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Favorite color is red.

Likes to eat French fries.

Is wearing pink.

Has one brother.

Has one sister.

(1 point) Wears glasses.

(1 point) Likes to eat pizza.

(1 point) Has four letters in his her first na!e.

(1 point) Has a last na!e that starts with an ".

(1 point) Has on blue.

(1 point) #orn in $e%as.

(1 point) Has a cat.

(1 point) Was in the !ilitar'.

(1 point) Has a dog.

(1 point) Has brown hair.

(& point) Has lived in a foreign countr'.

(& point) )rives a green car.

(& point) Has been to the zoo.

(& point) Has !ore than si% letters in his or her first na!e.

(& point) Likes to fish.

(( point)

(( point)

(( point)

(( point)

(( point)

$he students are to get the signature of a person who !eets the criteria for each section. *ou can onl' ask & +uestions per student at a ti!e. *ou have & !inutes. Whoever gets the !ost point,s wins.---------------

.L/H.#0$ 12LL 3.LL $H0 4.50 2F $HI" 6.50 I" .L/H.#0$ 12LL 3.LL. *27 H.80 & 5I47$0" $2 60$ I4$2 .L/H.#0$I3.L 21)01 .4) FILL 7/ $H0 "0.$" F125 F124$ $2 #.39: "$.1$I46 F125 $H0 L0F$ "I)0 2F $H0 3L.""125. FILL I4 0801* "0.$ F125 F124$ $2 #.39.

W1I$0 . 10"/24"0 What are 'our e%pectations of a good teacher;

$ell !e about the best teacher 'ou ever had;

What !ade hi! of her good;

)iscuss so!e of 'our ideas about learning this 'ear;

$ell !e how 'ou learn;

6ive !e a pro<ect or assign!ent 'ou learned alot about;

================================================================ Introduction

5' e%pectations of a good student;

Lesson plans for &>1?

3L.""1225 #ILL 2F 17L0" 1st .!end!ent@ W0 have the right to #0 24 $I50.

&nd .!end!ent@ W0 have the right to #0 10"/03$F7L $2 2$H01". (rd .!end!ent@ W0 have the right to "I$ I4 271 .""I640) "0.$" ?$H .!end!ent@ W0 have the right $2 1.I"0 271 H.4) and be acknowledged

Ath .!end!ent@ 5.$01I.L"

W0 have the right to #2112W

Bth .!end!ent@ W0 #2112W Cth .!end!ent Dth .!end!ent ourselves Eth .!end!ent

W0 have the right to return WH.$

W0 are a F.5IL* and a $ea! W0 have the right to clean up after

W0 have a right to work with others

1>th .!end!ent .ll enu!erated rights not listed !ust go through the a!end!ent process@ F$he $eacherG

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