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The UT Martin Times

Skyhawk Publishing 3/2/2014 [Edition 1, Volume 1]

The Truth Revealed

Jim Carrey the father of Skyhawk pitcher Alex Boshers?

Future Stories

Is John Houston Actually Pete Wheeler from backyard baseball? Is Ben Uptons little brother actually his clone? Can Cody miller pull of Loki from the movie Thor? Reliable witness sees Zarubin and Batman in the same room Who is and who is not off the tit SFA centerfielder offended by Phil Sorensons large butt Can anybody actually tell me what a Skyhawk really is?

In a frightening discovery Sunday morning at the quality inn, it was revealed that liar liar star Jim Carrey may actually be the biological father of Alex Gregory Boshers. Many believe the child in the movie liar liar is actually

I guess we kind of look similar

a young Alex who is not yet old enough to remember the events of the movie Upon watching the critical acclaimed liar liar Alex Boshers was quoted saying, I guess we are kind of similar The resemblance is far more than just kind of similar. Later research indicates Mr. Boshers not only looks like Mr. Carrey, but also screams random and absurd things in order to gain attention. When we reached out to Alexs father Marty Boshers, he seemed quite upset.

When we asked Marty Boshers if Alex was his child he stated, that kid has always been a little off." Rene Boshers was also confronted about the situation. She claims to have no recollection of ever even meeting Jim Carrey. What kind of secrets could the Boshers family be keeping from the world? We also reached out to Mr. Carrey. His Agency gave us a brief response representing Mr. Carrey, Where the hell is UT Martin? And what the hell is a Skyhawk? Sources also researching the shape of Boshers alongside teammate Bug Coxs chin that oddly resemble a triangle which presents the question Are Boshers and Cox in the Illuminati? More on this story and more on the next issue of the UT Martin Times.


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