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Continuation of Course Outline TORTS AND DAMAGES PERSON/S LIABLE A. The dire t tortfeasor Art. !

"#$ of the Ci%il Code Arts. &#'()* (! of the Ci%il Code Arts. (('($* Ci%il Code

B. Persons lia+le for the a ts of others ". In ,eneral a. -uasi'deli ts under Art. !".)* ho/ inter0reted Arts. !".'!"1* !!" of the 2a3il4 Code 5 Tolentino* 6"1'6!) Rodri,ue7'Luna %. IAC* "&6 SCRA !(! +. Indire t lia+ilit4 for intentional a ts Salen %s. Bal e* ")# Phil. #(. Pale4an %. Ban,8ili* () SCRA "&! . Presu30tion of ne,li,en e on 0ersons indire tl4 res0onsi+le d. Nature of lia+ilit4 9oint or solidar4: ! San, o* 61$'$") Lanu7o %. Pin,e* ")) SCRA !)6 Po+lete %. 2a+ros* 1& SCRA !)) Mali0ol %. Tan* 66 SCRA !)! 5il3er %. CA* "$ SCRA #(! Anunsa %. Buno* "# SCRA !!( !. In 0arti ular a. Parents and ,uardians PD $)&* Art. 6. EO !)1 ;2a3il4 Code<* Arts. !"1* !!"* !&$ RPC* Arts. ")"'")& Ta3a4o %. CA* !)1 SCRA 6". Li+i %. IAC * !"( SCRA "$; Cuadra %. Monfort* &6 SCRA "$)

+. S hools* Tea hers and Ad3inistrators Art. !".)* CC;still in for e /ith res0e t to the a ts of non'3inor students< Arts. !".'!"1* 2C Art. !"1(* CC (Joint tortfeasors are solidarily liable) St. 2ran is %. CA* "1( SCRA &(" E= onde %. Ca0uno* ")" Phil. .(& Paliso %. Brilliantes* (" Phil. 6(. A3adora %. CA* "$) SCRA &"6 PSBA %. CA* !)6 SCRA #!1 . E30lo4ers Meanin, of e30lo4ers'Arts. "$(( > "#"&* CC Phil. Ra++it Bus Line* In . %. Phil'A3eri an 2or/arders* In . * $& SCRA !&! Gutierre7 %. CA* #( SCRA "!. Genson %. Adarle* "6& SCRA 6"! Martin %. CA* !)6 SCRA 61" Re?uisites E30lo4ee hosen +4 e30lo4er or throu,h another Cuison %. Norton > @arrison Co.* 66 Phil. ". Pili0inas Petroleu3 Cor0. %. CA* !!" SCRA &.1 Ser%i es rendered in a ordan e /ith orders /hi h e30lo4er has authorit4 to ,i%e Mar?ue7 %. Castillo* $. Phil. 6$. De Leon Bro8eran,e Co.* In . %. CA* ( SCRA 6". 5alen7uela %. CA* !6& SCRA &)& Illi it a t of e30lo4ee /as on the o asion or +4 reason of the fun tions entrusted to hi3A e30lo4ee /as a tin, /ithin the s o0e o0f his assi,ned tas8 Dula4 %. CA* !(& SCRA !!) Presu30tion of ne,li,en e;+ut ne,li,en e of the e30lo4ee 3ust first +e esta+lished< Saludares %. Martine7* !1 SCRA #(6

B3ali %. Ba ani* $1 SCRA !$& CBL %. Coronado* "#$ SCRA #1! Ortali7 %. E harri* ")" Phil. 1(# Defense of dili,en e in sele tion and su0er%ision BaDia %. LitonDua* &) Phil. $!( Ea3ada %. Manila Railroad Co.* && Phil. 1 On, %. Metro0olitan Fater Distri t* ")( Phil. &1. Ra3os %. Pe0si Cola* "1 SCRA !.1 Metro Manila Transit Cor0. %. CA* !!& SCRA 6!" 2ila3er Christian Institute %. IAC* !"! SCRA $&# Nature of e30lo4erGs lia+ilit4 Beli7ar %. Bra7as ! SCRA 6!#;"1$"< 5inluan %. CA* "$ SCRA #(! O7oa %. Madula * "6$ SCRA ##1 Su+sidiar4 lia+ilit4 of e30lo4ers under the RPC i. Inn8ee0ers/hotels Art. ")!* RPC ii. State Merritt %. Go%Gt of the Phil. Islands* &( Phil. &"" Mendo7a %. De Leon* && Phil. 6). 2ontanilla %. Malia3an* "1( SCRA (.$

&. 9oint tortfeasors Art. !"1(* CC For ester %. O a30o* !! Phil. (! 5er7osa %. Li3* (6 Phil. ("# MMTC %. CA* !!& SCRA 6!" Re0u+li %. Sandi,an+a4an* !&) SCRA #") (. Parti ular 0ersons held lia+le +4 la/ Possessor or user of ani3al Art. !".&* CC 5estil %. IAC* "#1 SCRA (# O/ner of 3otor %ehi le Arts. !".('!".$* CC

De Leon Bro8era,e %. CA* ( SCRA 6"# Cha03an %. Bnder/ood* !# Phil. &#6 Caedo %. Eu Che Tai* !$ SCRA (") Dua%it %. CA* "#& SCRA (1) Manufa turers or 0ro essors Art. !".#* CC
Consu3erGs A t* Re0u+li A t No. #&1(* Arts. 1!'")#

Pro%in es* Cities and Muni i0alities Art. !".1* CC Se . !(* Lo al Go%Gt Code ;R.A. #"$)< Cit4 of Manila %. Teoti o* !! SCRA !$# 9i3ene7 %. Cit4 of Manila* "6) SCRA 6") Guilat o %. Cit4 of Da,u0an* "#" SCRA &.! Pro0rietor of +uildin,* fa tor4* et . Arts. !"1)'!"1&* ""$& of the CC Gotes o %. Chatto* !") SCRA ".
Ro4 %. CA* G.R. No. L'.)#".* 9anuar4 !1* "1.. Din, on, %. Canaan* #! Phil. "(

@ead of the fa3il4 Art. !"1&* CC Din, on, %. Canaan* #! Phil. "(
Sour eH Prof. G/en B. Gre ia'de 5era * BP Colle,e of La/ Outline'Torts > Da3a,es +4 Car3elo 5. Sison BP Colle,e of La/

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