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Tony receiving

First Commun


"[Tony Noun] has been and active member of my parish community for 25 years and has contributed significantly to the up-bringing of our church... baptized in 1970 and received his first communion in 1976... Mr. Noun has a beautiful Christian family... his heart is passionately set on effectively helping his fellow citizens, following Jesus' model of servant leadership." Father Milad Yaghi, Pastor of Our Lady Cedars Maronite Church
[for full letter please visit]

Tony Noun has been doing business with our auction for the past seventeen years. He is a pleasure to do business with and we consider him one of our most valued customers. Jim Shreeve, General Manager, 1st Choice Auto Auction of Houston Mr. Noun is current with all personal tax filings and does not personally owe any income or payroll taxes. Keith Gardner, CPA, EA

sons Tonys



Tony and his beau

I defended my Christian Faith as a young man in Lebanon, and my opponent is forcing me to defend it once again by insinuating I am a Muslim with both her racist taunts and mail out pieces. I stand by my Christianity, my career in business, and am proud to have employed hundreds of Texans over the last 20 years. My opponents win-at-any-cost approach will not slow me down nor deter my faith. I humbly ask for your vote on Tuesday, March 4 to bring life and true Bottomline: Accountability Now conservatism back to District 150. We deserve better. w.VTN .c

tiful family.



Pol. Adv. Pd. by Tony Noun Campaign Treasurer, Natasha Noun

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