 as)e!ts and antis!ion1 altho*3h a )lanet a!t*all lo!ated in a ho*se has 3reater )o$er than ho*se r*ler9shi) b a )lanet lo!ated else$here" Also1 b 3rantin31 den in31 remo(in31 or affe!tin3 in (ario*s $a s $hat is alread 3ranted1 the )lanets 3i(e f*rther indi!ations of the thin3s )ertainin3 to that ho*se"

CHAPTER II A single planet in a house If in a 3i(en ho*se of the horos!o)e a sin3le )lanet is fo*nd1 the a!tion of that )lanet is )rimaril on the a!!idental D*alities of the nati(e or e(ents in his life $hi!h )ertain to that ho*se1 and $ill e2ert a 3reater infl*en!e than an other )lanets r*lin3 or sendin3 as)e!ts to that ho*seE $hether these be in domi!ile or notEa!!ordin3 to the reason 3i(en abo(e that a )lanet>s )resen!e in a ho*se has a 3reater effe!t than r*lershi) o(er that ho*se b a )lanet lo!ated else$here1 be!a*se determination b lo!ation is immediate" This is !ontrar to the o)inion of #ellanti $hi!h $e ref*ted in !ha)ter 6 of Se!t" I1 b*t is s*))orted b %ar!ae*s/ in his Lib" de -*d" %enit"1 and -*n!tin*s4 in his !ommentar on !h" /G1 boo8 6 of the Tetrabiblos $here1 li8e Ori3an*s as $ell1 he !laims that a )lanet in the first ho*seE$hether in the as!endin3 si3n or in the si3n follo$in3Eis the )rin!i)al si3nifi!ator of the nati(e>s !hara!ter and the )artner of the r*ler of the As!endant" So if this is tr*e for the !hara!ter1 $h sho*ld it not be (alid in 7*d3ments on finan!es1 marria3e1 !areer1 et!"1 sin!e the )rin!i)le $o*ld remain the same for an ho*se" ,hen a )lanet is in its o$n si3n1 7*d3ment on these a!!idental thin3s $ill )lainl be in a!!ordan!e $ith its nat*re and !elestial and terrestrial state" -*d3ment is made from this )lanet on $hether it $ill !onfer the a!!idental thin3s attrib*ted to that ho*se or $hether it $ill den them1 im)ede1 or remo(e them later1 or affe!t them in some fort*nate or *nfort*nate $a " The )lanet>s nat*re is the first thin3 to be !onsidered1 then its !elestial state1 and last its determinations other than b lo!ationI if one of these !onsiderations is omitted the e(al*ation ma be defe!ti(e and ina!!*rate"
/ -ohannes %ar!ae*s is the Latini;ed form of the %erman -ohann %art;e $ho $as 'o!tor of Theolo3 at the Uni(ersit of ,ittenber3 :/?659/?AG<" His $or8 Astrologiae &ethodus $hi!h a))eared in abo*t /?A5 made him $ell98no$n" The referen!e abo(e is )robabl to a !ha)ter headin3 in this $or8"

-*n!tin*s is the Latini;ed name of the Italian Fran!es!o %i*ntini :/?469/?C5<" He $as one of the 3reatest astrolo3ers of his da I his )rin!i)al $or8 'peculum Astrologiae a))eared in /?@/"

An analo3 bet$een the )lanet>s nat*re and the ho*se>s a!!idental meanin3s sho*ld be $ell noted" For the S*n in the tenth sho$s )referment thro*3h its (er nat*re1 sin!e it bears an analo3 to and is therefore in nat*ral a3reement $ith this" On the other hand1 Sat*rn b nat*re denies )referment for the !ontrar reason" Ho$e(er1 this is by nature, for accidentally the S*n in the tenth $o*ld den )referment if in an ad(erse !elestial state s*!h as e2ile1 )ere3rine1 and sD*ared or o))osed b the malefi!s1 or alsoE$hi!h $o*ld ma8e thin3s $orseEits r*ler $ere ad(ersel )la!ed in addition" Or if it 3ranted somethin3 be!a*se of its lo!ation in the tenth and its analo3 the res*lt $o*ld be attended b diffi!*lties1 hindran!es and misfor9 t*nes1 $hi!h $o*ld be the 3reater the more affli!ted the !ondition of the S*n" On the other hand1 Sat*rn in the tenth !o*ld accidentally brin3 honors and )referment if it $ere in its o$n si3n1 or in e2altation1 oriental to the S*n1 mo(in3 ra)idl in for$ard motion1 and trine the Moon1 -*)iter or &en*s" And )lainl 1 Mars in the se(enth thro*3h its nat*re brin3s liti3ations and !onfli!ts $hi!h &en*s $o*ld b nat*re )re(ent or smooth o*t" -*)iter in the se!ond brin3s mone 1 $hi!h Sat*rn b nat*re denies and Mars sD*anders" Sat*rn in the t$elfth $ill brin3 se(ere illnesses1 se!ret enemies1 or )rison1 from $hi!h -*)iter b nat*re $ill liberate the nati(eI and so on for the other ho*ses and )lanets as $ill be e2)lained in detail later" So1 e(er )lanet $hose nat*re bears some analo3 to the meanin3 of the ho*se it o!!*)ies1 or o(er $hi!h it r*les1 3rants thatE$hether 3ood or illE$hi!h )arti!*larl !orres)onds to its !elestial state *nless this is stron3l )re(ented in some other $a " Ho$e(er1 if the )lanet>s nat*re is !ontrar to that meanin3 that )lanet ne3ates1 im)edes1 remo(es1 or !a*ses to be *nfort*nate the affairs of that ho*se" E(er )lanet in 3ood !elestial state1 s*!h as in its o$n si3n or in e2altation or tri)li!it 1 oriental to the S*n and o!!idental to the Moon1 free from ad(erse as)e!ts to malefi!s1 in dire!t and ra)id motion1 et!"1 is said to be benefi! *ni(ersall and for the $hole $orld1 and so $ill be a benefi! for an indi(id*al born at that timeEin $hate(er ho*se it ma a))earEand this is e(en more !ertain if it re!ei(es the fa(orable ra s of benefi!s" For the 3ood or e(il of a )lanet>s nat*re or !ondition is neither abolished nor altered b the> ho*ses b*t is merel 3i(en a s)e!ifi! determination1 and the )lanets are more effe!ti(e in their a!tion the more their !elestial state is in !onformit $ith their nat*res" For this reason the )o$er of the malefi!s is al$a s (er 3reatE)ossibl D*ite dan3ero*sE$hen in the se(enth1 ei3hth1 and t$elfth ho*ses :o)en enemies1 death1 illnesses and )rison< sim)l be!a*se the malefi! )lanets al$a s bear an analo3 $ith these ad(erse ho*se meanin3s an $a and in!line to s*!h thin3s thro*3h their (er nat*re" Therefore1 Mars e2alted in the se(enth ho*se in the horos!o)e of Prin!e %aston de Foi2 bro*3ht him

)o$erf*l enemies1 and Mars in Aries in the ei3hth ho*se in the horos!o)e of Henri d> Effiat bro*3ht him to a (iolent death1 as $ill be des!ribed in detail f*rther on" So1 Sat*rn and Mars in 3ood !elestial state and in fort*nate ho*ses besto$ 3ood1 in e(il ho*ses1 e(ilI if the are in the As!endant or the MC and either )ere3rine or in ad(erse !elestial state1 or stron3 b*t $itho*t di3nit in the first or the tenth1 the $ill !a*se 3reat e(ils1 $hi!h $ill be e(en $orse if in addition the are in bad as)e!t to the r*lers of the first and the tenth ho*ses" F*rthermore1 an )lanet in ad(erse !elestial state1 s*!h as in e2ile1 retro3rade1 in bad as)e!t to malefi!s1 and re!ei(in3 no 3ood as)e!ts from benefi!s1 !an be !onsidered malefi! *ni(ersall and for the $hole $orld and so also for an indi(id*al born at that timeEno matter in $hat ho*se it falls b either lo!ation or r*lershi)Ebe!a*se s*!h a !ondition (itiates the )lanet>s nat*re" The sit*ation $ill be e(en $orse for )lanets malefi! b nat*re1 be!a*se their ad(erse state $ill *s*all brin3 abo*t dis3ra!e1 !atastro)he1 dishonor1 loss of re)*tation1 e2ile1 )rison1 3ra(e illness1 a (iolent death and similar misfort*nes1 in a!!ordan!e $ith the determinations of the )lanet b lo!ation or r*lershi)" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn in Leo in the ei3hth ho*se of the '*! de Montmoren! sho$ed his (iolent death in dis3ra!e" Finall 1 a )lanet in an intermediate state s*!h as )ere3rine and ad(ersel !onfi3*rated b benefi!sEor fa(orabl so b malefi!sE$ill a!t in a moderate $a in )rod*!in3 3ood or e(il" #*t one sho*ld obser(e that the more $a s a )lanet is assisted in its !elestial state the more it is li8el to )rod*!e 3ood1 b*t the more $a s it is im)aired the more it $ill in!line to !a*se e(il" And it is so both *ni(ersall and )arti!*larl 1 for the *ni(ersal mode of a!tion is )er!ei(ed thro*3h )arti!*lars b*t al$a s determines the )arti!*lar" In 3eneral1 a benefi! )lanet in 3ood !elestial state lo!ated in the first1 se!ond1 third1 fo*rth1 fifth1 si2th1 se(enth1 ninth1 tenth1 or ele(enth ho*se :$hi!h are said to be fort*nate ho*ses in that the re)resent desirable thin3s< 3rants the 3ood thin3s of that ho*se1 and the res*lts $ill be real1 ab*ndant1 lastin31 and *nattended b diffi!*lties" In the se!ond ho*se it $ill brin3 mone 1 es)e!iall if its nat*re $o*ld seem to indi!ate that1 as $o*ld -*)iter for e2am)le" The S*n in the tenth ho*se $ill brin3 )*bli! honor or fame1 in the ele(enth friends amon3 8in3s1 )rin!es1 and noblesI &en*s in the se(enthEa bea*tif*l $ife and a ha)) marria3eI Mer!*r in the firstEe2!ellent mental D*alitiesI the S*n1 Sat*rn and -*)iter in the fo*rthE)arents or )osition and $ealth1 be!a*se ea!h of these )lanets in the stelli*m has an analo3 to )arentsI and so on for the other ho*ses" So1 one sho*ld al$a s obser(e in $hat $a the )lanet>s nat*re and !ondition !orres)ond $ith the meanin3s of the ho*ses" Ho$e(er1 a benefi! in a fort*nate ho*se in a stale $hi!h is ad(erse b si3n or thro*3h as)e!t either 3rants n o t h i n 3 1 or 3rants thin3s

attended b diffi!*lties or thro*3h e(il means1 or $hi!h are at best s!ant 1 s)*rio*s1 *nreliable1 or of little *se" A benefi! in an intermediate state 3rants more than if it $ere in an ad(erse state b*t $ith res)e!t to D*alit 1 D*antit 1 stabilit and d*ration it $ill a!t $ith onl moderate res*lts" On the other hand a malefi! in an ad(erse !elestial state b*t in a 3ood ho*se1 s*!h as the tenth1 $ill not 3rant the 3ood of that ho*seEthe honor or )resti3eEb*t rather $ill )re(ent that these sho*ld !ome abo*tI or if someho$ these do ta8e )la!e there $ill be misfort*nes1 es)e!iall thro*3h Sat*rn $hi!h is !ontrar b nat*re to honors" #*t a malefi! in 3ood state and in a fa(orable ho*se s*!h as the tenth $ill !a*se honors and )resti3e1 es)e!iall if in its e2altation :be!a*se e2altation1 amon3 the other )ossible di3nities of a )lanet1 is the one most analo3o*s to honors< and not sD*ared or o))osed or in some ad(erse relation to the S*n or Moon1 as the l*minaries are )arti!*larl analo3o*s to honors" In the se!ond it !an brin3 mone 1 )arti!*larl if fa(orabl as)e!ted b -*)iter $hi!h is analo3o*s to $ealthI and so on for the other ho*ses" Ho$e(er1 a malefi! e(en in 3ood state al$a s 3rants thin3s attended b im)erfe!tions1 or thro*3h e(il methods or in diffi!*lt $a s1 or $ith some a!!om)an in3 misfort*ne1 be!a*se of the malefi! nat*re of the )lanet thro*3h $hi!h it is more )rone to e(il than to 3ood" ,hen!e it !an be said that malefi!s in 3ood !elestial state in the fort*nate ho*ses are li8e a dissonan!e in mis*! that has been resol(ed to )rod*!e a !onsonan!e" Finall 1 a malefi! in an intermediate state neither 3rants nor ta8es a$a an thin3 b*t onl )re(ents the 3ood from ta8in3 )la!e1 es)e!iall if its nat*re is !ontrar to the 3ood1 as $o*ld be the !ase $ith Sat*rn in the tenth ho*se" Th*s1 Sat*rn in the se!ond in onl an intermediate state neither 3rants nor denies mone b*t thro*3h )arsimon and a(ari!e !onser(es $hate(er is obtainedI b*t Mars there sho$s Ihe sD*anderin3 of mone thro*3h )rodi3alit and foolish or *seless e2)endit*res" A benefi! in a 3ood !elestial state in the *nfort*nate ho*sesEthe ei3hth and t$elfthE)re(ents or miti3ates the e(il of these ho*ses1 and this also is tr*e for the se(enth $hi!h thro*3h the meanin3 of liti3ations and o)en enemies attrib*ted to it is sometimes e(il1 not so m*!h thro*3h its nat*re as thro*3h its o))osition to the first ho*seI it is this that forms the basis for its meanin3 of la$s*its and o)en enemies" So1 -*)iter in the t$elfthEthe ho*se of illnessesEma8es the nati(e s*b7e!t to fe$ diseases and e(en those $ill be eas to !*reI and this )lanet $ill liberate the nati(e from )rison as $ell as ma8e the nati(e ( i!to rio *s o(er hidden enemies" In the ei3hth it $ill )re(ent the nati(e>s death b (iolen!e or in dis3ra!e b*t instead ma8e it an eas one" For -*)iter thro*3h its nat*re and b analo3 does not in!line to

3ra(e and terrible diseases1 )rison1 or (iolent death1 and e(en less so the better is its !elestial state" No matter in $hat ho*se it ma be its nat*re does not (ar nor does its benefi! infl*en!e of the entire earth (ar $hile it remains in 3ood !elestial state b*t instead is onl s*b7e!t to determinations" ,hen!e it follo$s b the ne!essit of its o$n nat*re that it )romotes 3ood b*t diminishes or tem)ers e(ilI and all this is tr*e for other )lanets benefi! b nat*re and !elestial state" #*t a benefi! )lanet in ad(erse !elestial state1 in the t$elfth or ei3hth ho*se or the r*ler of one of these ho*ses1 $ill not )re(ent disease and ma e(en !a*se serio*s ones1 nor $ill it )re(ent a (iolent death1 es)e!iall if this is sho$n in some other $a " For e2am)le1 Cardinal Ri!helie*>s horos!o)e had -*)iter in %emini in the ei3hth ho*se $ith the fi2ed star o!*l*s Ta*r*s1 $hi!h sho$ed his death from a terrible disease" Also1 the horos!o)e of Henri d>Effiat had -*)iter $ith the S*n and Mars in the ei3hth and he $as de!a)itatedI the horos!o)e of Monsie*r des Ha es had -*)iter in %emini in the ei3hth ho*se $ith o!*l*s Ta*r*s and Mars r*ler of the As!endant1 as $ell as the Moon in the se(enth $ith the Pleiades and the fi2ed star !a)*t Med*sae1 and sD*are to the S*n r*ler of the MC1 and he too $as de!a)itated b order of the 8in3"/ In m o$n horos!o)e I ha(e -*)iterEr*ler of the ei3hthEand Sat*rn both in the t$elfth and ha(e s*ffered from man serio*s diseases b*t l*!8il re!o(ered be!a*se of 3ood medi!al treatmentI I also ha(e been in dan3er of a (iolent death se(eral times and $as on!e (er 3ra(el $o*nded" Finall 1 a benefi! in an intermediate state neither !a*ses e(il nor )re(ents it b*t onl miti3ates it" On the other hand1 a malefi! in 3ood !elestial state in an *nfort*nate ho*se $ill not ta8e a$a the e(ilEthat is1 it $ill not )re(ent it from ta8in3 )la!eEb*t instead $ill res!*e the nati(e from that e(il1 or tem)er it thro*3h its o$n 3ood !elestial state" And also1 the +in3 of S$eden had Mars in the t$elfth in S!or)io b*t $as not si!8l 1 and $as ne(er in!ar!erated or !r*shed b hidden enemies" One !an see therefore ho$ m*!h more effe!ti(el benefi!s in 3ood !elestial state in *nfort*nate ho*ses !an be e2)e!ted to remo(e the ills of those ho*ses" Henri d>Effiat had the S*n1 -*)iter1 and Mars in Aries in the ei3hth and he died a (iolent death thro*3h Mars1 a )*bli! one thro*3h the S*n1 and b 7*di!ial de!ision thro*3h -*)iter" #e!a*se this !ombination sD*ared Mer!*r 1 the r*ler of the As!endant and the MC1 and Sat*rn $as in the tenth and *nfriendl to the ei3hth
/ In !itin3 e2am)le horos!o)es the a*thor D*ite nat*rall t*rns to those )ersonalities and e(ents $hi!h $ere at the time $idel 8no$n and the s*b7e!t of m*!h dis!*ssion" Henri d>Effiat1 the MarD*is de CinD9Mars1 at first a fa(orite of the 8in3 :Lo*is KIII< $as beheaded in /0G4 for !ons)ira! on the order of Cardinal Ri!helie*" Lo*is des Ha es and the '*e de Montmoren! $ere li8e$ise e2e!*ted for )lottin3 a3ainst Ri!helie*"

ho*se !*s) as $ell as in bad as)e!t to the S*n1 -*)iter1 and Mars1 the indi!ations of a (iolent death $ere in!reased" So1 it is !lear one m*st )a attention to man fa!tors in ma8in3 these astrolo3i!al 7*d3ments" A malefi! in ad(erse !elestial state in an *nfort*nate ho*se1 $hose e(il it stron3l )romotes1 brin3s the $orse )ossible !ir!*mstan!es and e(en infam 1 dis3ra!e or (iolen!e" So1 Sat*rn in ad(erse !elestial state in the t$elfth $ill !a*se lon3 and serio*s illnesses $hi!h are diffi!*lt to !*re1 or )rison and hidden enemiesI in the ei3hth a fearf*l or (iolent death1 as is sho$n in the horos!o)e of the '*! de Montmoren! $here Sat*rn is in Leo in the ei3hth" This is be!a*se )lanets malefi! b nat*re and in a !elestial state in a!!ordan!e $ith that nat*re )ortend e(il for the entire $orld for as lon3 as that state shall lastI and for indi(id*als $ho are born d*rin3 this time it is still $orse if these )lanets refer b lo!al determination to the e(il affairs of the *nfort*nate ho*ses" Nor is this state to be !onstr*ed from the si3n onl 1 b*t from the as)e!ts $ith other )lanets as $ell" For Sat*rn1 e(en in its domi!ile or in e2altation1 still in!lines b nat*re more to e(il than to 3ood1 and if it is in the t$elfth or ei3hth and affli!ted b sD*are or o))osition to a Mars $hi!h is also *n9 fa(orabl )la!ed1 it is at its most )o$erf*l for )rod*!in3 e(il" Finall 1 a malefi! in an intermediate state in the *nfort*nate ho*ses does not )re(ent e(il1 b*t instead !a*ses it to ta8e )la!eI the res*lt is more serio*s the more ad(ersel the )lanet is )la!ed" For ea!h of the )lanets1 then1 al$a s !onsider their nat*re and !elestial state and their lo!ation in a )arti!*lar ho*se" And one sho*ld note that the meanin3 of an 3i(en ho*se is t$ofoldF one essential oneE s*!h as mone for the se!ond ho*seEand another accidental one $hi!h arises from the meanin3 of the o))osite ho*seI hen!e death is the a!!idental meanin3 of the se!ond ho*se" Similarl 1 the essential meanin3 of the si2th ho*se is ser(ants and animals b*t the a!!idental one is illness1 )rison1 and hidden enemiesI and so on for the other ho*ses" Moreo(er1 a benefi! )lanet in 3ood !elestial state in an *n9fort*nate ho*se $ill diminish the essential e(il of this ho*se b*t )romote the a!!idental 3ood thin3s )ertainin3 to it" Therefore1 -*)iter in 3ood !elestial state in the ei3hth ho*se indi!ates an eas death be!a*se it is in the ei3hth1 b*t also indi!ates mone b reason of the o))osition of the se!ond ho*se to the ei3hth" Ho$e(er1 the o))osition of a malefi! )lanet Eno matter $hat state it ma be in al$a s )ortends e(il or diffi!*lties" From this dis!*ssion it sho*ld be !lear that e(il is al$a s !a*sed b either the malefi! nat*re of a )lanet or its ad(erse !elestial state1 thro*3h $hi!h its infl*en!e is either debilitated or (itiated $hen that infl*en!e is b nat*re malefi! an $a " %ood thin3s1 ho$e(er1 !ome abo*t thro*3h the benefi! nat*re of a )lanet or its fa(orable !elestial state" And so1 a benefi! )lanet in 3ood !elestial state $ill be the most

!ertain to )rod*!e 3ood and )re(ent e(il1 or o(er!ome it1 or at least diminish it" #*t a malefi! in ad(erse !elestial state is also 7*st as )o$erf*l for the !ontrar be!a*se this ad(erse state brin3s to the )lanets a !ertain e(il thro*3h $hi!h the nat*re of the malefi!s is made still $orse and the nat*re of the benefi!s is (itiated" And so1 a benefi! )lanet in 3ood !elestial state and in a fort*nate ho*se $ill 3rant the 3ood thin3s of that ho*se $ith ease and in ab*ndan!eI in an *nfort*nate ho*se it $ill free the nati(e from the thin3s si3nified b that ho*se1 or $ill *ltimatel 3rant the 3ood $hi!h is ho)ed $ill iss*e from the sit*ation1 s*!h as re!o(er from illness1 release from )rison1 (i!tor o(er one>s enemies1 or e2em)tion from a (iolent death1 sin!e death itselfEbe!a*se of Adam>s sinE!an ne(er be a(oided" On the other hand1 a malefi! in 3ood !elestial state in a fort*nate ho*se $ill )romote the 3ood of that ho*se if it re!ei(es the fa(orable ra s of benefi! )lanets1 and in *nfort*nate ho*ses $ill res!*e one from the e(il1 or lessen itI b*t if it is only in its domi!ile or e2altation it $ill still be more )o$erf*l for e(il than an thin3 else be!a*se of the in!rease in its malefi! nat*re" The reason behind all this is the fa!t that the deter9 minations of a )lanet are most effe!ti(e $hen malefi!s refer b lo!al determination to e(il affairs1 and benefi!s to fort*nate affairs" ,hen a )lanet>s nat*re and s)e!ifi! determination are not similar the malefi!s !annot brin3 abo*t the 3ood of the ho*se or onl do so a!!om)anied b dan3er1 diffi!*lt or in!om)leteness1 $hile the benefi!s !a*se little or no e(il1 or if a 3reat e(il !omes abo*t the still res!*e the nati(e from it" And e(er )lanet in 3ood !elestial state is said to be benefi! if in a fort*nate ho*seEstill more so if its nat*re is benefi!" In ad(erse !elestial state a )lanet is malefi!1 es)e!iall in an *nfort*nate ho*seEstill more so if its nat*re is malefi!" For from a benefi! )lanet1 or a )lanet in 3ood !elestial state1 3ood and e(il do not eD*all arise other$ise its nat*re or its benefi! state $o*ld be of no im)ort" And similarl 1 a )lanet malefi! b nat*re or in ad(erse !elestial state !annot eD*all 3i(e rise to 3ood and e(il other$ise it $o*ld be falsel said to be a malefi! or a )lanet in ad(erse !elestial state" For )lanets benefi! b nat*re or in 3ood !elestial state brin3 fa(or b 3rantin3 3ood in fort*nate ho*ses and )re(entin3 the e(il of the *nfort*nate ho*ses1 $hile )lanets malefi! b nat*re or in ad(erse !elestial state brin3 e(il in the *nfort*nate ho*ses and )re(ent the 3ood in the fort*nate ones" Other$ise1 if a )lanet thro*3h its o$n nat*re or !elestial state )rod*!ed 3ood in fort*nate ho*ses and e(il in *nfort*nate ones there !o*ld be no reason for sa in3 that it $as b nat*re an more benefi! than malefi!1 or an more fa(orable than *nfa(orable b !elestial state" Ho$e(er1 3ood is re)resented not onl b the a))earan!e of a!t*al 3ood b*t also b the )re(ention of e(il1 and e(il is also9re)resented b the )re(ention of 3oodI and so 3ood is )re(ented b the !a*sation of e(il and e(il is )re(ented b :he !a*sation of 3ood1

After a )lanet>s determination b a!t*al lo!ation is 8no$n1 its other determinations in the horos!o)e m*st then be ta8en into !onsideration" First1 a )lanet $ill ha(e besides its determination b lo!ation another determination thro*3h r*lershi)1 and if both these determinations sho*ld ha(e referen!e to the same ho*se1 the )lanet $ill ha(e ma2im*m infl*en!e o(er the affairs of that ho*se and $ill brin3 abo*t in a !ons)i!*o*s $a those thin3s if in a 3ood ho*se $hile tem)erin3 or e(en )re(entin3 them if in an *nfa(orable one" #*t if both determinations sho*ld refer to different ho*sesEthat is1 if a )lanet is in one ho*se b*t r*ler of anotherEthe meanin3s of ea!h ho*se are then !ombinedI ho$e(er1 the meanin3 of the ho*se $hi!h the )lanet o!!*)ies ta8es )re!eden!e be!a*se the a!t*al lo!ation of a )lanet has 3reater effe!t than its r*lershi) o(er another ho*se $here it is not lo!ated" So1 if a )lanet in a 3ood !elestial state is in the se!ond ho*se and at the same time r*ler of the se(enth1 mone $ill !ome to the nati(e thro*3h marria3e1 liti3ations or !onfli!tsI if it $ere r*ler of the tenth mone $o*ld !ome thro*3h the nati(e>s )rofession and 3ood re)*te" On the other hand1 if a )lanet in an ad(erse !elestial state $ere in the se!ond and r*ler of the se(enth or tenth1 the !ontrar $o*ld o!!*r and finan!ial hardshi) thro*3h marria3e1 liti3ations or !onfli!ts1 or from )rofessional a!ti(ities $o*ld be the res*lt" Ho$e(er1 a )lanet sho*ld not ha(e a determination b r*lershi) $hi!h is !ontrar in meanin3 to that b lo!ationI for e2am)le1 Mars in the first and r*ler of the ei3hth $o*ld be inimi!al to life itself for a (iolent death or the dan3er of one is )ortended" Moreo(er1 a )lanet $hose infl*en!e is alread modified b its lo!ation !an be modified e(en f*rther b another )lanet thro*3h a !on7*n!tion or as)e!t1 in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re and meanin3s thro*3h analo3 inherent in the other )lanet" And so1 a benefi! in the tenth1 !on7*n!t or trine the S*n1 !learl indi!ates honors be!a*se of the S*n>s analo3 $ith honor and )resti3eI in the se!ond and trine -*)iter it $o*ld indi!ate $ealth" #*t a malefi! in the ei3hth !on7*n!t Mars or in sD*are or o))osition to it sho$s a (iolent or !r*el deathI in the t$elfth and sD*are Sat*rn1 )rison and dread diseasesI and so on" And the !ertaint of the effe!t de)ends on the !ondition of the )lanets in(ol(ed" Finall 1 it is )ossible to ma8e a f*rther determination thro*3h the other )lanet insofar as it too is modified b its lo!ation and r*ler9shi)1 so that a )lanet in the first1 if it $ere !on7*n!t the r*ler of the t e n t h or in stron3 as)e!t to it or to a )lanet in the tenth1 $o*ld in!line the nati(e to o*tstandin3 deeds and foretells a )rofession $hi!h $ill res*lt in honor and )resti3e" If it $ere !on7*n!t1 sD*are1 or in o))osition to the r*ler of the ei3hth dan3er of a (iolent death is sho$n" And the same )rin!i)le is to be a))lied to the other )lanets and ho*ses1 es)e!iall $hen the meanin3s of the ho*ses !an be !ombined1

for herein lies the real se!ret of ma8in3 7*d3ments" It is also !lear ho$ im)ortant it is to as!ertain the most (alid method of ere!tin3 a horos!o)e1 as this )ro!ed*re affe!ts the determinations of the )lanets b their lo!ation and r*lershi) in the ho*ses" ,hat has been stated here !on!ernin3 a sin3le )lanet in a ho*se is to to be ta8en to refer to the r*ler of that ho*se also1 $ith the *n9 derstandin31 ho$e(er1 that a )lanet>s lo!ation ta8es )re!eden!e o(er its r*lershi) b si3n in the ho*ses"

CHAPTER III %ore than one planet in a house If se(eral )lanets are in the same ho*se the essential meanin3s of that ho*se are affe!ted b all the )lanets )resent1 and ea!h is to be !onsidered a!!ordin3 to its nat*re and !elestial state as $ell as its determinations other than b lo!ation1 in the manner 3i(en in !h" 4 for a sin3le )lanet" From this inD*ir it sho*ld be!ome fairl !lear $hi!h of these )lanets $ill ha(e the 3reatest )o$er to 3rant1 den 1 remo(e1 or !a*se misfort*nes for those ho*se meanin3s1 as $ell as to $hat de3ree this )lanet $ill be assisted or hindered b the others1 and $hat ea!h one !an be e2)e!ted to effe!t $ith res)e!t to the affairs of that ho*se" A 7*d3ment is then made on this !ombination of infl*en!es1 and this does not *s*all )ro!eed $itho*t a !ertain diffi!*lt $hi!h is the 3reater the more )lanets are in the ho*se1 and es)e!iall $hen benefi!s and malefi!s a))ear to3ether" For $hen all the )lanets are either malefi!s or benefi!s the 7*d3ment is sim)le" The follo$in3 obser(ations are to be !onsidered" First" ,hen three1 fo*r1 or fi(e )lanets are in the same ho*se this ho*se is !learl more im)ortant than the others for it indi!ates somethin3 o*tstandin3 in !onne!tion $ith the affairs of that ho*se1 and the more )lanets are in that ho*se the more the indi!ate somethin3 im)ortantEbe it 3ood or ill" An e2am)le of this is m o$n horos!o)e $here &en*s1 S*n1 -*)iter1 Sat*rn and the Moon are in the :$elfth ho*se" I ha(e had se(eral serio*s diseases $hi!h $ere diffi!*lt to !*re1 and more than on!e $as almost )*t in 7ail be!a*se of o*thf*l lollies1 at least ten times $as !lose to a (iolent death and ha(e e2)erien!ed all 8inds of dan3ers" Si2teen times I ha(e enlisted in the ser(i!e of others1 $hi!h is a thin3 not dissimilar to in!ar!eration or !a)ti(it 1 and ha(e had man enemies thro*3h en( 1 and nobles $ho treated me *nfairl Eone of $hi!h $as Cardinal Ri!helie*" Sat*rn in the t$elfth ho*se !a*sed all these thin3s be!a*se it bears an analo3 to these e(ilsI b*t I al$a s el*ded the (er $orst d*e to -*)iter and &en*s in 3ood !elestial state1 and it is tr*e that from the dan3er of a (iolent death I $as res!*ed on more than fi(e o!!asions thro*3h d i ( i n e 3oodness and mer! Eon!e mira!*lo*sl 1 $hen I $as thro$n

from horseba!8 and $as in the 3reatest dan3er of deathI ma the Lord be )raised b all his saints and I be amon3 them for all eternit 1 Amen" S*!h a sit*ation is sho$n in the horos!o)e of the $ell98no$n Lo*is Tronson $here the Moon1 -*)iter1 &en*s and Mer!*r are in the tenth and r*led b the S*n in the ele(enthI he re!ei(ed man hi3h honors from Lo*is KIII for his o*tstandin3 a!!om)lishments and faithf*l ser(i!e" A3ain1 it is sho$n in the horos!o)e of Henri d> Effiat $ho had the S*n1 -*)iter and Mars in the ei3hth and $hose death $as (iolent thro*3h Mars1 a )*bli! one thro*3h the S*n1 and b 7*di!ial de!ision thro*3h -*)iter" Se!ond" ,hen se(eral )lanets are )la!ed in the same ho*se ea!h of them a!ts in a!!ordan!e $ith its nat*re and determinations both se)aratel and in asso!iation $ith the other )lanets" Third" If o*t of se(eral )lanets in the same ho*se a )arti!*lar one has an analo3 to the affairs of that ho*se1 or is r*ler of the others1 or one )lanet has an analo3 $hile another is r*ler1 these )lanets are to be 3i(en )rime !onsideration as the $ill be the most !a)able of )rod*!in3 the 3ood of the ho*se1 or !a*sin3 the e(il or remo(in3 it" Th*s1 in m horos!o)e -*)iter and Sat*rn are to be ta8en as the most im)ortant" Mars1 ho$e(er1 is to be !onsidered the most im)ortant )lanet in the ei3hth ho*se of Henri d>Effiat sin!e it is both analo3o*s to (iolent death and r*ler of the other )lanets" Fo*rth" The )lanet !losest to the !*s) sho*ld be noted $ell as this )osition is (er im)ortant on a!!o*nt of the stren3th of the !*s)" So1 the )lanet of main distin!tion is to be so*3htEb bein3 either the r*ler of the ho*se1 bein3 e2alted therein1 ha(in3 an analo3 to the ho*se meanin3s1 or bein3 nearest to the !*s)" If all these sho*ld refer to the same )lanet that one $ill ha(e b far the 3reatest )o$er o(er the affairs of the ho*se" Fifth" ,hen t$o or more )lanets are )la!ed in the same ho*se and some are analo3o*s to the meanin3s of the ho*se $hile others are !ontrar to themEfor e2am)le1 $hen the S*n and Sat*rn are both in the tenth the S*n is analo3o*s to honors $hile Sat*rn is b nat*re !ontrar to themEit m*st be as!ertained $hi!h )lanet is most )o$erf*l for )rod*!in3 the 3ood or ill of the ho*se or for remo(in3 or hinderin3 this 3ood or ill1 in a!!ordan!e $ith the )ro!ed*re o*tlined in !h" 41 for the stron3er )lanet al$a s has the 3reater effe!t" Ho$e(er1 in e(al*atin3 the balan!e bet$een the 3ood or ill reason m*st be *sed1 for if Sat*rn is in Can!er and the S*n in Leo honors $ill !ome thro*3h the )o$er of the S*n in Leo as $ell as b analo3 1 b*t in these affairs misfort*nes $ill not be la!8in3 be!a*se of Sat*rn $hi!h is !ontrar b nat*re to honors and in an ad(erse !elestial state" If the $ere both )ere3rineEas in S!or)ioEhonors $o*ld be indi!ated b neither )lanet1 for to the same de3ree that the S*n indi!ates them Sat*rn $ill

o))ose them" It is )ossible1 tho*3h1 that the mi3ht o!!*r thro*3h some other means1 s*!h as a trine of -*)iter to the S*n1 b*t misfort*nes $o*ld ha(e to be e2)e!ted in !onne!tion $ith these honors be!a*se of Sat*rn" Ho$e(er1 if both $ere in Libra $here the S*n is in e2ile and Sat*rn is e2alted honors mi3ht !ome abo*t thro*3h the e2alted Sat*rn1 and the S*n $o*ld fa(or these more thro*3h its analo3 than it $o*ld o))ose them thro*3h its )la!ement in e2ile" Similar 7*d3ments are to be !aref*ll tho*3ht o*t in all other !ases" Si2th" It freD*entl ha))ens that t$o benefi!s or t$o malefi!s are fo*nd in the same ho*se1 or sometimes a benefi! $ith a malefi!" T$o benefi!s al$a s indi!ate somethin3 3oodE$hether b a!t*all !on9 ferrin3 the 3ood or b freein3 one from the e(ilEand this res*lt $ill be the more !ertain the better their !elestial state" #*t t$o malefi!s al$a s indi!ate somethin3 e(ilEeither b !a*sin3 the e(il or )re(entin3 or s)oilin3 the 3oodE*nless both malefi!s are stron3 b si3n and in fort*nate ho*ses" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn and Mars in Ca)ri!orn in the se!ond $as benefi!ial for $ealth for de Cha(i3n 1 and Mars in Ca)ri!orn and Sat*rn in AD*ari*s in the se(enth sho$ed benefits in !onne!tion $ith the marria3es of Prin!e %aston de Foi2"/ #*t the 3ood !a*sed b malefi!s is ne(er *nmi2ed $ith e(il1 and so in matters of $ealth the !a*se a(ari!e or ra)a!it and in marria3e the death of the s)o*seI in other $ords1 the stir *) serio*s diffi!*lties des)ite the )o$er the also ha(e to 3rant the benefits of that ho*se" Se(enth" If a benefi! follo$s another benefi! in a fort*nate ho*se the res*ltin3 3ood $ill be !ertain to !ome and $ill remain stable" #*t if a malefi! follo$s the benefi!1 the 3ood $ill *ltimatel end in some 8ind of e(il or $ill be im)eded or hindered" And if a benefi! follo$s a benefi! in an *nfort*nate ho*se the e(ils $ill not ta8e )la!e or $ill be (er m*!h atten*ated" If a malefi! follo$s a benefi! it is !ertain that the e(il $ill o!!*r be!a*se of the nat*re of the ho*se1 $hile if a benefi! follo$s a malefi! the e(il $ill also o!!*r b*t the nati(e $ill *ltimatel be freed from itI b*t if a malefi! follo$s another malefi! the e(ils $ill be most serio*s nor $ill the nati(e be freed from them" Note1 ho$e(er1 that b Hbenefi!H or Hmalefi!H $e mean the !ombined assessment of the )lanet>s nat*re1 !elestial state1 and lo!al determinations as $ell" So1 a benefi! in the tenth a))l in3 to a !on7*n!tion $ith an e2alted Sat*rn $o*ld (er !ertainl indi!ate honors1 $hile a )lanet in the t$elfth a))l in3 to a !on7*n!tion $ith the r*ler of the ei3hth most !ert a i n l foretells an illness and a 3ra(e threat to life" Ei3hth" ,hen t$o or more )lanets are lo!ated in the same ho*se
/ %aston de Foi21 '*8e of Orleans and brother of Lo*is KIII" At the insti3ation of his mother and Cardinal Ri!helie* he married1 a3ainst his o$n $ill1 Mme" de Mont)ensier $ho $as one of the ri!hest heiresses in E*ro)e" She died $ithin a ear and he married Mar3aret of Lorraine"

and their r*ler is )la!ed else$here one sho*ld !onsider $ell the ho*se in $hi!h that r*ler a!t*all is1 for in the affairs of this ho*se the ori3in of the 3ood or e(il is to be fo*nd" Th*s1 in the horos!o)e of Lo*is Tronson the S*n1 r*ler of the Moon1 -*)iter and &en*s in the tenth1 is itself )la!ed in the ele(enth and foretells )*bli! honors b means of friendsEand noble or )rin!el ones at that" Ninth" T$o )lanets in the same ho*se !an be !ombined $ith ea!h other in nine different $a s as ea!h is to be !onsidered in three $a sE a!!ordin3 to its nat*re1 !elestial state1 and lo!al determination in the horos!o)eI $hate(er !on!l*sions are dra$n !an be !ombined $ith the same three !onditions for the other )lanet" And 7*st here arises the 3reat diffi!*lt in )redi!ti(e astrolo3 "

CHAPTER IV The ruler of a house is located in some other house& !hether the meanings of both houses are al!ays combined ,e $ill no$ dis!*ss a matter of the *tmost im)ortan!e in 7*di!ial astrolo3 $hi!h *) to no$ has been i3nored b other $riters" It has alread been sho$n that a )lanet does not a!t inde)endentl of the si3n in $hi!h it is )la!ed1 b*t is al$a s de)endent on it1 and the si3n is a )art of the primum caelum or the first !a*se in nat*re1 and $as determined initio mundi in a!!ordan!e $ith the 3i(en nat*re of the )lanets" This de)enden!e of the )lanet on the si3n f*n!tions li8e an asso!iation or )artnershi) and is !onfirmed in the birth9horos!o)e1 for a )lanet>s )osition in the caelum ass*mes meanin3 in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n nat*re and its )la!ement in one or another of the si3nsEfrom $hi!h obser(ation $e sa a )lanet is in a 3ood or ad(erse !elestial stateEand these relationshi)s are retained $ith res)e!t to the nati(e for his entire life" For e2am)le1 the )osition of the S*n in AD*ari*s $ill retain the nat*re of the S*n in an ad(erse !elestial state thro*3ho*t the nati(e>s lifetime" And the dire!tion of the si3nifi!ators to these )la!es demonstrates this as do also the transits of the )lanets o(er them1 for transitin3 )lanets a!t a!!ordin3 to the nat*re and !onditions of the )ositions in(ol(ed1 as e(er 9da e2)erien!e )ro(es" F*rthermore1 the a!tion of a si3n is al$a s de)endent on the nat*re and D*alit of its r*ler1 for it de)ends on it essentiall sin!e it is a si3nI and if the r*ler of an si3n $ere someho$ ta8en a$a from :he $orld that si3n $o*ld no lon3er a!t as a si3n1 b*t as onl a )art of the primum caelum. It is for this reason a )lanet is ri3htl said to r*le its si3n1 to )reside o(er it1 and also to r*le the ho*se into $hi!h that si3n fallsEin other $ords1 to r*le the essential meanin3s of that ho*seEsin!e their manifestation and de(elo)ment de)end on that r*ler as on an effi!ient !a*se" It is less )ro)erl said to r*le another )lanet a!t*all )la!ed in the si3n1 for1 if Mars $ere someho$ ta8en a$a from the $orld1 -*)iter )la!ed in that )art of the caelum !alled Aries $o*ld not !ease to a!t a!!ordin3 to its -*)iterian nat*reI for altho*3h Aries and -*)iter ma !ombine their D*alities1 ea!h a!ts se)aratel and in a!!ordan!e $ i t h its o$n nat*reEAries martiall 1

-*)iter 7o(iall E so that if Mars $ere remo(ed from the $orld the martial D*alit of Aries $o*ld !ease1 b*t not the 7o(ial nat*re of -*)iter" #*t sin!e a )lanet a!ts not onl in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n nat*re b*t also its !elestial stateE$hi!h al$a s (aries b si3n and as)e!ts $ith other )lanetsEthe a!tion of a si3n de)ends on both the nat*re and the !elestial state of its r*ler" E2)erien!e )ro(es this be!a*se1 for e2am)le1 $hen the r*ler of the As!endant is in e2ile and in !on7*n!tion1 sD*are1 or o))osition to a malefi! )lanet it al$a s bodes ill for the meanin3s of the As!endant" ,hen!e it follo$s that sin!e a )lanet a!ts onl in de)enden!e on the si3n $herein )la!ed1 and the si3n in de)enden!e on the nat*re and state of its r*ler1 the a!tion of a )lanet in a si3n other than its o$n $ill be de)endent on the nat*re and state of its r*lerI and this is a fa!t al$a s to be borne in mind" So it is that in e(al*atin3 the affairs of the As!endant1 $hi!h stands for the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 !hara!ter and tem)erament1 one sho*ld not 7*st !onsider the r*ler of the As!endant b itself1 b*t1 if this is not in domi!ile the r*ler of the other si3n as $ell" I !all this )lanet the se!ondar r*ler of the As!endant and it freD*entl re)resents the )rin!i)al for!e in sha)in3 the affairs of the As!endant1 and is therefore a most si3nifi!ant )oint to !onsider in ma8in3 7*d3mentsI the same is also tr*e for the r*ler of the MC1 the S*n1 et!" Ho$e(er1 one ne(er 3oes on to !onsider the r*ler of the se!ondar r*ler as ha(in3 an effe!t1 other$ise he $ill end *) in a (i!io*s !ir!leI for the more the li3ht is bent the $ea8er it be!omes1 and the same is tr*e !on!ernin3 these r*lers" Moreo(er1 as the a!tion of a )lanet ma be !onsidered universal and indeterminate $ith res)e!t to the entire $orld1 b*t no )arti!*lar :as it $o*ld be in the birth9horos!o)e of an indi(id*al<1 a si3n ma be !onsidered in its *ni(ersal a!tion to be de)endent solel on the !elestial state of its r*lerI b*t in its )arti!*lar a!tion on an indi(id*al at birth to be de)endent on the terrestrial state of its r*ler1 or b its lo!al determinations in the horos!o)e" And therefore1 the S*n1 r*ler of the As!endant and in the tenth ho*se1 raises the nati(e to honors1 $hile in the ei3hth it indi!ates he ma die in a )*bli! )la!e and b (iolen!e if affli!ted at the same time b Sat*rn or Mars" A )lanet>s a!tion is more dire!t and indi!ates somethin3 )ertainin3 to a ho*se thro*3h its determination b lo!ation in the horos!o)e $ith 3reater effe!t than thro*3h its determination b r*ler9shi)I $hen!e it is !ommonl )hrased that Hlo!ation is stron3er than r*lershi)"H Consider the si3n Ca)ri!orn in the t$elfth ho*se :si3nif in3 Sat*rnian diseases< and Sat*rn in the tenthF Ca)ri!orn has deri(ed its nat*re from Sat*rn initio mundi and $ill of !o*rse effe!t somethin3 Sat*rnian" Illnesses res*lt not be!a*se of Sat*rn b*t be!a*se of Ca)ri!orn>s lo!ation in the t$elfth1 and sin!e this ho*se

refers to illnesses the Sat*rnian si3n Ca)ri!orn indi!ates the )arti!*lar 8ind of diseaseI in short1 Ca)ri!orn in the t$elfth !a*ses Sat*rnian diseases" Ho$e(er1 the )o$er to !a*se them is not inherent in the si3n Ca)ri!orn b*t in its r*ler Sat*rn on $hi!h Ca)ri!orn>s a!tion de)ends1 as $as stated else$here" Therefore1 if Sat*rn in the tenth e2erts a 3reater infl*en!e on the affairs of the t$elfth than the si3n Ca)ri!orn in the t$elfth1 it $ill ha(e an e(en 3reater infl*en!e o(er the affairs of the tenth than the t$elfth $hen a!t*all in the tenth1 be!a*se in the tenth it a!ts on its o$n1 b*t in the t$elfth thro*3h the intermediar of its si3n" For similar reasons1 the r*ler of the first in the ninth !on7*n!t the r*ler of the se(enth refers more to reli3ion than to marria3e1 !onfli!ts1 et!"I on the other hand1 the r*ler of the first in the se(enth !on7*n!t the r*ler of the ninth in!lines more to matrimon 1 liti3ations1 and !onfli!ts than to reli3ion" Ho$e(er1 one m*st ma8e an e2!e)tion of the first ho*se $hose essential meanin3sEthe )h si!al !onstit*tion1 !hara!ter1 et!"Eare of )rimar im)ortan!e and the basis of all else1 and $hi!h ne!essaril m*st be e(al*ated first of all" For it is tr*e that the !hara!ter and other first ho*se meanin3s are des!ribed more !learl b the )lanet ruling the As!endant than the affairs of the other ho*ses are des!ribed b an )lanet a!t*all lo!ated in them1 e(en $hen that )lanet is !on7*n!t its r*ler" Therefore1 the r*ler of the first in another ho*se des!ribes the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 len3th of life1 !hara!ter and dis)osition in a!!or9 dan!e $ith the meanin3s of the ho*se in $hi!h it is a!t*all )la!edI and this )lanet $ill ha(e an e(en 3reater effe!t if it also r*les this other ho*se" #*t as far as the remainin3 ho*ses are !on!erned1 the r*ler of the t$elfth1 for e2am)le1 in the ele(enth $o*ld indi!ate hidden enemies $ho be!ome friends rather than the re(erseI and the reasonin3 is the same for the other ho*ses" It ma be ob7e!ted that the MC sho*ld be !onsidered more im9 )ortant in matters )ertainin3 to honors and the )rofession than the r*ler of the MC1 e(en $hen that r*ler is also )la!ed in the tenth ho*seI as is )ro(ed thro*3h dire!tions" ,hen!e it is that in the affairs of the tenth onl the dire!tions of the MC are !onsidered b Ptolem and his s*!!essors1 and therefore the si3n is more effe!ti(e than its r*ler1 $hether that r*ler is in domi!ile or not" I $o*ld re)l that the MC does not ha(e that 3reater )o$er be!a*se of an si3n or si3n9de3ree b*t sim)l from the fa!t that a )ar9li!*lar de3ree o!!*)ies the tenth ho*se !*s)1 $hi!h is the most ef9fe!ti(e )oint of that ho*se1 re3ardless of $hat de3ree or si3n ma o!!*) it" And so1 the a!tion of a )lanet also o!!*) in3 that de3ree $o*ld be e(en more effe!ti(e than the de3ree b itself1 es)e!iall if that )lanet is in its o$n si3n1 for in some other its nat*re $o*ld be $ea8er on a!!o*nt of the !ombination of different D*alities"

One sho*ld note that the r*ler of a ho*se lo!ated in that ho*se has remar8able )o$er to assist the affairs of that ho*se if it is a fort*nate one1 and es)e!iall $hen the )lanet bears an analo3 to the affairs of that ho*se" For a )lanet in its o$n si3n is *nmi2ed in D*alit 1 is res)onsible onl to itself1 and is inde)endent of other )lanets in its a!tion and is therefore (er stron3 and 3enerall benefi!" If in an *nfort*nate ho*se1 s*!h as the ei3hth and the t$elfth1 it releases one from the e(il1 or at least tem)ers it" And e(en Sat*rn and Mars 3enerall a!t this $a *nless the are made *nfort*nate thro*3h some other means1 s*!h as as)e!ts $ith )lanets malefi! in nat*re or b determination1 or $hen the are sD*ared1 !on7*n!t or o))osed to the li3hts1 or affli!tin3 the r*lers of the As!endant or the MC" A )lanet r*lin3 one ho*se and )la!ed in another1 in addition to ha(in3 an infl*en!e on the meanin3s of the ho*se it r*les :7*st as if it $ere in that ho*seEtho*3h $ea8er<1 also indi!ates some !ombination of the essential meanin3s of ea!h ho*se1 thro*3h the a3en! of that )lanet1 in a!!ordan!e $ith the !ombinations )ossible for both ho*ses $hi!h $o*ld !onform to the nat*re1 analo3 1 and !elestial state of the )lanet" This be!a*se the si3n in a ho*se a!ts on the affairs of that ho*se in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re and !elestial and terrestrial state of its r*ler1 as $e ha(e freD*entl said" # terrestrial state $e mean1 of !o*rse1 its lo!al determinations in the horos!o)e" Ho$e(er1 $e m*st first as!ertain $hether a )lanet )la!ed in a 3i(en ho*se1 and r*ler of another1 al$a s !ombines the essential meanin3s of both ho*ses1 and $hether or not it !an in fa!t effe!t somethin3 thro*3h its a!t*al lo!ation $hi!h $o*ld be inde)endent of a !onsideration of its si3n r*lershi)I this )oint is of the 3reatest im)ortan!e in ma8in3 7*d3ments" First" Ea!h )lanet is a!ti(e thro*3h its o$n D*alitati(e )o$er and is inde)endent of the si3n $hi!h it r*les1 from $hi!h it re!ei(es no )o$er of a!tionI on the !ontrar 1 that si3n re!ei(es its )o$er from the )lanet $hi!h is its r*lerI therefore1 a )lanet !an a!t thro*3h ho*se )osition $itho*t the )arti!i)ation of its determination b r*lershi)" This is !onfirmed b the fa!t that Sat*rn in the t$elfth al$a s !a*ses diseases1 im)risonment1 or enemies" It does not ha(e the )o$er to do this dire!tl altho*3h its nat*re ma be analo3o*s to these t$elfth9ho*se affairs1 for Sat*rn itself is indifferent to life1 illness1 health1 $ealth1 et!" Nor does it ass*me this )o$er from its o$n si3ns AD*ari*s or Ca)ri!orn1 or from the ho*ses in $hi!h these si3ns fall1 for1 as a matter of fa!t1 $hate(er ho*ses the ma fall into Sat*rn in the t$elfth ne(ertheless )rod*!es illnesses" Therefore1 it follo$s that it has this )o$er solel from its a!t*al lo!ation in the t$elfthEthe ho*se of illness" And so1 a )lanet does effe!t somethin3 b a!t*al lo!ation in the horos!o)e $hi!h is inde)endent of its r*lershi) in the other ho*ses of the horos!o)e"

Se!ond" A )lanet o*tside its o$n si3n !a*ses one thin3 b (irt*e of the ho*se $here it is )la!ed1 and another b (irt*e of its r*lershi) in another ho*se" These t$o effe!ts do not ne!essaril ha(e an re!i)ro!al !onne!tion in s*!h a $a that one $o*ld ne!essaril in(ol(e the other1 for the are of a different !lass and reall D*ite distin!t" Third" If Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 Mars1 &en*s and Mer!*r 1 $hi!h r*le t$o si3ns ea!h !o*ld not a!t b lo!ation $itho*t at the same time b r*lershi) as $ell1 it $o*ld follo$ that e(er )arti!*lar a!tion of these )lanets $hen )la!ed o*tside their o$n si3ns $o*ld al$a s in(ol(e !ombinations of the meanin3s of three1 fo*r1 or fi(e of the horos!o)e>s ho*sesEthat one in $hi!h the )lanet is )la!ed as $ell as those o(er $hi!h its t$o si3ns r*le" #*t this is abs*rd and !ontrar to e2)erien!e" For e2am)le1 in m o$n horos!o)e Sat*rn is the si3nifi!ator of diseasesI thro*3h dire!tions to the S*n aro*nd m ei3hth ear it !a*sed me to ha(e the D*artan fe(erI and b dire!tin3 the As!endant to the sD*are of Sat*rn in the ear /0/01 it !a*sed me to !ontra!t a lon39lastin3 and serio*s disease" #*t altho*3h Sat*rn r*les the ninth1 tenth1 and ele(enth ho*ses it is !om)letel false that their meanin3sEreli3ion1 7o*rne s1 and )rofessionE!on!*rred in these diseases1 or $ere in an $a in(ol(ed $ith them" Similarl 1 in the horos!o)e of Lo*is Tronson1 -*)iter $as in the tenth1 foretellin3 honors1 and r*lin3 the se!ond1 third1 and fifthI ho$e(er1 it is false that these honors o!!*rred thro*3h a !ombination of $ealth1 brothers1 relati(es1 or !hildrenI for onl thro*3h his o$n merit did he obtain from Lo*is KIII these honors in ret*rn for his !o*nsel and s8ills1 and $ith de L* nesElater State Se!retar Ehel)ed free Fran!e from the t ranni!al )o$er of Con!ini1 the MarD*is d>An!re"/ And a3ain1 a most *n*s*al e(ent o!!*rred to Tronson $hen he $as ei3hteen ears old" The Parisians had banded to3ether a3ainst Henri #orbon1 +in3 of Fran!e and Na(arre1 and ele!ted the father of Tronson himself into Parlement" He $as a!t*all a faithf*lEtho*3h se!retEser(ant of the 8in31 and did not $ant to a!!e)t the sa!red seal" The Parisians $ent on demandin3 that at least his son Lo*is a!!e)t the seal1 and that on the da a))ointed for affi2in3 the seal he sho*ld brin3 it into the !o*n!il and )la!e it on the reD*ired do!*ments in his )resen!e" The father assented o*t of fear of the !ons)irators1 sho*ld be sho$ his alle3ian!e to the 8in3L and so Tronson himself at the a3e of /@ obtained a )osition in Parlement" And this )*bli! honor
/ The MarD*is d>An!re1 a Florentine1 $as !onfidential ad(isor to Marie de Medi!i1 and instr*mental in the rise of Cardinal Ri!heli*e in that he 3ot him a))ointed Se!retar of State for ,ar" The '*8e de L* nes1 statesman and for a time Constable of Fran!e1 !on(in!ed Lo*is KIII :then /0 ears old< that his )o$er $as bein3 *s*r)ed b the I t a l i a n 1 and himself led the )lot res*ltin3 in the m*rder of the MarD*is" Not !ontent $ith that1 his $ife $as senten!ed to death as a $it!h"

!ame b the dire!tion of the MC to the Moon1 r*ler of the MC1 and the first of the tenth ho*se )lanets to $hi!h the MC arri(ed b dire!tion" Nothin3 to do $ith reli3ion or (o a3es $as in(ol(ed altho*3h the Moon $as also r*ler of the ninth" In addition1 the Moon itself had b dire!tion !ome to &en*sEthe r*ler of the As!endant1 and $as !omin3 to Mer!*r 1 the r*ler of the S*n" And the same 8ind of thin3 !an be seen for man e(ents sho$n in other horos!o)es" And so1 $e ma !on!l*de that a )lanet in a )arti!*lar ho*se1 and at the same time r*ler of another1 does not al$a s effe!t a !ombination of the meanin3s of both ho*ses1 b*t sometimes a!ts b (irt*e of its a!t*al lo!ation1 sometimes b (irt*e of one or other of the ho*se r*lershi)s if it r*les o(er more than one si3n and ho*seI for e2am)le1 the dire!tion of the As!endant to Mars in the first1 b*t r*ler of the t$elfth1 $o*ld refer to an illness1 or to the r*ler of the MC $o*ld refer to the )rofession or )resti3e" Ho$e(er1 at times there is an effe!ti(e !ombination of the )lanet>s nat*re and lo!ation $ith the meanin3s of one or another of the ho*ses r*led b that )lanet1 a!!ordin3 to the !ombinations )ossible for those meanin3s and to the state of the )lanet itself1 bat not al$a s $ith all at the same time" And also1 a !ombination of the meanin3s thro*3h lo!ation $ith those thro*3h r*lershi) $ill be indi!ated if the !ombination is at least )ossible tho*3h the !ombination ma onl ta8e )la!e at some f*t*re time" It ha))ens o!!asionall that a )lanet r*lin3 one ho*se $hile lo!ated in another ma a!t )rin!i)all thro*3h its lo!ation1 and then as a !onseD*en!e !ombines later the meanin3 of lo!ation $ith that thro*3h r*lershi)I for e2am)le1 in the horos!o)e of Tronson Mars $as r*ler of the se!ond b*t in the third and therefore the main si3nifi!ator of his brothers and sisters1 and thro*3h its malefi! nat*re indi!ated their death1 es)e!iall sin!e Sat*rn $as also in the third and r*lin3 the fo*rth" #*t as one )lanet $as r*ler of the se!ond and the other of the fo*rth1 the inheritan!es and $ealth Tronson obtained thro*3h the death of his brothers $ere sho$n D*ite !learl " As it ha))ened1 o*t of thirteen !hildren the last born be!ame s*!!essor to all the others" Contrari$ise1 a si3n in an ho*se1 $hen its r*ler is lo!ated else$here1 al$a s a!ts in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re and !elestial state of its r*ler1 b*t not al$a s in a!!ordan!e $ith its terrestrial state in the horos!o)e" Other$ise if the r*ler of the MC $ere lo!ated in the ei3hth the nati(e>s )rofessional a!ti(ities $o*ld )erfor!e be !ombined $ith death or the dan3er of itI in the t$elfth1 se(enth1 or fo*rthE$ith the meanin3s of those ho*ses1 $hi!h is !ertainl !ontrar to e2)erien!e and to the fa!t that the affairs of the ho*ses are D*ite different in 8ind1 as $as )ointed o*t earlier" Therefore1 a !ombination !o*ld onl be )redi!ted for some time in the f*t*reEnot1 ho$e(er1 !ontin*o*sl or for e(er )ossibilit in(ol(ed"

CHAPTER V Ho! a planet ruling one house but located in another combines the meanings of each house After $hat $as stated in the )re!edin3 !ha)ter it is !lear that a )lanet r*lin3 one ho*se b*t )la!ed in some other foretells at the (er least a !ombination of the meanin3s of ea!h ho*se at some f*t*re time" ,e $ill dis!*ss here ho$ s*!h a !ombination ma ta8e )la!e and ho$ to ma8e an e(al*ation that $ill in!l*de the man thin3s $hi!h ha(e to be ta8en into !onsideration" First" For an 3i(en ho*se there are se(eral meanin3s1 s*!h as the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 health1 dis)osition1 and !hara!ter for the firstI illness1 )rison1 hidden enemies1 false friends $ho ridi!*le the nati(e and bear him se!ret ill9$ill for the t$elfthI marria3e1 liti3ations1 and !ontra!ts for the se(enthI for the tenthE)rofessional a!ti(ities1 honor and )resti3eI and so on for the other ho*ses1 as $e ha(e sho$n else$here" And an ho*se also has the same meanin3 as the one o))osite to it b dint of the o))osition itself1 b*t onl accidentally, and e2)erien!e $ill sho$ this to be tr*e1 for Mars in the se!ond threatens death and -*)iter in the ei3hth is an indi!ation of mone I Sat*rn in the si2th sho$s illness or )rison1 $hile &en*s in the t$elfth sho$s 3ood fort*ne in !onne!tion $ith ser(ants and animalsI and so on" #*t this does not hold tr*e for the r*lers of the ho*ses" The r*ler of the fo*rth does not ha(e an infl*en!e on the meanin3s of the tenth ho*se *nless it is a!t*all in the fo*rth1 or r*les o(er the tenth9ho*se r*ler1 or is in stron3 as)e!t to the tenth ho*se !*s) or the r*ler of the si3n thereI and the same a))lies to the other ho*ses in o))osition" A )lanet stron3 b !elestial state holds 3reat si3nifi!an!e for the ho*se in o))osition to itI if it is $ea81 then its si3nifi!an!e $ill be $ea8er" Ho$e(er1 the o))osition of a )lanet al$a s indi!ates o))osition or diffi!*lt in attainin3 the 3ood sho$n b the other ho*se $hile it )romotes the e(il of that ho*se" One sho*ld also note that a )lanet in the first ho*se has an infl*en!e on the affairs of the ninth and fifth :the ho*ses !orres)ondin3 in this instan!e to the fire tri)li!it 1 and e(en more so if it r*les the ninth or the fifthI and so on for the se!ond1 si2th and tenth1 et!"

Se!ond" It is $ise to !onsider !aref*ll $hat !ombinations are )ossible for the meanin3s of the different ho*ses" For $hen the r*ler of the fo*rth is in the fifth one $o*ld not sa that the nati(e>s father $ill be!ome his son1 as this is an im)ossibilit I b*t $e mi3ht sa that the father $ill be of benefit to the nati(e>s sons1 or that his sons $ill re!ei(e the nati(e>s )aternal inheritan!e1 or some s*!h idea either similar or !ontrar as the indi!ations ma be1 sin!e these !ombinations are )ossible and !o*ld be )redi!ted from the nat*re and state of the )lanet r*lin3 the fo*rth ho*se" Similarl 1 the r*ler of the si2th in the se(enth !an mean a ser(ant ma be!ome the s)o*se1 or brin3 liti3ations a3ainst the nati(eI the r*ler of the se(enth in the ei3hthEthe nati(e>s s)o*se or an o)en enem ma be the !a*se of his deathI and so on" Third" One m*st learn to e(al*ate $ith the 3reatest !are $hi!h of these )ossible !ombinations of meanin3s fall into !onformit $ith the nat*re and !elestial state of the )lanet as $ell as $ith the 3eneral life !onditions of the nati(e himself" For some e(ents are more li8el to ha))en to a )rin!e or a noble1 $hile other e(ents are more li8el to ha))en to a mer!hant or a )easant1 still others to a $orldl man or a )riest1 to a man or a $oman1 !hildren or the a3ed1 and so onI for onl those thin3s in !onformit $ith s*!h im)ortant !onditions of life are li8el to ta8e )la!e" Fo*rth" The affairs of the ho*ses re)resent the (ario*s areas of e2)erien!e )ossible for the nati(e1 and the a!tion of the )lanets is dire!ted into these areas of e2)erien!e b their lo!ation1 r*lershi)1 or both" Therefore1 $hen the r*ler of one ho*se is in another1 that is1 a )lanet is the si3nifi!ator of one area b r*lershi) and some other b lo!ation1 these t$o lo!al determinationsE$or8in3 either se)aratel or in !ombinationEre)resent some f*t*re e(ents or e2)erien!es so that at one time one thin3 and at another time some other thin31 and a3ain at times both $ill ta8e )la!e !ombined to3ether" For e2am)le1 $hen the )lanet r*lin3 the As!endant is in the si2th and is benefi! in nat*re and !elestial state it foretells 3ood thin3s $ith res)e!t to ser(ants and animalsI if it is malefi! in nat*re and !elestial state it foretells the !ontrar " If the r*ler of the As!endant is in the si2th it indi!ates that the nati(e stoo)s to ser(ile thin3s1 and a lo(e1 interest1 or o!!*)ation $ith or for ser(ants1 animals and ho*sehold affairs is sho$n" And if the )lanet is a malefi! and in an ad(erse !elestial state it threatens )rison1 e2ile1 or illness as $ell as losses and dan3er thro*3h ser(ants on a!!o*nt of the o))osition of the t$elfth to the si2th" Fifth" A )lanet r*lin3 one ho*se and )la!ed in another a!ts not onl thro*3h the ho*se it o!!*)ies as $ell as the one $hi!h it r*les o(er1 b*t also thro*3h an )lanets lo!ated in this latter ho*se" For e2am)le1 the ruler of Mer!*r in the first ho*se sho$s 3ood mental

D*alities1 e(en tho*3h Mer!*r is not itself in the first ho*se" And the r*ler of the S*n in the tenthEhonors and )resti3e1 and so on" This is be!a*se an )lanet has an infl*en!e on the nati(e thro*3h both the !elestial and terrestrial state of its r*ler" And so if Mer!*r >s r*ler is in the first and in 3ood !elestial state1 Mer!*r >s infl*en!e $ill be felt in the affairs of the first ho*se and es)e!iall on the mental D*alities be!a*se of the analo3 I and this $o*ld be in a fa(orable $a be!a*se its r*ler is in 3ood !elestial state" Terrestrial state is to be *nderstood here as lo!ation onl and not r*lershi) in another ho*seEe2!e)t )erha)s onl (er $ea8l Efor other$ise1 a (i!io*s !ir!le $o*ld be set *) and $e re7e!ted this in !h" G" Therefore1 if &en*s is in the third ho*se and its r*ler -*)iter is in the first and1 moreo(er1 -*)iter is r*ler of the t$elfth1 &en*s $ill a!t on the nati(e thro*3h the affairs of the first ho*se1 b*t not the t$elfth" #*t if -*)iter $ere in the t$elfth and r*ler of both the As!endant and a fo*rth9ho*se S*n it $o*ld a!t on the nati(e thro*3h its r*lershi) o(er the first and fo*rth ho*se as $ell as the S*n )la!ed in the fo*rth" #*t the S*n in the fo*rth1 $hose a!tion is !onditioned b its r*ler and that r*ler>s state1 has no infl*en!e on the affairs of the first ho*se $here the r*ler of the S*n is not a!t*all )la!edI and so on" The first ho*se indi!ates the essential D*alities of the nati(e himself as $ell as the a!!idental feat*res of his bod and mind1 $hile the remainin3 ho*ses refer to areas of e2)erien!e $hi!h are of f*ndamental im)ortan!e to the nati(e" ,hen the r*ler of the first is )la!ed in one of the other ho*ses1 or the r*ler of one of the other ho*ses is )la!ed in the first1 a !ombination of the meanin3s of the t$o ho*ses res*lts" For e2am)le1 if the r*ler of the first is in the tenth1 or the r*ler of the tenth in the first1 )rofessional a!ti(ities1 honors and )resti3e are indi!ated for the nati(e in both !asesI $ith the differen!e1 ho$e(er1 that in the first !ase the nati(e is stim*lated b his o$n $ill and ambition and $or8s $ith ind*str to attain re!o3nition or an im)ortant )osition1 $hile in the se!ond !ase he does not stri(e th*s1 b*t honor and )referment often !ome to him D*ite $itho*t e2)e!tation" Similarl 1 if the r*ler of the first is in the ei3hth1 or the r*ler of the ei3hth is in the first1 a )remat*re death is sho$n either $a and the nati(e himself is the )rin!i)al !a*se1 either b deliberatel )la!in3 himself in dan3er or b doin3 so *n$ittin3l 1 s*!h as those do $ho in their e2!essi(e )re!a*tionar meas*res a3ainst death dra$ off too m*!h of their blood or attem)t $ith intem)eran!e to !*re their o$n illnesses" And in the same $a 1 $hen the r*ler of the first is in another ho*se the meanin3s health1 !hara!ter1 nat*ral in!linations or tem9 )erament are 7oined $ith the affairs of the other ho*se in !ombinations that are a))ro)riate as $ell as )ossible in (ie$ of the nat*re and state of the )lanet1 for these t$o !onsiderations are the most im)ortant in determinin3 $hether the affairs of the ho*ses $ill !ome to

)ass1 and $hether the $ill be fort*nate or *nfort*nate if the do" ,hen the r*lers of the other ho*ses are in some ho*se other than the first1 s*!h as $hen the r*ler of the se!ond is in the se(enth1 7*d3ment is to be made b !onsiderin3 the )roblem three $a s" First1 the )lanet itself is in the se(enth and foretells somethin3 3ood or ill abo*t marria3e1 o)en enemies1 liti3ation and !ontra!ts1 in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n nat*re and state" Then1 sin!e it is r*ler of the se!ond1 some 3ood or ill $ith re3ard to mone and for the same reasons" So1 the r*ler of the se!ond is in the se(enth and if it $ere a benefi! and in 3ood !elestial state it $o*ld indi!ate mone thro*3h the marria3e1 or thro*3h liti3ations and !ontra!tsI if it $ere in ad(erse !elestial state1 it sho$s loss of mone thro*3h marria3e1 liti3ations or !ontra!ts" Therefore1 a !ombination arises $hi!h is either l*!8 or *nl*!8 a!!ordin3 to the nat*re and state of the )lanet" And if1 !ontrari$ise1 the r*ler of the se(enth is in the se!ond1 the same thin3s are si3nified as before1 b*t if the )lanet in this !ombination $ere a benefi! and in 3ood !elestial state1 an in!rease in finan!es $o*ld be indi!ated b either the fr*3alit or $or8 of the s)o*se1 thro*3h liti3ations1 or the )artner in a !ontra!t" #*t if the )lanet is a malefi! and in ad(erse !elestial state1 it foretells that robbers1 o)en enemies1 or the s)o*se ma8e a$a $ith the nati(e>s mone " Similarl 1 if the r*ler of the tenth is in the t$elfth1 either the meanin3s of the tenth $ill be resol(ed into the meanin3s of the t$elfth1 or (i!e9(ersaI be!a*se the determination of a )lanet is stron3er b lo!ation than b r*lershi) the )lanet r*lin3 the tenthEand therefore the re)*tation and )rofessional a!ti(ities of the nati(eE$ill be the !a*se of illness1 )rison1 enemies1 or e2ile1 et!" And if on the other hand1 the r*ler of the t$elfth is in the tenth1 enemies1 )risons1 e2iles1 et!" $ill be the !a*se of honor1 re!o3nition and )rofessional a!ti(ities1 es)e!iall if the r*ler itself is a benefi! and in 3ood !elestial state" The first e2am)le !an be seen in m o$n horos!o)e $here the r*ler of the MC is in the t$elfth" The se!ond1 in Cardinal Ri!helie*>s horos!o)e $here &en*s1 r*ler of the t$elfth1 is (er !lose to the MCI and so on" One m*st al$a s )a attention to the )lanet>s nat*re and state and $hether it has an analo3 to the affairs of the ho*se" Moreo(er1 it sho*ld al$a s be !aref*ll obser(ed in $hat ho*se the r*ler of another ho*se is a!t*all lo!ated1 for in the an3*lar ho*ses it is stron3l dis)osed for !a*sin3 3ood or ill1 es)e!iall $hen also in its domi!ile or e2altation" It ma be lo!ated in a ho*se $hose meanin3s are similar to those of the ho*se of its r*lershi)I for e2am)le1 the r*ler of the se!ond in the fo*rth1 se(enth1 or tenth1 more !learl indi!ates mone 1 be!a*se from the affairs of those ho*sesEinheritan!es1 marria3e and )rofessionEmone $o*ld be more li8el to follo$" #*t if it is )la!ed !ontrari$ise1 as $o*ld be the !ase if the r*ler of the se!ond $ere in the t$elfth1 the loss of finan!es

thro*3h illness1 e2ile or )rison $o*ld be sho$n1 sin!e in these !om9 binations the meanin3s of the ho*se $itho*t its r*ler are *s*all resol(ed into the meanin3s of the ho*se $here that r*ler a!t*all is" For e2am)le1 $hen the r*ler of the tenth is in the t$elfth1 the )rofession of the nati(e $ill be the !a*se of his misfort*ne1 or he falls from it or loses it1 $hi!h ha))ened to me in the medi!al )rofession be!a*se Sat*rn $as r*ler of the tenth and in the t$elfth" Or be!a*se of )rofessional a!ti(ities the nati(e ma be )*t in 7ail" #*t $hen the r*ler of the t$elfth is in the tenth1 enemies1 e2ile1 )rison1 or misfort*nes $ill be the !a*se of honor and )referment1 as $as the !ase $ith Cardinal Ri!helie*1 $hose &en*s $as r*ler of the t$elfth and in the MC1 or $ithin a !lose orb tho*3h a!t*all lo!ated in the ninth" And similarl 1 the r*ler of the ele(enth in the t$elfth !han3es friends into enemies1 $hi!h ha))ened freD*entl to meI and the r*ler of the t$elfth in the ele(enth !a*ses the !ontrar " Li8e$ise1 $hen the r*ler of the tenth is in the ele(enth1 the )rofessional a!ti(ities and re)*te of the nati(e $ill brin3 him friends1 $hile the r*ler of the ele(enth in the tenth foretells the re(erseI and so on" From the abo(e it follo$s that if a )lanet is r*ler of t$o ho*ses and lo!ated o*tside of those ho*ses1 their meanin3s are resol(ed into the meanin3s of the ho*se in $hi!h the r*ler a!t*all is1 or are at least affe!ted b this meanin3" Th*s1 the r*ler of the first and the ei3hth in the se(enth1 and in ad(erse !elestial state1 foretells the nati(e $ill be 8illed or $o*nded b an o)en enem I and so on" #*t attention sho*ld al$a s be )aid to the nat*re of the )lanet and its analo3 $ith the meanin3s of those ho*ses1 as $ell as its !elestial and terrestrial state1 for a )lanet in an ad(erse !elestial stateEand es)e!iall $hen malefi! b nat*reEis of no (al*e for the fort*nate ho*ses it either o!!*)ies or r*les o(er1 b*t instead denies1 hinders1 or brin3s misfort*ne to the 3ood the si3nif " Ho$e(er1 if s*!h a )lanet is in an *nfort*nate ho*se it !learl )romotes the e(il of that ho*se1 b*t not the 3ood of the other ho*se it ma r*le o(er1 and so no resol*tion ta8es )la!eE*nless )erha)s *nfort*nateEof the r*lershi) meanin3s into the meanin3s sho$n b the )lanet>s lo!ation" It ma be ob7e!ted that a ho*se is a!t*all to be !onsidered as t$o thin3sEa )rimar ho*se1 $hi!h is a fi2ed s)a!e1 and also a se!ondar ho*se1 $hi!h is the )art of the caelum o!!*) in3 that s)a!e" And sin!e the )rimar ho*se is a fi2ed s)a!e1 the tenth ho*se1 for e2am)le1 $o*ld not be the ho*se of honor and )resti3e for the nati(e alone1 b*t $o*ld be a ho*se referrin3 to the honors of all born at that 3eo3ra)hi!al )oint or the ho*se of honor and )resti3e for that )la!e on earth" And the same $o*ld be tr*e for the ei3hth ho*se and death1 the se(enth and the s)o*se1 or liti3ations1 et!" Therefore1 if the r*ler Of the third is in the ei3hth1 death $o*ld then be indi!ated for the

brothers and sisters1 if in the tenth1 re!o3nition $o*ld be indi!ated for them1 et!" #*t I $o*ld re)l that the !al!*lations for the nati(e !annot be the same as that for his brothers1 )arents1 !hildren1 et!"1 be!a*se the ei3hth ho*se is onl the ei3hth ho*se at that )la!e $ith res)e!t to the first1 and therefore the meanin3 of the ei3hthEdeathEhas referen!e onl to the first ho*seEthat is1 the nati(e himselfEand not to the third ho*se and his brothers" Therefore1 the r*ler of the third in the ei3hth indi!ates death for the nati(e thro*3h his brothers as a !a*se1 b*t not death for the brothers" Ho$e(er1 the tenth ho*se is the ei3hth from the third1 and therefore1 if the r*ler of the third is in the tenth it indi!ates the death of the brothersE$hi!h !an be freD*entl obser(edEand indi!ates honor and ad(anta3e to the nati(e thro*3h his brothersI $hen!e it !an be !on!l*ded that the nati(e1 *)on his brother>s death1 $ill s*!!eed to his )osition and estate or $ill a!D*ire these thro*3h inheritan!eI and so on" A3ain ho$e(er1 attention m*st be )aid to an )lanet $hi!h the r*ler of a 3i(en ho*se is !on7*n!t1 for the r*ler of the first !on7*n!t the S*n ma8es li8el or in!lines to dealin3s $ith 8in3s or im)ortant )ersons as $ell as to 3lor 1 fame and honors" The r*ler of the se!ond $ith -*)iter is a !ertain )romise of mone I the r*ler of the ei3hth $ith Mars threatens a (iolent death or dan3er thereofI and so on for the rest1 $ith d*e !onsideration to the ho*se and an )ossible analo3 to the )lanet $hi!h is !on7*n!t the r*ler of that ho*se" Moreo(er1 in !onsiderin3 the t$o )lanets to3ether one sho*ld note o(er $hat ho*ses these r*le1 for if the r*ler of the first is !on7*n!t the r*ler of the t$elfth or the ei3hth an illness or death is sho$nI if !on7*n!t the r*ler of the tenth or the ele(enth it sho$s s*!!ess in the )rofession or $ith friends" Similarl 1 if the r*ler of the se!ond is $ith the r*ler of the tenth1 mone from the )rofession and thro*3h )ersonal re!o3nition is sho$nI if the r*ler of the t$elfth is $ith the r*ler of the ei3hth1 illness and )rison $ill )ro(e to be dan3ero*s to the nati(e>s life" F*rthermore1 it m*st be said that the meanin3 of the ei3hth ho*seE deathEis not somethin3 tan3ible1 is not a !a*sati(e thin3 and !an brin3 on no f*rther e(ent b*t instead !an onl be caused thro*3h the affairs of some other ho*se" And therefore1 the r*ler of a ho*se in the ei3hth !a*ses death thro*3h the affairs of the ho*se $hi!h it r*les1 $hi!h are1 in effe!t1 resol(ed into the ei3hth ho*se meanin3" For e2am)le1 the r*ler of the t$elfth in the ei3hth foretells that an illness $ill be the !a*se of death1 or that the nati(e $ill die in )risonI the r*ler of the se(enth in the ei3hthEthe $ife1 or a !onfli!t of some 8indI the r*ler of the tenth Ethe )rofession or ran8I the r*ler of the first E the nati(e himself $ill !a*se his o$n deathI the r*ler of the se!ond E 3reed1 or e(en theft1 et!" On the other hand1 the r*ler of the ei3hth in some other ho*se is an indi!ation of an indirect !a*se of death

thro*3h the meanin3 of that ho*se" For e2am)le1 the r*ler of the ei3hth in the se(enth foretells the nati(e $ill die1 not b the a!tion of the $ife herself1 b*t thro*3h the $ife as some indire!t !a*se or a3entI in the ele(enth on a!!o*nt of a friend1 and so forth" ,hen a )lanet in the ei3hth r*les t$o other ho*ses one sho*ld obser(e thro*3h a !onsideration of the (ario*s ho*se meanin3s $ith $hi!h one the ei3hth ho*se more readil or reasonabl !ombines1 and $ith $hi!h one the )lanet in the ei3hth ho*se $o*ld be more li8el to 7oin in !a*sin3 the nati(e>s deathI and 7*d3ment is made a!!ordin3l "

CHAPTER VI T!o planets as co'rulers of a single house& a single planet ruling more than one house ,hen a )lanet r*les o(er the ho*se $here it is lo!ated the !ondition of the affairs of that ho*se $ill be eas to e(al*ate1 and e(en easier if the )lanet is in domi!ileI b*t it $ill be easiest of all $hen it is both in domi!ile and r*ler of the ho*se1 be!a*se the affairs of that ho*se are not then dire!tl infl*en!ed b an other fa!tors" #*t $hen more than one )lanet r*les the same ho*se the affairs of this ho*se are s*b7e!t to for!es different in 8ind and nat*reI therefore1 their !ondition is a mi2t*reE$itho*t *nit 1 and sometimes !ontradi!tor " And this is more li8el to be so $hen one of the r*lers is a benefi! $hile the other is a malefi!1 b*t is most e(ident if1 in addition1 one is stron3 b !elestial state $hile the other is $ea8 and both are in sD*are or o))osition" Ho$e(er1 the )lanet $hi!h r*les the !*s) ta8es )re!eden!e $hen e(al*atin3 the affairs of that ho*se1 b*t the other )lanet sho*ld b no means be ne3le!ted" This is reasonable be!a*se the !*s) of a ho*se is the most effe!ti(e )oint of that ho*se1 as $e ha(e sho$n else$hereI and as the effe!t of the de3ree of the si3n on the !*s) is meas*red b the D*alit of its r*ler1 it follo$s that this )lanet is more )o$erf*l than an !o9r*ler1 )arti!*larl if it has an analo3 $ith the meanin3s of the ho*se1 is stron3er b !elestial state1 and in addition is in that ho*se or in stron3 as)e!t to a )lanet in that ho*se" The follo$in3 )oints are to be obser(edF $hether both are benefi!s or malefi!sI $hether one is benefi! and the other malefi!I $hether one is stron3 and the other $ea8I $hether both are stron3 b !elestial state or both $ea8 or $hether one is stron3 and the other $ea8I $hether both are in the ho*se itself1 both o*tside it1 or one in and one o*tI also1 $hi!h r*les the !*s) or is the nearer to it1 or has the stron3er as)e!t to it or to a )lanet in the ho*se itself" -*d3ment is made from the !onditions fo*nd after a !onsideration of all these fa!tors"

The H!o9r*lersH refer to a ho*se $hi!h !ontains an inter!e)ted si3n"

,hen the same )lanet r*les more than one ho*seEe(en if it does not o!!*) an one of theseEa !ombination of the meanin3s of ea!h ho*se r*led is ne(ertheless indi!ated" For e2am)le1 the same )lanet r*lin3 the As!endant and the MC )romises re!o3nition in )rofessional a!ti(ities" The same )lanet r*lin3 the se(enth and ei3hth )romises dan3er or death from enemies1 es)e!iall if it is a malefi! and in ad(erse !elestial state" Ho$e(er1 one sho*ld note to $hi!h ho*se the )lanet has the most e(ident analo3 1 for the meanin3s of that ho*se $ill ta8e )re!eden!e" #*t $hen this r*ler is in some other ho*se 7*d3ment m*st )ro!eed a!!ordin3 to the method o*tlined in !h"G

CHAPTER VII The determinations of the planets by exaltation and triplicity That a )lanet lo!ated in the si3n of its e2altation has 3reater in9 fl*en!e for 3ood or ill on the meanin3s of the ho*se in $hi!h it is lo!ated or o(er $hi!h it r*les is a !ommon)la!e amon3 astrolo3ers of an e2)erien!e" Also1 it is a!8no$led3ed that an e2alted )lanet stren3thens an other )lanet b its !on7*n!tion or as)e!t" ,hat $e $ill determine here is $hether a )lanet $hi!h is not in its e2altation has an infl*en!e on the affairs of the ho*se $here the si3n of its e2altation falls1 or on the si3nifi!an!e of an )lanet $hi!h ma o!!*) that si3n" For e2am)le1 $hen the S*n is in the tenth and in Can!er b*t -*)iter is not in the tenth1 $ill -*)iter1 thro*3h Can!erEthe si3n of its e2altationEha(e an infl*en!e in the tenth ho*se and on the S*nJ That this $o*ld in fa!t be so is attested b all astrolo3ers in!l*din3 Ptolem " For Ptolem in #oo8 4, !h" 41 of the Tetrabiblos1 !on!ernin3 the r*ler of an e!li)se1 and also in #oo8 61 !h" /61 !on!ernin3 the ele!tion of the a)heta1 !laims that a )lanet is stron3er in the im)ortant )la!es of the horos!o)e $hen in domi!ile1 e2altation1 or tri)li!it " From this it follo$s that if a )lanet has infl*en!e o(er the si3nifi!an!e of an e!li)se be!a*se of its r*lershi) o(er the si3n in $hi!h the e!li)se o!!*rs1 it $o*ld also ha(e some infl*en!e if it $ere in e2altation in that si3n" And the same )rin!i)le $ill be a))li!able $hen de!idin3 $hi!h )lanet of those in the )rin!i)al )la!es of the horos!o)e is the stron3est in the horos!o)e1 or at an rate1 $hi!h one is the stron3est of the se(eral in one )la!e" And so1 altho*3h in almost all horos!o)es e2)erien!e sho$s that s!ar!el an effe!t !annot be red*!ed to the !a*ses sho$n b lo!ation1 r*lershi)1 and as)e!ts1 the ho*se9lo!ation of the si3n of a )lanet>s e2altation sometimes e2hibits its o$n s)e!ial effe!t also" For e2am)le1 in the horos!o)e of Prin!e %aston de Foi2 Sat*rn is in the se(enth1 and the si3n of this )lanet>s e2altation is in the fo*rth1 sho$in3 that it $as thro*3h his $ife that he be!ame o$ner of (er e2tensi(e

estatesEand e(en t$o )ro(in!es" And in m o$n life an almost !onstant desire for fame is sho$n in m horos!o)e b Mars r*lin3 the As!endant $hile lo!ated in the si3n of -*)iter>s e2altation1 and all the other )lanets e2!e)t Mer!*r in the si3n of the e2altation of &en*s1 $hi!h is !o9r*ler of the firstI b*t )erha)s mainl 1 thro*3h the e2altation of the S*n and Moon in the first ho*se referrin31 of !o*rse1 to m !hara!ter and tem)erament" As a res*lt I am e2!essi(el in!lined to !onsider m self s*)erior to others on a!!o*nt of m intelle!t*al endo$ments and s!ientifi! attainments1 and it is (er diffi!*lt for me to str*33le a3ainst this tenden! 1 e2!e)t $hen the reali;ation of m sins tro*bles me and I see m self a (ile man and $orth of !ontem)t" #e!a*se of all this m name has be!ome famo*s thro*3ho*t the $orld" And man similar e2am)les !an be fo*nd of this sort so that it does not seem idle to ma8e a 7*d3ment on the affairs of a )arti!*lar ho*se from a !onsideration of both the )lanet r*lin3 that ho*se and also the )lanet $hi!h is e2alted in the si3n there" For e2am)le1 if Libra is on the As!endant the !hara!ter sho*ld be 7*d3ed from a !onsideration of the !ondition of Sat*rn as $ell as &en*s" And similarl 1 if Sat*rn $ere in Libra one $o*ld ha(e to 7*d3e Sat*rn>s effe!ts both from the fa!t of its e2altation as $ell as from its r*ler &en*s1 and from an relationshi) bet$een themI for if &en*s $ere in 3ood !elestial state and a))l in3 to Sat*rn b !on7*n!tion or trine1 Sat*rn>s )o$er $o*ld be in!reased" A3ain1 if the S*n is in Pis!es its a!tion there is affe!ted b the !ondition of both the si3ns of -*)iter1 and therefore b -*)iter itself as $ell1 b*t also b the !ond it i o n of &en*s $hi!h is e2alted in Pis!es" This is )ro(en b a*thorit 1 reason1 and e2)erien!eI the a*thorit is the testament of the an!ients $ho stated that at an )oint of the caelum that )lanet is more )o$erf*l $hi!h has the di3nities there of domi!ile1 e2altation or tri)li!it " It is reasonable be!a*se thro*3h no other !a*se is the )lanet said to be )o$erf*l in that )la!e e2!e)t b (irt*e of these di3nities1 and if it had no infl*en!e )ro!eedin3 from these di3nities it $o*ld be falsel said to be )o$erf*l in that )la!e" And finall 1 e2)erien!e ma8es it !lear from the e2am)les 3i(en abo(e" Ne(ertheless1 other fa!tors bein3 eD*al1 the r*ler of a si3n does ta8e )re!eden!e o(er the )lanet in e2altation there1 b*t both are to be ta8en into !onsideration" ,ith res)e!t to the tri)li!ities1 the Arabs !*stomaril )redi!ted almost e(er thin3 from the r*lers of the tri)li!ities1 and this !an be fo*nd o*t b readin3 their boo8sI b*t be!a*se *) to no$ there $as no !ertaint amon3 astrolo3ers re3ardin3 these tri)li!it r*lers it is no $onder that their 7*d3ments abo*nd $ith errors" In fa!t1 the $ere a!!*rate onl insofar as the erroneo*s *se of the tri)li!ities of the an!ients ha))ened a!!identall to a3ree $ith the lo3i!al and more (alid s stem 3i(en b *s else$hereI this !an be )ro(ed b !om)arin3

the tri)li!it r*lers 3i(en b *s $ith those 3i(en b Albohali1/ $ho 7*d3es ha))iness or misfort*ne for the nati(e from the r*lers of the S*n>s tri)li!it $hen the horos!o)e is di*rnal1 b*t from the r*lers of the Moon>s tri)li!it $hen it is no!t*rnal" S*!h 7*d3ments1 ho$e(er1 $o*ld be !om)letel universal ones and !ommon to the entire earth1 and therefore abs*rd" The fa!t is1 nothin3 !an be )redi!ted from the r*lers of the tri)li!ities $hi!h from the )lanet>s lo!ation1 r*lershi)s and as)e!ts !annot be )redi!ted $ith 3reater )re!ision or !ertaint " For e2am)le1 in the first horos!o)e of Albohali1 $hi!h is no!t*rnal1 the Moon r*les the se!ond and is in the si2th1 !on7*n!t Sat*rn in S!or)io1 $here the Moon is in fall" Ho$e(er1 Mars1 r*ler of the Moon1 is in AD*ari*s and sD*are to the Moon and Sat*rnI $hat !learer indi!ations of )o(ert !o*ld the r*ler of the se!ond ho*se )ossibl sho$J And so1 the !a*se of )o(ert $as D*ite e(ident $itho*t resortin3 to the tri)li!ities1 b*t b means of the tri)li!it r*lers 3i(en b *s1 )o(ert is also sho$n" Ho$e(er1 a!!ordin3 to Albohali1 the Moon is b ni3ht the )rin!i)al r*ler of its tri)li!it 1 $ith Mars as )artnerI the Moon and Mars are in !adent ho*sesEthe Moon in the si2th and Mars in the ninthEand this is s*ffi!ient e(iden!e a!!ordin3 to the method of Albohali" #*t I thin8 that the Moon in fall r*lin3 the se!ond and affli!ted b the !on7*n!tion of Sat*rn and the sD*are to Mars is a m*!h more si3nifi!ant and reliable indi!ation" In Albohali>s se!ond horos!o)e1 $hi!h is di*rnal1 the S*n is in AD*ari*s in the ele(enth and !on7*n!t Mer!*r " A!!ordin3 to both Albohali and m self Sat*rn and Mer!*r $o*ld be the S*n>s tri)li!it r*lers" #*t Sat*rn is !on7*n!t Mars in S!or)io in the ei3hth1 and Sat*rn and Mer!*r are in s*!!edent ho*ses1 from $hi!h Albohali foretold that the nati(e $o*ld attain the hi3hest )*bli! offi!e and 3reat )ros)erit " S*!h thin3s1 ho$e(er1 !o*ld not ta8e )la!e thro*3h Sat*rn and Mer!*r as the are in sD*are1 b*t instead from other stron3er and more e(ident !a*sesEthro*3h &en*s1 r*ler of the se!ond1 in the tenth and trine the se!ond ho*se !*s)1 and therefore in its o$n tri)li!it I and also from -*)iter in the fo*rth and in its e2altation1 as $ell as in m*t*al re!e)tion $ith the Moon" Therefore1 sin!e -*)iter and
/ Albohali Al!hait :Ab* >Ali al9+ha at<1 Arabian astrolo3er $ho li(ed in the ninth !ent*r " His +itab al9ma$alid $as translated in //?6 into Latin b -ohn of Se(ille1 and $as later )rinted at N*rember in /?G0 *nder the title Albohali Arabis Astrologi anti)uissimi, ac clarissimi de *udiciis nativitatum liber unus, antehac non editus. The boo8 had lon3 been 8no$n *nder its translated title e *udiciis nativitatum in man*s!ri)t and $as $idel read" Fran!is Carmod in his Arabic Astronomical and Astrological 'ciences in "atin +ranslation, a critical bibliography states re3ardin3 the $or8F -contents, ro*tine astrolo3 I horos!o)es for illnessesI man short D*otations from Ptolem and Hermes on )ars fort*nae" 'i(ided s stemati!all into s*bstantial !ha)ters b to)i!s" 'ignificance, freD*entl D*oted b s!holasti! $riters in E*ro)e as a se!ondar a*thorit "H The horos!o)es $hi!h Morin*s des!ribes a))ear in !h" &II H'e )ros)eritate et ad(ersitate nati"H

&en*s are in s*!h a fa(orable !ondition1 and are b nat*re analo3o*s to $ealth as $ell as in )ositions indi!ati(e of )osition and $ealth1 honors and )ros)erit $ill )ro!eed from them" And the malefi!s in trine to -*)iter and se2tile &en*s $ill not stand in the $a 1 b*t $ill also assist as the are in the ei3hth ho*se1 $hi!h thro*3h o))osition to the se!ond indi!ates mone " These !on!l*sions are1 of !o*rse1 in !onformit $ith the method of inter)retation o*tlined abo(e" From Albohali and other an!ient and modern astrolo3ers I !o*ld !ite man e2am)les sho$in3 a similar a))roa!h" Let *s sa no$ that the r*lers of the tri)li!ities ha(e a !ertain infl*en!e and it is )ossible to ma8e a 7*d3ment from them1 for $hen a si3n>s infl*en!e *nder3oes an modifi!ation at all it $ill affe!t in a !ertain meas*re the other si3ns of that tri)li!it be!a*se of the similarit of their nat*res" #*t the si3ns a!t in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re and state of their r*lers1 as has freD*entl been stated1 and a 7*d3ment based on a si3n>s r*ler is m*!h more reliable that one based on the r*ler of the tri)li!it 1 be!a*se the r*ler of a si3n is a more )ro2imate !a*se and one on $hi!h the si3n>s a!tion essentiall de)endsI the r*ler of the tri)li!it 1 ho$e(er1 is a more remote !a*se1 and one on $hi!h the si3n>s a!tion does not essentiall de)end" I maintain also that the infl*en!e of the as)e!ts is m*!h more im)ortant than the )o$er of the tri)li!it r*lers alone, to $hi!h I as!ribe a minimal (al*e res*ltin3 from that 3eneral !onformit in the f*ndamental nat*re of the si3ns of the same tri)li!it 1 ho$e(er m*!h the si3ns ma differ in other res)e!ts" Indeed1 Can!er is a si3n l*nar in nat*re1 $hile S!or)io is martial and Pis!es 7o(ial1 b*t the are of the same $ater nat*re" And also1 I thin8 that a !onsideration of the tri)li!it r*lers is more (alid in matters of tem)erament and !hara!ter than in the 7*d3ment of other !ir!*m9 stan!es and e(ents" And so1 di3nit b r*lershi) of a ho*seEother thin3s bein3 eD*alE is more si3nifi!ant than b e2altation in that ho*se1 b*t this in t*rn is more si3nifi!ant than b tri)li!it " #*t it is !ertain that a )lanet infl*en!es the affairs of the ho*ses b (irt*e of its di3nities of r*ler9shi)1 e2altation1 and tri)li!it E$here(er that )lanet ma beEand $hether or not it sends an as)e!t to those ho*ses" The e2)lanations 3i(en earlier refer to domi!ile and e2altation1 $hi!h )ertain to a sin3le )lanet1 b*t sin!e for a tri)li!it three )lanets refer to the same si3n1 one sho*ld obser(e $hether the horos!o)e is di*rnal or no!t*rnal so that onl t$o )lanets need be ta8en into !onsiderationI one of these $ill be the )rin!i)al r*ler of the tri)li!it $hile the other $ill onl be the se!ondar " The o)inion is $ides)read that a )lanet in domi!ile sho$s stabilit or indi!ates stable thin3sI in e2altationEs*dden and im)ortant !han3esI in tri)li!it Esome asso!iation of meanin3 of the ho*ses in(ol(ed" Ptolem 1 in a)horism A4 of the CentiloD* 1 7*d3es the

*)brin3in3 and ed*!ation of the nati(e from the tri)li!it r*ler of the As!endant1 and his Hmatters of lifeH from the Moon>s tri)li!it r*ler" Cardan*s !laims that )lanets lo!ated in different tri)li!ities 3i(e one !a)abilities in man dire!tions1 b*t if lo!ated in one tri)li!it Ethe !a)a!it for fe$er thin3s b*t $ith 3reater e2!ellen!e in theseI and this I find to be D*ite tr*e"

CHAPTER VIII The determinations of the planets by exile and fall A )lanet lo!ated in e2ile or fall is said to be in an ad(erse !elestial state be!a*se it is in si3ns !ontrar to its o$n nat*re and D*alit I this state is1 of !o*rse1 universal and refers to the entire $orld" In e2ile its )o$er is (itiated $hile in fall it is made $ea8 and more ina!ti(e" ,hen a )lanet is )ere3rine it is not in a state of debilit 1 as the si3n is neither !ontrar to the nat*re1 essential D*alit nor infl*en!e of the )lanet" A )ere3rine )lanet is not in its o$n si3nsEdomi!ile or e2altationEnor in the o))osin3 si3ns1 b*t sim)l in some other one" The S*n in AD*ari*s and Libra is in its res)e!ti(e e2ile and fall1 $hile it is )ere3rine in the $ater and earth tri)li!ities1 as $ell as in %eminiI and so on for the other )lanets" Therefore1 a )lanet $hi!h is )ere3rine a!ts in a manner intermediate bet$een either 3ood or ad(erse !elestial stateI this is al$a s to be *nderstood Essentially, ho$e(er1 be!a*se a )ere3rine )lanet !o*ld accidentally be in a better state and ha(e 3reater effe!t than another one essentiall $ell9)la!ed )ro(ided it had stron3 and fa(orable as)e!ts $ith other )lanets" #*t the D*estion here is not $hether a )lanet in e2ile or fall has an infl*en!e on the affairs of the ho*se in $hi!h it is lo!ated for this is a fa!t1 as e2)erien!e adeD*atel )ro(es" For e2am)le1 Sat*rn in e2ile in the t$elfth !a*ses the (er 3ra(est illnesses1 in the ei3hth a fearf*l deathI and in fall in the tenth it ma8es the nati(e sl*33ish and la; 1 or indi!ates a mean o!!*)ation1 or !om)letel )re(ents honors and )resti3e or !a*ses a fall from them1 or brin3s dis3ra!e *)on the nati(e" Sat*rn1 ho$e(er1 $o*ld not !a*se s*!h thin3s if not in e2ile or fall in those )la!es" Li8e$ise1 the r*ler of the As!endant or MC in e2ile or fall bodes ill for the affairs of those ho*ses" Instead1 the D*estion no$ is $hether a )lanet has an infl*en!e on the affairs of the ho*se $hi!h the si3n of its e2ile or fall o!!*)ies $hen the )lanet itself is in some other ho*se" Altho*3h in this matter it ma seem that the astrolo3i!al !a*ses of an )arti!*lar effe!t ha(e alread been 3i(en s*ffi!ient e2)lanation

and there is1 therefore1 no need for f*rther determinations1 lo3i! as $ell as e2)erien!e do sho$ that this determination ma e2hibit a )er!e)tible infl*en!e" It is !lear that e(er )lanet lo!ated in a 3i(en ho*se and in domi!ile or e2altation $o*ld be in e2ile or fall in the o))osite ho*se1 $here it $o*ld also be e(il for the affairs of that ho*se1 for the meanin3s of o))osite ho*ses are to a !ertain de3ree re!i)ro!al or related" This fa!t led astra man astrolo3ers of the )ast in!l*din3 Ptolem 1 sin!e the belie(ed the si2th ho*se referred essentiall to diseases1 and the ele(enth to !hildren1 $hen a!t*all the merel ha(e these meanin3s a!!identall and b (irt*e of their o))osition to the t$elfth and fifth ho*ses" Therefore1 a )lanet in domi!ile in the si2th $ill ha(e an infl*en!e on the affairs of the t$elfth ho*se1 b*t it $ill be ad(erse for t$o reasonsF first1 b (irt*e of the o))osition $hi!h is b nat*re e(il1 and se!ond1 b (irt*e of bein3 e2iled in the o))osite ho*se E for $hat 3ood !o*ld a )lanet brin3 to a )la!e $here its nat*re and D*alit $o*ld be (itiatedJ E2)erien!es $hi!h ill*strate these fa!ts o!!*r freD*entl 1 b*t I $ill onl s)ea8 here of m o$n" I ha(e -*)iter and &en*s in the t$elfth ho*se in Pis!es E the domi!ile of -*)iter and the e2altation of &en*s E and I ha(e been sa(ed from man serio*s illnesses and freD*entl mana3ed to a(oid in!ar!eration" I ha(e $on o*t o(er hidden enemies1 e(en those (er infl*ential ones sho$n b the S*n1 so that for all their )o$er and ill9$ill the $ere *nable to do me irre)arable harm" #*t in an 8ind of ser(i!e to others I ha(e al$a s been *nha)) 1 $ith the sole e2!e)tion of t$o o!!asions $hen I $as a o*n3 man and a st*dent" Therefore1 I thin8 it is s*ffi!ientl !lear that this determination too sho*ld not be entirel disre3arded1 ho$e(er m*!h the !a*se of effe!ts !an *s*all be e2)lained s*ffi!ientl in some other $a " ConseD*entl 1 Mars in Libra sho*ld be !onsidered to be in e2ile in the domi!ile of &en*s1 the e2altation of Sat*rn1 and the tri)li!it of Sat*rn1 &en*s1 and Mer!*r I and so on for the other )lanets" It ma be ob7e!ted that if this determination reall has an s*b9 stantial effe!t it is !lear that in ma8in3 )redi!tions and 7*d3ments it sho*ld al$a s be ta8en into !onsideration1 $hi!h in fa!t $o*ld res*lt in ho)eless !ontradi!tions and !onf*sion" Therefore1 it has no effe!t" I sa that this is false1 for in the e2am)les 3i(en abo(e no !onf*sion or !ontradi!tion of meanin3s is to be fo*ndI besides1 the meanin3s of o))osite ho*ses are most !ertainl related1 and therefore1 s*!h a determination is not to be ne3le!ted1 7*st as the determinations b both de2ter and sinister as)e!ts m*st al$a s be !onsidered for an )lanet" It is no$ )lain ho$ man thin3s are to be ta8en into !onsideration for a 3i(en )lanetEits a!tion b lo!ation and thro*3h the ho*se o))osite1 its domi!ile1 e2altation1 tri)li!it 1 e2ile1 fall1 and as)e!ts1 as $ell as the domi!ile1 e2altation and tri)li!it of an other

)lanet $hi!h ma be its r*ler m*st all be st*died" This ma8es an a!!*rate 7*d3ment diffi!*ltEat least for h*man fa!*ltiesEb*t not im)ossible1 be!a*se an effe!t al$a s follo$s the nat*re and state of the most )o$erf*l or si3nifi!ant )lanet" Moreo(er1 $hen Aries is on the As!endant that si3n infl*en!es the As!endant a!!ordin3 to the nat*re of its r*ler Mars b*t !ontrar to :he nat*re of &en*sI or the infl*en!e of Leo risin3 is in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re of the S*n1 b*t !ontrar to the nat*re of Sat*rn" #*t &en*s or Sat*rn !annot be!a*se of this fa!t be said to infl*en!e the meanin3s of the As!endant1 for the !annot a!t other than thro*3h their o$n nat*re $hi!h $o*ld be non9e2istent in the As!endant be!a*se of their anti)ath " #*t if -*)iter $ere r*ler of the As!endant and in trine to it1 the benefi! infl*en!e $o*ld be in!reased thro*3h the di3nit -*)iter had in the As!endant1 $hile if Sat*rn $ere in e2ile in the As!endant and in sD*are or o))osition to it1 the e(il of the sD*are or o))osition $o*ld be in!reased be!a*se of the nat*re of Sat*rn1 $hi!h is !ontrar to that of the as!endin3 si3n" It follo$s that s*!h a !ontrar nat*re is inherent in the as!endin3 si3n itself sin!e its infl*en!e is in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re of its r*ler1 b*t Sat*rn !o*ld ha(e no infl*en!e there $itho*t an as)e!t into that si3n" Therefore1 $hen e(al*atin3 the As!endant and an ad(erse infl*en!es there1 Sat*rn $o*ld not be 3i(en !onsideration $itho*t the as)e!t of a sD*are or o))ositionI and so on for the other si3ns"

CHAPTER I( The determinations of the planets by aspect& the general significance of the aspects The im)ortan!e of the as)e!ts or ra s of the )lanetsEes)e!iall $hen dire!tin3 the )lanetsEhas been obser(ed b all astrolo3ers and the deser(e the !losest attention" The infl*en!e of the !on7*n!tion of a )lanet is dire!tl in a!9 !ordan!e $ith the f*ndamental D*alit of that )lanet" #*t its other as)e!tsEthe o))osition1 D*in!*n2es1 trines1 sD*ares1 se2tiles1 and semi9 se2tiles E m*st $or8 thro*3h those ele(en )oints of the primum caelum, $hi!h are modified b that )lanet and the nat*re of those as)e!ts" In other $ords1 those )oints $hi!h re!ei(e a determination thro*3h the different as)e!ts ha(e an infl*en!e in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re of the as)e!t $hi!h the form1 and de)end as $ell on the nat*re1 )o$er1 and state of the as)e!tin3 )lanet" A )lanet !omm*ni!ates universally E that is1 to the $hole earth E its o$n D*alitati(e )o$er thro*3h its as)e!ts1 b*t in different and more s)e!ifi! $a s de)endin3 on the nat*re or 8ind of as)e!tI and therefore1 tho*3h that )o$er is *ni(ersal1 there are di(ersified effe!ts res*ltin3 from it" #*t e(en $ith the same as)e!ts it affe!ts a )arti!*lar indi(id*al thro*3h the affairs of the ho*ses in $hi!h the as)e!ts fall" Pro)erl s)ea8in31 the )lanets do not ha(e an 3ood or bad effe!t on ea!h other b their as)e!ts" For instan!e1 $hen the S*n is said to be sD*are Mars the !orre!t meanin3 is that the )oint of the sD*are of Mars falls *)on the same )la!e the S*n o!!*)ies1 and so *)on the S*n itself1 and to3ether the a!t on the s*bl*nar $orld in m*!h the same $a as the )lanets a!t $ith the si3nsEas )artners in the same a!tion" The )artnershi) of benefi! as)e!ts from benefi! )lanets is 3oodI of malefi! as)e!ts from malefi!s is e(ilI b*t of benefi! ones from malefi! )lanets or of malefi! ones from benefi! )lanets the !ombination is intermediate in effe!t" The as)e!ts to the !*s)s of the ho*ses are also to be !onsidered" Therefore1 in these t$o $a s a )lanet has s)e!ifi! a!tion thro*3h its as)e!ts and !an be said to determine )arti!*lar thin3s" Hen!e it is !lear that a )o$er of a!tion is inherent in the as)e!ts1

as $ell as in the si3ns1 $hi!h is de)endent on the D*alitati(e )o$er of the )lanets" In fa!t1 the )lanets seem at times to a!t $ith 3reater stren3th thro*3h as)e!t than thro*3h r*lershi)" For e2am)le1 e2)erien!e has )ro(ed it is a more serio*s matter $hen the As!endant is affli!ted b the sD*are or o))osition of Mars or Sat*rn than $hen it is *nder their r*lershi)1 $hile on the other hand it is better if the As!endant is trine -*)iter than if -*)iter r*les the As!endantEall other fa!tors bein3 eD*al Efor if -*)iter r*les the As!endant and is in the MC and in 3ood !elestial state1 it is m*!h more fa(orable than if it $ere in the ei3hth ho*se in ad(erse !elestial state b*t trine the As!endantI and so on" For a similar reason it !an be *nderstood that a )lanet mi3ht ha(e 3reater si3nifi!an!e for the ho*se to $hi!h it is o))osed than the r*ler of that ho*se $o*ld ha(e if it $ere lo!ated in some other ho*se1 es)e!iall if it $ere $ea8 and did not as)e!t that ho*se !*s)" In addition1 one sho*ld note that an as)e!t to a )lanet has beater effe!t in the ho*se in $hi!h that )lanet is lo!ated than in the ho*se o(er $hi!h it has r*lershi)" Th*s1 Mars r*lin3 the third and )la!ed in the fo*rth and trine the As!endant $o*ld ma8e the nati(e disli8ed b his brothers or sisters b*t esteemed b his )arents"

CHAPTER ( The aspects of the planets and ho! they !or) for good or ill Some of the )lanets are benefi! in nat*re1 as -*)iter and &en*s are !ommonl said to be1 $hile others are malefi!1 as Mars and Sat*rnI b*t benefi!s do not )rod*!e 3ood thro*3h all of their as)e!ts be!a*se of the different nat*re and D*alit of the as)e!ts1 as some are b nat*re benefi! or in!lined to )rod*!e 3ood1 $hile others are malefi!" Therefore1 a 3i(en )lanet )rod*!es 3ood and bad at the same time1 be!a*se it sends from its )oint in the caelum both benefi! and malefi! ra s" The distin!tion sho*ld be obser(ed1 ho$e(er1 that the fa(orable ra s of benefi! )lanets are more )rone to 3ood1 and the *nfa(orable ra s are less )rone to e(il1 than is tr*e for the malefi! )lanets" Therefore1 a 3i(en )lanet has a 3ood infl*en!e thro*3h the trine1 se2tile and semi9se2tile as)e!ts1 $hi!h are b nat*re benefi!1 and of $hi!h the trine is the stron3est1 the semi9se2tile the $ea8est and the se2tile intermediate in stren3th" And the same )lanet has an ad(erse infl*en!e thro*3h the o))osition1 sD*are1 and D*in!*n21 $hi!h are b nat*re malefi!1 and of $hi!h the o))osition is the stron3est1 the D*in!*n2 the $ea8est1 and the sD*are intermediate in stren3th" #*t the !on7*n!tion to a )arti!*lar de3ree of the caelum is not )ro)erl s)ea8in3 an as)e!tEaltho*3h it is !o*nted amon3 themEb*t is rather the )oint of ori3in of the as)e!ts and is indifferent to the D*alit of its effe!t" In 3eneral1 the !on7*n!tion of a benefi! )lanet is 3ood1 b*t that of a malefi! is e(il" Moreo(er1 a benefi! )lanet>s fa(orable ra s )rod*!e 3ood $ith ease and in ab*ndan!e1 and !a*se 3ood in the fort*nate ho*ses as $ell as )re(ent or miti3ate e(il in the *nfort*nate ones1 b*t its *nfa(orable ra s brin3 diffi!*lties1 hindran!es1 or misfort*nes to be s*rmo*nted" If a benefi! is in an *nfa(orable !elestial and terrestrial state1 its benefi! ra s do (er little 3ood1 $hile its malefi! ra s do m*!h harm" For e2am)le1 in the horos!o)e of Cardinal Ri!helie* the benefi! -*)iter is in e2ile in the ei3hth ho*se1 and therefore is inimi!al to life1 and is at the same time !on7*n!t the fi2ed star o!*l*s Ta*r*sI $hen b dire!tion it rea!hed the o))osition to the As!endant1 the

)rime si3nifi!ator of the d*ration of life1 he died" On the other hand1 a malefi! )lanet>s malefi! ra s are e2tremel harmf*l1 !a*sin3 e(il in the *nfort*nate ho*ses and )re(entin3 or s)oilin3 the 3ood in the fort*nate ones1 *nless it r*les o(er the lo!ation $here the ad(erse as)e!ts falls1 for in that !ase the as)e!t )rod*!es 3ood in fort*nate ho*ses1 b*t this 3ood $ill be a!!om)anied b (iolen!e1 e(il1 or misfort*ne" In the *nfort*nate ho*ses the res*lt is e(en $orseI for e2am)le1 Mars r*lin3 the ei3hth and )la!ed in the se!ond almost al$a s is the !a*se of death" And a3ain1 the fa(orable ra s indi!ate somethin3 3ood 3ained b diffi!*lt meansI for e2am)le1 in the horos!o)e of the 8in3 of S$eden/ Sat*rn r*led the se!ond1 and its trine to the S*n in the first ho*se indi!ated 3reat $ealth1 $hi!h he $o*ld a!D*ire thro*3h $ar be!a*se Mer!*r 1 r*ler of the se(enth1 is )la!ed in the se!ondI and in obtainin3 these thin3s he had 3ood fort*ne sin!e -*)iter1 Mer!*r 1 &en*s1 and the )art of fort*ne $ere in the se!ond ho*seEand all r*led in t*rn b Sat*rn" Ne(ertheless1 if both the !elestial and terrestrial states of malefi! )lanets are *nfa(orable1 e(en their benefi! ra s are (er harmf*lI for e2am)le1 in the same 8in3>s horos!o)e Sat*rn in e2ile in the ei3hth1 in sD*are to Mars in the t$elfth as $ell as trine to the S*n in the first1 foretold a (iolent death1 es)e!iall sin!e -*)iter1 r*ler of the As!endant and the S*n1 $as a))l in3 to the o))osition of Sat*rn and the sD*are of Mars" For one m*st al$a s obser(e the ho*se of the as)e!tin3 )lanet and determine $hether it fa(ors the 3ood or e(il of the ho*se into $hi!h it thro$s an as)e!t" And b no$ it is !lear that the same as)e!t !an be benefi! for one thin3 and malefi! for anotherEa fa!t $hi!h sho*ld al$a s be noted" In addition1 the effe!t of a malefi! in an *n!on3enial si3n and in ad(erse as)e!t to another )lanet malefi! b nat*re or determination is e(il1 $hile in 3ood as)e!t to a benefi! it is not as badI and a benefi! in an *n!on3enial si3n is D*ite harmf*l if it is affli!ted b the bad as)e!t of a malefi!" Moreo(er1 note !aref*ll that a )lanet>s infl*en!e b as)e!t is threefold" First1 it $or8s thro*3h its o$n nat*reEfor the S*n>s effe!t is al$a s solar1 the Moon>s is al$a s l*nar1 and Sat*rn>s is al$a s Sat*rnian1 et!" Se!ond1 it $or8s thro*3h its !elestial state and an res*ltin3 relation to other )lanetsEfor a )lanet de)ends on the r*ler of the si3n it o!!*)ies and is li8e a )artner in an a!tion1 as $e ha(e freD*entl stated" Therefore1 if $ell9)la!ed it brin3s 3ood res*lts1 at least b its benefi! ra sI if badl 9)la!ed it is harmf*l1 at least b its malefi! ra s" Third1 it $ords thro*3h its terrestrial stateEthat is1 ho*se lo!ation and r*lershi)" For the infl*en!e of the as)e!t of a )lanet is al$a s determined b its nat*re and !elestial state1 b*t not

%*sta( AdolfI this monar!h $as 8illed in the battle of LMt;en in /064"

al$a s b its lo!ation and r*lershi) at one and the same time1 b*t sometimes b one and sometimes b the other1 and sometimes both to3ether" For e2am)le1 -*)iter in the first and trine the MC brin3s 3ood fort*ne to the nati(e in his $orldl )osition or )rofession in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re and !elestial state of -*)iterI and if1 in addition1 -*)iter is r*ler of the MC the 3ood fort*ne is e(en 3reater and more !ertain" And if be ond that1 it as)e!ts the S*n in the tenth ho*se1 the 3reatest )ossible 3ood fort*ne is in store" And the same reasonin3 is to be *sed for the other as)e!ts $hether 3ood or bad" In 3eneral1 a 3i(en )lanet1 b its as)e!ts to the )lanets or !*s)s or thro*3h dire!tions to these as si3nifi!ators1 brin3s fort*ne or misfort*ne to the !orres)ondin3 affairs thro*3h its o$n !ondition based *)on its lo!ation and r*lershi)1 as $ell as the nat*re of the as)e!ts formed" Therefore1 Mars in the se(enth and r*ler of the fo*rth and ele(enth ho*ses1 and trine the S*n in the MC1 $ill )romote the )resti3e of the nati(e thro*3h liti3ations1 !onfli!ts1 s)o*se1 )arents and friends" And these $ill !ertainl o!!*r sho*ld Mars trine the S*n b dire!tion" #*t in addition to the three )oints alread mentioned1 one sho*ld also note $hether a )lanet>s as)e!t is a))l in3 or se)aratin31 sin!eEall other thin3s bein3 eD*alEa))li!ation has 3reater effe!t than se)arationI and $hen one )lanet a))lies to another1 this latter one is also to be !onsidered in terms of its nat*re1 !elestial and terrestrial state1 and a 7*d3ment made a!!ordin3l " For e2am)le1 in the horos!o)e of the 8in3 of S$eden -*)iter1 r*ler of the As!endant1 is a))l in3 to the o))osition of the malefi! Sat*rn in e2ile in the ei3hth1 and to the harmf*l sD*are of Mars as $ell1 $hi!h are all indi!ations of the 8in3>s (iolent death" It is no$ !lear that 7*st as a )lanet b its ho*se lo!ation and r*lershi) either 3rants or denies the 3ood or e(il of those ho*ses1 so the do this also thro*3h their as)e!ts1 in a!!ordan!e $ith their deter9 minations1 and )lainl 1 t$o )lanets in as)e!t ha(e an infl*en!e on the affairs of the ho*ses in $hi!h the are lo!ated" So1 if -*)iter is in the first and trine to the S*n in the tenth1 the S*n>s as)e!t $ill in!line -*)iter to infl*en!e the affairs of the tenth ho*seEthat is1 honor and )resti3eEand -*)iter>s as)e!t to in!line the S*n to infl*en!e the affairs of the firstE that is1 !hara!ter1 or fame and 3lor " Similarl 1 if Sat*rn is in the ei3hth o))osin3 -*)iter in the se!ond and r*ler of the As!endant1 the o))osition of Sat*rn to -*)iter $ill !olor the -*)iterian !hara!ter and 3i(e it a Sat*rnian to*!h" And this )arti!*lar o))osition of -*)iter to Sat*rn !o*ld indi!ate death b 7*di!ial de!ision" Therefore1 the same as)e!t al$a s has (ario*s meanin3s1 and this fa!t $as most !ertainl ne(er noted b the an!ients $hen the handed do$n to *s their (ersions of the effe!ts of the as)e!ts" In addition1 the as)e!ts of a )lanet !an in!rease1 diminish1 or (itiate the )o$er of the si3nifi!atorsEsometimes remar8abl so1 sometimes onl

to a moderate de3reeI for e2am)le1 if -*)iter is in the tenth it is a si3nifi!ator of honor and )resti3e1 b*t if the S*n fa(ored it b a trine1 -*)iter>s )o$er to brin3 honor and )resti3e is (er 3reatl enhan!ed" #*t if Sat*rn affli!ts it b sD*are this )o$er is not onl de!reased b*t (itiated as $ell1 and foretells some misfort*ne !onne!ted $ith )osition1 ran81 or the )rofession" Moreo(er1 the essential si3nifi!ations of the )lanets and their )ositions in the horos!o)e 3i(e an indi!ation of the nat*re or 8ind of effe!t of the as)e!tI for e2am)le1 -*)iter si3nifies foresi3ht and Mars darin31 and if both are !on7*n!t in the tenth ho*se and in 3ood !elestial state1 !onsiderable a*thorit and )o$er a!D*ired thro*3h that foresi3ht and darin3 are indi!ated in the area of the )rofession" In the se!ond ho*se these )lanets $o*ld sho$ mone a!D*ired b foresi3ht and darin3 a!tion1 as $ell as e2traordinar e2)endit*res" And $hat is said here !on!ernin3 the !on7*n!tion )ertains as $ell to an of the stron3er as)e!ts1 for one m*st al$a s !onsider the nat*re of the as)e!ts and the )lanets in(ol(ed as $ell as their !elestial and terrestrial state" The ob7e!tion ma be raised that if the total effe!t of a )lanet $ere determined b all of its as)e!ts1/ in terms of the affairs of all the ho*ses into $hi!h the fall1 that )lanet $o*ld ha(e an infl*en!e on all the affairs of the nati(e" It $o*ld therefore ha(e to be !onsidered the si3nifi!ator of e(er thin3Eof the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 finan!es1 brothers1 )arents1 et!"1 and for ea!h of these ho*ses 7*d3ment $o*ld ha(e to be made from all the as)e!ts formed b ea!h of the )lanets" #*t in fa!t s*!h a 7*d3ment of stellar effe!ts !o*ld not b*t )resent ine2tri!able diffi!*lties and the 3reatest )ossible !onf*sion1 $hi!h $o*ld be im)ossible to sort o*t" Therefore1 the )lanets either ha(e no infl*en!e thro*3h their as)e!ts or (alid 7*d3ments are too *n!ertain to be of an *se" I $o*ld re)l that the a!tion )ro!eedin3 from stellar !a*ses is both )er!e)tible and im)er!e)tible" The a!tion of the S*n is )er!e)tible to all $hile the a!tion of a fi2ed star of the si2th ma3nit*de is )er!e)tible to no oneI b*t that it has some effe!t !annot be 3ainsaid" And so it is in astrolo3 I $hate(er is sho$n in the stars de)ends in some $a on all the )lanets and on all the as)e!ts of ea!h of them1 b*t does not de)end on these eD*all 1 b*t more on some and less on others1 and (er little at all on still others" In fa!t1 the astrolo3er 7*d3es effe!ts onl from the most im)ortant and )o$erf*l !a*sesEthat is1 from the !elestial state of the )lanet r*lin3 the ho*se )ertainin3 to the affair of interest or its r*ler1 and also from the
/ The reader sho*ld bear in mind that Morin*s !ontin*es to *se the $ord Has)e!tH freD*entl in the sense of the ele(en )ossible an3*lar Hra sH $hi!h a 3i(en )lanet sends o*t $hether these Hra sH meet $ith another )lanet or notF other$ise some of his statementsEs*!h as the one abo(eE$o*ld not ma8e m*!h sense"

stron3er as)e!ts to that ho*se" These in!l*de the o))osition1 trine1 sD*are and se2tile1 as the $ere em)lo ed b all the astrolo3ers of antiD*it I the remainin3 semi9se2tile and D*in!*n2 rarel ha(e an effe!t *nless )artile" An a))re!iable effe!t is sometimes e2tended to the se!ondar r*ler of a ho*se1 b*t no f*rther" Similarl 1 altho*3h ea!h )lanet affe!ts ea!h of the ho*ses thro*3h its ra s in all dire!tions1 the stron3er of the se(eral ra s affe!tin3 a 3i(en ho*se ta8e )re!eden!e o(er the $ea8er ones" So1 after !onsiderin3 the stren3th of the infl*en!e of the )lanets and e(er thin3 else on some area of interest1 the astrolo3er bases his 7*d3ment in a!!ordan!e $ith the testimon of the most si3nifi!ant elements in(ol(ed" Far be it from the tr*th that 7*d3ment !annot be made $itho*t sli))in3 into ho)eless !onf*sion1 for e(en on the first ins)e!tion of the horos!o)e an a!!*rate 7*d3ment !an freD*entl be made b obser(in3 the beni3nit or mali3nit and the stren3th or debilit of the main infl*en!es on some )arti!*lar area of interest1 as these al$a s $in o*t o(er the less im)ortant ones" Finall 1 do not let o*r 7*d3ment be o(er9hast 1 b*t !aref*ll tho*3ht o*t1 so that it does !redit to o*rself and to the s!ien!e"

CHAPTER (I The aspects of the planets& their analysis and comparison First" The as)e!ts to the ho*se !*s)s are to be !onsidered1 for b the )rime motion from east to $est the )lanets mo(e to the !*s)s1 and of these the de2ter as)e!ts1 or those )re!edin3 the !*s) :earlier in the ;odia!< are 3enerall said to be more effe!ti(e than the sinister as)e!ts1 or those of the same 8ind follo$in3 the !*s) :later in the ;odia!<" #*t this is not at all times tr*e and a distin!tion m*st be re!o3ni;ed1 for if a )lanet a))lies b de2ter sD*are to a !*s)Es*!h as the MC E b*t b sinister sD*are it is )assin3 from another E s*!h as the As!endant :$hi!h !o*ld onl o!!*r in a !om)arison of t.o horos!o)es<Ethe de2ter $ill ha(e the 3reater effe!tI b*t if b de2ter sD*are it is )assin3 from the MC b*t is a))l in3 thro*3h the )rime motion to the As!endant b sinister sD*are1 the sinister $ill ha(e the 3reater effe!t1 and so on for the other as)e!ts" #*t note that the As!endant here refers to the !*s) itself1 or the )oint in the !ir!le of ho*ses $here the first ho*se be3ins1 b*t not the de3ree of the caelum $hi!h o!!*)ies that )oint or !*s)" For $hen a )lanet in dire!t motion a))lies to that !*s) thro*3h the )rime motion1 it is se)aratin3 at the same time from the de3ree of the caelum it o!!*)ies thro*3h its o$n1 or se!ondar motion" It is be!a*se of this fa!t that a))li!ation has 3reater effe!t than se)arationEall other thin3s bein3 eD*al" Se!ond" The as)e!ts bet$een the )lanets are to be !onsidered1 for b their o$n1 or se!ondar motion from $est to east the )lanets !ome into as)e!t $ith ea!h other" Of these the sinister as)e!ts $ill 3enerall be stron3er than the de2terI a3ain a distin!tion is reD*ired1 for if &en*s a))lies b sinister trine to Mars1 in either dire!t or retro3rade motion1 that as)e!t is stron3er than a de2ter trine of Mars to &en*sE thai is1 &en*s has a 3reater infl*en!e on both the essential and a!!idental si3nifi!ations of Mars than Mars !an ha(e on those si3nifi!ations of &en*s" #*t if1 on the other hand1 &en*s a))lies to Mars b de2ter trine1 the de2ter $ill be stron3er than the sinister trine $o*ld be1 sin!e in the latter !ase1 Mars $o*ld be se)aratin3 from &en*sI and so on for the other as)e!ts"

Third" The same as)e!t b the same )lanets is to be !onsidered in referen!e to the different )ossible lo!ations of the )lanetsI for e2am)le1 Mars and the Moon in sD*are do not al$a s )rod*!e e2a!tl the same effe!t1 as is a!t*all )res*med b those astrolo3ers $ho set *) tables on the effe!ts of the )lanets> as)e!ts1 for this as)e!t !o*ld ha(e t$el(e (ariations be!a*se of the t$el(e ;odia!al si3ns in $hi!h Mars or the Moon ma be fo*nd" The effe!t of Mars is one thin3 in Aries and somethin3 else in Ta*r*s1 and the same is to be said for the MoonI therefore1 altho*3h their sD*are ma in 3eneral indi!ate somethin3 *nfort*nate or harmf*l1 the 8ind of misfort*ne $ill be one thin3 $hen Mars is in Libra and the Moon in Ca)ri!orn1 b*t somethin3 else $hen Mars is in Ca)ri!orn and the Moon in Libra" And e(en more s)e!ifi!all 1 the 8ind of misfort*ne $ill be one thin3 $ith Mars in the first ho*se and the Moon in the tenth and somethin3 else $ith Mars in the tenth and the Moon in the first" These (ariations sho*ld be !lear thro*3h an *nderstandin3 of first )rin!i)les1 and sho$ ho$ $orthless are the 8ind of tables mentioned abo(e" Fo*rth" An as)e!t bet$een t$o )lanets is to be !onsidered in terms of the s*)rema! of one of the )lanets o(er the other1 for $hen t$o )lanets are !on7*n!t1 sD*are1 or in o))osition1 and the D*estion arises as to $hi!h $ill be more )o$erf*l1 the ans$er $ill be fo*nd b a !onsideration of fo*r )ointsF /< The di3nit of the )lanets in as)e!t1 forE other thin3s bein3 eD*alEthe S*n and the Moon s*)ersede the other )lanets in im)ortan!e be!a*se the are the )rin!i)al bodies o(er the earth1 and of these the S*n s*)ersedes the Moon" F*rthermore1 the s*)erior )lanets Sat*rn1 -*)iter and Mars are more )o$erf*l than the inferior ones &en*s and Mer!*r " Therefore1 $hen &en*s is sD*are Sat*rn1 &en*s is affe!ted more stron3l b the sD*are of Sat*rn than Sat*rn is b the sD*are of &en*s" 4< The !elestial state1 for the )lanet stron3er b !elestial stateEthat is1 b domi!ile1 e2altation1 tri)li!it 1 and )osition $ith res)e!t to the S*n1 et!"E$ins o*t o(er the )lanet $hi!h is $ea8er" Therefore1 Mars in Ca)ri!orn sD*are the S*n in Libra affli!ts (er stron3l the S*n1 or its si3nifi!ations1 be!a*se Mars is in its e2altation $hile the S*n is in its fall" 6< The terrestrial state1 for that one of the as)e!tin3 )lanets $hi!h thro*3h its lo!al determinations infl*en!es for 3ood or for ill the affairs of the ho*ses into $hi!h the as)e!ts fall $ill )re(ail1 so that if -*)iter is in Sa3ittari*s and in the As!endant1 that )lanet>s nat*re and lo!ation1 as $ell as r*lershi)1 determine the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 et!" Therefore1 if it $ere !on7*n!t or sD*are the Moon r*lin3 an ei3hth ho*se not other$ise affli!ted1 -*)iter>s infl*en!e on the d*ration of life $o*ld be e(en stron3er1 not$ithstandin3 the sD*are of the Moon to the As!endant1 b*t if -*)iter $ere in e2ile in the As!endant and !on7*n!t Mars r*lin3 the ei3hth ho*se1 the infl*en!e of Mars as harbin3er of death $o*ld )re(ail1 be!a*se b its nat*re and thro*3h its

r*lershi) it !learl refers to death1 and stron3l affli!ts the si3nifi!ator of life as $ell" G< A))li!ation and se)aration1 for a )lanet $hi!h a))lies to another b as)e!t is said to be the stron3er of the t$o1 as $as e2)lained in !h" /5" Moreo(er1 after findin3 the most )o$erf*l )lanet1 one m*st obser(e $hether it is more )o$erf*l b a little or a lotI and one m*st al$a s !onsider the other )lanet1 be!a*se both !on!*r in the same a!tion as tho*3h the $ere )artners" The sD*are of Sat*rn to the S*n or the S*n to Sat*rn1 for e2am)le1 !annot be ineffe!ti(e e(en $hile se)aratin3I and the more a )lanet is stron3er b !elestial and terrestrial state for 3ood or e(il1 the more !aref*ll sho*ld be obser(ed into $hat ho*ses its as)e!ts fall1 be!a*se the meanin3s of those ho*ses $ill be affe!ted more stron3l E $hether for 3ood or illEa!!ordin3 to the nat*re of the as)e!t" Fifth" T$o different 8inds of as)e!ts are to be anal ;ed in t$o $a sF /< From the stand)oint of one )lanet" And so1 the o))osition of a 3i(en )lanet is in itself stron3er than the sD*are1 and the trine is stron3er than the se2tile" I sa Hin itself in a *ni(ersal sense be!a*se the sD*are is half of an o))osition and the se2tile is half of a trine1 b*t accidentally, and be!a*se of both the determinations and as)e!ts of the )lanet1 it !an t*rn o*t !ontrari$iseI for -*)iter1 r*ler of the As!endant and )la!ed in the ele(enth1 has a 3reater infl*en!e on the nati(e>s tem)erament1 !hara!ter1 and dis)osition b (irt*e of its se2tile to the As!endant than on the affairs of the nati(e>s brothers b its trine to the third" And Mars1 r*ler of the ei3hth1 )la!ed in the tenth has 3reater infl*en!e a3ainst the nati(e>s life thro*3h its sD*are to the As!endant than on his )arents or inheritan!e thro*3h its o))osition" 4< From the stand)oint of t$o )lanets in as)e!t to the same si3nifi!ator" For e2am)le1 if the trine of -*)iter and the sD*are of Mars fall in the As!endant ea!h has an infl*en!e on the d*ration of life as $ell as the !hara!ter of the nati(e1 b*t the res*lt is mi2ed sin!e the ra s are mi2ed1 and the )lanets $ill a!t to3ether as in a mi2t*re of told and hot $ater from $hi!h somethin3 intermediate is obtained" In this )roblem there are fi(e )oints to ta8e into !onsiderationF A< Note the as)e!t itselfI the trine is the as)e!t first in )o$er of doin3 3ood $hile the sD*are is se!ond in doin3 e(il1 be!a*se the latter is onl half of an o))osition1 and therefore1 the trine of -*)iter is stron3er than the sD*are of Mars1 and the latter threatens life to a lesser de3ree than the former is able to assist it" #< Note the !elestial state of -*)iter and MarsI for if Mars is stron31 as in S!or)io or Ca)ri!orn1 $hile -*)iter is $ea81 as in %emini1 the sD*are of Mars !o*ld do 3reater harm than the trine of -*)iter $o*ld be !a)able of resistin3" C< Note their terrestrial state1 or the effe!t of lo!al determinations on the affairs $hi!h are *nder in(esti3ationI for Mars r*lin3 the ei3hth and in sD*are to the As!endant threatens life to a 3reater de3ree than the

trine of -*)iter r*lin3 the ei3hth or t$elfth !o*ld assist it1 be!a*se1 altho*3h -*)iter>s trine is of 3reat benefit for health1 its lo!ation1 r*lershi) and as)e!ts sho*ld be s*!h as to )romote health1 and sho*ld be free of an im)li!ations of illnesses or death1 $hi!h $o*ld not be the !ase if it $ere in the ei3hth or r*ler of the ei3hth or t$elfth" And this is the reasonin3 to be *sed for other as)e!ts !ontendin3 $ith ea!h other for the same si3nifi!atorEs*!h as of !hara!ter1 )rofession1 marria3e1 or $hate(er" ,hen the !on!*rrin3 as)e!ts are in a3reementE$hether for 3ood or illEthere is no diffi!*lt in ma8in3 a 7*d3ment" '< Note the distan!e from the si3nifi!atorI for of the as)e!ts of t$o )lanets to the same si3nifi!atorEs*!h as to the As!endant or S*nEthe one $hi!h is !loser1 or more )artile1 is 3i(en )referen!e o(er the one more distant1 es)e!iall if the former $ill be!ome e2a!t first" E< Note $hether a))l in3 or se)aratin31 as the )lanet a))l in3 is 3i(en )referen!e o(er the one se)aratin31 as has freD*entl been stated" Si2th" The as)e!t is to be anal ;ed $ith res)e!t to $hether it !omes from a )lanet $hi!h is fa(orable or *nfa(orable b !elestial state1 for it is do*btf*l $hether the sD*are or o))osition of Sat*rn from its domi!ile or e2altation is as harmf*l as it $o*ld be from its e2ile or fall" 'o*bt is remo(ed1 ho$e(er1 b !onsiderin3 -*)iter1 $hi!h1 if it is fa(orable b !elestial state1 )rod*!es more thro*3h its trine than if it $ere *nfa(orableI and in ad(erse !elestial state it does more harm b its sD*are than it $o*ld in 3ood !elestial state E a fa!t $hi!h no astrolo3er e(er do*bted" ,h then sho*ld not Sat*rn in an ad(erse !elestial state do 3reater harm thro*3h its sD*are than if in a 3ood !elestial stateJ Therefore1 Sat*rn>s sD*are is al$a s harmf*l1 b*t e(en more so if its !elestial state is ad(erse" This is sho$n in the horos!o)e of the 8in3 of S$eden $hen b dire!tion the MC !ame to the sD*are of Sat*rn in Leo in the ei3hth ho*se and he $as 8illed" Th*s1 -*)iter>s trine from its domi!ile is the best1 $hile its sD*are from there is harmless or onl (er sli3htl harmf*l1 $hile the trine from its e2ile is *seless or onl sli3htl hel)f*l1 $hile the sD*are is harmf*l" And similarl 1 Sat*rn>s trine from its domi!ile is benefi!ial $hile its sD*are is not1 $hile from its e2ile its trine is *seless1 e(en e(il1 and its sD*are is D*ite )erni!io*s" Of !o*rse1 these 3eneral statements are (alid onl $hen all other fa!tors are eD*al" Se(enth" As)e!ts of the same D*alit are to be !onsidered $ith res)e!t to their 3ood or ill nat*reI for altho*3h all sD*ares and o))o9 sitions are in themsel(es e(il1 the are $orse from the malefi!s Sat*rn and Mars1 and still $orse if these )lanets are s)oiled or (itiated thro*3h their !elestial stateI and $orse still if the refer b lo!ation or r*lershi) to the affairs of the *nfort*nate ho*ses or the ones o))osite to themI $orst of all if1 in addition to bein3 the r*lers of the first or tenth1 the also r*le the ei3hth or t$elfth ho*ses1 or )lanets in those

ho*ses1 es)e!iall sho*ld these affli!t the S*n and Moon" Parti!*larl e(il is the o))osition $hen )artile or diametri!1 es)e!iall bet$een Mars and Sat*rn1 for these !an !a*se death $hen one of them is the r*ler of the As!endant" On the other hand1 altho*3h all trines and s!2tiles are in themsel(es 3ood1 those of -*)iter1 &en*s1 the S*n1 Moon and Mer!*r are )arti!*larl so1 and e(en better if the are in a fa(orable !elestial state1 and better still if the refer b lo!ation or r*lershi) to the affairs of the fort*nate ho*ses" #*t best of all is $hen1 in addition1 the as)e!t the ho*ses si3nif in3 fort*nate thin3s1 or )lanets in them1 es)e!iall -*)iter1 &en*s1 S*n1 Moon or Mer!*r " And therefore1 the o))osition of Sat*rn in Leo and the S*n in AD*ari*s $o*ld be (er bad1 $hile the trine of -*)iter in Pis!es to the Moon in Can!er $o*ld be e2!ellent" Ei3hth" As)e!ts are to be anal ;ed in the li3ht of an other as)e!t )re!edin3 or follo$in31 for if a benefi! immediatel follo$s a benefi! the 3ood sho$n !omes $ith ease and !ertaint 1 and if a malefi! follo$s a malefi!1 e(il is sho$n $ith !ertaint and no dela " #*t if a malefi! follo$s a benefi!1 the 3ood $hi!h is a))arent is !han3ed into e(ilI if a benefi! follo$s a malefi!1 the !ontrar ta8es )la!e" One sho*ld al$a s obser(e the stren3th of the as)e!t $hi!h follo$sEthat is1 its nat*re1 the )lanets in(ol(ed1 and their !elestial and terrestrial slateI for the stron3er it is the 3reater the !ertaint $ill be that $hat has been e2)lained abo(e $ill ta8e )la!e" In addition1 one sho*ld note the as)e!t or )lanet $hi!h is immediatel )re!edin31 for a )lanet se)aratin3 from one 3ood as)e!t to$ards another is fort*nateI from an e(il one to$ards another e(il one is *nfort*nate1 $hile other !ombinations ha(e intermediate effe!ts" Ninth" As)e!ts are to be anal ;ed $ith res)e!t to the )lanets r*lin3 o(er the as)e!tsI for e2am)le1 the r*ler of the first !on7*n!t the r*ler of the ei3hth and )artile1 or both a))l in3 to ea!h other1 in!line to the same effe!tEa )remat*re death" Also1 the ho*se $herein the !on7oin m*st be ta8en into !onsideration1 for if the !ome to3ether in the t$elfth1 death from disease1 )rison1 or e2ile is indi!atedI if in the le(enth1 death $ill be thro*3h a !onfli!t1 battle1 liti3ation1 or robbers1 in a!!ordan!e $ith the $a the r*ler of the as)e!tin3 )lanets1 or the as)e!ts of other )lanets1 ma a!t *)on them" If the are se)aratin31 the dan3ers $hi!h a))ear $ill be a(oided" Finall 1 the manner in $hi!h one )lanet a))lies to another m*st be !onsidered1 for if the r*ler of the first a))lies to the r*ler of the ei3hth1 an earl death ma !laim the nati(e1 and it $ill be thro*3h his o$n fa*ltI and so on for the other )lanets and as)e!ts" Moreo(er1 from all that has been said it is !lear that one !an )ass 7*d3ment on the affairs of a )arti!*lar ho*se from the nat*re of the ss3n o!!*) in3 that ho*se and from the nat*re1 !elestial1 and terrestrial state of the )lanets $hi!h affe!t that ho*se b lo!ation or

as)e!t1 or ha(e there the di3nit of domi!ile1 e2altation1 or tri)li!it " And so1 a $ide field arises for ma8in3 )redi!tions1 and if onl h*man in3en*it !o*ld be so far refined to be eD*al to the tas8 it !o*ld )redi!t e(en the smallest e(ents that fate had in store1 b*t sin!e the h*man intelle!t is feeble it m*st err e2!e)t in the more e(ident sit*ations"

CHAPTER (II The principal points to be obser ed in ma)ing an accurate e aluation of a planet and its aspects These )oints are assembled from all that has been stated in the )re!edin3 !ha)ters of this $or8" First" In e(al*atin3 an )lanet the first thin3 to !onsider is its nat*re Ethat is1 $hether benefi! or malefi!Efor from benefi!s more is to be ho)ed for and less is to be feared1 $hile from the malefi!s the !ontrar is tr*eEat an rate1 $hen all other thin3s are eD*al" Se!ond" Obser(e $hether the )lanet is in domi!ile or not1 for in domi!ile its a!tion is *nD*alified and inde)endent of an other )lanet1 at least in this res)e!t" #*t $hen it is !on7*n!t another )lanet its a!tion de)ends on that other1 as if on a )artner $hose nat*re1 ho$e(er1 is different" So1 if a )lanet is not in domi!ile1 one sho*ld first find o*t $hat )lanet r*les o(er it and $hether that )lanet is a benefi! or a malefi!" Then1 obser(e in $hat ho*se or si3n the )lanet has di3nit thro*3h e2altation or tri)li!it 1 or in $hat ho*se its infl*en!e is *nfa(orable b e2ile or fall1 or in $hi!h ones it is sim)l )ere3rine" If it is e2alted it $ill a!t stron3l and $ith no dela on the affairs o(er $hi!h it has !ontrolI if it is in e2ile or fall it besto$s no 3ood1 or $ill a!t as tho*3h (itiated and ma e(en brin3 disasterI if it is )ere3rine its infl*en!e is sim)l some$hat $ea8ened" Third" Obser(e $hether it is dire!t1 retro3rade1 stationar I mo(in3 ra)idl 1 slo$l 1 or at an a(era3e )a!eI for its a!tion and si3nifi!an!e are affe!ted b these differen!es1 a!!ordin3 to their e(ident analo3ies1 as has been mentioned else$here in this $or8" The )lanet is stren3thened or $ea8ened thereb " Fo*rth" Obser(e its )osition in relation to the S*n and the Moon1 for oriental to the S*n and abo(e earth d*rin3 the da 1 and similarl 1 o!!idental to the Moon1 are more effe!ti(e and brin3 forth more stri8in3 res*ltsI in the !ontrar )ositions )lanets are $ea8er and their a!tion more obs!*re" Fifth" Obser(e its as)e!ts to other )lanets" If a stron3 )lanet has no as)e!t $ith another )lanet it is said to be feral and $ill a!t sim)l

in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n nat*re1 es)e!iall if lo!ated in its domi!ile" E(er feral )lanet indi!ates somethin3 *n*s*alE3ood or illEde)endin3 on the nat*re of the )lanetI for e2am)le1 Sat*rn feral in the first indi!ates the hermit or mon8" #*t if it as)e!ts another )lanet1 obser(e $hether this one is stron31 $ea8 or intermediate in its di3nities or disabilities1 or $hether it is sim)l )ere3rineI for if stron31 a !ons)i!*o*s effe!t $ill follo$I if $ea81 an obs!*re oneI intermediate1 an intermediate oneI and the 3ood or ill nat*re of the effe!t1 as $ell as the fa!ilit or diffi!*lt of its manifestation1 $ill be in a!!ordan!e $ith the nat*re of the as)e!t" If a $ea8 )lanetEthat is1 in e2ile or fall or )ere3rineEis feral it )ortends somethin3 less *n*s*alI b*t if it as)e!ts another )lanet one m*st determine $hether the latter is $ea81 stron31 or intermediateI if stron31 there $ill be at the be3innin3 s!ar!el an effe!t1 b*t later on the se!ond )lanet $ill hel) o*t1 or1 at the be3innin3 there $ill be diffi!*lties and hindran!es1 b*t in the end these $ill disa))ear and the e(il $ill t*rn into 3ood1 re$ards $ill follo$ labors1 (i!tor $ill follo$ !onfli!t1 and re!*)erationE disease1 et!"1 b (irt*e of this as)e!t to the $ea8 )lanet" This $ill onl a))l 1 ho$e(er1 to a fa(orable as)e!t $hi!h is a))l in31 for if it is *nfa(orable1 no 3ood is indi!ated1 or the 3ood is beset b diffi!*ltiesI if $ea81 it )ortends e(il or loss of the 3ood to the e2tent of that debilit I if intermediate1 there $ill be almost no effe!t1 or at an rate1 nothin3 is to be ho)ed for" Si2th" Obser(e $hether a )lanet not in domi!ile is in as)e!t to its r*ler and if so1 note the as)e!t and the state of ea!h )lanet1 for the a!tion of a )lanet in as)e!t to its o$n r*ler de)ends 3reatl on that r*ler1 and both $or8 $ith 3reater effe!t1 es)e!iall if the as)e!t is both stron3 and a))ro)riate" In addition1 if the )lanet is in ad(erse !elestial or terrestrial state1 or both1 $hile its r*ler is in a 3ood state1 misfort*nes are indi!ated at the start1 b*t these $ill be follo$ed then b 3ood fort*ne1 es)e!iall if the )lanet is in fa(orable as)e!t to its r*ler and a))l in3I b*t if the )lanet is in a 3ood state and its r*ler in an ad(erse state1 the 3ood is !han3ed into e(il and ho)es $ill be f*tile" Of !o*rse1 both )lanets in a fa(orable state is the best )ossibilit of all1 and if one of the )lanets is in a fort*nate ho*se the 3ood thin3s of that ho*se $ill !ome to )ass1 or1 if in an *nfort*nate ho*se1 the e(ils of that ho*se $ill be )re(ented or miti3ated" Finall 1 if both are affli!ted it is the $orst )ossibilit of all and either the )lanet in the *nfort*nate ho*se !a*ses the e(il of that ho*se1 or if in a fort*nate ho*se1 hinders or )re(ents the 3ood of that ho*se" Se(enth" Obser(e $hi!h of the fi2ed stars are !on7*n!t the )lanet1 or $ith $hi!h one does it rise1 !*lminate1 or setI for the bri3htest stars )rod*!e im)ortant and *ne2)e!ted effe!ts1 as e2)erien!e freD*entl ma8es !lear" Ei3hth" Obser(e to $hat the )lanet refers b its determinations of

lo!ation1 r*lershi)1 and as)e!tI and note the same for its r*ler1 if it is r*led b another )lanet" ,hen the benefi! )lanets refer to 3ood thin3s1 it is al$a s a 3ood indi!ationI for e2am)le1 -*)iter referrin3 to finan!es1 &en*s referrin3 to marria3e or !hildren1 or either of these to !hara!ter or )resti3e and )rofession is fa(orable1 and e(en more so if the are in fa(orable !elestial state" ,hen the determinations of the benefi!s refer to *nfa(orable thin3s1 ho$e(er1 it is less e(il1 be!a*se the release the nati(e from e(il1 or at least miti3ate it" ,hen the malefi!s Mars and Sat*rn refer to somethin3 3ood1 it is *nfa(orable *nless the are in 3ood !elestial stateI and e(en that not$ithstandin31 if the are in sD*are or o))osition to the S*n1 Moon1 As!endant1 or MC or their r*lers the al$a s !a*se e(il thin3s" E(en $hen !on7*n!t to benefi!s the do not lose all their mali3nit 1 as is sho$n in m o$n horos!o)e $here Mars is trine -*)iter1 b*t the latter is !on7*n!t Sat*rnI and nonetheless1 from Sat*rn and Mars I ha(e s*ffered and still s*ffer from ab*ndant e(ils" For $hen the determinations of these )lanets refer to e(il thin3sEs*!h as illness1 )rison1 liti3ations1 deathEit is (er *nfa(orable1 and still $orse if the are also in ad(erse !elestial state" #*t the S*n and Moon in fort*nate ho*ses !a*se 3ood thin3s1 es)e!iall $hen in fa(orable state and $ith 3ood as)e!tsI in *nfort*nate ho*sesE*nfort*nate thin3s1 es)e!iall $hen in ad(erse !elestial state and $ith bad as)e!ts" Moreo(er1 the deter9 minations of a )lanet refer to different thin3s at one and the same timeE that is1 to one thin3 b lo!ation1 to somethin3 else b r*lershi)1 and still others b as)e!ts" And altho*3h determination b lo!ation is *s*all the stron3est1 it !an ha))en that a determination thro*3h r*lershi) or as)e!t is stron3er1 if1 for e2am)le1 the ho*se in $hi!h an as)e!t or si3n r*lershi) falls bears an analo3 to the )lanet $hi!h is r*ler or $hi!h thro$s the as)e!t1 $itho*t this )lanet ha(in3 an analo3 to the ho*se $hi!h it a!t*all o!!*)ies" Ho$e(er1 the same )lanet !an thro*3h its determinations refer in se(eral $a s to the same effe!t1 or to one $hi!h is similar1 and $hen this ha))ens the effe!t $ill be 3reater and more !ertain than if there $ere onl one determination sho$in3 it" In addition1 if a )lanet o*t of domi!ile and its r*ler o)erate alon3 the same lines thro*3h their nat*re and determinations of lo!ation or of r*lershi)1 a stri8in3 effe!t $ill res*lt1 es)e!iall if the also as)e!t ea!h other in some $a a))ro)riate for that effe!tI for e2am)le1 if benefi! )lanets $ere in the se!ond and their r*lerEalso a benefi!E$ere in the tenth and trine the se!ond9ho*se )lanetsI or1 if malefi! )lanets $ere in the t$elfth and their r*lerEa malefi!E$ere in the si2th or ei3hth and affli!ted b a sD*are or o))osition from themI for a )lanet a!ts onl in a!!ordan!e $ith its o$n nat*re1 !elestial state and determination in the horos!o)e" Planets in the first or tenth ho*se and their r*lers are of )rime Im)ortan!e1 and their !elestial s ta te and determinations in the

horos!o)e sho*ld be $ell noted" These )lanets in ad(erse !elestial state bode ill for the affairs of these ho*ses1 es)e!iall if the a))l b bad as)e!t to other )lanets also in an ad(erse !elestial state1 for if the a))l b 3ood as)e!t to )lanets in a fa(orable state 3ood thin3s $ill *ltimatel )ro!eed o*t of the bad" #*t it $o*ld be m*!h $orse if1 in addition1 these latter )lanets or the first ones refer to e(il thin3s b determinationI for e2am)le1 if the r*ler of the first is in the t$elfth or ei3hth1 or (i!e9(ersa1 or the r*ler of the first and t$elfth or the first and ei3hth are the same )lanet" And in a similar $a a )lanet in the tenth and its r*ler are to be 7*d3ed" In fa!t1 from the sole !onsideration of the )lanets in the first or tenth ho*ses1 and their r*lers1 one !an ma8e a 7*d3ment at the o*tset on $hether the horos!o)e is fort*nate or *nfort*nateI and one !an1 of !o*rse1 )ass 7*d3ment on an of the ho*ses b the same )ro!ed*re" Ninth" Obser(e $hether a )lanet is in a ho*se that has some analo3 to its nat*re1 for $hen this is so its a!tion is stron3l in a!!ordan!e $ith that nat*reI so1 -*)iter in the se!ond brin3s mone I the S*n in the tenth brin3s honor and )resti3e and in the first E )rominen!e" Sat*rn in the t$elfth brin3s serio*s illnesses1 )rison1 ser(it*de1 hidden enemiesI Mars in the se(enthEenemies1 liti3ations1 !onfli!tsI &en*s in the se(enthEa s)o*se1 in the fifthE!hildren" All of these are to be *nderstood as indi!ations by nature for1 de)endin3 on the si3n in(ol(ed1 its r*ler1 and an )ossible as)e!ts1 the !ontrar !o*ld o!!*r" Planets in ho*ses not analo3o*s to their nat*re )re(ent1 s*))ress1 or o(erthro$ the *s*al manifestations of the affairs of that ho*se" Th*s1 &en*s in the t$elfth b nat*re )re(ents illnesses1 $hile Sat*rn in the tenth )re(ents honorsI I sa Hb nat*reH for if &en*s $ere in ad(erse !elestial state in the t$elfth1 it $o*ld )rod*!e illnesses1 and Sat*rn in 3ood !elestial state in the tenth $o*ld !a*se honors and )resti3e" Tenth" Obser(e $hether a )lanet is in the an3*lar1 s*!!edent1 or !adent ho*sesI for )lanets in the an3les indi!ate effe!ts $hi!h are !on9 tin*o*sEes)e!iall $hen also in the fi2ed si3nsEas is !learl sho$n b Mars and &en*s in fi2ed si3ns in the first and tenth ho*ses in Cardinal Ri!helie*>s horos!o)e1 and as a res*lt he $as al$a s of a mind for $ar and held !ontin*o*s )o$er ri3ht *) to his death" #*t in !adent ho*ses and mo(eable si3ns the )lanets indi!ate thin3s $hi!h are *nstableI in the s*!!edent ho*ses the effe!ts are intermediate" In !onne!tion $ith the as)e!ts1 se(en thin3s are to be !onsidered in e(er !aseF /< the )lanet>s nat*reI 4< its !elestial stateI 6< its referen!es b lo!ation and r*lershi)I G< the as)e!t>s nat*reI ?< the si3n $here the as)e!t falls and the )lanet r*lin3 that si3nI 0< the ho*seI A< the !ir!*mstan!es before and after the as)e!t" As ea!h of these se(en fa!tors (ar 1 so also (ar the res*ltin3 effe!ts" Similarl 1 se(en !onditions of the )lanets $ith res)e!t to the

ho*ses and the r*lers of these ho*ses are to be !onsideredI these )oints are also (er im)ortant in masterin3 the se!rets of astrolo3 " /<A )lanet in the first ho*se $hi!h is stron3 b si3n and thro*3h as)e!ts $ith benefi!s or stron3 )lanets has 3reat infl*en!e on the si3nifi!an!e of this ho*se1 in a!!ordan!e $ith its nat*re and stateI the nati(e>s tem)erament1 !hara!ter and dis)osition $ill be !learl and !ontin*o*sl des!ribed b that )lanet" 4<A )lanet $hi!h is $ea8 in the first ho*se1 b*t in as)e!t to its r*ler or the r*ler of the As!endant1 has a !orres)ondin3l $ea8er in9 fl*en!e de)endin3 on the )lanet>s debilit in the first ho*se1 the state of the as)e!tin3 )lanet1 and the D*alit of the as)e!t" 6<A )lanet $hi!h is $ea8 in the first and not in as)e!t to its r*ler or the As!endant r*ler has the $ea8est infl*en!e of all on the first ho*se and its si3nifi!an!e" G<A )lanet lo!ated o*tside of the first ho*se $hi!h has stren3th in that ho*se :es)e!iall the r*ler of the first< as $ell as an as)e!t $ith a )lanet in the first or $ith the As!endant dra$s the nati(e>s !hara!9 ter1 tem)erament1 and $ell9bein3 into some relationshi) $ith the af9 fairs of the ho*se in $hi!h it is lo!ated" ?<#*t if s*!h a )lanet is not in as)e!t $ith a )lanet in the first or $ith the As!endant the brid3e bet$een the affairs of the t$o ho*ses as des!ribed abo(e ma not ta8e )la!e" 0<If a )lanet lo!ated o*tside the first ho*se is debilitated therein and is !onne!ted $ith the r*ler of the first thro*3h r*lershi) or b as)e!t1 or itself as)e!ts the As!endant1 it $ill ha(e a (er debilitatin3 infl*en!e on first ho*se affairs" A< #*t if s*!h a )lanet is not so !onne!ted $ith the r*ler of the first or the As!endant it has no infl*en!e on first ho*se matters1 e2!e)t )erha)s1 (er remotel thro*3h its debilit of e2ile or fall in the first" ,hat is stated here !on!ernin3 the first ho*se sho*ld be *nderstood as )ertainin3 in a similar $a to the remainder of the ho*ses" Therefore1 ne(er ma8e a 7*d3ment on marria3e1 for e2am)le1 before !onsiderin3 the )lanets in the se(enth1 the r*ler of the se(enth1 the r*ler of this r*ler1 the )lanets as)e!tin3 the se(enth ho*se !*s) or its r*ler1 and the $a these )lanets are related to ea!h other b r*ler9shi) o(er1 or as)e!t to1 )lanets analo3o*s to a male or female s)o*seI and so on for the other ho*ses and )lanets"

CHAPTER (III The accidental determinations of the planets and their relation to the positions of the planets or principal significators in some other horoscope The GAth a)horism of Ptolem >s CentiloD* is the basi! of the material dis!*ssed in this !ha)ter" It readsF H,hen a malefi! in one horos!o)e falls on the )la!e of a benefi! in another1 he $ho has the benefi! is affe!ted detrimentall b him $ho has the malefi!"H A!t*all 1 a more 3eneral e2tension of this !on!e)t sho*ld be *n9 derstood1 sin!e the 3reatest fort*ne or misfort*ne re3ardin3 !hara!ter1 dis)osition1 the )rofession1 et!"1 befallin3 an t$o indi(id*als for $hom s*!h !ombinations mi3ht o!!*r $o*ld be e2!l*ded if the a)horism is ta8en D*ite literall " For this reason I insist that these determinations sho*ld be !onsidered to )ertain to the si3ns as $ell as the )lanets" If the si3n in the first ho*se of one horos!o)e is also in the first ho*se of another horos!o)e ea!h nati(e $ill ha(e the same As!endant and the same As!endant r*ler" These r*lers !o*ld ha(e either the same !elestial and terrestrial state or not1 b*t if the are in the same !elestial and terrestrial state :$hi!h is (er rare< there $ill be ma2im*m a3reement bet$een the t$o nati(es $ith res)e!t to first ho*se matters as $ell as to the ho*se in $hi!h the r*lers are lo!ated" If their state is not the same the meanin3s of the first ho*ses are to be !ombined $ith those of the ho*ses in $hi!h the r*ler is fo*nd in both horos!o)es1 $ith !onsideration for its !elestial state1 in 7*d3in3 the thin3s in store for ea!h nati(e" If the si3n on the se!ond1 third1 fo*rth1 fifth ho*se1 et!"1 of one horos!o)e is in the first ho*se of the other horos!o)e ea!h nati(e $ill ha(e the same si3n and the same r*ler for the t$o ho*ses1 $hi!h b !elestial and terrestrial state !o*ld be either the same or notI if the same1 the !ombination of the affairs of that se!ond1 third1 or fo*rth ho*se of the former horos!o)e $ith the meanin3s of the first ho*se in the latter horos!o)e $ill be stron3l felt" If their states are not the same1 the affairs of the se!ond1 third1 or fo*rth ho*se of the former horos!o)e m*st be !ombined $ith the meanin3 of the first ho*se of

the latter horos!o)e $ith !onsideration allo$ed for the different ho*ses in $hi!h the r*ler is fo*nd1 as $ell as its !elestial state in ea!h horos!o)e" And $hat I sa for the si3n on the se!ond1 third1 fo*rth ho*se1 et!"1 of one horos!o)e in the first ho*se of another horos!o)e is to be *nderstood as a))li!able to the si3n on the se!ond1 third1 fo*rth ho*se1 et!"1 of the former horos!o)e in the se!ond1 third1 fo*rth1 et!"1 ho*se of the latter horos!o)e" The )lanetar !ombinations are to be re3arded in t$o $a sF first1 the )lanets of one horos!o)e ma be fo*nd on the !*s)s or in the ho*ses of another horos!o)e1 es)e!iall in the As!endant or the MCI se!ond1 )lanets of one horos!o)e ma be fo*nd in the )ositions of the )lanets in another horos!o)e" If a )lanet in one horos!o)e is on the As!endant of another horos!o)e the first thin3 to !onsider is the )lanet>s determination in the former horos!o)e thro*3h the ho*se it o!!*)ies as $ell as its nat*re and !elestial stateI for in a!!ordan!e $ith these three fa!tors it e2erts an effe!t on the !hara!ter1 dis)osition1 and )h si!al $ell9bein3 of the nati(e of the other horos!o)e" And so1 if a )lanet is in the first1 or r*ler of the first in the former horos!o)eEthat is1 referrin3 to the affairs of the first ho*seEthere $ill be bet$een the nati(es !onsiderable similarit of !hara!ter1 tem)erament and o*tloo81 be!a*se these thin3s $ill be !a*sed b the same si3n and )lanet in ea!h horos!o)e" If the )lanet had referen!e to mone or the affairs of the se!ond ho*se in the former horos!o)e1 that nati(e $ill in some $a be a so*r!e of mone for the other1 or $ill obtain mone from him" If it referred to the affairs of the third ho*se in the former horos!o)e1 that nati(e $ill be bro*3ht into !onta!t $ith the other one thro*3h a relati(e1 on a 7o*rne 1 or thro*3h reli3ion" If it referred to the meanin3s of the se(enth ho*seEmarria3e or liti3ationsE and these are )ersons of the same se21 the $ill be in(ol(ed to3ether in b*sinesses or in liti3ations and !ontra!tsI if of different se21 the $ill be )artners thro*3h matrimon 1 or b liti3ations1 !ontra!ts or b*siness in(ol(ements" If it referred to the affairs of the ei3hth ho*se in the former horos!o)e1 that nati(e has the si3nifi!ator of his o$n death in the all9im)ortant first ho*se of the other nati(eF let him be$are lest from the latter dan3er of death is bro*3ht abo*t" If it referred to the affairs of the tenth in the former horos!o)e1 that nati(e $ill be de)endent on the other in his )rofession and his )osition1 or $ill be *sed b him or s*bordinate to him in these matters" If a )lanet lo!ated in the se!ond ho*se of one horos!o)e is fo*nd in the se(enth of another horos!o)e1 the meanin3s of these ho*ses are to be !ombined1 and the nati(es $ill affe!t ea!h other a!!ordin3l I and the same reasonin3 is to be *sed for the other ho*ses" ,hen a )lanet in one horos!o)e is fo*nd in the )la!e of a )lanet in another horos!o)e1 al$a s note first the determinations of ea!h

)lanet in ea!h horos!o)e $ith res)e!t to ho*seI then1 the nat*re and !elestial state of ea!h and $hether benefi! or malefi!1 $ea8 or stron3I from these fa!tors 7*d3ment is made b the method of !ombinin3 sho$n abo(e" For the $hole 8na!8 of these 7*d3ments t*rns on ma8in3 !ombinations both )ossible and a))ro)riate1 and inter)retin3 $hat their effe!ts $ill be" The )redi!tion of $hat the effe!ts of these !ombinations $ill be is indeed eas for the an3els be!a*se of their int*ition and the l*mines!en!e of their intelle!t1 $hi!h s*ffers so little obstr*!tionI b*t for men the !ontrar is tr*e and the find it diffi!*lt and e(en im)ossible $itho*t freD*ent error" Ho$e(er1 I $ill sa here in tr*th ho$ s8ill is to be a!D*iredF St*d and )ra!ti!e *ntil o* be!ome )erfe!t1 so that for an t$o horos!o)es o* $ill be able to )redi!t $hether the nati(es !an a3ree or not and $h " The )lanets of one horos!o)e !an also be !ombined $ith the )lanets and si3nifi!ators of another horos!o)e thro*3h their as)e!tsI it sho*ld es)e!iall be noted $hether these are benefi! or malefi! in nat*re" Finall 1 I do not belie(e that in these !ombinations it is of an im)ortan!e $hi!h of the t$o nati(es is olderI $hate(er the !ombination indi!ates for the first nati(e $ill ha))en to him 7*st the same1 $hether thro*3h the a3en! of a o*n3er )erson or of one older" It sho*ld no$ be !lear that this method is more e2tensi(e in a)9 )li!ation than that of the GAth a)horism of Ptolem 1 and that this a)horism !an e(en freD*entl be in!orre!tI for if a )erson had Sat*rn in AD*ari*s in the first ho*se and someone else had -*)iter in the same de3ree and also in the first ho*se1 s*!h a !ombination of first ho*se affairs $o*ld be a3reeable and fort*nate for both nati(es and the latter $o*ld be more aided b the former thro*3h his )r*den!e1 ad(i!e1 serio*sness1 and a*thorit 1 than other$ise harmed"

CHAPTER (IV The interaction of the natal horoscope !ith those of other indi iduals The D*estion here is not $hether it is )ossible to ma8e 7*d3ments on the nati(e>s )arents1 s)o*se1 !hildren1 et!"1 from the birth horos!o)e1 as e(er astrolo3er sin!e Ptolem has done so" Instead1 the relation bet$een this )ossibilit and its meanin3 for the other indi(id*als in(ol(ed $ill be dis!*ssed" It sho*ld be made !lear that in a birth horos!o)e the essential meanin3 of a ho*se is an a!!idental thin3 $hi!h in itself )ertains to the nati(e alone and to no other )ersonEthat is1 the meanin3 of the first ho*se is the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 !hara!ter1 and tem)erament of the nati(e alone and not of anotherI the meanin3 of the t$elfth ho*se is the illnesses of the nati(e and not of an otherI the si3nifi!an!e of the ei3hth ho*se is the death of the nati(e and not of an otherI and so on for the remainin3 ho*ses" Therefore a )lanet1 si3n1 or as)e!t in an ho*se has referen!e to its essential meanin3s for that nati(e and )ertains to him aloneI and so1 a )lanet in the se(enth $o*ld ha(e si3nifi!an!e for the marria3e1 liti3ations and enemies of that nati(e b*t not of an other )erson" Hen!e it is !lear ho$ m*!h the an!ients $ere in error $hen the too8 no noti!e of this fa!t1 and $hen from the ei3hth ho*se the )assed 7*d3ments on the death of the nati(e>s )arents1 s)o*se1 !hildren1 ser(ants1 and friends and enemies ali8e1 for the !laimed that if1 for e2am)le1 the r*ler of the fifth $ere in the ei3hth1 or the r*lers of both these ho*ses $ere in sD*are or o))osition to ea!h other1 the death of the !hildren $o*ld be si3nified" And b the same to8en1 if the r*ler of the ei3hth $ere !on7*n!t the r*ler of the se(enth1 the death of the s)o*se $o*ld be sho$n1 or if !on7*n!t the r*ler of the fo*rth1 the death of the )arents" Similarl 1 if the r*ler of the fifth $ere in the tenth1 honor and )osition $o*ld be indi!ated for the !hildren1 or if the r*ler of the third $ere in the tenth1 the same for the brothers" Ho$e(er1 the ei3hth and the tenth refer onl to the death or honors of the nati(e and not of an other )erson1 for the reasons 3i(en abo(e"

The ob7e!tion ma be raised that at an 3i(en 3eo3ra)hi!al )oint the s)a!e of the ei3hth ho*se is the !ommon or *ni(ersal ho*se of death for all born or li(in3 at that 3eo3ra)hi!al )oint1 as $o*ld be established b the *ni(ersal horos!o)es for the ann*al re(ol*tions of the $orld1 and for e!li)ses and l*nations1 et!" For e2am)le1 if an e!li)se o!!*rred in the ei3hth ho*se1 or its r*ler $ere lo!ated therein1 it $o*ld indi!ate mortalit in that re3ionI if the $ere in the se(enth the $o*ld )ortend $ars" Therefore1 from the r*ler of the third in the ei3hth in the natal horos!o)e the death of brothers $o*ld be indi!atedI and soon" I $o*ld re)l that universal horos!o)es differ from individual ones in that the latter are ere!ted for the moment of a s)e!ifi! effe!t s*!h as the birth of a h*man bein31 and for $hom and $hose e2)erien!e the entire caelum is !onditioned b the )rimar s)a!es or ho*sesI b*t the former are ere!ted for the moment of some *ni(ersal !a*se s*!h as a l*nation or e!li)se1 and that !a*se a!ts *ni(ersall or $itho*t differentiation on the re3ion for $hi!h the horos!o)e is ere!ted" And therefore1 if an e!li)se or its r*ler $ere in the ei3hth1 mortalit thro*3h famine1 )la3*e1 or $ar $o*ld indeed be indi!ated1 de)endin3 on the nat*re and the state of the )lanetsEb*t onl *ni(ersall and indis!riminatel 1 and no more for one )erson than another1 at least not from the stren3th alone of that ho*se" #*t in the horos!o)e of a )arti!*lar indi(id*al the r*ler of the third in the ei3hth a!ts on the nati(e thro*3h its lo!al determinationsEthat is1 in the ei3hth ho*se it a!ts on or has an infl*en!e on the nati(e>s deathI and be!a*se it is the r*ler of the third its infl*en!e $or8s thro*3h the nati(e>s brothers" As the r*ler of the third is in the ei3hth both these !onsiderations are !ombined $ith the res*lt that the )lanet $ill infl*en!e the nati(e thro*3h the meanin3s of HdeathH and HbrothersH at the same time" Other$iseEand this is !ontrar to e2)erien!eEthe nati(e $o*ld not be affe!ted b the r*lers of the ho*ses" Therefore1 death is not sho$n for the brothers $hen the r*ler of the third is in the ei3hth1 b*t rather for the nati(e through his brothers1 or thro*3h them as a !a*seI and so on for the other ho*ses" For1 most !ertainl 1 ea!h meanin3 of the ho*ses1 si3ns and )lanets in the horos!o)e refer )rimaril to the nati(e himself1 and if the ei3hth ho*se referred ali8e to the death of the nati(e1 )arents1 s)o*se1 !hildren1 et!"1 that ho*se $o*ld1 in the horos!o)e of a )arti!*lar indi(id*al1 be bein3 allotted a *ni(ersal meanin3" This $o*ld be an abs*rdit for b the same to8en the first ho*se $o*ld ha(e to be the )h si!al !onstit*tion1 !hara!ter1 and tem)erament not onl of the nati(e himself b*t of his )arents1 s)o*se1 !hildren1 et!"1 as $ell1 and the same $o*ld ha(e to be tr*e for the other ho*ses1 all of $hi!h $o*ld !reate the 3reatest !onf*sion in astrolo3 and is !om)letel !ontrar to e2)erien!e" #*t sin!e it is tr*e that from the horos!o)e of the nati(e man

thin3s $hi!h ha))en to the )arents1 $ife1 brothers1 !hildren1 et!"1 are indi!ated1 it !an 7*stifiabl be as8ed thro*3h $hat !elestial !a*se these thin3s !ome abo*t and on $hat the de)end1 and $hether onl the nati(e>s o$n horos!o)e1 or the horos!o)es of these others1 or somethin3 !ommon to both is at $or8" L*!io #ellanti in $ritin3 a3ainst Pi!o Mirandola1 !laims that the horos!o)es of )arentsEsin!e these are )rior in timeEha(e the for!e of a *ni(ersal !a*se $ith res)e!t to the horos!o)es of their !hildren as $ell as their other des!endants1 and therefore ha(e the )o$er to e2ert a !ertain infl*en!e on those horos!o)es and on the f*t*re e(ents o!!*rrin3 in the li(es of those nati(es1 7*st as the ann*al re(ol*tions of the $orld are determined b the l*nations" Moreo(er1 he states he $as a!D*ainted $ith a nobleman $ho had the ho*se of !hildren affli!ted and all of $hose !hildren died a (iolent death" S*!h a !ommentar 1 tho*3h )erha)s tr*e and indeed )la*sible1 is not satisfa!tor be!a*se altho*3h the horos!o)e of the son $o*ld be s*bordinate to the father>s b the latter>s )riorit in time1 as a )arti!*lar is to a *ni(ersal !a*se1 the same thin3 !o*ld not be said for the nati(e>s brothers1 relati(es1 s)o*se1 ser(ants1 friends1 et!"1 $hose horos!o)es !o*ld not admit of s*!h a s*bordination or de)enden! " #esides1 the e2am)le !ited b #ellanti is !ontradi!tor to his o$n reasonin3I for the horos!o)e of the father m*st ha(e infl*en!ed the horos!o)es of the !hildren $ith res)e!t to their (iolent death1 b*t it !o*ld not be said that the horos!o)es of the !hildren had an infl*en!e on the horos!o)e of the father $ith res)e!t to their o$n death1 sin!e this $o*ld im)l that the father>s horos!o)e $o*ld ha(e been the one affe!tedI therefore1 another reason m*st be fo*nd" #*t neither !an it be said1 in 7*d3in3 from the nati(e>s horos!o)e onl 1 that his brothers or s)o*se ma die before himI forEat least in a nat*ral deathEmore $o*ld de)end on their o$n fate as an immediate !a*se than $o*ld de)end on a different and more remote one" And similarl 1 if a horos!o)e sho$s that the nati(e $ill be 8illed b the s)o*se1 the ser(ants1 or the brothers1 this e(ent does not )ro!eed from the horos!o)e of the s)o*se1 ser(ants1 or brothers1 b*t !learl from the nati(e>s o$n horos!o)e1 $here s*!h an e(ent m*st be sho$n" Therefore1 $e m*st sa that s*!h effe!ts are )rod*!ed b !a*ses that are in !onformit $ith all the )ersons in(ol(ed1 in other $ords1 not one s)e!ifi! horos!o)e distin!t from all others1 b*t a !ombination of horos!o)es that is re!i)ro!al and !oo)erates in )rod*!in3 s*!h an effe!t1 $hose inherent )o$ers )re!i)itate the final e(ent" Therefore1 the father>s !hildren $ill die a (iolent death be!a*se it is sho$n not onl in the father>s horos!o)e b*t also in the horos!o)e of ea!h !hild and thro*3h this !onsens*s the res*lt is !onfirmed b both testimonies" Similarl 1 some indi(id*al mi3ht be told he $o*ld s*r(i(e his $ife be!a*se1 not onl $as it sho$n in the nati(e>s horos!o)e b*t also in

the $ife>s horos!o)e1 or at least from a !om)arison of both horos!o)es it be!ame !lear that she $o*ld die before her h*sband" And in the same $a one !onsiders an other e(ents or e2)erien!es in(ol(in3 different )ersons" 'i(ine Pro(iden!e is $ondro*s indeed $hen in its in9 !om)rehensible m ster it brin3s to3ether those horos!o)es $hi!h are a))ro)riate for $hate(er m*st be shared1 and )ermits the nati(es> li(es to intera!t in s*!h a $a that an assassin $ill be at hand $hen a man is destined to be 8illed b enemies1 or a s*itable $ife $ill be fo*nd b him $ho is destined to *nha))il married" Ho$e(er1 $ondro*s as $ell are the determinations of the !elestial bodies in a horos!o)e $ith res)e!t to the affairs of the nati(e>s )arents1 s)o*se1 !hildren1 et!"1 and $hi!h ha(e not *) to no$ re!ei(ed s*ffi!ient attention" For the r*ler of the third in the tenthEes)e!iall a malefi! in ad(erse stateEindi!ates the death of the brothers1 be!a*se the tenth ho*se is the ei3hth !o*ntin3 from the thirdI and similarl 1 the r*ler of the fifth in the t$elfth foretells the death of the !hildren for the same reason E es)e!iall if Sat*rn or Mars are in the t$elfth E be!a*se the t$elfth is the ei3hth !o*ntin3 from the fifth" This )ro!ed*re is 7*stified b the fa!t that the ei3hth ho*se !o*ntin3 from the first re)resents the death of the nati(e1 and so the ei3hth !o*ntin3 from the fifth re)resents the death of the !hildren" Ho$e(er1 more $ill be said else$here on $hat !an be ded*!ed from the nati(e>s o$n horos!o)e re3ardin3 the horos!o)es of his )arents1 s)o*se1 et!" Follo$in3 Ptolem and other astrolo3ers of the )ast $e $ill ill*strate this )ro!ed*re $ith !ase histories" The dire!tions of the *ni(ersal si3nifi!ators1 $hi!h Cardan*s !alls Hsi3nifi!ators thro*3h essential nat*re1H $here the S*n1 for e2am)le1 is ta8en to re)resent the father and the Moon the mother1 $ill be e2amined else$here and ref*ted as bein3 !ontrar to reason and e2)erien!e" It mi3ht be ob7e!ted that L*!io #ellanti in $ritin3 a3ainst Pi!o Mirandola does not state that the main si3nifi!ator of the father is the S*n or Sat*rn1 or of $ealthE-*)iter1 of the mental D*alitiesEMer!*r 1 and so on1 b*t instead states that the r*ler of the fo*rth sho*ld be ta8en for the father1 the r*ler of the se!ond for mone 1 of the first for the mental D*alities1 et!" Therefore1 it m*st be allo$ed that at least some astrolo3ers ha(e not erred in this matter" I $o*ld ans$er that indeed #ellanti has st*died this matter a little more attenti(el than his )rede!essors1 b*t that he is still in error to some e2tent" #ellanti !laims that fo*r thin3s are the si3nifi!ators of mone 1 for e2am)le" The areF the si3n on the se!ond ho*seI the )lanet b nat*re analo3o*s to $ealthEthat is1 -*)iterI an )lanet in the se!ond ho*seI the )lanet r*lin3 the se!ond ho*se" Here he a3rees $ith other astrolo3ers1 and ri3htl so1 b*t he 3oes on to stale that a

si3n !o*ld not be the )rimar si3nifi!ator on a!!o*nt of its inabilit to a!t1 and !laims that the si3ns are a sort of material to $hi!h the )lanets lo!ated in the si3ns 3i(e form" Nor !o*ld the )rimar si3nifi!ator be a )lanet a!t*all in s*!h a si3n1 sin!e the si3n !o*ld be the )lanet>s e2ile or fall1 and moreo(er1 a )lanet is not al$a s in the same si3n" He is of the o)inion that the )rimar si3nifi!ator sho*ld be somethin3 fi2ed and )ermanent and not the )lanet b nat*re analo3o*s to $ealthEthat is1 -*)iterEfor he states that the ho*ses of the horos!o)e !a*se a 3reater di(ersit in modif in3 the infl*en!e of the !elestial bodies than do the si3ns1 and that the most si3nifi!ant e2)ression of stellar infl*en!e is in fa!t thro*3h the ho*ses" Therefore1 he !on!l*des that the r*ler of the se!ond ho*se is the )rimar si3nifi!ator of $ealth1 then -*)iter1 and then an )lanet a!t*all in the se!ond ho*se or sendin3 an as)e!t there1 and lastl 1 the si3n in the se!ond ho*seI this is also their ran8 b stren3thEat least $hen all other fa!tors are eD*alEsin!e it !o*ld ha))en that the first in ran8 $o*ld be so debilitated that the se!ond or the third $o*ld be )referred to it" Ho$e(er1 #ellanti>s theor is in!orre!t on the follo$in3 )oints" First1 he is $ron3 $hen he !laims that the si3ns are a 8ind of material or s*bstan!eEthat is1 the are )assi(e rather than a!ti(eEand that the are sha)ed1 formed1 and made effe!ti(e b the )lanets lo!ated in them1 sin!e in a!t*al fa!t the si3ns do a!t on their o$n1 as $e ha(e stated else$hereI and from the si3n and the )lanet therein1 as $ell as the si3n r*ler1 there res*lts a !ombination of D*alities $hi!h are 7oined to3ether in a!tion" Se!ond1 he is $ron3 $hen he re7e!ts a )lanet lo!ated in the se!ond ho*se be!a*se the si3n it o!!*)ies !o*ld be its e2ile or fallI for a )lanet in the se!ond ho*se does not ass*me an si3nifi!an!e for mone from the si3n in $hi!h it is1 b*t b its lo!ation in that s)a!e of the se!ond ho*se1 $hi!h !a*ses it to be said to ha(e an infl*en!e on finan!es" Nor does it matter if the si3n in the se!ond ho*se is the e2ile or the fall of the )lanet1 sin!e a )lanet in the se!ond refers onl to finan!ial !ir!*mstan!es1 and in 3ood !elestial state it $ill si3nif the a!D*isition of mone 1 b*t in an ad(erse state it sho$s either little or no mone or the sD*anderin3 of $hate(er reso*r!es there ma be" Moreo(er1 e(en -*)iter>s 3ood state $o*ld sho$ nothin3 if it did not refer b lo!ation1 r*lershi) or stron3 as)e!t to $ealth1 or similar thin3s" So $e !an see that a )lanet in the se!ond sho*ld be ta8en as the )rimar si3nifi!ator of finan!es" And in this matter #ellanti errs alon3 $ith man others1 in that for the )rimar si3nifi!ator of finan!es he desires to sele!t the )lanet $hi!h is stron3est1 or $hi!h is in the most fa(orable !elestial state1 as if mone !o*ld be indi!ated for e(er oneE$hi!h is !learl !ontrar to e2)erien!eI and the ma8e the same error $hen sele!tin3 the si3nifi!ators of honors1 or of marria3e1 et!" Third1 he is $ron3 $hen

he states that the ho*ses !a*se a 3reater di(ersit of the infl*en!e of the )lanets than do the si3ns1 and it is false that a )lanet>s a!tion (aries from one ho*se to another rather than from one si3n to another1 be!a*se a si3n and a )lanet lo!ated therein a!t as )artners $hose D*alities are mi2ed or !ombined1 and are *ni(ersal for the entire s*bl*nar $orld" So1 $hen a )lanet 3oes thro*3h a si3n other than its o$n1 the D*alitati(e )o$er of the si3n and that of the )lanet are 7oined to3ether to )erform a sim*ltaneo*s a!tion1 $hile the ho*ses ha(e no active )o$er1 b*t onl the )o$er to 3i(e a determination to the D*alit of a )lanet or si3n1 as $e ha(e stated else$here" And therefore1 the D*alit of a )lanet mo(in3 b )rime motion from the third ho*se to the se!ond does not (ar 1 b*t remains the same1 $hile its lo!al determination merel !han3es to that of finan!es" Therefore1 the )rimar si3nifi!ator of mone $ill be the )lanet in the se!ond ho*se1 after that the r*ler of the se!ond1 then the si3n in the se!ond1 and lastEthe as)e!ts to the se!ond" -*)iter1 ho$e(er1 lo!ated o*tside of the se!ond ho*se1 $itho*t r*lershi) or e2altation b si3n therein or as)e!t to an )lanet $hi!h meets these !onditions1 $ill not normall ha(e an infl*en!e on the $ealth of the nati(eI I sa Hnormall H for if it $ere in a 3ood state in the se(enth it $o*ld indi!ate mone accidentally from marria3eI if in the tenth1 mone thro*3h honors and the )rofession"

CHAPTER (V The intrinsic and extrinsic determinations of the essential meanings of a house The )rimar ho*ses a!ti(el determine the !elestial bodies1 $hile those bodies )assi(el determine the essential meanin3s of the ho*ses1 as has been alread e2)lained" F*rther1 the essential meanin3 of a ho*se is 3enerall determined in t$o $a sEintrinsi!all and e29trinsi!all " It is determined intrinsi!all thro*3h all the fa!tors $hi!h fall into that ho*se1 be the si3n1 )lanet or as)e!t" Th*s1 Mars in the first ho*se !onfers a Martial !hara!ter as is sho$n in the horos!o)e of Cardinal Ri!helie*I -*)iter a -*)iterian !hara!ter as in the horos!o)e of Charles de CondronI/ the )artile se2tile of Mer!*r to the As!endantEa Mer!*rial !hara!ter as is sho$n in m o$n horos!o)e" S*!h a determination is !alled intrinsi! be!a*se it )ro!eeds from !elestial !a*ses intrinsi! to that ho*se1 and an determination other than b these !a*ses is e2trinsi!" Therefore1 the nati(e $ith -*)iter in the As!endant $ill indeed ha(e a -*)iterian nat*re1 and if it also ha))ens that -*)iter is the r*ler of the As!endant as $ell he $ill ha(e a -*)iterian nat*re $hi!h is D*ite *nmi2ed $ith other elements or infl*en!es" #*t if -*)iter r*les the As!endant and is )la!ed in the tenth1 the nati(e $ill be of a -*)iterian nat*re $hi!h is in!lined to seed1 honorsI if in the ninth1 in!lined to reli3ion and sa!red mattersI if in the fifth1 to )leas*res1 et!"1 and therefore the essential meanin3 of a ho*se is modified intrinsi!all b the !elestial !a*ses a!t*all e2istin3 in that ho*seI e2trinsi!all 1 ho$e(er1 thro*3h !a*ses !omin3 from o*tside of that ho*se" These intrinsi! determinations o!!*r in nine $a sF first1 b a )lanet in a ho*se and its o$n si3n in as)e!t to another )lanetI se!ond1 b a )lanet in a ho*se and its o$n si3n b*t $itho*t as)e!t to another )lanetI third1 b a )lanet in a ho*se o*tside of its o$n si3n b*t $ith an as)e!t to its o$n r*lerI fo*rth1 b a )lanet in a ho*se o*tside of its o$n si3n b*t in as)e!t to another )lanet not its r*lerI fifth1 b a )lanet in a ho*se o*tside of its o$n si3n $itho*t the as)e!t to anotherI si2th1

Confessor to %aston de Foi21 the '*8e of Orleans"

b a si3n in a ho*se and an as)e!t from its r*lerI se(enth1 b the as)e!t of a )lanet not r*lin3 that ho*seI ei3hth1 b a )lanet in the o))osite ho*seI ninth1 b onl a si3n in the ho*se and no as)e!t or anti9s!ion to it" In these nine $a s the si3nifi!an!e of a ho*se is intrinsi!all modified thro*3h the nat*re of the )lanet $hi!h o!!*)ies1 r*les1 or as)e!ts that ho*se1 and in the ran8 order 3i(en here" And these $a s !an be either sim)le1 as 3i(en abo(e1 or !om)le2Ethat is1 $hen there is more than one )lanet1 si3n1 or as)e!t fo*nd in the same ho*se1 all of $hi!h m*st be 3i(en an indi(id*al e(al*ation" #*t e2trinsi! determination also o!!*rs in nine $a sF first1 b the r*ler of a ho*se in another ho*se b*t in its o$n si3n and in as)e!t to another )lanetI se!ond1 b the r*ler of a ho*se in another ho*se and its o$n si3n $itho*t as)e!t to anotherI and so on1 as in the intrinsi! determinations" And a )lanet as)e!tin3 a ho*se is to be re3arded in the same $a " And so1 $hat has been said heretofore !on!ernin3 the a!ti(e determinations of the !elestial bodies and their infl*en!e on the s*bl*nar $orld $ill ha(e to be !onsidered s*ffi!ient" One sho*ld no$ be able to re!o3ni;e $hate(er 3ood there ma be in the boo8s of the an!ient Roman1 %ree81 and Arabian astrolo3ers1 $ho onl re!ei(ed the tr*ths of this di(ine s!ien!e thro*3h that tradition handed do$n b Adam and his s*!!essors1 and then left it to *s de(oid of an *nderstandin3 of )rin!i)les and s)oiled b in(entions1 abs*rdities1 and so m*!h that is $orthless" Ne(ertheless1 !om)elled b those tr*ths1 the )er!ei(ed that the )lanets> lo!ations and r*lershi)s in the ho*ses of the horos!o)e res*lted in effe!ts that $ere stri8in31 b*t the did not 3i(e tho*3ht to the 3eneral !a*se of this1 $hi!h is none other than the determinations of the !elestial bodies as 3i(en abo(e and des!ribed b no one else before no$I for tr*l the !elestial bodies onl a!t in a!!ordan!e $ith their D*ite s)e!ifi! determinations"

CHAPTER (VI The celestial bodies as causes in nature depicting *od+s action in the !orld The a!tion and )o$er of the caelum and the stars and the $ondro*s thin3s des!ribed in this boo8 are )ro(ed b e2)erien!e" In this !ha)ter1 as a final s*mmation1 $e $ill sho$ that no !a*ses in nat*re de)i!t %od>s a!tion in the !reated *ni(erse more )erfe!tl than do the !elestial bodies thro*3h their )o$er and infl*en!e" It sho*ld be noted that in addition to the !elestial bodies there are onl fo*r elements fo*nd in nat*re to $hi!h the three )rin!i)al !hemi!al s*bstan!es salt1 s*l)h*r1 and Mer!*r !orres)ond1 and from them the s*bl*nar ob7e!ts are !om)o*nded1 $hether the be meteors1 minerals1 (e3etables or animals" #*t in none of these s*bstan!es or !om)o*nds is fo*nd a )o$er to be !om)ared $ith the infl*en!e of the !elestial bodies" Indeed1 man>s intelle!t has been held ra)t in admiration of its )o$er1 es)e!iall in this !ent*r $hen it has be!ome more $idel *nderstoodI nor is an thin3 8no$n in the s*bl*nar $orld more $ondro*s in the )o$er of its a!tion" And so it is that the Omnis!ient and Omni)otent %od has im)rinted His nat*re in a most e2!ellent $a on the !elestial bodies EHis re)resentati(es in the $orld of nat*reEthro*3h $hi!h He 3o(erns and settles the fate of all nat*ral effe!ts1 and allo$s that $e ma *nderstand the manner of His a!tion" First" As %od>s )o$er of a!tion is somethin3 (er sim)le and ineffable $hi!h $e !all %od>s $ill1 the )o$er of the primum caelum and the )lanets is somethin3 (er sim)le andEat least to *sEineffableI it is 8no$n to *s from their infl*en!e" Se!ond" As %od>s )o$er of a!tion is omni)otent1 so also the )o$er of the primum caelum and the )lanets is omni)otent1 and there is no nat*ral effe!t in $hi!h the primum caelum and the )lanets do not !on!*r" Third" As no !reat*re is able to resist %od>s )o$er1 there is nothin3 in the s*bl*nar $orld $hi!h has the )o$er to resist the infl*en!e of the !elestial bodiesI for the D*alit of the !elestial !onfi3*ration is !ontin*all im)rinted on these s*bl*nar thin3s1 $hi!h

are al$a s s*b7e!t to it1 as this )o$er )enetrates to e(er )art of the earth" Fo*rth" As %od1 b the (er a!t of His $ill1 effe!ts instantaneo*sl $hate(er thin3s arise1 the )o$er of the primum caelum and the S*n effe!ts instantaneo*sl $hate(er it is able to effe!t thro*3h that infl*en!e or )o$er" And the same is tr*e for the Moon1 Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 Mars1 et!" Ho$e(er1 the S*n does not effe!t that $hi!h is )ro)er to the Moon or Sat*rn be!a*se the s)e!ifi! nat*res of the )lanets are different1 and ea!h a!ts a!!ordin3 to its nat*re on ea!h and all s*bl*nar thin3s $hi!h !ome into bein3" Fifth" As %od effe!ts $hate(er the primum caelum. S*n1 Moon1 Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 et!"1 effe!t1 or as He !on!*rs $ith ea!h of them as ab9 sol*te first !a*se1 the primum caelum effe!ts $hate(er the S*n1 Moon1 Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 et!"1 effe!tEthat is1 it !on!*rs $ith ea!h as a first !a*se $ithin nat*re" Therefore1 amon3 the nat*ral !a*ses the primum caelum is the one most similar to %od1 as befits a first nat*ral !a*se" Si2th" %od>s )o$er or $ill effe!ts at the same time thin3s di(erse in 8ind1 !lass1 and n*mberEnot onl in different s*b7e!ts1 b*t also in the same s*b7e!t1 as in man" For e2am)le1 in man the health1 )osition1 marria3e1 et!"1 are matters different from ea!h other thro*3h the nat*re of the ho*ses" #*t %od affe!ts sim*ltaneo*sl all these thin3s1 in different men as $ell as in the indi(id*alEthat is1 He !on!*rs at the same time $ith both the nat*ral !a*se and its effe!ts" Therefore1 in different men1 as $ell as in the indi(id*al1 thin3s different in 8ind and n*mber ma o!!*r1 and %od !on!*rs $ith the se!ondar !a*ses effe!tin3 those thin3s" And in the same $a the S*n imitates %od thro*3h its lo!ation in the different ho*ses for all of earth>s inhabitants1 and th*s it effe!ts sim*ltaneo*sl for all )eo)le thin3s di(erse in 8ind and n*mber" Not onl does it effe!t these thin3s b lo!ation1 b*t also b r*lershi) and as)e!ts1 and it !an effe!t one thin3 b lo!ation1 somethin3 different b r*lershi)1 and another D*ite different thin3 b its as)e!ts $ith other )lanetsI and the same is tr*e for the Moon1 Sat*rn1 -*)iter1 et!" #*t the primum caelum, to $hi!h r*lershi)s or as)e!ts do not refer sin!e it is be ond these thin3s1 effe!ts in its sim)li!it and eminen!e all thin3s to3ether as $ell as in9 di(id*al thin3s thro*3h its *ni(ersal )resen!e" #*t for indi(id*al thin3s its effe!ts are different a!!ordin3 to its (ar in3 )ositions" Ho$e(er1 ea!h se)arate effe!t of the caelum on the same indi(id*al does not )ro!eed from the $hole caelum, b*t from its (ario*s )arts o!!*) in3 the different ho*ses of the horos!o)e" Se(enth" As %od a!ts in nat*re as a *ni(ersal !a*se and sometimes as a )arti!*lar !a*se1 so do also the caelum and the )lanets" For $hen %od a!ts thro*3h his )arti!i)ation in nat*ral !a*ses He al$a s a!ts as a *ni(ersal !a*se1 b*t $hen d*rin3

)haraoh>s time He !a*sed the S*n not to shine o(er E3 )t1 b*t to shine in the land of %oshen1 and !a*sed fire to $arm the Hebre$s in the f*rna!e of #ab lon1 $hen it !ons*med all others )resent1 He effe!ted this as a )arti!*lar !a*seI for no nat*ral !a*se besides %od1 or s*bordinate to Him1 !o*ld be fo*nd $hi!h $o*ld be able to effe!t that" Similarl 1 $hen man is born the S*n is a *ni(ersal !a*se of the birthI b*t a solar !hara!ter )rod*!ed b the S*n>s lo!ation or r*ler9shi) in the first ho*se is a )arti!*lar !a*se effe!ted b the S*n" Ei3hth" As e(er thin3 %od effe!ts is s*b7e!t to His r*le1 $hate(er the caelum and )lanets effe!t remains s*b7e!t to !ontrol b their in9 fl*en!e1 in!l*din3 the fi2in3 of the time of e(ents" And this harmon bet$een %od and the !elestial bodies is of all thin3s the 3reatest )ossible $onder" Therefore1 from all that has been sho$n in this boo8 it is !lear that the !elestial bodies imitate %od>s $a of a!tin3 on His !reation more )erfe!tl than an other nat*ral !a*se $o*ld be able to do" To Him alone all honor and 3lor " Amen" .LI#RI &I%NESIMI PRIMI FINIS.

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