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Karnataka, the eighth largest State in India is one of the most beautiful states in the country. Both in area and population Karnataka is an enormous state. The states like Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil adu and Kerala surround Karnataka from all sides. The eastern and !estern "hats that fence Karnataka are the source of m any east and #est flo#ing ri$ers. The m ost im portant ri$ers that originate from these m ountains are the Krishna, Ka$eri and their tributaries. Karnataka is also considered as one of the m ost fast gro#ing states in the Indian subcontinent. Karnataka is one of the most prosperous states of India o#ing to its am enities in $aried fields. The state has recorded trem endous success in the fields like education, literature, agriculture, industry and tourism . Asia%s Silicon &alley i.e. Bangalore is its capital. The thri$ing soft#are industry of this city dem ands a separate position on the IT m ap of the globe. Karnataka is therefore som etimes called 'The land of science and technology(. )*tending from the Arabian Sea and the fertile forest ridges of the !estern "hats to the drier, boulder+stre#n region of the ,eccan Plateau, Karnataka%s pictures-ue location is remarkable. It e$okes the im age of oldest rocks .utting out in odd shapes, forests of Malnad soaked in rain, barren stretches of Maidan, to#ering temples, thousands of tanks, s#ift flo#ing ri$ers and streams skirting their #ay across the region/ the s#eet and e$erlasting fragrance of sandal #ood and m any m ore0 Karnataka preser$es its past glory by obser$ing $arious fairs and festi$als, retaining its art and crafts and by perform ing $arious dances and music form s. It is the birth place of the Indian classical m usic. The m ost uni-ue feature of Karnataka is that it is the only pro$ince #here both the main styles of Indian Music 1Karnataka and

Karnataka Profile

Basic facts

Area 45,67,888 s Population497.:; Million State "S,P4<S = ;>.>5 Billion "S,P gro#th rate 4 ?.:@ Aapital 4 Bangalure +kno#ledge Aapital +Technology 2ub +A Brand ,istrict 4 ;8


Karnataka 1Kannada4 BkCDE nFG H CkFG I the land of the Kannadigas, is a state in South !est India. It #as created on 5 o$em ber 569J, #ith the passing of the States Keorganisation Act. Lriginally kno#n as the State of Mysore, it #as renam ed Karnataka in 56:;. Karnataka is bordered by the Arabian Sea to the #est, "oa to the north#est, Maharashtra to the north, Andhra Pradesh to the east, Tam il adu to the southeast, and Kerala to the south#est. The state co$ers an area of 565,6:JMs-uare kilom etres 1:>,577 s-Mm i3, or 9.?;@ of the total geographical area of India. It is the eighth largest Indian state by area, the ninth largest by population and com prises ;8 districts. Kannada is the official and m ost #idely spoken language. The t#o m ain ri$er system s of the state are Krishna and its tributaries 1Bhim a, "hataprabha, &eda$ati, Malaprabha, and Tungabhadra3 in the north, and the Aau$ery and its tributaries 12em a$ati, Shim sha, Arka$athi, Nakshm ana Thirtha and Kabini3 in the south. Both these ri$ers flo# east#ard and fall into the Bay of Bengal.

Though se$eral etym ologies ha$e been suggested for the nam e Karnataka, the generally accepted one is that Karnataka is deri$ed from the Kannada #ords karu and ndu, m eaning elevated land. Karu nadu m ay also be read as Karu 1black3 and nadu 1region3, as a reference to the black cotton soil found in the Bayaluseem e region of Karnataka. The British

!ith an anti-uity that dates to the paleolithic, Karnataka has also been hom e to som e of the most po#erful em pires of ancient and m edie$al India. The philosophers and m usical bards patronised by these em pires launched socio+religious and literary m o$em ents #hich ha$e endured to the present day. Karnataka has contributed significantly to both forms of Indian classical m usic, the Aarnatic 1Karnataka Music3 and 2industani traditions. !riters in the Kannada language ha$e recei$ed the most num ber of Onanpith a#ards in India. Bangalore is the capital city of the state and is at the forefront of the rapid econom ic and technological de$elopm ent that India is e*periencing. Karnataka e*periences four seasons. The #inter in Oanuary and Pebruary is follo#ed by sum m er bet#een March and May,the monsoon season bet#een Oune andSeptem ber and the post+monsoon season from Lctober till ,ecem ber. Meteorologically, Karnataka is di$ided into three Qones R coastal, north interior and south interior. Lf these, the coastal Qone recei$es the hea$iest rainfall #ith an a$erage rainfall of about ;,J;?.9Mm m 15>; in3 per annum , far in e*cess of the state a$erage of 5,5;6Mm m 1>9 in3. Agum be in the Shi$am ogga district recei$es the second highest annual rainfall in India.The highest recorded tem perature #as >9.JMSA 155>MSP3 at Kaichur and the lo#est recorded tem perature #as 7.?MSA 1;:MSP3 at Bidar. About ;?,:7>Mkm 7 15>,695 s-Mm i3 of Karnataka 1i.e. 78@ of the stateTs geographic area3 is co$ered by forests. The forests are classified as reser$ed, protected, unclosed, $illage and pri$ate forests. The percentage of forested area is slightly less than the all+India a$erage of about 7;@, and significantly less than the ;;@ prescribed in the ational Porest Policy.

In the m odern history, the great Tipu Sultan of Mysore e$okes the feelings of patriotism in e$ery human soul. The state of Karnataka, constituted as Mysore under the Sates KeorganiQation Act, 569J, brought together the Kannada+speaking com munity distributed in fi$e states and consisted of the territories of the old states of Mysore and Aoorg, the Bi.apur Kanara district and Kollegal taluk of the Aoim batore district in Madras. )arlier kno#n as Mysore/ the state #as renam ed as Karnataka on o$em ber 5, 56:;.


The "om ates#ara 16?7U6?;3 m onolith at Shra$anabelagola, one of the forem ost centers of Oain pilgrim age today. Islam , #hich had an early presence on the #est coast of India as early as the tenth century, gained a foothold in Karnataka #ith the rise of the Baham ani and Bi.apur sultanates that ruled parts of Karnataka.Ahristianity reached Karnataka in the si*teenth century #ith the arri$al of the Portuguese and St. Prancis Va$ier in 59>9.Buddhism #as popular in Karnataka during the first m illennium in places such as "ulbarga and Bana$asi. A chance disco$ery of edicts and se$eral Mauryan relics at Sannati in "ulbarga district in 56?J has pro$en that the Krishna Ki$er basin #as once hom e to both Mahayana and 2inayana Buddhism . The four prim ary religious faiths of Karnataka ha$e been Shai$ism 1follo#ers of Shi$a3, &aishna$ism 1follo#ers of &ishnu and his a$atars3, Buddhism , and Oainism . Prom inent saints Shankaracharya, and Kam anu.acahrya li$edM in Karnataka for a long tim e and established deep roots. Saints Madh#acharya and Basa$esh#ara #ere indeed born in Karnataka and ha$e left a lasting im pact. The subse-uent practitioners of the Bhakti m o$em ent in Karnataka enriched the Kannada language and south Indian m usic. Por a detailed study of &achana literature and ,asa literature, please see ,r. Oyotsna Kam atTs series on 2istory of Kannada Nanguage.

Location Karnataka is located in the western half of the Deccan plateau surrounded by Andhra Pradesh in the east, Maharashtra in the north and Tamil Nadu and Kerala to the south. Physiograpically, the state forms a part of two well defined macro regions of ndian !nion" the Deccan Plateau and the #oastal plains and slands. The $tate has four physiographic regions %i&. Northern Karnataka Plateau, #entral Karnataka Plateau, $outhern Karnataka Plateau and Karnataka #oastal 'egion. Climate Karnataka en(oys a salubrious climate throughout the year. The state like all other states of the country e)periences typical tropical climate comprising of three distinct seasons. The chief attraction is the city *angalore itself. *angalore is sometime called as +The Air,#onditioned #ity of the #ountry-. The state recei%es its annual .uota of rainfall during the winter and summer monsoons. The tropical monsoon climate continues from /une to $eptember which co%ers the entire coastal belt and its ad(oining areas. The climate gets little humid during the months of April and May. The monsoon starts at the beginning of May and continues for 0,1 months. Due to its tropical climate the state e)periences heat wa%es during April2May and e)tensi%e rainfall during /une to August. The winters are not too cold but pleasant enough.

Demographics: According to the 7885 census of India, the total population of Karnataka is 97,?98,9J7, of #hich 7J,?6?,65? 198.6@3 are m ale and 79,695,J>> 1>6.5@3 are fem ale, or 5888 m ales for e$ery 6J> fem ales. This represents a 5:.;@ increase o$er the population in 5665. The population density is 7:9.J per km W and ;>.8@ of the people li$e in urban areas. The literacy rate is JJ.J@ #ith :J.5@ of m ales and 9J.6@ of fem ales being literate.?;@ of the population are 2indu, 55@ are Muslim , >@ are Ahristian, 8.?@ are Oains, 8.:@ are Buddhist, and #ith the rem ainder belonging to other religions. Natural Resources: Porests4 Karnataka%s forests reser$es account only 78 @ of the total geographical area of the state. These forests are classified as reser$ed 17?.J55 s-. km 3 protected 1;,6;7 s-. km 3, unclosed 19,:>? s-. km3, $illage 157> s-. km 3 and pri$ate 1;86 s-. km3 forests. Karnataka is kno#n for its $aluable timbers from the e$ergreen forests in the !estern "hat region, notably Teak and Kose#ood #hich are used in decorating interiors of the hom es. Ki$ers4 Karnataka accounts for a significant percentage of the countryTs surface #ater resources i.e. nearly J@ 15: Nakh m illion cubic m eters3. About >8 percent of this is a$ailable in the east flo#ing ri$ers and the remaining from the #est flo#ing ri$ers. There are se$en ri$er basins in Karnataka, form ed by the Krishna, Aau$ery,

Minerals4 Karnataka is blessed #ith rich m ineral resources distributed m ore or less e$enly in the #hole territory. The state is the m a.or producer of gold in the country #ith the t#o m a.or mines located in the districts of Kolar and Kaichur. The gold m ines at Kolar and 2utti are producing about ;,888 kg of gold, about ?>@ of countries production per annum . Karnataka also has $ery rich deposits of Iron and Manganese ores. The total reser$e of high grade iron ore a$ailable in the State are of the order of 5,888 Million tones. The State is endo#ed #ith rich deposits of asbestos, bau*ite, chrom ite, dolom ite, gold, iron ore, kaolin, lim estone, m agnesite, Manganese, ochre, -uartQ and silica sand. It is also the sole producer of felsite, moulding sand 1J;@3 and fuchsite -uartQite 19:@3. Karnataka has also the fame of ha$ing standard Lrnam ental "ranites #ith different hues. It has granite rockTs spread o$er >788 S-. km s

Airport 4
Airports in Karnataka act as gate#ays for tourists descending on the state. At present, Karnataka has fi$e functional airports at 2ubli, Mysore, Belgaum , Mangalore and Bangalore. The Bangalore airport is e*trem ely #ell connected #ith the rest of the country. International flights also operate out of the Bangalore airport The airport is about ;> Km s from Bangalore B&idhan SoudhaI.



*angalore Mass 'apid Transit 4td. 5*M'T46, is the implementing agency. Pro(ect en%isage a 00km ele%ated and underground rail network with 07 stations for phase 8. *udgeted at more than 91.9 billion rupees 5about !$:8.7 billion6. $oil tasted started. Pro(ect to be completed by 7;88.

Kail#ay 4

South !estern Kail#ay #as created by am algam ating the reorganiQed 2ubli di$ision from South Aentral Kail#ay #ith Bangalore X Mysore di$isions of Southern Kail#ay. This Kail#ay has becom e operational from 5st of April, 788; #ith its head -uarter at 2ubli in the state of Karnataka. Setting up of a separate pro.ect de$elopm ent com pany 1K+ KI,)3 for rail pro.ects in karnataka. 2assan U Mangalore "auge Aon$ersion pro.ect through a special Purpose &ehicle #ith e-uity participation by strategic in$estors, MPT and M)N. 2assan U Mangalore rail line is operational and handling freight traffic. To be opened for passenger shortly.

The state of Karnataka has m any places of interest for the tourists.Most of the land in Karnataka lies on an ele$ation, at an a$erage height of 5988 ft. abo$e the sea le$el. Karnataka has a long coastline ad.oining the Arabian Sea and because of this, you #ill find alot of beautiful beaches #ith shim m ering sil$ery sands and aQure blue sea#aters rushing to kiss your feet. Som e of the fam ous beaches of Karnataka are Bhatkal beach, Murudesh#ar beach, Kurum gad beach and Malpe beach. The beach tourism of Karnataka is a #onderful option to spend your holidays.

!hen you m o$e from the coast to#ards inland, you #ill find the !estern "hats running through Karnataka. 2ere you #ill find a lot of thick forests and plenty of #ildlife. All total, Karnataka is home to 79 #ildlife sanctuaries and fi$e national parks. Kudrem ukh ational Park,Bandipur ational Park, agarhole ational Park, Bannarghetta ational Park, etc. are ha$ens for the intrepid tra$ellers.These are #ild gestures of Karnataka tourism #hich you #ould find hard to resist.

There are m any fam ous tem ples in Karnataka like the Mookam bigai Temple, Kukke Subram aniam Tem ple, Marudes#ar Tem ple, Marikam ba Tem ple, <dupi Krishna Temple. Sringeri, #hich #as one of the seats of Adi Shankaracharya, is an im portant destination for religious tourism. 2ere Sharadamba Tem ple attracts hordes of pilgrim s. Shra$anabelagola is am ust $isit site. It is an im portant Oain pilgrim age centre.2ere, besides soaking in the religious am bience, get astounded by the m agnificent statue of "omm atesh#ara, #hich happens to be the tallest m onolithic statue in the #orld. It is the statue of a great Oain king "angaraya, #ho turned into a saint. The statue, #hich #as built by his general as a tribute to him , stands at 5:.;? m etres height. sam e tim e, there are abundant places #here tourists #ho are ad$enturous can go trekking, rock clim bing, aero sporting and ri$er rafting. Por nature lo$ers, the state has a cascade of beauty to offer, -uite literally. Oog Palls, #hich is IndiaTs tallest single+tiered #aterfall, makes the tourists spellbound #ith its a#esome beauty. Magod Palls, <nchalli Palls, Shi$anasamudra Palls are the other important #aterfalls of Karnataka.

Mysore is another m ust $isit destination for any tourist com ing to Karnataka. This city is the former capital of the !odeyars, #ho #ere the erst#hile rulers of the state. 2istory in the form of splendid architectures, dots the landscape of this city. Mysore is kno#n as the city of palaces as there are many charm ing palaces, som e of #hich ha$e been con$erted to hotels. The m ost im portant festi$al in Mysore is the ,ussehra, #hich is a m ust see for any tourist. This ten+day festi$al is celebrated #ith pom p and style, and is a $ery colourful and .oyous occasion.

Another place in Mysore #hich should not be m issed is the Brinda$an "ardens, #hich has a lot of #ater parks and lo$ely green $egetation. Before the S#itQerland craQe took o$er, it #as one of the fa$ourite shooting spots for film m akers.


"S,P "ro#th of the Karnatakan )conom y o$er the pre$ious years. Karnataka, #hich had an estim ated "S,P 1"ross State ,om estic Product3 of about <S= 9?.7; billion in 788?+86 fiscal year. Karnataka recorded the highest gro#th rates in term s of ",P and per capita ",P in the last decade com pared to other states. The state registered a "S,P gro#th rate of :@ for the year 788:+788?. KarnatakaTs contribution to IndiaTs ",P in the year 788>+89 #as 9.7@.Karnataka #as the fastest gro#ing state o$er the past decade in term s of ",P and per capita ",P. !ith ",P gro#th of 9J.7@ and per capita ",P gro#th of >;.6@, Karnataka no# has the si*th highest per+capita ",P of all states. early 9J@ of the #orkforce in Karnataka is engaged in agriculture and related acti$ities. A total of 57.;5 m illion hectares of land, or J>.J@ of the stateTs total area, is culti$ated. Much of the agricultural output is dependent on the south#est m onsoon as only 7J.9@ of the so#n area is irrigated. Karnataka is the m anufacturing hub for som e of the largest public sector industries in India, including 2industan Aeronautics Nim ited, ational Aerospace Naboratories, Bharat 2ea$y )lectricals Nim ited, Indian Telephone Industries, Bharat )arth Mo$ers Nim ited and 2industan Machine Tools, #hich are based in Bangalore. Many of IndiaTs prem ier science and technology research centers, such as Indian Space Kesearch LrganiQation, Aentral Po#er Kesearch Institute, Bharat )lectronics Nim ited and the Aentral Pood Technological Kesearch Institute, are also head-uartered in Karnataka. Mangalore Kefinery and Petrochem icals

Karnataka has a #ell de$eloped infrastructure #here the go$ernm ent has im plem ented m any infrastructure pro.ects like construction of e*press#ays, flyo$ers and roads in the recent times. ,ue to the inform ation technology boom in Bangalore and Mysore, and #ith big m ultinationals like the Microsoft, Accenture, !ipro, Infosys and Y ahoo setting up shops in the state, there has been a spate of construction acti$ities in Bangalore, #hich pertains to housing, m alls and superm arkets. The go$ernm ent has also initiated the m etro rail pro.ect to help ease road congestion and to aid gro#th in the transport sector. Lther than the m a.or industries of the state like processing of plantation products like coffee, rubber, cashe#, etc. there are industries based on food processing, electrical engineering, chem ical industries, etc. Mining of m inerals like gold and iron ore is another m a.or industry in Karnataka. The coastal regions of Karnataka, m ainly <dipi and ,akshina Kannada, ha$e been kno#n for their banking and financial institutions. Many leading banks, like the Aanara Bank, Syndicate Bank, Aorporation Bank, State Bank of Mysore, &i.aya Bank ha$e their origins in the state of Karnataka. Besides the large scale industries, m any sm all scale industries like m aking of agarbhattis, sandal #ood car$ing and handicrafts are also there in the state, #hich contribute to the econom y of Karnataka.

About Government

Governor 4 Shri 2ans Ka. Bhard#a. Ka. Bha$an Ka. Bha$an Koad Bangalore 9J8 885 I ,IA &oice4 Z 65+?8+7779 >587 1"eneral+epba*3, Z 65+?8+7779 ;999 1,irect through A,A3 Special officer Ka.bha$an 4 Z 65+?8+7779 >58J Pa*4 Z 65+?8+7779 ?598 )m ail4 rbblr[$ Chief Minister 4 B S Y eddyurappa Kum arakrupa Koad, Bangalore + 9J8 885, &oice4 Z 65+?8+7779 79:7 \ :; \ :> )m ail4 cm [ Note: Karnataka go$ernm ent is taking tremendous interest in setting up e-parliament Computer !ociety of "ndia has #udged Karnataka as the $est egoverned !tate in "ndia C!" presented the a%ard for the year &'''-'( to Chief Minister ! M Krishna on May ()* &''& at +idhana !oudha ,his is the first time the a%ard has $een instituted $y the C!"

Karnataka becam e an independent state only in the year 569J. 2o#e$er, in 569J it #as kno#n as the Mysore state/ it #as renam ed as Karnataka only in 56:;. ,uring the British rule, m ost of the present day Karnataka #ere under m any different administrations like the Bombay Presidency, Madras Presidency, the iQam of 2yderabad, the rule of the Mysore kings, etc. A unification cam paign on linguistic basis #as carried out by m any prom inent political leaders of the state/ Aluru &enkata Kao being one of the predom inant leaders. This $ery long political m o$ement, kno#n as )kikarana Mo$em ent, e$entually found its success #ith the redra#ing of the geography of the state of Mysore under the States KeorganiQation Act in 569J, #hen Kodagu and Kannada speaking regions from the erst#hile states of Madras, 2yderabad and Bom bay #ere inducted into the Mysore state. The e*panded Mysore state #as renamed as Karnataka in 56:;. There are m any political parties, #hich dom inate the politics of Karnataka today. The ma.or political parties of the state are the Indian ational Aongress, Oanata ,al1Secular3, Oanata ,al and Bharatiya Oanata Party. Lf course, like the other south Indian states, Karnataka politics also has m any regional parties and they play a dom inant role in state politics, helping to form and break go$ernm ents, specially in the recent conte*t #ith coalition politics ruling the roost. The state legislati$e assem bly or &idhan Sabha comprises of 77> mem bers, #ho are elected for a fi$e+year term . The legislati$e council or &idhan Parishad is a perm anent body like all other &idhan Parishads of India. This house com prises of :9 m em bers, #ith one third of its mem bers retiring e$ery year. The state go$ernm ent is headed by the Ahief Minister. Karnataka com prises of 76 districts, and each district is go$erned by the ,istrict Aomm issioner or ,istrict Magistrate. ntil $ery recently, -D Kumaras%amy #as the Ahief Minister of Karnataka. 2e belongs to Oanata ,al 1Secular3 party, and #as the son of the form er Prime Minister, ,e$e "o#da.

Politics of Karnataka

&idhana Soudha in Bangalore 1seat of the Negislati$e Assem bly3 Karnataka, like other Indian states, has a parliamentary system of go$ernm ent #ith t#o dem ocratically elected houses, the Negislati$e Assem bly and the Negislati$e Aouncil. The Negislati$e Assem bly consists of 77> mem bers #ho are elected for fi$e+year term s. The Negislati$e Aouncil is a perm anent body of :9 m embers #ith one+third 179 m em bers3 retiring e$ery t#o years. Por administrati$e purposes, Karnataka has been di$ided into four re$enue di$isions, >6 sub+di$isions, 76 districts, 5:9 taluks and :>9 hoblies\re$enue circles. Politics in Karnataka has been dom inated by three political parties, the "ndian National Congress, the . anata Dal /!ecular0 and the 1haratiya . anata 2arty

+airamudi 1rahmotsava Ln April >th 7886, &airam udi Brahm osta$a is celebrated at Melkote. This is an annual festi$al #hich gathers m ore than 7 lakh de$otees of Nord Ahelu$a arayana. Dasara ,asara is the festi$al of celebrating #omen po#er. Aham undesh#ari is the personification of courage, strength and po#er. Praying to her is belie$ed to help one to be blessed #ith all these -ualities, especially during ,asara. !hen the m ale gods failed to destroy the dem on, it #as the ,e$i #ho stood up to the occasion. Dussehra festi$al is celebrated in a big #ay in Karnataka or m ore precisely in Mysore. In fact ,ussehra in Mysore is reno#ned for the #ay it is celebrated. ,uring the ,ussehra festi$al, the entire Mysore basks in the flood of lights. The Mysore Palace and other im portant buildings are illum ined #ith lights. The city is bedecked in such a #ay that the tourists from fara#ay places flock o Mysore .ust to be a #itness to the m a.estic beauty of the city. Som e traditional item s of the royal fam ily form part of the procession. The main attraction of the procession is the idol of "oddess Ahamundesh#ari kept in the golden ho#dah on top of a decorated elephant. The procession begins at the Mysore Palace and ends At the Banni Mantapa grounds, tra$eling a distance of about 7.9 m iles.The procession is follo#ed by a torch light procession in the

23NG45 In Karnataka the Pesti$al of Pongal is celebrated #ith a lot of re$elry. It is also kno#n by the nam e of Sankranti. Priends and relati$es $isit one another to e*change greetings. Ln the occasion of Pongal in Karnataka, prayers are offered not only at hom e but also in the temples. This traditional custom continues to this day. A special dish is prepared on the occasion of Pongal in Karnataka. The ingredients of this s#eet dish )llu are coconut, sesam e seeds and sugar. It is custom ary for the people to e*change this s#eet dish #ith friends, relati$es and neighbors. It is a token to sho# that hence forth the relationship #ill be as s#eet as )llu #ith no bitterness in$ol$ed. People clad them sel$es in ne# clothes. But they are not the only ones to dress up gorgeously/ they decorate their co#s and bullocks as #ell. 2um ans and animals are e-ually a part of this unrestrained m erry making. Pongal, a s#eet preparation m ade of rice is ser$ed to the anim als. Pongal is celebrated on the day of #inter solstice according to the 2indu calendar. It is nice to $isit the state of Karnataka #hen Pongal is being celebrated so that you can be a part of the m irth as #ell.

635 K D4NC 7! 36 K4RN4,4K4

KUNITHA: The ritualistic dances of Karnataka are kno#n as Kunitha. Kunitha is a general term gi$en to ritualistic dances of Karnataka. These are di$ided into specific dance form s depending on the region it is being perform ed in. ).g.. ,olla Kunitha etc. Am ong the classical dances of India, the Mysore style of Bharatanatyam , is the oldest and m ost popular dance form. It is #idely perform ed here. Lther mainstream classical dances here include Kuchipudi and Kathak. NA,I)S ,LNN< K< IT2A


The South Karnataka or old Mysore region also kno#n as Bayaluseem e or the plains including the present+day Kolara, Bengalooru, Mysooru, Tum akooru, Mandya, 2aasana,Ahickkam aglur,Ahamara.anagara. Kagi and Kice are the m ost im portant staple grains, Oo#ar and ba.ra are also culti$ated and consumed in the drier parts of the region. These m eals are ser$ed on Plantain lea$es or Mutuka lea$es, dry Tendu+like lea$es staples together into big circular discs. Pirst accom panim ents are ser$ed #hich includes $ariety of Palya, Kosam bari, s#eet+ sa$ory go..u, hot spicy chutney Pickles, ba..i, bonda, $ade, Papads. The first course alternated bet#een s#eets and rice preparation. The second course is a set of curries to be consum ed #ith rice. Kosam$ari Kosambari m ade of cucum ber A salad prepared using sim ple ingredients such as lentils, green chillies and finely chopped coriander.The dish is generally finished #ith a tem pering of m ustard seeds and asafotida. Aom m on $ariants include kosam bari made #ith the abo$e ingredients in addition to grated cucum ber or carrot

!ports in Karnataka

Aricket is by far the m ost popular sport in Karnataka #ith International cricket m atches attracting a siQeable amount of spectators #ho are #illing to pay m ore than the ticket price to get a chance to #atch the m atch.The sports related infrastructure is mainly concentrated in Bangalore #hich also played host to the >th ational "am es of India in the year 566:. Bangalore is also the location of the Sports Authority of India 1SAI3 #hich is the prem ier sports institute in the country. Karnataka is som etim es referred to as the cradle of Indian s#im ming because of high standards in s#imm ing com pared to other states. The T#allT of the Indian cricket team Kahul ,ra$id, the ace Indian leg spin bo#ler Anil Kumble/ #ho is the highest #icket taker for India in the test cricket, are the recent stars of the Indian cricket, hailing from Karnataka. international one day m atches are played at the Ahinnas#am y Stadium , #hich is located in Bangalore. The stateTs fam ous non+cricket sportspersons include the likes of isha Millet 1s#imm ing3, Mahesh Bhupathi 1tennis3 and Prakash Padukone 1badm inton3. Karnataka has also produced a num ber of hockey players, #ho represented the country at a national le$el. In fact, in the district of Kodagu, hockey is a passion. 2ockey actually finds such a special place in the Koda$a culture that they e$en ha$e a Koda$a 2ockey Pesti$al e$ery year and #hatTs m ore, this hockey festi$al has been entered in the Nim ca Book of Kecords as the largest hockey tournament in the #orld.


"ndian "nstitute of !cience, one of the prem ier institutes of India located in Bangalore. As per the 7885 census, Karnataka had a literacy rate of J:.8>@, #ith :J.76@ of m ales and 9:.>9@ of fem ales in the state being literate.The state is hom e to som e of the prem ier educational and research institutions of India such as the Indian Institute of Science, the Indian Institute of Managem ent, the ational Institute of Technology Karnataka and the ational Na# School of India <ni$ersity. As of March 788J, Karnataka had 9>,976 prim ary schools #ith 797,?:9 teachers and ?.>69 m illion students,and 6>6? secondary schools #ith 67,7?: teachers and 5.;?> m illion students.There are three kinds of schools in the state, $iQ., go$ernm ent+run, pri$ate aided 1financial aid is pro$ided by the go$ernm ent3 and pri$ate unaided 1no financial aid is pro$ided3. The prim ary languages of instruction in m ost schools are Kannada and )nglish. The syllabus taught in the schools is either of the ABS), the IAS) or the state syllabus 1SSNA3 defined by the ,epartm ent of Public Instruction of the "o$ernm ent of Karnataka. 2o#e$er, som e schools follo#s ILS syllabus. The State has one Sainik School in Bi.apur also.

There are >?5 degree colleges affiliated #ith one of the uni$ersities in the state, $iQ. Bangalore uni$ersity, "ulbarga uni$ersity, Karnataka uni$ersity, Ku$em pu uni$ersity, Mangalore uni$ersity and Mysore uni$ersity.In 566?, the engineering colleges in the state #ere brought under the ne#ly form ed &is$es$araya Technological <ni$ersity head-uartered at Belgaum , #hereas the m edical colleges are run under the .urisdiction of the Ka.i$ "andhi uni$ersity of 2ealth Sciences. Some of these baccalaureate colleges are accredited #ith the status of a deem ed uni$ersity. There are 57; engineering, ;9 m edical and >8 dental colleges in the state. <dipi, Sringeri, "okarna and Melkote are #ell+kno#n places of Sanskrit and &edic learning. An Indian Institute of Technology Muddenahalli has been appro$ed by the central go$ernm ent as part of the 55th 9 year plan. This #ill be the first IIT in Karnataka State.In addition, a J88 crore &is$es$araya Institute of Ad$anced Technology 1&IAT3 is being constructed in Muddenahalli+Kani$enarayanapura.


The era of Kannada ne#spapers started in the year 5?>; #hen 2erm ann M]gling, a missionary from Basel Mission, published the first Kannada ne#spaper called Man alooru Sa!achara in Mangalore. The first Kannada periodical, Mysuru "rittanta #odhini #as started by Bhashyam Bhashyacharya in Mysore. Shortly after Indian independence in 56>?, K. . "urus#am y founded The $rinters %Mysore& $rivate 'i!ited and began publishing t#o ne#spapers, the ,eccan 2erald and Pra.a$ani. Presently the Tim es of India and &i.aya Karnataka are the largest+selling )nglish and Kannada ne#spapers respecti$ely. A $ast number of #eekly, bi#eekly and m onthly m agaQines are under publication in both Kannada and )nglish. <daya$ani, Kannadaprabha, Samyukta Karnataka, &aartha Bharathi, San.e$ani, )esan.e, 2osa digantha, Kara$ali Ale are also som e popular dailies published from Karnataka. ,oordarshan is the broadcaster of the "o$ernm ent of India and its channel ,, Ahandana is dedicated to Kannada. Prominent Kannada channels include )T& Kannada, ^ee Kannada, <daya T&, <7, T& 6, Asianet Su$arna and Kasturi T&. Karnataka occupies a special place in the history of Indian radio. In 56;9, Aakashvani, the first pri$ate radio station in India, #as started by Prof. M.&. "opalas#am y at Mysore.The popular radio station #as taken o$er by the local municipality and later by All India Kadio1AIK3 and m o$ed to Bangalore in 5699. Nater in 569:, AIK adopted the original nam e of the radio station, Aakashavani as its o#n. Som e of the popular program s aired by AIK Bangalore included Nisar a Sa!(ada and Sasya San)eevini #hich #ere program s that taught science through songs, plays and stories.

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