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by y exampape


GCE O Level Oct/Nov v 2008 S Science (Chemis stry, Bio ology) 5154 Paper 1 Sugges sted Ans swers MISTRY CHEM
# 1 An ns D Workin ngs/Remar rks
A: To me easure rate of reaction, r time t taken is require ed. B: Amou unt of CO2 prod duced is required to follow th he reaction. C: Measu uring cylinder is i need to mea asure a fixed vo olume of hydro ochloric acid D: Overa all, there is no change c in heat energy. Al3+ and d Zn2+ react with w NaOH to fo orm Al(OH)3 and a Zn(OH)2 (w white ppt), whi ich are soluble in excess s of NaOH. However r, to be able to react with an acid a (HNO3), X has to be a ca arbonate, but not n a sulphate. Ions are formed f by atom m losing or gai ining electrons to achieve the e stable noble gas g electronic configura ation. Metallic bonding is fou und in metal. Transfer of electrons oc ccurs in ionic b bonding. Mg + 2H HCl MgCl2 + H2 No. of mole m of Mg = 6 / 24 = 0.25 No. of mole m of H2 = 0.2 25 Volume of o H2 = 0.25 x 24 = 6 dm3 No. of mole m of Li+ = 20 0 / 1000 x 1.0 = 0.02 No. of mole m of SO42- = 40 / 1000 x 0.2 25 = 0.01 Ratio of Li L + : SO42- = 0.02 : 0.01 = 2 : 1 B: Break king of C-H bon nd requires ene ergy C: Chang ging of liquid in nto gas require es energy D: Comb bustion releases s energy Largest concentration c a highest tem and mperature results in fastest rat te of reaction. Potassium m iodide is a re educing agent b because oxidat tion state of I in ncreases from -1 in iodide ion to 0 in iodine molec cule. 2I- I2 + 2e- [oxidatio on] Potassium m dichromate (VI) ( is an oxidizing agent bec cause oxidation n state of Cr de ecreases from 2+6 (orang ge) in Cr2O7 to t +3 (green) in n Cr2O3. [Redu uction] Carbon dioxide d is an ac cidic oxide, wh hich dissolves in i water to give e carbonic acid d. 3 chemic cal reactions ch haracteristic of acid are: Acid + metal m (e.g. magn nesium) Acid + ba ase (e.g. magnesium oxide) Acid + ca arbonate (e.g. magnesium m car rbonate) Refer to periodic p table Group G V Reactivit ty of Group I elements increa ases down the group. g Group I elements e react by losing their r valence electr ron. As the siz ze of atom incr reases, valence e electron is ge etting further aw way from nucle eus, diminishi ing the attractive force of nuc cleus on valenc ce electron. Th herefore, going down Group I, ease of f losing the valence electron i increases and reactivity r incre eases. Copper does d not react with w acid becau use it is below hydrogen in th he metal reactiv vity series. Magnesiu um is above zin nc in the metal l reactivity seri ies. Therefore, Mg produces more bubbles than Zn in i the reaction with acid.

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by y exampape

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Nitrogen ~ 79% Oxygen ~ 20% Noble Ga ases ~ 1% Addition reaction of alk kene (vegetable e oils) with hydrogen gives alkane a (margari ine). Oxidation n of alcohol (e.g. propanol) g gives carboxyli ic acid (e.g. pro opanoic acid)

# 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 An ns B D A C C B A C C C
Light inte ensity decrease es in the evenin ng, reducing th he amount of light needed for r photosyn nthesis. Chloroph hyll traps sunlig ght. Digested product of sta arch is glucose, , which is smal ll enough to pa ass through the blood capillary wall in intestin nal villi. Amino ac cid contains am mine (NH2) sid de group. Water mo oves via osmos sis across cell membrane m in X, X evaporated off o cell surface e and moves out of sto omata via diffu usion. 2 is the pulmonary p arter ry which carrie es blood to the lung. A tell ta ale sign is that 2 joins to right ventricle of heart, havin ng thinner mus scle, which pum mps blood to lu ung that is just a small distance away. a Tricuspid d valve closes to t prevent back kflow of blood d into right atriu um when right t ventricle contracts s.

Workin ngs/Remar rks

Cell wall l is a characteri istic structure o of plant cell. Xylem is s a hollow tube e, with absence e of protoplasm m, to allow unob bstructed flow of water. Xylem ha as thick lignified cell wall to provide mecha anical strength h.


1 Arter ry carries blood d to body parts; therefore the blood must flo ow sufficiently y fast to reach those par rts. High speed d flow gives rise to high press sure. 2 Vein has the largest t cross-sectiona al area and ther refore lowest resistance r to bl lood flow. (Pressure e is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area) 3 Capil llary is one-cel ll thick, allowin ng efficient exc change of subs stances with tis ssue fluid.

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Anaerobi ic respiration ta akes place duri ing vigorous ex xercise in respond to the insu ufficient supply of f oxygen. This results in the production p of lactic l acid, whi ich was then ca arried to the liver to be b converted into carbon diox xide and water after exercise has h stopped. Aerobic respiration r requ uires oxygen to o be taken in. Impulses s travels from sensory s neuron n to motor neur ron via relay ne euron in spinal cord.

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Principle e of conservatio on of energy: Energy E can neit ther be created d nor destroyed d; it is converted d from one form m into another r. Therefore e, total energy output must ad dd up to be 100 0%.

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Plant cou uld be eaten up p by herbivores s, which were in n turn eaten up p by carnivores s. Decompo osition of organ nic matter in se ewage requires s oxygen. High hest intensity of o decompo osition occurs in n area of sewa age outfall. Pollinatio on allows polle en to land on st tigma. Growth of o pollen tube allows a male ga ametes to meet female gamete es. At day 7, , menstruation has ended and d unfertilized eg gg has been rem moved. New egg has not been rele eased yet. At day 14 4, ovulation oc ccurs, allowing g high chance for f a sperm to m meet an egg.


Blood gro oup is predeter rmined by the allele a present in i chromosome e; it is not influ uenced by change in n surrounding factors. f Body ma ass is determine ed by change in n surrounding factors such as s food intake.

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