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Affinity of oxygen on Hemoglobin depends of the partial pressure of oxygen in the cell.

Production of red blood cells starts in the 2nd week of embryonic development. 25% of the stem cells in
the blood marrow function in production of RBC, and 75% in priduction of WBC (some have a life
span of only a few days).
Bone marrow: specific hemopoetic microclimate
without exhaustion (entire life)
central role in regulation of Hb – heme

1. humoral
2. nervous
1. Erythropoetin (kidneyes, liver (less)), stimulus – hypoxia (deacresing of oxygen)
Hormones: STH+, TSH+, ACTH, androgenes+, estrogens-
2. CNS – cerebral cortex (weeker effect)
intervation of BM – sensitive to catecholamines, Ach

Factors that decrease oxygen --> Tissue oxygenation --> Erythropoietin --> stem cell -->
proerythroblast --> red blood cells

Leukocytes – white blood cells

Leucocytes: 4-9 X 10^9 / l

Neutrophils (65%)
Eosinophils (2-4%)

Lymphocytes (25%)
Monocytes (4-6%)

Leucocytes – true cells, defence against infections

Count of WBC: 4-9 X 10^3 / ul, 4-9 X 10^9 / l
Depend on:
circadian rythm
no sex dependence
activity of organism
food intake
after cold, emotions, hypoxia

leucocytosis, leucopenia
absolute (bone marrow), relative

Differentiation of WBC: neutrophilia, neutropnia

eosinophilia, eosinophilia
Hynks nuclear number: 270/ 100 Le (determines production rate of WBC)

Properties of WBC:
ameboid movement
antibodies productions (B-lymphocytes)

Neutrophils: first line of defence – unspecific

properties: tigmotaxis, diapedesis, movement, chemotaxis, phagocytosis (microphages)
synthesize: tromboxanes, prostaglandins, leucotrienes, PAF
survive: 24 hours

Kinetics of Ne.
1. mitotic part: cell proliferation 3 – 5x
differentiation (mtelocytes)
2. maturation: 10 days (metamyelocytes)
3. in blood: marginated Ne 50% (lungs, liver, spleen, adrenaline – demargination)
circulatory Ne 50%
4. tissue part: survive 4 days, don't move back to the blood.
Increase during inflamation

Eosinophils: the highest amount at midnight

less mobile, low phagocytotic activity
participates on alergic, parasites diseases

Basophils: less mobile


Lymphocytes: key constitunts of the immune system

1. B – lymphocytes: responsible for specific humoral immunity
plasma cells – immunoglobins – IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, IgF
memory cells
2. T lymphocytes (thymus dependent) – responsible for specific cellular immunity
cytotoxic cells
memory cells
helper cells
supressoric cells
Ly: recirculation, ½ in the blood, ½ in tissue
lymphatic node - blood – tissue – lymph – blood
NK – natural killers – non T, non B cells
importance at natural protection against tumor cells
NK – cells: large granuled lymphocytes with kidney shape nucleus, big amount of cytoplasma with
azurophilic granules
in peripheral blood form 10% of

monocytes: nonmatured in blood

second line of defence
in blood survive hours – days
3x more marginated
key roll in immunity
tissue macrophages (RES), survive one month
immunobiological memory, receptors
secrete substances: lysosomes, prostaglandis
interferone, tromboxan, leucotrienes, PAF, colony – stimulating factors, external erythropoetin

Regulation of leucopoesis
1. granulocytes – macrophage colony stimulating factor
GM-CSF – leucopoetin
2. G-CSF
3. M-CSF
4. multipoitential CSF

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