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last edited on 2/28/2014 17:41 a2/p2

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Where in the Bible does it say Christians are to be afraid of God? There are those who deny that a Christian can live y faith alone! that they "#st have $%es#s Pl#s& wor's. Their favorite scare tactic is! $(e "#st FEAR the LORD! I say where in the Bible does it say Christians are to be afraid of God? Well, what does Jesus say about it? atthew !" #$%% &'J() 8 The devil ta'eth )%es#s* #p into an e+ceeding high "o#ntain! and sheweth hi" all the 'ingdo"s of the world! and the glory of the", - .nd saith #nto hi"! .ll these things will / give thee! if tho# wilt fall down and worship "e. 10 Then saith %es#s #nto hi"! 0et thee hence! 1atan: for it is written! Tho# shalt worship the 2ord thy 0od! and hi" only shalt tho# serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth hi"! and! ehold! angels ca"e and "inistered #nto hi". %es#s was 3#oting 4as it is written5: Deuterono*y +"%, &'J() Tho# shalt fear the 2ord thy 0od! and serve hi"! and shalt swear y his na"e. 6now this eloved! there are no contradictions in the 7i le! 898:; / have een in "inistry for over <7 years and have een confronted y "any with their so called! $contradictions in the 7i le.& (henever yo# are faced with a si"ilar acc#sation p#t yo#r faith in 0od! not the acc#ser of all that is good; 9#r 2ord says! the (9=1>/P of 0od ? the @:.= of 0od y >is own translation of Ae#t B:1<. @#rther"ore! loo' what the apostle of grace has to say in =o"ans! Ro*ans #"%&'J() Ce have not received the spirit of ondage again to fear, #t ye have received the 1pirit of adoption! where y we cry! . a! @ather. 7efore o#r eing redee"ed y the lood of o#r 2ord %es#s! we lived in the dreadf#l fear of 0od! that >e has the power to send #s to >ell . . . for there is none good; 7#t now thr# 0odDs a"aEing grace we can sn#ggle #p right at ho"e in 0odDs living roo" with no fear at all; (here y we cry! . a! @ather! Aad! Pops; / donDt 'now a o#t yo# #t that doesnDt so#nd li'e weDre s#pposed to e afraid of 0od; tags: atthew !" #$%%, Deuterono*y +"%,, Ro*ans #"%-, fear God, .bba /ather

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