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Training evaluation form and feedback

Training session : Date: Thank you very much for participating to this course, and for funding a course which materials are freely available to everyone. Hopefully, this will attract more contributors to free software for embedded devices, for everyone's best interest, and of course for yours too! If you could dedicate a few more minutes of your time answering the below uestions, your comments and suggestions would be highly appreciated. !e frank ... the instructor is really interested in getting your true feedback. It will be taken into account whenever possible, and will be reflected on future releases on http:"""training. $our feedback will be also useful to your own organi%ation to evaluate future training needs, to improve training conditions, and to measure the usefulness of their training investment. If you think about more suggestions and comments later, don't hesitate to send them anytime you want to feedback&

Learning objectives
'. How did the course meet your learning ob(ectives)
'. *ot met +. ,. -. .. /ully met 0omments and suggestions.

+. How was the duration of the course)

'. Too short. 0ouldn't learn enough in such a short time. +. 1 little too short ,. 2ust fine -. 1 little too long .. 3efinitely too long. The concepts could be learned in much less time. 0omments and suggestions.

Lecture materials
,. How helpful were the lecture materials)
'. *ot helpful. 4ade things more difficult to learn and understand. +. ,. -. .. 5eally made things easier to understand and learn. 0omments and suggestions

-. 6ill you recommend these materials to others)

'. *o. *ot helpful without following the sessions. +. ,. -. .. 3efinitely. 0omments and suggestions

.. If you have 7inu8 pro(ect opportunities, will you use these materials again in the future)
'. *o. I will look for other sources of information. +. ,. -. .. 3efinitely. 0omments and suggestions

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Instructor added value

=. How knowledgeable was the instructor)
'. *ot enough for my own technical e8perience. +. ,. -. .. 4ore than enough for my own e8perience. 0omments and suggestions

>. 3id instructor oral e8planations add value to the lecture materials)
'. *o added value to reading the materials. +. ,. -. .. $es. The instructor really made very useful oral e8planations. 0omments. 3on't hesitate to suggest things that could help the instructor improve his or her oral message and skills!

?. How well did the instructor answer uestions from the audience)
'. @oorly. 3idn't try to understand the uestions well or rarely managed to find useful answers. +. ,. -. .. 1nswered very well to uestions from the audience. 0omments and suggestions

A. 6as the instructor helpful with practical labs)

'. *o, not enough available and helpful during the labs. +. ,. -. .. $es. The instructor definitely helped to make labs a learning opportunity. 0omments.

9 +::-#+:': /ree ;lectrons, http:"", training&, <,, =+' =:- =-+

Training labs
':. How useful were the training labs)
'. *ot useful. 3idn't add significant value to the lectures. +. ,. -. .. Bery useful. Helped to highlight things not understood and build useful e8perience. 0omments and suggestions

''. How difficult were the training labs)

'. Too difficult. 3idn't help or even discouraged a beginner to get more familiar with the tools and concepts. +. 1 bit too difficult. 6ould be better if the lab instructions gave a bit more details and e8planations. ,. 2ust fine. @rompted me to look for answers, get my own e8perience and find my own solutions. -. Too easy for my own technical level. .. Too easy for everyone. Chould challenge participants more and help everyone to practice on real issues. 0omments and suggestions

'+. 6as enough time dedicated to the practical labs)

'. *o. 4ore practice is needed +. 1 little bit more time would help. ,. 2ust fine -. 1 little bit less time would be enough. .. 3on't need to spend so much time on labs. Dn#the#(ob practice is best anyway. 0omments and suggestions

Training conditions
In the below three uestions, you also rate the training environment. This can help people in charge of the training facilities to improve their service and training conditions for future sessions. Co, please rate the below points, even if some were not provided by /ree ;lectrons Etraining room, computers...F.

',. How do you rate training conditions Eroom si%e, e uipment, environment...F)
'. @oor. +. ,. -. .. Bery good. 0omments and suggestions

'-. How do you rate the training e uipment Emainly computersF)

'. @oor. *ot powerful enough to e8ecute practical labs. +. ,. -. .. Bery good. Bery little time waiting, more time learning. 0omments and suggestions

'.. How well was the course organi%ed Eprogram, registration, schedule...F)
'. *ot well. +. ,. -. .. Bery well 0omments and suggestions

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Overall rating
'=. How much did you learn)
'. 3efinitely not much. +. ,. -. .. 3efinitely more than I e8pected. 0omments and suggestions

'>. How useful should this course be in your daily (ob)

'. *ot useful. +. ,. -. .. Bery useful. 6ill make my (ob easier and more productive. 0omments and suggestions

'?. 6ould you recommend this course to others)

'. *o. +. ,. -. .. $es, definitely. 0omments and suggestions

'A. Dverall rating

'. +. ,. -. .. =. >. Bery disappointing 3isappointing 1 little bit disappointing DG @retty good Bery good ;8cellent 1ny other comments and suggestions that you couldn't make in the other sections

+:. 1n e8tra session)

'. *o. +. ,. 6hy not) -. .. $es, definitely.
Understanding the Linux kernel @rocess management /ilesystem implementation 4emory management Ccheduling implementation !ootstrap code Dthers needs: Eplease detailF

6ould you be interested in an e8tra session covering more topics) If so, which topics)

$ou may underline some topics in the below table, or add e8tra ones.
Linux device driver development HC! device drivers HC! host drivers @0I drivers *etwork drivers !lock drivers /lash drivers I+C drivers Input drivers Cound drivers Bideo drivers Dther needs: Eplease detailF Linux board support packages @rocessor specific code !oard specific code !oard specific interrupt support code 341 support !ootloader development Dthers needs: Eplease detailF Embedded system development 7ightweight tools ;mbedded system development tools 0ross#compiling toolchains 3ebugging solutions Coftware development tools @rogramming with graphical libraries @DCII 1@I Cystem optimi%ation 5oot filesystem creation Dthers needs: Eplease detailF Miscellaneous needs 2ava 5eal#time 1udio Bideo u0linu8 Boice over I@ Dthers needs: Eplease detailF

Thank you very much for your time!

Cources of this document EDpen 3ocument /ormatF: http:"""doc"training"evaluationJform.odt $ou are free to reuse and modify this document for your own needs, with no restriction.

9 +::-#+:': /ree ;lectrons, http:"", training&, <,, =+' =:- =-+

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