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Wicked Act 1:

[Scene 1] [LIGHT CUE #____: House Lights to ] [LIGHT CUE #____: House Lights to ] [LIGHT CUE #____: Lights U! SL] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics on] NARRATOR 1: (enters UL and Xs DL) Why does wickedness happen? That's a good question; one that many peop e !ind con!usi!ying" A#e peop e $o#n wicked% o# do they ha&e wickedness th#ust upon them? A!te# a % ' pha$a% ou# g#een eading ady% had a chi dhood; (he had a !athe#% who )ust happened to $e the go&e#no# o! *unchkin and" (he had a mothe#% as so many do""" [LIGHT CUE #____: Lights U! S%] NARRATOR +: (enters UR and Xs DR) And ike a !ami ies% they had thei# sec#ets" And o! cou#se% !#om the moment she was $o#n she was""we ""di!!e#ent, And peop e knew it""e&en on he# !i#st day o! schoo -. {NARRATORS exit the way they came] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics o((] [S"U#$ CUE #____: SCH""L )ELL] [LIGHT CUE #____: Lights U!: SHI*] [STUDENTS enter SR and SL EL!"A#A and NESSAROSE enter U$ and Xs $S EL!"A#A ye%%s as &e'&%e stare at her] '/01A2A: What?, What a#e you ooking at? Oh% do 3 ha&e something in my teeth? Okay% et's get this o&e# with" (t' (UN$")*NS USR and USL) No% 3'm not seasick" 4es% 3'&e a ways $een g#een" No% 3 didn't chew g#ass as a chi d" N'((ARO(': ' pha$a, '/01A2A: Oh% this is my younge# siste#% Nessa#ose (S&ins her in the whee%chair) As you can see% she is a pe#!ect y no#ma co o#" N'((ARO(': ' pha$a% stop making a spectac e o! you#se !, (+hee%s away and DL$) 5athe# is on y sending you he#e !o# one #eason""" '/01A2A: 4es% 3 know% (st'&s chair with her ,''t) to ook a!te# you"

[NESSAROSE %''-s at her new .ewe%ed sh'es/ whi%e EL!"A#A %''-s c'n,0sed '1er s'me &a&erw'r-] N'((ARO(': 6As $e!its the !utu#e go&e#no# o! *unchkin and"6 ' pha$a% can you $e ie&e 5athe# ga&e me these shoes? '/01A2A: We % what cou d he ha&e gotten me? 3 c ash with e&e#ything, NARRATOR +: 3t was ' pha$a's !i#st day in schoo % and she was quite wo##ied a$out whe#e she wou d $e staying" '/01A2A: (c'ntin0es t' ,0m2%e '1er her &a&erw'r-/ %''-in3 c'n,0sed and distra03ht) 3 -n'w !athe#

made a##angements !o# me, Why did you get a #oom and 3 didn't? 7o you think he sti $ ames me !o# the way you came out when *othe# had you? 7oes he e&en o&e me? N'((ARO(': O! cou#se he ca#es a$out you, 1e sent you he#e to (hi8% didn't he? '/01A2A: On y to take ca#e o! you, 5athe# is $usy #unning a o! *unchkin and, (si3hs) We % at east he tr0sts me" [Three (UN$")*N TOTS enter USL/ str033%in3 t' &0%% 4L*NDA and her s0itcases DSL/ whi%e she sits 'n t'& and %''-s 3%am'r'0s/ wa1in3 t' ,e%%'w st0dents and ,annin3 herse%, #O5 ,'%%'ws in awe] '/01A2A: '9cuse me, '9cuuuse me, 3 think the#e's $een a mistake with my pape#wo#k, 3 don't ha&e a #oom, (t' STUDENTS USR) Whe#e is the p#incipa ? NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 3:m #ight he#e" Now ' pha$a% it ooks ike you# !athe# did n't make #oom a##angements" '/01A2A: (%''-in3 sad) 3 thought so" 1e didn't !o#get my siste#% Nessa" [4L*NDA/ sti%% smi%in3 and wa1in3 t' ,e%%'w st0dents/ is '2%i1i'0s t' what is ha&&enin3] NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 No matte#" 3' ask someone i! they a#e wi ing to do#m with you" 4ou, 4es% you, The $ onde one, ;/3N7A: Who% me? (%''-in3 s0r&rised) What? What? NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 4es% you, What's you# name?

;/3N7A: (re3ains c'm&'s0re and smi%es) 3'm ;a inda" 3t's my !i#st day he#e, NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 ;/3N7A: (interr0&tin3) it's ;A< inda" NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 Okay% ; inda" Thank you !o# $eing so nice to you# !e ow student" 3'm su#e you two wi make wonde#!u #oommates" Now% o!! to you# #ooms, '/01A2A and ;/3N7A: W1AT?, NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 3 said% o!! to you# #ooms, ; inda<<

[One TOT st'& r0ns 'nsta3e and 2e3ins t' whee% NESSAROSE ',,sta3e EL!"A#A reacts str'n3%y] '/01A2A: (an3ry) 3 N''7 to $e with my siste#, ('0tstretches her arms) 4ou wi not take me away !#om Nessa,, [LIGHT CUE #____: +,icke- .nd ),.ck Light] [S"U#$ CUE #____: /0.gic Sound1] 2 0-3 Woo [Sta3e %i3hts ,%ic-er/ and STUDENTS ,ree9e in &%ace and sha-e 0nc'ntr'%%a2%y as i, e%ectr'c0ted EL!"A#A m'1es t' NESSAs chair/ &0shes the TOT away/ and &0%%s chair 2ac- t' DR$ Thin3s ret0rn 2ac- t' n'rma%/ as EL!"A#A %''-s scared and 30i%ty at what she .0st did] NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 (S0r&rised) Wow, 7id you )ust"""? 3 ha&e ne&e# seen a student do that without any !o#ma t#aining, 7id you e&e# conside# a ca#ee# in so#ce#y?


Why"""me? No, ;osh"""

NARRATOR 1 (as !rinci&a%6s 7'ice)8 3! you keep this up% you' $e meeting the Wi8a#d soon, 3'm going to my o!!ice to put in a good wo#d a$out you, 1e' $e imp#essed, Now% a o! you% O:: TO ;OUR ROO(S< [A%% characters exit sta3e8 STUDENTS/ TOTS = NESSA U$/ #O5 &0%% cart and 4L*NDA UL EL!"A#A remains/ center sta3e/ ,acin3 a0dience] [Scene 4]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : Lights ,o5e- US .nd $S3 Light on CS .-e. on,6]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A&s 'ic on] '/01A2A: =sings> 737 T1AT R'A//4 ?@(T 1A00'N? 1AA' 3 ABT@A//4 @N7'R(TOO7? T13( W'3R7 C@3RD 3'A' TR3'7 TO (@R0R'(( OR 137' 3( A TA/'NT T1AT BO@/7 1'/0 *' *''T T1' W3EAR7 35 3 *AD' ;OO7 (O 3'// *AD' ;OO7" W1'N 3 *''T T1' W3EAR7% ONB' 3 0ROA' *4 WORT1% AN7 T1'N 3 *''T T1' W3EAR7% W1AT 3'A' WA3T'7 5OR (3NB' (3NB' 23RT1, AN7 W3T1 A// 13( W3EAR7 W3(7O* 24 *4 /OOD( 1' WON'T 2' 2/3N7'7 7O 4O@ T13ND T1' W3EAR7 3( 7@*2? OR /3D' *@NB1D3N( (O (*A//<*3N7'7? NO, 1''// (A4 TO *' 63 ('' W1O 4O@ TR@/4 AR'% A ;3R/ ON W1O* 3 BAN R'/46 AN7 T1AT'( 1OW W''// 2';3N% T1' W3EAR7 AN7 3 ONB' 3'* W3T1 T1' W3EAR7% *4 W1O/' /35' W3// B1AN;'% 'B@E ONB' 4O@'R' W3T1 T1' W3EAR7 NO ON' T13ND( 4O@'R' (TRAN;' NO 5AT1'R 3( NOT 0RO@7 O5 4O@% NO (3(T'R ABT( A(1A*'7% AN7 A// O5 OE 1A( TO /OA' 4O@ W1'N 24 T1' W3EAR7 4O@'R' ABB/A3*'7 AN7 T13( ;35T OR T13( B@R(' T1AT 3 1AA' 3N(37' *A42' AT /A(T 3'// DNOW W14 W1'N W' AR' 1AN7 3N 1AN7% T1' W3EAR7 AN7 3 AN7 ON' 7A4 1''// (A4 TO *'% 6'/01A2A% A ;3R/ W1O 3( (O (@0'R3OR% (1O@/7N'T A ;3R/ W1O'( (O ;OO7 3N(37' 1AA' A *ATB13N; 'FT'R3OR? AN7 (3NB' 5O/D( 1'R' TO AN A2(@R7 7';R''

(''* 53FAT'7 ON 4O@R A'R7';R3( WO@/7 3T 2' A/R3;1T 24 4O@ 35 3 7'<;R''N<354 4O@?6 AN7 O5 BO@R(' T1AT'( NOT 3*0ORTANT TO *' 6A/R3;1T, W14 NOT?6 3'// R'0/4 O1% W1AT A 0A3R W''// 2' T1' W3EAR7 AN7 3 4'(% W1AT A 0A3R W''// 2' T1' W3EAR7 AN7""" @N/3*3T'7% *4 5@T@R' 3( @N/3*3T'7 AN7 3'A' ?@(T 1A7 A A3(3ON A/*O(T /3D' A 0RO01'B4 3 DNOW 3T (O@N7( TR@/4 BRAE4 AN7 TR@'% T1' A3(3ON'( 1AE4 2@T 3 (W'AR (O*' 7A4 T1'R''// 2' A B'/'2RAT3ON T1RO@;1O@T OE T1AT'( A// TO 7O W3T1 *', AN7 3'// (TAN7 T1'R' W3T1 T1' W3EAR7 5''/3N; T13N;( 3'A' N'A'R 5'/T AN7 T1O@;1 3'7 N'A'R (1OW 3T 3'7 2' (O 1A004 3 BO@/7 *'/T, AN7 (O 3T W3// 2' 5OR T1' R'(T O5 *4 /35' AN7 3'// WANT NOT13N; '/(' 'T3// 3 73' 1'/7 3N (@B1 13;1 '(T''*, W1'N 0'O0/' ('' *' T1'4 W3// (BR'A* 5OR 1A/5 O5 OE'( 5AAOR3T' T'A*: T1' W3EAR7""" AN7 3 <<<< [EL!"A#A Xs DR]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : ),.ckout]

[Scene 8]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : Lights u! SL .nd S%]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: GALI#$A&s 'ic on] [4L*NDA enters UL/ Xs DL] ;A/3N7A: 7ea#est% 7a# ingest *omsy and 0opsic e""" '/01A2A: *y dea# !athe#""" 2OT1: T1'R''( 2''N (O*' BON5@(3ON OA'R ROO*3N; 1'R' AT (13E '/01A2A: 2@T% O5 BO@R('% 3'// BAR' 5OR N'((A"""

;A/3N7A: 2@T% O5 BO@R('% 3'// R3(' A2OA' 3T""" 2OT1: 5OR 3 DNOW T1AT'( 1OW 4O@'7 WANT *' TO R'(0ON7 4es- T1'R''( 2''N (O*' BON5@(3ON 5OR 4O@ ('' *4 ROO*AT' 3(;A/3N7A: @N@(@A//4% AN7 'FB''7/3N;/4 0'B@/3AR AN7 A/TO;'T1'R C@3T'

3*0O((32/' TO 7'(BR32'""" '/01A2A: 2 onde" ;A/3N7A: W1AT 3( T13( 5''/3N;% (O (@77'N AN7 N'W? '/01A2A: 3 5'/T T1' *O*'NT 3 /A37 '4'( ON 4O@, ;A/3N7A: *4 0@/(' 3( R@(13N;""" '/01A2A: *4 1'A7 3( R''/3N;""" ;A/3N7A: *4 5AB' 3( 5/@(13N;""" 2OT1: W1AT 3( T13( 5''/3N;? 5'RA37 A( A 5/A*'% 7O'( 3T 1AA' A NA*'? 4'(""" /OAT13N;, @NA7@/T'RAT'7 /OAT13N;, ;A/3N7A: 5OR 4O@R 5AB' '/01A2A: 4O@R AO3B' ;A/3N7A: 4O@R B/OT13N;

2OT1: /'T'( ?@(T (A4""" 3 /OAT1' 3T A//, 'A'R4 /3TT/' TRA3T 1OW'A'R (*A// *AD'( *4 A'R4 5/'(1 2';3N TO BRAW/ W3T1 (3*0/'% @TT'R /OAT13N; T1'R''( A (TRAN;' 'F13/ART3ON 3N (@B1 TOTA/ 7'T'(TAT3ON 3T'( (O 0@R'% (O (TRON;, T1O@;1% 3 7O A7*3T 3T BA*' ON 5A(T% (T3// 3 7O 2'/3'A' T1AT 3T BAN /A(T, AN7 3 W3// 2' /OAT13N;% /OAT13N; 4O@ *4 W1O/' /35' /ON;,

(T@7'NT(: W' (1AR' 4O@R /OAT13N;% @NA/7@/T'RAT'7 /OAT13N;""" 2OT1: W1AT 3( T13( 5''/3N; (O (@77'N AN7 N'W? (T@7'NT(: 5OR 1'R 5AB'% 1'R AO3B'% 1'R B/OT13N;""" 2OT1: 3 5'/T T1' *O*'NT 3 /A37 '4'( ON 4O@""" (T@7'NT(: /'T'( ?@(T (A4""" 2OT1: *4 0@/(' 3( R@(13N;% *4 1'A7 3( R''/3N;"""

(T@7'NT(: W' /OAT1' 3T A//, 2OT1: O1 W1AT 3( T13( 5''/3N;? (T@7'NT(: : 'A'R4 /3TT/' TRA3T 1OW'A'R (*A//""" 2OT1: 7O'( 3T 1AA' A NA*'? (T@7'NT(: : *AD'( O@R A'R4 5/'(1 2';3N TO BRAW/""" 2OT1: 4'(""" A : A1111,,, (T@7'NT(: : """"""""""""/OAT13N;, 2OT1: /OAT13N;, (T@7'NT(: : """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /OAT13N;, 2OT1: T1'R''( A (TRAN;' 'F3/1ARAT3ON (T@7'NT(: : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /OAT13N;, 2OT1: 3N (@B1 TOTA/ 7'T'(TAT3ON (T@7'NT(: : """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (O (TRON;, 2OT1: 3T'( (O 0@R'% 3T'( (O (TRON;,,, T1O@;1 3 7O A7*3T 3T BA*' ON 5A(T% (T3// 3 7O 2'/3'A' T1AT 3T BAN /A(T% (T@7'NT(: : """"""""""""""""" /OAT13N; 2OT1: AN7 3 W3// 2' /OAT13N;% 5OR<5OR'A'R (T@7'NT(: : /OAT13N;""""""""""""""""""" /OAT13N;""""""" /OAT13N; 4O@, 2OT1: /OAT13N;% TR@/4% 7''0/4 /OAT13N; 4O@, (T@7'NT(: : """""""""""""""""""""""""""" /OAT13N;% @NA7@/T'RAT'7 /OAT13N;,,, 2OT1: *4 W1O/' /35' /ON;,,,, '/01A2A: 2oo, ;A/3N7A: Ahh, (She r0ns away SL) '/01A2A: 1ahahaha, [S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A .nd GALI#$A 'ics o((]

[EL!"A#A exits SR] [Scene 9] [#O5 meets 4L*NDA SL/ c%'ses in 'n her as he s&ea-s 4L*NDA 2ac-s away STUDENTS m'1e USL and USR :*;ERO enters 0nn'ticed] 2OC: @h% miss ;a inda% 3 know 3'm )ust a munchkin% (ste&) $ut munchkins ha&e !ee ings too% (ste&) and 3'&e $een t#ying to te you mine% (ste&) !o# you" (ste&) 2ut sometimes it seems ike you don't e&en know 3'm the#e" ;A/3N7A: That's not t#ue% 2iq" (She 2ac-s 0& t' $S) 2OC: (ste&) 3t's 2oq" ;A/3N7A: (She t0rns and sees :*;ERO) 2iq% do you know who that is? That's 5iye#o Tiggu a#% tha Winkie 0#ince whose #eputation is so scanda acious, [#O5 %''-s dis30sted :*;ERO wa%-s t'ward them 4AL*NDA swishes her hair :*;ERO/ n'ticin3 her stran3e 2eha1i'r/ d'es the same] ;A/3N7A: (T' :*;ERO ) We#e you ooking !o# something-(stri-in3 a &'se) o# s'me'ne? 534'RO: @hhh yea""" histo#y""" c ass? 3 don't know""" somewhe#e? 2OC: (Ste&s in 2etween them/ &'ints ',, ri3ht) 1isto#y $ui ding is way o&e# the#e my !#iend""" ;A/3N7A: (&ee-in3 ar'0nd #O5) That c ass )ust ended, [STUDENTS exit SR and SL] 534'RO: Oh, 0e#!ect timing, (&ee-in3 ar'0nd #O5) (o% uh% what does one do !o# !un a#ound he#e? ;A/3N7A: Nothing #ea y""" (stri-in3 an'ther &'se) unti now""" 2OC: (2%'c-in3 her ,r'm 1iew) We'&e $een studying, 534'RO: (&0ts his hand 'n #O5s sh'0%der) We % 3 see that once again the #esponsi$i ity to co##upt my !e ow students !a s to me" (!0ts arm ar'0nd his sh'0%der and steers him SL) 5o#tunate y% 3'm up !o# the task" (s&ins 2ac- t' 4L*NDA %ea1in3 #O5 2ehind) (o, What's the most swanki!ied p ace in town? ;A/3N7A: That wou d $e the O8dust 2a #oom, 534'RO: (ounds pe#!ect, [#O5 r0ns 2ac- and m'1es in 2etween them/ sh'1in3 :*;ERO 2ac- a 2it] 2OC: *iss ;a inda? 3 hope you' sa&e at east one dance !o# me" (ste&) 3' $e waiting #ight the#e% (ste&) #ight $y you# side- (ste&) waiting- (ste&) a night" [NESSAROSE enters DSR 'n the ,%''r] ;A/3N7A: Oh% how &e#y kind% 2iq"

2OC: (ste&) 2oq""" ;A/3N7A: =Tu#ns and sees N'((A> 2ut% do you know what wou d $e e&en kinde#? =she steps a#ound to (R o! him and ta ks in his ea#> (ee that t#agica y $eauti!u gi# ? The one in the chai#? 3t seems so un!ai#%we shou d go on a sp#ee and not she" ;ee% 3 know someone wou d $e my he#o% i! that someone we#e to go and in&ite he#, [#O5 %''-s 2ac-and ,'rth 2etween them/ thin-s hard] [S"U#$ CUE #____: )e,, /ding:1] 2OC: We % may$e 3 cou d in&ite he#, ;A/3N7A: O1% 2iq% R'A//4? 4ou wou d do that !o# me? 2OC: 3 wou d do anything !o# you% *iss ;a inda" (St0m2%es d'wn the DSL stairs t' NESSAROSE ) '9cuse me% *iss Nessa#ose? The#e's something 3'd ike to ask you (&ant'mimes a c'n1ersati'n) 534'RO: (T' 4AL*NDA ) 4ou'#e good" ;A/3N7A: 3 don't know what you mean" (stri-in3 a &'se) 2ut 3 do happen to $e !#ee tonight% so""" 534'RO: (he Xs t' $S) (o% 3' $e picking you up a#ound eight? ;A/3N7A: A!te# a """Now that we'&e met one anothe#% 2OT1: 3t:s c ea# we dese#&e each othe#, ;A/3N7A: (',,ers her hand) 4ou'#e pe#!ect, 534'RO: (ta-es her hand/ -isses it) 4ou'#e pe#!ect, 2OT1: (o we:#e pe#!ect togethe#,, [:*;ERO and 4AL*NDA t0rn 0&sta3e and exit thr'03h the US$ d''rs #O5 exits USL EL!"A#A enters USR and Xs DSL She s&ea-s t' NESSAROSE ]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : C-oss(.de: Lights di' U7STAGE;Lights u! $"W#STAGE]

'/01A2A: (3est0res t'wards :*;ERO and 4AL*NDA) 3t's a$su#d, This si y% #ich $oy appea#s and e&e#yone's o!! to wo#ship him and some cu tish socia gathe#ing, N'((ARO(': '&en me, 3'm going, 3sn't it wonde#!u ? 2oq was too shy to ask me at !i#st% $ut once ;a inda encou#aged him""" '/01A2A: ;a inda?, (Xs $R t'ward her) N'((ARO(': (Xs $L t'ward her) 7on't you da#e say anothe# wo#d against he#, 3'm a$out to ha&e the !i#st happy night o! my i!e% a thanks to ;a inda, 0 ease% ' pha$a% t#y to unde#stand" '/01A2A: (t0rnin3 away) 3 do"""

[EL!"A#A cr'sses DSR NESSA whee%s ',,sta3e USL]

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : C-oss(.de: Lights u! U7STAGE;Lights di' $"W#STAGE]

[4AL*NDA enters thr'03h U$ d''rs/ Xs $S carryin3 a &air ', hat2'xes ] ;A/3N7A: Now 3 must accesso#i8e myse ! !o# 5iye#o" [She &0%%s a ,ew items '0t ', the 2'xes/ tries the 'n/ 20t d'esn6t %i-e them Then she &0%%s the witch>s hat '0t ', 'ne ', her hat 2'xes] ;A/3N7A: *y g#anny is a ways gi&ing me the most hideodeous hats" 3'd gi&e it away% $ut 3 don't hate anyone that much" (She %''-s '1er at EL!"A#A Thin-s) O# do 3? [EL!"A#A m'1es 'nsta3e/ Xs $S t' 4AL*NDA] '/01A2A: ;a inda% isten% Nessa and 3 we#e ta king a$out you )ust now""" ;A/3N7A: And 3 was )ust thinking a$out you, ("'%ds 0& the "at )3 thought you might want to wea# this hat to the pa#ty tonight, 3t:s #ea y uh""" sha#p, 7on:t you think? 4'know $ ack is this yea#:s pink, 4ou dese#&e each othe#% This hat and you% 4ou:#e $oth so-sma#t, 4ou dese#&e each othe#% so he#e, ("ands her the "at) Oout o! the goodness o! my hea#t, [4AL*NDA c0rtsies and r0ns ',, SR EL!"A#A %a03hs at the "at She exits SL ]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : C-oss(.de: "<dust ).,,-oo' Lights]

[The STUDENTS enter thr'03h U$ d''rs/ ta-e &%aces and dance #O5 whee%s NESSAROSE in thr'03h d''rs and DSR/ where they aw-ward%y h'%d hands Then :*;ERO and 4AL*NDA enter thr0 d''rs and XDSL STUDENTS 3as&/ ta%- am'n3st themse%1es and wa1e at the ?&'&0%ar -ids @] N'((ARO(': What's in the punch? 2OC: /emons% and me ons% and pea#s, N'((ARO(': Oh my, 2OC: /isten Nessa""" N'((ARO(': 4es? [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1 'ic on] NARRATOR 1: 2oq didn:t ha&e the ne#&e to te Nessa that the #ea #eason he in&ited he# to the dance was $ecause ; inda had asked him to" 1e made up a ie and to d Nessa that it was $ecause he thought she was $eauti!u " The dance went on and e&e#yone en)oyed thei# time at the O8 7ust 2a #oom" 2ut% someone was missing"

[S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1 'ic o((] [EL!"A#A wa%-s in/ wearin3 the "at The STUDENTS 3as& and ma-e c'mments a2'0t the way she is dressed/ then start %a03hin3 ] 534'RO: Who in O8 is this? ;A/3N7A: *y #oommate""" p ease% don't """ sta#e, 534'RO: 1ow can you he p it? [EL!"A#A ta-es ',, the "at/ n'ticin3 the c'mments She waits/ then &0ts it 2ac- 'n and 2e3ins t' dance She is a%'ne There is n' m0sic ] 534'RO: We 3' say this% she doesn't gi&e a twig a$out what anyone e se thinks" ;A/3N7A: (ashamed) O! cou#se she does% she )ust p#etends not to""" 3 !ee aw!u """ 534'RO: Why? 3t's not ike it's you# !au t" ;A/3N7A: '9cuse me""" (She wa%-s '1er t' EL!"A#A and c%ears her thr'at"> *ay 3 cut in? [4AL*NDA 2e3ins dancin3 .0st as h'rri2%y The STUDENTS n'w acce&t it/ and 2e3in t' dance a3ain as the m0sic &%ays ]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : " Lights (.de to [LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights (.de to ] [C"STU0E CUE# ____: EL7HA)A gets nightgo5n] ; %e.- ,ights st.6 u!= si,houetting d.nce-s (o- . >it]

[Scene ?] [SET CUE#____: 7,.ce t.>,e $% .nd ch.i- $L]

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : Lights u!]

[4AL*NDA is standin3 and EL!"A#A sittin3 in the chair] ;A/3N7A: Oh ook% it's tomo##ow, ' phie""" do you mind i! 3 ca you ' phie? '/01A2A: We % it's a itt e pe#ky" ;A/3N7A: And you can ca me""" ;a inda" (o%' phie% now that we'#e !#iends% 3'&e decided to make you my new p#o)ect, '/01A2A: 4ou #ea y don't ha&e to do that" ;A/3N7A: 3 know% that's what makes me so nice, [S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A .nd GALI#$A 'ics on]


=sings> W1'N'A'R 3 ('' (O*'ON' /'(( 5ORT@NAT' T1AN 3 AN7 /'T'( 5AB' 3T""" W1O 3(N'T /'(( 5ORT@NAT' T1AN 3? *4 T'N7'R 1'ART T'N7( TO (TART TO 2/''7 AN7 W1'N (O*'ON' N''7( A *AD'OA'R 3 (3*0/4 1AA' TO TAD'OA'R 3 DNOW 3 DNOW 'FABT/4 W1AT T1'4 N''7 AN7 'A'N 3N 4O@R BA('""" T1O@;1 3T'( T1' TO@;1'(T BA(' 3'A' 4'T TO 5AB', 7ON'T WORR4, 3'* 7'T'R*3N'7 TO (@BB''7 5O//OW *4 /'A7 AN7 4'( 3N7''7 4O@-W3//-2'""" 0O0@/AR, 4O@'R' ;ONNA 2' 0O0@/AR 3'// T'AB1 T1' 0RO0'R 0/O4( W1'N 4O@ TA/D TO 2O4( /3TT/' WA4( TO 5/3RT AN7 5/O@NB' =(C@'A/(> 3'// (1OW 4O@ W1AT (1O'( TO W'AR 1OW TO 53F 4O@R 1A3R 'A'R4T13N; T1AT R'A//4 BO@NT( TO 2' 0O0@/AR 3 DNOW A2O@T 0O0@/AR AN7 W3T1 AN A((3(T 5RO* *' TO 2' W1O 4O@'// 2' 3N(T'A7 O5 7R'AR4 W1O 4O@ W'R'"""W'// AR'""" T1'R''( NOT13N; T1AT BAN (TO0 4O@ 5RO* 2'BO*3N; 0O0@/'R"""/AR, /A /A /A /A W''R' ;ONNA *AD' 4O@ 0O0@/AR, W1'N 3 ('' 7'0R'((3N; BR'AT@R'( W3T1 @N0R'0O(('((3N; 5'AT@R'(% 3 R'*3N7 T1'* ON T1'3R OWN 2'1A/5 TO T13ND O5 B'/'2RAT'7 1'A7( O5 (TAT' OR '(0'B3A//4 ;R'AT BO**@N3BATOR( 737 T1'4 1AA' 2RA3N( OR DNOW/'7;'? 7ON'T *AD' *' /A@;1, T1'4 W'R' 0O0@/AR 0/'A('% 3T'( A// A2O@T 0O0@/AR 3T'( NOT A2O@T A0T3T@7' 3T'( T1' WA4 4O@'R' A3'W'7 (O 3T'( A'R4 (1R'W7 TO 2' A'R4 A'R4 0O0@/AR /3D' *',

'/01A2A: This is ne&e# going to wo#k, ;A/3N7A: Oh ' phie% you mustn't think that way anymo#e, 4ou# who e i!e is going to change""" and a $ecause o! me" Okay% stand""" 3 wi tu#n you# !#ock into a $eauti!u $a gown, (tand up""" (She &ic-s 0& her wand and wa1es it ) 2a gown,,, (N'thin3 ha&&ens/ s' she re&eats ) 2a gown,,, (Sti%% n'thin3 ha&&ens She ta&s her wand ) 3s this thing on? '/01A2A: 7o you want me to t#y?

;A/3N7A: No% 3'&e got it, (She &0ts the wand d'wn) Oh% )ust wea# the !#ock""" it's p#etty, Now% 3' show you how to ! ip you# hai#: 5 ip ! ip" O# you cou d use you# hand" (She dem'nstrates EL!"A#A mirr'rs her A aw-ward%y) O#% you can use you# who e $ody" (SB0ea%s ) Now% !o# the !inishing touch (Ta-es ,%'wer '0t ', her hair/ &0ts it int' EL!"A#A@S ) Why% *iss ' pha$a% ook at you% (&ic-s 0& mirr'r/ sh'ws EL!"A#A her re,%ecti'n) you'#e $eauti!u " '/01A2A: (A,ter %''-in3 in the mirr'r ) 3""" 3 ha&e to go" [S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A 'ic o((] [She r0ns ',, SL ] ;A/3N7A: 4ou'#e We come, (She admires herse%, in the mirr'r ) =sings> AN7 T1O@;1 4O@ 0ROT'(T 4O@R 73(3NT'R'(T% 3 DNOW B/AN7'(T3N'/4""" 4O@'R' ;ONNA ;R3N AN7 2'AR 3T 4O@R N'W 5O@N7 0O0@/AR3T4, =(C@'A/(> /A /A /A /A 4O@'// 2' 0O0@/AR, ?@(T NOT C@3T' A( 0O0@/AR A( *',,,
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : ),.ckout]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: GALI#$A 'ic o((] [SET CUE#____: St-ike t.>,e .nd ch.i-] [Scene @]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- Lights U!] [:*;ERO/ EL!"A#A/ 4AL*NDA/ STUDENTS and +*CARD as si%h'0ettes &ant'mime t' narrati'n]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics u!] NARRATOR +: The ne9t day% a scientist &isited thei# c ass and $#ought with him a caged ion cu$" 1e in)ectsed the cu$ with a se#um which was supposed to p#e&ent the ion !#om e&e# speaking" @pset $y the idea o! any anima osing the powe# o! speech% ' pha$a accidenta y cast a spe which caused a the students and p#o!esso#s to sta#t mo&ing uncont#o a$ y" ' pha$a and 5iye#o g#a$$ed the cage and #an to the meadows whe#e they set the ion cu$ !#ee"
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : C-oss(.de: %e.- Lights do5n ; Lights u!] [:*;ERO and EL!"A#A enter SR EL!"A#A wa1es at ?c02 %ea1in3 @ :*;ERO admires her ]

NARRATOR 1: Now seeing a so!te# side o! ' pha$a% 5iye#o $egan to !a in o&e with he#" 2ut% ' pha$a didn:t notice" (he )ust thought that his awkwa#d si ence meant he wasn:t inte#ested in he#" ' pha$a and ;a inda $ecame the &e#y $est o! !#iends and% as time passed% ' pha$a was o!!e#ed the #a#e chance to

meet the !anta$u ous Wi8a#d o! O8" 1e# siste# and he# schoo !#iends a gathe#ed to see he# o!! on the t#ain to the 'me#a d Bity" [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics o((]
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : Whist,e]

BON7@BTOR: A a$oa#d, [OC*ANS crissAcr'ss sta3e 4AL*NDA and EL!"A#A enter thr0 U$ d''rs/ arm in arm #O5 whee%s NESSAROSE 'nsta3e 2ehind them They a%% XD$] ;A/3N7A: Remem$e#% eye contact" And don't !o#get to te him how wonde#!u he is% Wi8a#ds o&e that, And $e you#se !""" we """ within #eason" N'((ARO(': ' pha$a% 3'm so p#oud o! you and 3 know !athe# wou d $e too" We'#e a p#oud% a#en't we? '/01A2A: =knee s down to ta k to he#> 4ou' $e a #ight% won't you? ;A/3N7A: (he' $e !ine, 2iq wi take ca#e o! he#% #ight? 2OC: """3t's 2oq""" 3""" 3 can't do this anymo#e" ["e exits thr0 U$ d''rs ] N'((ARO(': 2oq""" ;A/3N7A: Nessa% may$e he's )ust not the #ight one""" !o# you" N'((ARO(': No% it's me that's not #ight" (she 2ac-s 0&) ' pha$a% )ust go% 3' $e !ine" (whee%s herse%, U$) '/01A2A: Nessa% wait, ;A/3N7A: /et he# go" (he' ha&e to manage without you" We a wi " ' pha$a: 0 ease% you' $a#e y e&en notice 3'm gone" 2esides% you ha&e 5iye#o" (%''-s ar'0nd) Whe#e is he% anyway? Not that 3 e9pected him to say good$ye to me" We $a#e y know each othe#" ;A/3N7A: 3 don't know him eithe#" 1e's distant% and moodi!ied% and he's $een thin-in3% which #ea y wo###ies me" [:*;ERO enters SR 4'es 0& ste&s Xs t' R$ ] ;A/3N7A: Oh% the#e he is, ('n ti&t'es/ wa1es) 5iye#o% o&e# he#e dea#est, 534'RO: ("e "ands EL!"A#A :%'wers ) ' pha$a% 3'm happy !o# you" ;A/3N7A: (&0%%in3 her away ,r'm him) 4es% we a#e $oth so happy""" 534'RO: @h% isten% 3'&e $een thinking""" '/01A2A: 4es% 3'&e hea#d" 534'RO: A$out that /ion cu$ and""" e&e#ything" 3 think a$out that day a ot"

'/01A2A: Rea y? (o do 3" ;A/3N7A: (ste&&in3 inA2etween them) *e too, 3t makes one want to""" uh""" take a stand" (o 3'&e $een thinking o!""" uh""" changing my name" 534'RO: 4ou# name? ;A/3N7A: We % yes, (ince peop e ha&e thei# own way o! p#onouncing my name% in so ida#ity and to e9p#ess my out#age% 3 wi hence!o#wa#d $e known no onge# as ;a inda% $ut as simp y% ; inda" 534'RO: Oh we % that's &e#y admi#a$ e o! you""" ; inda" ' pha$a% =t#ies to hug he#% $ut ;/3N7A is in the way% so he wa&es> good uck" ["e r0ns ',, d'wn SR ste&s and USR ]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : C-oss(.de: U! Lights do5n ; $ Lights u!]

;/3N7A: The#e% see? '/01A2A: ;a inda""" ;/3N7A: 3t's ; inda now" (0&set/ she cr'sses t' DSL/ sits 'n ste&s) (tupid idea% 3 don't e&en know what made me say it" (she 2e3ins t' cry) '/01A2A: 3t doesn't matte# what you# name is% e&e#yone o&es you, [EL!"A#A hands her a han-y 4L*NDA 2%'ws her n'se in it %'0d%y/ hands it 2ac- t'ward EL!"A#A Dis30sted/ EL!"A#A &0shes it 2ac- t' her/ &ant'mimin3 ?-ee& it @] ;/3N7A: (S'22in3) 3 don't ca#e, 3 want him" 3 don't e&en think he's pe#!ect anymo#e and 3 sti want him" This must $e what othe# peop e !ee ike" 1ow do they $ea# it? (They h03 )
[OC*ANS enter USL and USR in dar-]

[Scene A] '/01A2A: Bome with me" ;/3N7A: Whe#e? '/01A2A: To the 'me#a d Bity" ;/3N7A: Rea y? (&0%%s EL!"A#A $S)
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : /E'e-.,d Cit61 ,ights]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A .nd GALI#$A 'ics on] OE3AN(: ON' (1ORT 7A4% 3N T1' '*'RA/7 B3T4"""

;/3N7A: 3'&e a ways wanted to see the 'me#a d Bity,


=sing> ON' (1ORT 7A4% 3N T1' '*'RA/7 B3T4, ON' (1ORT 7A4% 3N T1' '*'RA/7 B3T4 ON' (1ORT 7A4% 5@// O5 (O *@B1 TO 7O 'A'R WA4 T1AT 4O@ /OOD AT T1' B3T4 T1'R''( (O*'T13N; 'FC@3(3T' 4O@'// WANT TO A3(3T 2'5OR' T1' 7A4'( T1RO@;1 T1'R' AR' 2@373N;( TA// A( C@OFWOO7 TR''( 7R'(( (A/ON(, AN7 /32RAR3'(

'/01A2A: ;/3N7A: '/01A2A:

;/3N7A: 0a aces, '/01A2A: *useums, 2OT1: A 1@N7R'7 (TRON; T1'R' AR' WON7'R( /3D' 3'A' N'A'R (''N,

;/3N7A: 3t's a g#and, '/01A2A: And it's a g#een, 2OT1: '/01A2A: ;/3N7A: 2OT1: OE3AN(: 3 T13ND W''A' 5O@N7 T1' 0/AB' W1'R' W' 2'/ON; 3 WANNA 2' 3N T13( 1O3 0O//O3 (O 3'// 2' 2ABD 5OR ;OO7 (O*'7A4 TO *AD' *4 /35' AN7 *AD' *4 WA4 2@T 5OR TO7A4 W''// WAN7'R AN7 'N?O4, ON' (1ORT 7A4 3N T1' '*'RA/7 B3T4 ON' (1ORT 7A4 TO 1AA' A /35'T3*' O5 5@N ON' (1ORT 7A4""" AN7 W''R' WARN3N; T1' B3T4 NOW T1AT W''R' 3N 1'R' 4O@'// DNOW W''A' 2''N 1'R' 2'5OR' W' AR' 7ON',


;/3N7A: A the hust e and $ust e, 3t's a so -O8mopo itan, ' phie""" ' phie? '/01A2A: 3 want to #emem$e# this moment% a ways" No$ody's pointing% no$ody's sta#ing% !o# the !i#st time 3'm somewhe#e that 3 $e ong" ;/3N7A: 4ou ook positi&e y% eme#a d" A//: ON' (1ORT 7A4 3N T1' '*'RA/7 B3T4

ON' (1ORT 7A4 TO 1AA' A /35'T3*' O5 5@N W1AT A WA4 TO 2' (''3N; T1' B3T4, ;/3N7A and '/01A2A: W1'R' (O *AN4 ROA* TO""" W''// BA// 3T 1O*'% TOO AN7 T1'N% ?@(T /3D' NOW% W' BAN (A4% 6W''R' ?@(T TWO 5R3'N7(%6 '/01A2A: ;/3N7A: A//: TWO ;OO7 5R3'N7(""" TWO 2'(T 5R3'N7(""" (1AR3N; ON' WON7'R5@/ ON' (1ORT"""

OE3AN O553B3A/: The Wi8a#d wi see you now, A//: 7A4,,,

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : A,, ,ights do5n= eBce!t CS ,ights on GLI#$A .nd EL7HA)A]

[S"U#$ CUE #____: EL7HA)A .nd GALI#$A 'ics o((] [OE3AN( e9it / and RG [Scene C]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights u! (u,,; si,houetting WI*A%$] [S"U#$ CUE # _____ : WI*A%$&S D"ICE E++ECT]

[+*CARD6S 1'ice 2''ms] W3EAR7: 3 am O8% the g#eat and te##i$ e, Who a#e you and why do you seek me? ;/3N7A: (ay something, '/01A2A: @h""" ' pha$a Th#opp you# te##i$ eness, W3EAR7: (S&ea-s n'rma%%y ) Oh? 3s that you ' pha$a? 3 didn't #ea i8e,
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : WI*A%$&S D"ICE E++ECT 'ic o((]

[+*CARD wa%-s 0& ram&/ ma-in3 shad'w 3et sma%%er and sma%%er 0nti% he enters thr0 U$ d''rsD $"*STER; ,'%%'ws him/ carryin3 a 2i3 #''-/ and Xs t' UR]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights (.de to 1;4]

W3EAR7: 3 hope 3 didn't sta#t e you% it's so ha#d to make out peop es' !aces a the way $ack the#e" (Xs D$) (o% et's see""" which witch is which? ' pha$a, (3ra2s her hands ) [4L*NDA m'1es ar'0nd t' his 'ther side Ta&s him 'n the sh'0%der]

W3EAR7: And you must $e" ;/3N7A: ; inda" The ;a is si ent" W3EAR7: (i3n'rin3 her/ t0rns 2ac- t' EL!"A#A) 3:m not quite what you e9pected% hmmm? 3 ha&e to put on a show to gi&e the peop e what they want" 3 ha#d y e&e# et peop e meet the #ea me% $ut this $eing a specia occasion'/01A2A: 3'm so happy to meet you" W3EAR7: We % that's good" 'Bause that's what 3 o&e $est: making peop e happy, '/01A2A: 3'm he#e""" we'#e he#e to a e#t you that something $ad is happening""" W3EAR7: 0 ease% 3'm the Wi8a#d o! O8" 3 a #eady know why you'&e come" '/01A2A H ;/3N7A: Oooo" W3EAR7: And 3 ha&e e&e#y intention o! g#anting you# #equest" O! cou#se% you must p#o&e you#se !""" ;/3N7A: 0#o&e you#se !% p#o&e you#se !" '/01A2A: 2ut how? W3EAR7: Oh% 3 don't know" (ome so#t o! gestu#e *ost y !o# show (omething to test you# adeptness3 know, The $ook, ["e c%a&s his hand t' s0mm'n $"*STER;/ wh' h'&s '1er t' him/ carryin3 the #''-] B13(T'R4: 7a $ook, 7a $ook, 7a $ook, ;/3N7A: The $ook? '/01A2A: What do you want me to do? W3EAR7: We % this is my monkey se#&ant% Bhiste#y" Bhiste#y% this is ' pha$a'/01A2A: (-nee%in3 d'wn) 1e o Bhiste#y B13(T'R4: 1e o ' pa<$a" 4ou so p#etty g#eeeen" [EL!"A#A %a03hs/ '21i'0s%y de%i3hted with $"*STER;] W3EAR7: 1e ooks so onging y at the $i#ds e&e#y mo#ning"""" 3 was thinking% pe#haps% a e&itation spe """ ;/3N7A: (N'ticin3 the #''- *n the +*CARD6S hands ) 3s that-(in awe)E the ;#imme#ie? W3EAR7: =0#oud y> 4es% the ancient $ook o! spe s and enchantments ;/3N7A: (+his&ers ) Ban 3 touch it?

W3EAR7: ((imic-in3 her ) No, ("e hands it t' EL!"A#A ) '/01A2A: ('&enin3 2''-) What !unny w#iting""" W3EAR7: We it's a ost anguage" The ost anguage o! spe s" 3t's kind o! a #ecipe $ook !o# change" 7on't $e discou#aged i! you can't deciphe#ate it% dea#ie" '/01A2A: '/01A2A: '/01A2A: A1A'N% TAT'4% AA'N TAT'4 AA'N""" A1 *A4 A1 TA4 AT@* A1 *A4 A1 TA1 TA4 *A4 T@ (' (A4 TA, W3EAR7: Oh% Bhiste#y% what an e9pe#ience you a#e a$out to ha&e, W3EAR7: (ince once 3 had my own day in the sky W3EAR7: 3 know e&e#yone dese#&es a chance to ! y,

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : Lights +,icke-] [S"U#$ CUE # _____ : /0.gic Sound1] 2 0-3 Woo

[$"*STER; screams = 2e3ins t' twitch] '/01A2A: What happened? 3s something w#ong? W3EAR7: No% )ust a t#ansition" '/01A2A: No, (top, 4ou'#e hu#ting him, W3EAR7: (he's actua y done it, [$"*STER; &ee%s ',, his 1est/ re1ea%in3 win3s and 2e3ins r0nnin3 ar'0nd the sta3e ] '/01A2A: NO, Cuick% how do 3 #e&e#se it? W3EAR7: 4ou can't, '/01A2A: What?, W3EAR7: 4ou can't, (pe s a#e i##e&e#si$ e, 3 knew you had the powe#% 1a, '/01A2A: 4ou p anned a this? W3EAR7: We % you $ene!it too, 4ou $ene!it% too" And this is on y the $eginning, /ook" ["e ta-es '0t a F'ystic- de1ice and '&erates it]
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : C"07UTE% #"ISES] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights u! (u,, ; si,houetting 0"#EEFS]

[+e see the (ON)E;S/ n'w with win3s/ in shad'ws ,'r a sec'nd/ then they enter USR and USL/ and %ea& a2'0t/ c'n,0sed They ta0nt and tease 4AL*NDA/ wh' r0shes t' the +*CARDS side ,'r &r'tecti'n "e sha-es her ',, The (ON)E;S then r0n d'wn int' the cr'wd and tease them a 2it]

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights (.de to 1;4]

W3EAR7: (Xs D$) Won't they make pe#!ect spies? '/01A2A: (pies?, W3EAR7: 4ou'#e #ight% that's a ha#sh wo#d""" how a$out scouts? That's what they' $e #ea y" They' ! y a#ound O8, Repo#ting any su$&e#si&e anima acti&ity" '/01A2A: 4ou can't #ead this $ook at a , Ban you? That's why you need enemies% and cages% and spies" 4ou ha&e no #ea powe#" W3EAR7: '9act y["e c%a&s/ and wa1es (ON)E;S ',, They exit USR and USL] W3EAR7: -that's why 3 need you" 7on't you see? The wo# d is you# oyste#% now, 4ou ha&e so many"""oppo#tunities" 4ou $oth do" ;/3N7A: Thank you% you# O8ness" '/01A2A: NO, [She r0ns ',, SL ] ;/3N7A: ' phie, 3 am so so##y% you# Wi8a#dship" 3' !etch he# $ack, ' phie wait, [She r0ns a,ter her SL ] W3EAR7: We must get he# $ack" (he knows too much"
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : WI*A%$S D"ICE E++ECT 'ic on] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights u! ; si,houetting WI*A%$]

["e Xs U$/ &0%%in3 a de1ice ,r'm his c'at "e hides 2ehind d''rs/ creatin3 shad'w and 2e3ins s&ea-in3/ a3ain/ with a &'wer,0% 1'ice ] W3EAR7: ;ua#ds% gua#ds, [;@AR7( 1H+ ente# (RG ;@AR7(: 4es you# O8ness, W3EAR7: The#e is a !ugiti&e oose in the pa ace, (&'intin3 OSL) 5ind he#% captu#e he#% and $#ing he# to me, ;@AR7(: 4es you# O8ness,
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : WI*A%$&s 'ic o((] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : ),.ckout]

[Scene G]
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : #A%%AT"% 1 'ic on]

NARRATOR 1: The Wi8a#d sent his gua#ds a!te# ' pha$a" 2oth ' pha$a and ; inda #an togethe# and !ound a hiding p ace in the attic o! the $ui ding" Whi e hiding !#om the gua#ds ; inda con!#onted he# !#iend"
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : #A%%AT"% 1 'ic o((] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : %e.- ,ights u! ; si,houetting EL7HA)A .nd GLI#$A] [EL!"A#A and 4L*NDA enter thr0 U$ d''rs] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : ,ights u! to /Attic1 setting]

;/3N7A: ' phie% wait, Whe#e a#e you going? '/01A2A: Oh no, The#e a#e no mo#e stai#s, This might $e the attic""" ;/3N7A: ' pha$a% isten to me""" '/01A2A: 3 ha&e to $a##icade the doo#, [She &ic-s 0& a 2r''m and 2races it a3ainst the d''r U$ ] ;/3N7A: ' pha$a% why cou dn't you ha&e stayed ca m !o# once instead o! ! ying o!! the hand e? (sin3s/ Xs DR) 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 NOW 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 1OW 4O@'A' 1@RT 4O@R BA@(' 5OR'A'R 3 1O0' 4O@ T13ND 4O@'R' B/'A'R '/01A2A: (sin3s/ Xs DL) 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004, 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 TOO 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 0RO@7 1OW 4O@ WO@/7 ;ROA'/ 3N (@2*3((3ON TO 5''7 4O@R OWN A*23T3ON (sin3/ ,ace t' ,ace) (O T1O@;1 3 BAN'T 3*A;3N' 1OW 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 R3;1T NOW"""


[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : #A%%AT"% 1 'ic on] [S"U#$ CUE # _____ : #EWS +LASH S"U#$ E++ECT]

NARRATOR +: Biti8ens o! O8% the#e is an enemy that must $e !ound and captu#ed, 2e ie&e nothing she says" (he's e&i " Responsi$ e !o# the muti ation o! ou# poo#% innocent monkeys, 1e# g#een skin is $ut an outwa#d mani!estation o! he# twisted natu#e, This disto#tion""" this #epu sion""" this""" Wicked Witch,
[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : #A%%AT"% 1 'ic o((]

;/3N7A: 7on't $e a!#aid"""

'/01A2A: 3'm not""" it's the Wi8a#d who shou d $e a!#aid""" o! me, ;/3N7A: ' phie% )ust say you'#e so##y $e!o#e it's too ate" (sin3s) 4O@ BAN (T3// 2' W3T1 T1' W3EAR7 W1AT 4O@'A' WORD'7 AN7 WA3T'7 5OR 4O@ BAN 1AA' A// 4O@ 'A'R WANT'7""" '/01A2A: 3 know""" (sin3s/ Xs D$) 2@T 3 7ON'T WANT 3T NO% 3 BAN'T WANT 3T AN4*OR'""" (O*'T13N; 1A( B1AN;'7 W3T13N *' (O*'T13N; 3( NOT T1' (A*' 3'* T1RO@;1 W3T1 0/A43N; 24 T1' R@/'( O5 (O*'ON' '/(''( ;A*', TOO /AT' 5OR ('BON7 ;@'((3N; TOO /AT' TO ;O 2ABD TO (/''0 3T'( T3*' TO TR@(T *4 3N(T3NBT( B/O(' *4 '4'(""" AN7 /'A0 3T'( T3*' TO TR4 7'543N; ;RAA3T4 3 T13ND 3'// TR4 7'543N; ;RAA3T4 AN7 4O@ BAN'T 0@// *' 7OWN ;/3N7A: (sin3s) BAN'T 3 *AD' 4O@ @N7'R(TAN7 4O@'R' 1AA3N; 7'/@(3ON( O5 ;RAN7'@R? (sin3s) 3'* T1RO@;1 ABB'0T3N; /3*3T( 'B@E (O*'ON' (A4( T1'4'R' (O (O*' T13N;( 3 BANNOT B1AN;'% 2@T 'T3/ 3 TR4 3'// N'A'R DNOW, TOO /ON; 3'A' 2''N A5RA37 O5 /O(3N; /OA' 3 ;@'(( 3'7 /O(T W'// 35 T1AT'( /OA'% 3T BO*'( AT *@B1 TOO 13;1 A BO(T, 3'7 (OON'R 2' 7'543N; ;RAA3T4 D3(( *' ;OO724' 3'* 7'543N; ;RAA3T4 AN7 4O@ BAN'T 0@// *' 7OWN, [The 4UARDS are in si%h'0ette 2ehind U$ d''rs They ?&'0nd@ 'n the %'c-ed d''r ] ;@AR7 1: Open this doo#% in the name o! his sup#eme O8ness, '/01A2A: Ah *ay Ah Tay Ah Tum 7itum""" ;/3N7A: (As EL!"A#A c'ntin0es chantin3 ) What a#e you doing?, (top it, That's what sta#ted a this in the !i#st p ace""" that hideous e&itation spe , (TO0,,,


[EL!"A#A st'&s chantin3 ] ;/3N7A: We """ Whe#e a#e you# wings? *ay$e you'#e not as powe#!u as you think you a#e""" [EL!"A#A r0ns and 3ra2s the 2r''m] '/01A2A: 3 p#omise% ; inda""" 3 can do it, [The 4UARDS 2an3 'n the %'c-ed d''r 'nce a3ain ] '/01A2A: Cuick, ;et on, ;/3N7A: What? '/01A2A: Bome with me""" think o! what we cou d do""" togethe#" We % a#e you coming? ;/3N7A: ' phie% you'#e t#em$ ing""" he#e% put this a#ound you""" [She dra&es a 2%ac- ca&e ar'0nd her ] (sin3s) 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 NOW T1AT 4O@'R' B1OO(3N; T13( '/01A2A: 4ou too" (sin3s) 3 1O0' 3T 2R3N;( 4O@ 2/3(( 2OT1: (sin3) 3 R'A//4 1O0' 4O@ ;'T 3T AN7 4O@ 7ON'T /3A' TO R';R'T 3T 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004 3N T1' 'N7, 3 1O0' 4O@'R' 1A004""" *4 5R3'N7"""

[EL!"A#A r0ns ',, The 4UARDS 2rea- d'wn the d''r] ;@AR7: The#e she is, 7on't et he# get away, [They 3ra2 h'%d ', 4L*NDA ] ;/3N7A: What in O8?, /et go o! me, 7o you hea# me? /et go,
[E++ECT CUE # _____ : +"G 0ACHI#E: U7 CE#TE%] [LIGHT CUE # _____ : +LIGHT 7%ESET]

'/01A2A: 3t's not he#" (he has nothing to do with it" 3'm the one you want" 3t's me" 1ahahahaha" 3t's me, @p he#e, 3t's me, [She rises 0& center sta3e h'%din3 her 2r''m ] '/01A2A: (sin3s) (O 35 4O@ BAR' TO 53N7 *'% /OOD TO T1' W'(T'RN (D4

A( (O*'ON' TO/7 *' /AT'/4% 'A'R4ON' 7'('RA'( T1' B1ANB' TO 5/4, AN7 35 3'* 5/43N; (O/O% AT /'A(T 3'* 5/43N; 5R'', TO T1O(' W1O ;RO@N7 *'% TAD' A *'((A;' 2ABD 5RO* *', T'// T1'* 1OW 3 A* 7'543N; ;RAA3T4,,, 3'* 5/43N; 13;1 7'543N; ;RAA3T4,,, AN7 (OON 3'// *ATB1 T1'* 3N R'NOWN AN7 NO2O74 3N A// O5 OE""" NO W3EAR7 T1AT T1'R' 3( OR WA( 3( 'A'R ;ONNA 2R3N; *' 7OWN,,, OE3AN(: '/01A2A: OE3AN(: '/01A2A: OE3AN(: /OOD AT 1'R% (1''( W3BD'7 ;'T 1'R,,, 2R3N; *' 7OWN,,,, NO ON' *O@RN( T1' W3BD'7, (O W''A' ;OT TO 2R3N; 1'R""" A1111111111,,,,, 7OWN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[LIGHT CUE # _____ : )LACE"UT]

[Scene 1 ]
[LIGHT CUE # _____ : LIGHTS U7 $"W# CE#TE% H+,oo-I]

OE3AN 1:

'&e#y day the te##o# g#ows and a o! O8 is on a e#t" That's the way with the wicked I (p#eading !ea# whe#e&e# she goes% seeking out new &ictims she can hu#t, /ike some te##i$ e g#een $ i88a#d th#oughout the and she ! ies% de!aming ou# poo# wi8a#d with he# ca umnies and ies" (he ies, (a&e us !#om the wicked% shie d us so we won't $e he9ed"

OE3AN +: OE3AN 1:

OE3AN( 1 H +: ;3A' @( WARN3N;" W1'R' W3// (1' (TR3D' N'FT? [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics on] NARRATOR 1: A o! O8 thanked goodness !o# ; inda% and he# handsome swain% the new captain o! the gua#d% 5iye#o" 1e sti had !ee ings !o# ' pha$a and was not com!o#ta$ e with peop e ca ing he# the Wicked Witch" 1e !ound it !#ust#ating% and so he $ecame Baptain o! the ;ua#d so that he cou d !ind he#" NARRATOR +: 5iye#o had his mind set on !inding ' pha$a% whi e e&e#yone e se in O8 was $usy ce e$#ating 5iye#o and ; inda's engagement" The Wi8a#d:s o!!icia s set out to et a o! O8 know the sto#y o! ; inda:s $#a&e#ism, And this is how they to d the sto#y""" [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics o((]

OE3AN 1:

=sings> T1' 7A4 ;/3N7A WA( 53R(T (@**ON'7 TO AN A@73'NB' W3T1 OE% AN7 A/T1O@;1 1' WO@/7 NOT T'// 4O@ W14 3N3T3A//4 W1'N 4O@ 2OW'7 2'5OR' 13( T1RON' 1' 7'BR''7 4O@'7 1'NB' 2' DNOWN A( ;/3N7A T1' ;OO7-O553B3A//4, =sings> T1'N W3T1 A ?'A/O@( (C@''' T1' W3BD'7 W3TB1 2@R(T 5RO* BONB'A/*'NT W1'R' (1' 1A7 2''N /@RD3N; (@RR'0T3T3A//4, 3 1'AR (1' 1A( AN 'FTRA '4' T1AT A/WA4( R'*A3N( AWAD', 3 1'AR T1' (1' BAN (1'7 1'R (D3N A( 'A(3/4 A( A (NAD', 3 1'AR (O*' R'2'/ AN3*A/( AR' ;3A3N; 1'R 5OO7 AN7 (1'/T'R, 3 1'AR 1'R (O@/ 3( (O @NB/'AN% 0@R' WAT'R BAN *'/T 1'R,

OE3AN +:


534'RO: What? (r0nnin3 'n sta3e in an3er) OE3AN( 1<K: *'/T 1'R, 0/'A(' (O*'2O74 ;O AN7 *'/T 1'R, 534'RO: 7o you hea# that?, Wate# wi me t he#? 0eop e a#e so empty<headed they' $e ie&e anything, ;/3N7A: (t' the OC*ANS) '9cuse me )ust a tick<tock, [4L*NDA &0%%s :*;ERO t' the side t' ta%-] 534'RO: 3 can't )ust stand he#e g#inning% p#etending to go a ong with a o! this, ;/3N7A: 7o you think 3 ike to hea# them say those aw!u things a$out he#? 3 hate it, 534'RO: Then what a#e we doing he#e? /et's go" /et's get out o! he#e, ;/3N7A: We can't ea&e now; not when peop e a#e ooking to us to #aise thei# spi#its" 534'RO: ;'0 can't ea&e $ecause you can't #esist this" (!'ints t' the OC*ANS wh' are 3'ssi&in3 and whis&erin3) And that is the t#uth" (!'intin3 t' 4L*NDA) ;/3N7A: *ay$e 3 can't" 3s that so w#ong? Who cou d? 534'RO: 4ou know who cou d" Who has" ;/3N7A: 5iye#o% 3 miss he# too% $ut we can't )ust stop i&ing" No one has sea#ched ha#de# !o# he# than you" 2ut don't you see? (he doesn't want to $e !ound" We ha&e to !ace it" 534'RO: 4ou'#e #ight" 3'm so##y% you'#e #ight" And i! it's going to make you happy% o! cou#se 3' ma##y you" ;/3N7A: 2ut it' make you happy too% #ight?

534'RO: (Sarcastica%%y) 4ou know me"""3'm a ways happy" (R0ns ',, sta3e) ;/3N7A: 5iye#o, (Says %'0d%y s' that the OC*ANS 'n sta3e thin- she as-ed him t' %ea1e) Thanks p enty dea#est, 1e's gone to !etch me a #e!#eshment" 1e's so thought!u that way, [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [Scene 11] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7] [At the 3'1ern'r>s h'0se in (0nch-in%and EL!"A#A hidin3 in the c%'set] 2OC: (C'm2i,ied) Wi the#e $e anything e se% *adame? N'((ARO(': 3'&e asked you to ca to ca me Nessa#ose% #emem$e#? 2OC: 4es% *adame" ("e exits with his head d'wn/ in shame) N'((ARO(': (Sad%y) 2oq""" '/01A2A: (,r'm inside the c%'set) We % it seems the $eauti!u on y get mo#e $eauti!u % (NESSAROSE screams) whi e the g#een )ust get g#eene#" [EL!"A#A exits the c%'set whi%e NESSAROSE %''-s scared and c'n,0sed] '/01A2A: 3'm so##y" 7id 3 sca#e you? 3 seem to ha&e that e!!ect on peop e" 3t's good to see you" N'((ARO(': What a#e you doing he#e? '/01A2A: We % the#e's no p ace ike home" (#eat) 3 ne&e# thought 3'd myse ! say this $ut 3 need !athe#'s he p" 3 need him to stand with me" N'((ARO(': That's impossi$ e" '/01A2A: No% no it's not" Not i! you ask him" 4ou know he' isten to you" N'((ARO(': ("er head d'wn) 5athe# is dead" '/01A2A: What? N'((ARO(': (An3ry and sad) 1e's dead" 3'm the go&e#no#"""We % what did you e9pect? A!te# he ea#ned what you'd done% how you'd disg#aced us% he died-o! shame" 'm$a##assed to death" '/01A2A: (An3ry and t0rned away ,r'm NESSAROSE) ;ood% 3'm g ad" 3t's $ette# that way" N'((ARO(': That's a wicked thing to say" '/01A2A: (T0rns 2ac- and ta%-s direct%y at NESSAROSE) No% it's t#ue" (excited) 2ecause now it's )ust us" 4ou can he p me and togethe# we can""" N'((ARO(': ($0ttin3 her ',, ) ' pha$a% (1@T @0, (!'intin3) 5i#st o! a % 3 can't ha#$o# a !ugiti&e% 3'm an un<e ected o!!icia , And why shou d 3 he p you? 4ou ! y a#ound O8% t#ying to #escue anima s you'&e ne&e#

e&en met% and not once ha&e you e&e# thought to use you# powe#s to #escue me, '/01A2A: Nessa% the#e isn't a spe !o# e&e#ything, The powe# is myste#ious" 3t's not ike codd ing up a pai# o! (A th'03ht &'&s int' her head) Wait (&0%%s the 4rimmerie ,r'm her 2a3 and starts ,%i&&in3 thr'03h &a3es) N'((ARO(': What a#e you doing? (EL!"A#A starts chantin3) [Sim0%tane'0s%y] [S"U#$ CUE #____: 0AGIC S"U#$ 2 0-3 Woo] '/01A2A: *e a ka nam ah"""""ah tay tea ya"""" '/01A2A: (ay ya tee ya""""me a ka nam e#a""""" '/01A2A: Tay ya Tay ya sah"""dema ay""" N'((ARO(': What ha&e you done to my shoes? [NESSAROSE %i,ts 0& her dress t' re1ea% that her sh'es ha1e t0rned red NESSAROSE stands 0&/ 20t ,a%%s EL!"A#A tries t' he%& her 0&] N'((ARO(': (She &0%%s away ,r'm EL!"A#A) No% don't he p me (NESSAROSE stands 'n her 'wn) '/01A2A: (+ith ha&&iness) Oh% Nessa% at ast""" N'((ARO(': (She>s ha&&y as we%%) 2oq, 2oq, Bome quick y, '/01A2A: ($'n,0sed) 2oq? N'((ARO(': 2oq, Bome he#e at once, [NESSAROSE 3ets 2ac- in her chair and hides 2ehind the c%'set] '/01A2A: (:ri3htened) No, Nessa% isten no$ody can know 3'm he#e, [#e,'re EL!"A#A has a chance t' hide/ #O5 enters] 2OC: (C'm2i,ied) 4es% what is it% *adame? '/01A2A: 2oq""" 2OC: (!'intin3 at EL!"A#A) What a#e y'0 doing he#e? 4ou stay $ack, '/01A2A: 2oq% it's )ust me% 3'm not going to hu#t you, 2OC: No, 4ou'#e ying, That's a you e&e# do, 4ou and you# siste#, (he's as wicked as you a#e, '/01A2A: What a#e you ta king a$out? 2OC: 3'm ta king a$out my i!e I the itt e that's e!t o! it" 3'm not !#ee to ea&e *unchkin and% none o! us a#e" (!'ints at NESSAROSE in an3er) '&e# since she took powe#% she's $een st#ipping the *unchkins o! ou# #ights"""and we didn't ha&e that many to $egin with, And do you know why? N'((ARO(': What is that? Ah, N'((ARO(': *y (hoes, 3t !ee s ike"""" N'((ARO(': ike they'#e on !i#e,

[NESSAROSE re1ea%s herse%, in the chair] N'((ARO(': To keep you he#e% with me" 2ut none o! that matte#s anymo#e" /ook" [NESSAROSE stands 0&] 2OC: (t' EL!"A#A) 4ou did this !o# he#? N'((ARO(': (L'1in3%y) 5o# $oth o! us, 2OC: Nessa% this changes e&e#ything" N'((ARO(': 3 know" 2OC: /isten Nessa""" N'((ARO(': What? 2OC: @h Nessa% su#e y now 3' matte# ess to you and you won't mind me ea&ing he#e tonight""" N'((ARO(': ($'n,0sed) /ea&ing? 2OC: 4es"""That $a that's $eing staged announcing ; inda is engaged" N'((ARO(': ; inda? 2OC: 4es Nessa% that's #ight, 3'&e got to go appea to he#% e9p#ess the way 3 !ee !o# he#" Oh% Nessa% 3 ost my hea#t to ; inda !#om the moment 3 !i#st say he#" 4ou know that" N'((ARO(': /ost you# hea#t? We % we' see a$out that""" '/01A2A: (#0ttin3 in) Nessa% et him go""" N'((ARO(': (An3ry) 7id you think 3'd et you ea&e me he#e ! at? 2OC: (#ac-in3 away) 7on't come any c ose#, N'((ARO(': 4ou'#e going to ose you# hea#t to me% 3 te you, 3! 3 ha&e to"""3 ha&e to" (4ra2s the 4rimmerie ,r'm EL!"A#A) *agic spe you, [S"U#$ CUE #____: 0AGIC S"U#$ 2 0-3 Woo] [Sim0%tane'0s%y] N'((ARO(': Ah"""Tum"""Tah"""Tae N'((ARO(': Ah"""Tum"""Tah"""Tae N'((ARO(': Ah"""Tum"""Tah"""Tae N'((ARO(': Ah"""Tum"""Tah"""Tae '/01A2A: Nessa% (top, 2OC: What is she doing?, '/01A2A: No% Nessa% you'#e p#onouncing the wo#ds a w#ong, '/01A2A: Nessa,

[#O5 3ra2s his chest in &ain] N'((ARO(': 2oq, What is it? 2OC: (4as&s) *y hea#t !ee s ike it's"""sh#inking" N'((ARO(': (:ri3htened) ' pha$a% do something, '/01A2A: 3 can't, 4ou can't #e&e#se a spe once it's $een cast, N'((ARO(': (o what do we do? [#O5 ,a%%s 0nc'nsci'0s int' NESSAROSE6S chair/ EL!"A#A &0shes the chair 2ehind the c%'set] N'((ARO(': ' pha$a% do something, This is a you# !au t, 3! you hadn't showed me that ho##endi$ e $ook" '/01A2A: 3 ha&e to !ind anothe# spe """it's the on y thing that might wo#k" (EL!"A#A 3'es 2ehind the c%'set/ 2e3ins chantin3) [S"U#$ CUE #____: 0AGIC S"U#$ 2 0-3 Woo] N'((ARO(': (!%eadin3) (a&e him% p ease, ?ust sa&e him% my poo# 2oq% my sweet% my $#a&e 2oq" 7on't ea&e me 'ti my so##y i!e has ceased""" [EL!"A#A whee%s the chair '0t with #O5 in it/ n't ,acin3 the a0dience ] N'((ARO(': We """what a$out his hea#t? '/01A2A: 3t's a #ight" 1e won't need one now" 3 ha&e to go" 3 ha&e $usiness to attend to in the 'me#a d Bity" Nessa% 3 ha&e done e&e#ything 3 cou d !o# you $ut it has ne&e# $een enough and it ne&e# wi $e ( EL!"A#A exits) N'((ARO(': (Scared) ' pha$a? Wait, ' pha$a, [#O5 wa-es 0&/ h'%din3 his head in &ain NESSAROSE is ,acin3 away ,r'm him] 2OC: Whe#e am 3? What happened? N'((ARO(': Nothing% 2oq% you )ust !e as eep"""and (she t0rns t' ,ace him #O5 sits 0& and re1ea%s he is made ', tin NESSAROSE screams) 2OC: ($'n,0sed) What is it% what's w#ong? [#O5 %''-s at himse%, and screams 0nc'ntr'%%a2%y] N'((ARO(': No% it wasn't me it was he#, 3 t#ied to stop he#" [#O5 r0ns ',, sta3e] N'((ARO(': 2oq% p ease isten, 3t was ' pha$a, 2oq, 3t was ' pha$a, [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT]

[Scene 14] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&s 'ic on] NARRATOR 1: ' pha$a #etu#ned to the 'me#a d Bity to con!#ont the Wi8a#d" (he to d the Wi8a#d how upset she was and how at one time she t#usted the LWonde#!u . Wi8a#d o! O8" O! cou#se% no$ody $e ie&ed the Wi8a#d mo#e than ' pha$a" [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&s 'ic o((] [The +*CARD is 'n sta3e a%'ne E%&ha2a .'ins him] '/01A2A: The#e you a#e, 3'm setting those monkeys !#ee, And don't t#y to inte#!e#e% o# ca the gua#ds""" W3EAR7: 3'm not ca ing anyone" The t#uth is 3'm g ad to see you again" 3t gets p#etty one y a#ound he#e" And 3 know you must get one y too" '/01A2A: 4ou don't know the !i#st thing a$out me" W3EAR7: =ci#c ing $ehind he#% and sweet ta king he#> Oh% $ut 3 do" 3 do know you" 3 can't e9p ain it e9act y" 4ou know what 3 mean? ' pha$a% you'&e $een so st#ong th#ough a o! this% a#en't you ti#ed o! $eing the st#ong one? Wou dn't you ike someone to take ca#e o! you? 0 ease% he p me sta#t again" '/01A2A: 7on't you think 3 wish 3 cou d? That 3 cou d go $ack to the time when 3 $e ie&ed you #ea y we#e wonde#!u ? The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8? No$ody $e ie&ed in you mo#e than 3 did" W3EAR7: Oh% my dea# chi d""" (sin3s) 3 N'A'R A(D'7 5OR T13( OR 0/ANN'7 3T 3N A7AANB' 3 WA( *'R'/4 2/OWN 1'R' 24 T1' W3N7( O5 B1ANB' 3 N'A'R (AW *4('/5 A( A (O/O*ON OR (OBRAT'( 3 DN'W W1O 3 WA(% ON' O5 4O@R 73*' A 7OE'N *'73OBRAT'( T1'N (@77'N/4 3'* 1'R'% R'(0'BT'7% WOR(130'7 'A'N ?@(T 2'BA@(' T1' 5O/D( 3N OE N''7'7 (O*'ON' TO 2'/3'A' 3N 7O'( 3T (@R0R3(' 4O@ 3 ;OT 1OOD'7 AN7 A// TOO (OON W1AT BAN 3 (A4? 3 ;OT BARR3'7 AWA4 AN7 NOT ?@(T 24 2A//OON""" WON7'R5@/ T1'4 BA//'7 *' WON7'R5@/ (O 3 (A37% WON7'R5@/% 35 4O@ 3N(3(T 3 W3// 2' WON7'R5@/ AN7 T1'4 (A37 WON7'R5@/ 2'/3'A' *' 3T'( 1AR7 TO R'(3(T 'B@E 3T 5''/( WON7'R5@/ T1'4 T13ND 3'* WON7'R5@/ 1'4 /OOD W1O'( WON7'R5@/ T13( BORN<5'7 13BD, W1O (A37 3T *3;1T 2' D''N TO 2@3/7 A TOWN O5 ;R''N AN7 A WON7'R5@/ ROA7 O5 4'//OW 2R3BD, (ee% 3 ne&e# had a !ami y o! my own since 3 was a ways t#a&e ing% and 3 guess 3 )ust wanted to gi&e the citi8ens o! O8 e&e#ything"

'/01A2A: (o you ied to them? W3EAR7: On y &e#$a y" 2esides% they we#e the ies they wanted to hea#" ' pha$a% whe#e 3 come !#om we $e ie&e a so#ts o! things that a#en't t#ue""" we ca it histo#y, =sings> A *AN'( BA//'7 A TRA3TOR OR /32'RATOR A R3B1 *AN'( A T13'5 OR 013/ANT1RO03(T 3( ON' A BR@(A7'R OR R@T1/'(( 3NAA7'R 3T'( A// 3N T1' /A2'/ W13B1 3( A2/' TO 0'R(3(T T1'R' AR' 0R'B3O@( 5'W AT 'A(' W3T1 *ORA/ A*23;@3T3'( (O W' ABT A( T1O@;1 T1'4 7ON'T 'F3(T""" T1'4 BA// *' WON7'R5@/ (O 3 A* 3N5ABT% 3T'( (O *@B1 W1O 3 A* 3T'( 0ART O5 *4 NA*', AN7 W3T1 *4 1'/0 4O@ BAN 2' T1' (A*'""" AT /ON;% /ON; /A(T R'B'3A' 4O@R 7@' /ON; OA'R7@' '/01A2A% T1' *O(T B'/'2RAT'7 AR' T1' R'1A23/3TAT'7 T1'R''// (@B1 A W1OO07'' 7OO, A B'/'2RAT3ON T1RO@;1O@T OE% T1AT'( A// TO 7O W3T1 4O@, WON7'R5@/% T1'4'// BA// 4O@ WON7'R5@/, '/01A2A: W3EAR7: 2OT1: T1AT 7O'( (O@N7 WON7'R5@/, TR@(T *' 3T'( 5@N,,, W1'N 4O@ AR' WON7'R5@/% 3T WO@/7 2' WON7'R5@/, WON7'R5@/% WON7'R5@/ ON'% TWO AN7"""


=They 7ance"> '/01A2A: 3'// ABB'0T 4O@R 0RO0O(3T3ON

W3EAR7: Wonde#!u '/01A2A: ON ON' BON73T3ON

W3EAR7: 4es? '/01A2A: 4ou set those *onkeys !#ee" W3EAR7: 7one" [["e 0ses his De1ice]

[S"U#$ CUE # _____ : C"07UTE% #"ISES]

[(ON)E;S r0n ar'0nd the theatre and then exit ] '/01A2A: ;o, 5 y, 4ou'#e 5#ee, 5 y, Bhiste#y% Bhiste#y% you'#e !#ee% isn't it wonde#!u ?, ;o% ! y, (She ma-es her way t' an'ther G('n-eyG c'1ered 2y a sheet ) (ay something W3EAR7: No, No, 0 ease, '/01A2A:(t' $"*STER;) A#e you a #ight? 7on't $e a!#aid" B13(T'R4: 'ee, 'ee, '/01A2A: Ban't you speak? B13(T'R4: 'ee, 'ee, '/01A2A: No, 3t can't $e, W3EAR7: ' pha$a% we )ust cou dn't keep etting the anima s speak out""" '/01A2A8 (An3ri%y t' the +*CARD) No""" We ha&e nothing in common" 3 am nothing ike you and 3 ne&e# wi $e" 3 wi !ight you unti the day 3 die,,, [The +*CARD &0%%s '0t his De1ice and r0ns 2ehind screen] [S"U#$ CUE #____: WI*A%$ D"ICE E++ECT setting] W3EAR7: ;ua#ds% gua#ds,,, [:*;ERO r0ns in with his men $"*STER; r0ns ',, SR ] ;@AR7(: 1a t, 534'RO: =to the +*CARD> A#e you a #ight% you# O8ness? '/01A2A: (s0r&rised) 5iye#o, 534'RO8 (s0r&rised) 3 don't $e ie&e it""" '/01A2A8 (re%ea1ed) Oh % 5iye#o% thank ;od" 3 thought you we#e""" 534'RO: (i ence witch,,, ;@AR7 1: The#e's a ;oat on the am% si#" 534'RO: Ne&e# mind a that" 5etch me some""" some wate#" ;@AR7 +: Wate#% si#? 534'RO: 4ou hea#d me% as much as you can ca##y" ;@AR7(: 4es% si#, (They march ',, )

'/01A2A: 5iye#o""" 534'RO: 3 said si ence, W3EAR7: ("e r0ns '0t 'nsta3e ) No, No, 534'RO: (T' +*CARD) 7on't make a sound% you# O8ness% un ess you want a you# guests to know the t#uth a$out the Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8 (t' EL!"A#A) ' pha$a% get out o! he#e" '/01A2A: 5iye#o% you !#ightened me" 3 thought% 3 though you might ha&e changed" 534'RO: (%'1in3%y) 3 ha&e""" changed" [4L*NDA enters/ c'n,0sed/ d'esn>t n'tice EL!"A#A ri3ht away ] ;/3N7A: What's going on""" ' phie? Oh% thank O8 you'#e a i&e, On y you shou dn't ha&e come" 3! anyone disco&e#ates you """ 534'RO: (Stern) ; inda% you'd $ette# go" ;/3N7A: (Sti%% c'n,0sed) 5iye#o% what a#e you""" 534'RO: (Stern) 0 ease% )ust go $ack to the $a " ;/3N7A: (!%eadin3 t' the +*CARD) 4ou# O8ness% he means no dis#espectation" 0 ease unde#stand, 4ou see% we a went to schoo togethe#""" 534'RO: ' pha$a, =pu s he# with him to 7(R steps> Bome on ;/3N7A: =Butting them o!!> 5iye#o% ha&e you misp aced you# mind? What a#e you doing? 534'RO: 3'm going with he#" ;/3N7A: What? What a#e you saying? 4ou mean a this time""" the two o! you""" $ehind my $ack""" '/01A2A: No% ; inda it wasn't ike that, 534'RO: Actua y% it was"""$ut it wasn't"""' pha$a% et's go""" et's go, [:*;ERO 3ra2s EL!"A#A and they r0n ',, ] ;/3N7A: (Sarcastica%%y) 5ine% go, 4ou dese#&e each othe#""" [The +*CARD h'%ds a sma%% 2'tt%e with a 3reen %iB0id ] W3EAR7: (O,,erin3 the 2'tt%e t' 4L*NDA) 1e#e% ha&e a swig o! this% it du s the pain" ;/3N7A: No% thank you" 7OOR*AN: (%a03hin3 ) Oh% is it t#ue? 4ou# $et#othed has taken he# into custody? W3EAR7: Ou# new captain o! the gua#d had othe# p ans"

7OOR*AN: 4ou mean she hasn't $een captu#ed? W3EAR7: Cuite the cont#a#y" And conside#ing how we she e uded us ast time""" 7OOR*AN: We % we' )ust ! ush he# out and !o#ce he# to show he#se !" W3EAR7: 2ut how? ;/3N7A: (A%m'st a whis&er/ t' herse%,) 1e# siste# 7OOR*AN: What? What did she say? ;/3N7A: @se he# siste#" (p#ead a #umo#" *ake he# think he# siste# is in t#ou$ e and she wi ! y to he# side""" and you' ha&e he#" W3EAR7: '9act y so" ;/3N7A: (t' +*CARD) Now% i! you# O8ness wi e9cuse me 3 ha&e a s ight headache% 3 think 3' ie down" [4L*NDA wa%-s '0t ] 7OOR*AN: 4es% we """a #umo# won't do it" ' pha$a's too sma#t !o# that" W3EAR7: 5a# too sma#t" 7OOR*AN: 0e#haps you cou d a##ange !o# a change in the weathe#""" [S"U#$ CUE #____: Thunde-c,.!] [LIGHT CUE #____: Lightning (,.sh] [S"U#$ CUE #____: 0AGIC S"U#$ 2 0-3 Woo] [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [Scene 18] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7J +"%EST 7%ESET] [S"U#$ CUE #____: +"%EST S"U#$S] [EL!"A#A and :*;ERO center sta3e/ hands c%as&ed t'3ether] '/01A2A: 3 )ust wish""" 534'RO: What? '/01A2A: 3 wish 3 cou d $e $eauti!u """ !o# you" 534'RO: ' pha$a""" '/01A2A: 7on't te me that 3 am% you don't need to ie to me"

534'RO: 3t's not ying, 3t's""" uh""" it's ooking at things anothe# way" (omeday% you and ; inda wi make up and we' a """ '/01A2A: (hh, /isten""" 7o you hea# that? [S"U#$ CUE #____: W"0A#&S SH%IEE] '/01A2A: 3t sounds ike some$ody in pain" 534'RO: 3t's )ust the wind" [S"U#$ CUE #____: W"0A#&S SH%IEE] '/01A2A: Nessa, *y siste#'s in dange#, 534'RO: What? 1ow do you know? '/01A2A: 3 don't know% 3 )ust do""" (4as&s ) 534'RO: ' pha$a what's w#ong% what is it? '/01A2A: This, 7on't you see it? [As they s&ea-/ the (ON)E;S &ant'mime a twister with a sma%% h'0se carried a%',t] 534'RO: What do you mean? What do you see? '/01A2A: 3t doesn't make any sense""" 3t's a house $ut it's""" it's ! ying th#ough the sky? 3 ha&e to go to Nessa, 534'RO: 3' come with you, '/01A2A: No% you mustn't% it's too dange#ous, 534'RO: /isten to me% isten, *y !ami y has a cast e in Diamo Do" Now% no one is e&e# the#e e9cept !o# the sent#ies who watch o&e# it" We'&e ne&e# i&ed the#e" '/01A2A: Whe#e do you i&e? 534'RO: 3n the othe# cast e""" 3t's the pe#!ect hiding p ace; tunne s% sec#et passageways" 4ou' $e sa!e the#e" '/01A2A: We wi see each othe# again% won't we? 534'RO: ' pha$a% we a#e going to $e togethe# a ways" 4ou can see houses ! ying th#ough the sky% can't you see thatH [S"U#$ CUE #____: TWISTE%] [They em2race and exit se&arate%y As they %ea1e/ the (ON)E;S c'ntin0e t' &ant'mime the twister with the sma%% h'0se carried a%',t 0nti% it crashes t' the 3r'0nd] [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT]


ACT TW" [SCE#E 1] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics u!] NARRATOR 1: 5iye#o had #escued ' pha$a !#om the Wi8a#ds gua#ds% and #un o!! into the wi de#ness with he#% $#eaking ;a inda:s% e# ; inda:s hea#t in the p#ocess" A!te# !ina y ea#ning o! his o&e !o# he#% ' pha$a thought they might !ina y $e !#ee to ie and o&e togethe#" NARRATOR +: 2ut sudden y% ' pha$a hea#d he# siste# sc#eaming in pain and when she ooked up% she saw a house ! ying th#ough the sky" Dnowing the#e wou d $e t#ou$ e% she e!t 5iye#o in the woods p#omising to !ind him ate#% and set out in sea#ch o! he# siste#" *eanwhi e% a young gi# !#om Dansas was a$out to !ind he#se ! in the midd e o! the who e mess, [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 'ics o((] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7: 0unchkin,.nd !-eset] [The ,arm h'0se is n'w a ID ,%at with ,eet and s%i&&ers &r'tr0din3 ,r'm 2eneath :r'm ?inside@ we hear DOROT";6S 1'ice] 7OROT14: Toto << 3'&e a !ee ing we'#e not in Dansas anymo#e" [DOROT"; ste&s ?'0t@ thr'03h the d''r/ with TOTO in her 2as-et L''-s ar'0nd and s&ea-] 7OROT14: We must $e o&e# the #ain$ow, (sin3s) (omewhe#e% o&e# the #ain$ow% way up high% The#e's a and that 3 hea#d o! once in a u a$y" (omewhe#e% o&e# the #ain$ow% skies a#e $ ue% And the d#eams that you da#e to d#eam #ea y do come t#ue" [DOROT"; 3ets %'st in her s'n3/ the (UN$")*NS and 4L*NDA encirc%e the sta3e/ %istenin3] (omeday 3' wish upon a sta# And wake up whe#e the c ouds a#e !a# $ehind me" Whe#e t#ou$ es me t ike emon d#ops% Away a$o&e the chimney tops% That's whe#e you' !ind me" (omewhe#e% o&e# the #ain$ow% $ ue$i#ds ! y" 2i#ds ! y o&e# the #ain$ow% Why then << oh% why can't 3? 3! happy itt e $ ue$i#ds ! y 2eyond the #ain$ow Why% oh% why can't 3? [DOROT"; %''-s ar'0nd/ c'n,0sed 2y it a%% She sees 4L*NDA J then reacts] 7OROT14: Now 3 << 3 know we'#e not in Dansas" ;/3N7A: A#e you a good witch% o# a $ad witch?

7OROT14: Who% me? Why% 3'm not a witch at a " 3'm 7o#othy ;a e !#om Dansas" ;/3N7A: Oh, We """" (%''-s at TOTO) is that the Witch? 7OROT14: Who% Toto? Toto's my dog" ;/3N7A: We % 3'm a itt e mudd ed" The *unchkins ca ed me $ecause a new witch has )ust d#opped a house on the Wicked Witch o! the 'ast" And the#e's the house% and he#e you a#e% and that (3est0res at the ,eet 0nder the ,armh'0se) is a that's e!t o! the Wicked Witch o! the 'ast" And so what the *unchkins want to know is < a#e you a good witch% o# a $ad witch? 7OROT14: Oh% $ut 3'&e a #eady to d you% 3'm not a witch at a << witches a#e o d and ug y" *@NB1D3N(: =ad i$> gigg e% hee<hee% etc 7OROT14: What was that? ;/3N7A: The *unchkins" They'#e aughing $ecause * am a witch" 3'm ; inda% the Witch o! the No#th" 7OROT14: 4ou a#e, Oh% 3 $eg you# pa#don, 2ut 3'&e ne&e# hea#d o! a $eauti!u witch $e!o#e" ;/3N7A: On y Wicked witches a#e ug y" The *unchkins a#e happy $ecause you ha&e !#eed them !#om the Wicked Witch o! the 'ast" 7OROT14: Oh" 2ut% << what a#e *unchkins? ;/3N7A: The itt e peop e who i&e in this and << it's *unchkin and% and you a#e thei# nationa he#o% my dea#" (ca%%in3 '0t t' the hidden (UN$")*NS) 3t's a #ight << you may a come out and thank he#" 3t's a #ight now < you may a come out" ;/3N7A (sin3s) Bome out% come out% whe#e&e# you a#e And meet the young ady who !e !#om a sta#" (he !e !#om the sky% she !e &e#y !a#" And Dansas she says is the name o! the sta#"

*@NB1D3N( (sin3) Dansas she says is the name o! the sta#" ;/3N7A (sin3s) (he $#ings you good news" O# ha&en't you hea#d? When she !e out o! Dansas% a mi#ac e occu##ed" /et the )oyous news $e sp#ead The Wicked O d Witch at ast is dead,

*@NB1D3N( (sin3) 7ing 7ong, The Witch is dead" Which o d Witch? The Wicked Witch, 7ing 7ong, The Wicked Witch is dead" Wake up% you s eepy head" Ru$ you# eyes ;et out o! $ed"

Wake up% the Wicked Witch is dead, (he's gone whe#e the ;o$ ins go 2e ow"""2e ow"""2e ow 4o << ho% et's open up and sing And #ing the $e s out" 7ing 7ong, The me##y<oh, (ing it high (ing it ow /et them know The Wicked Witch is dead, [T"REE TOTS m'1e 'nsta3e/ dance and sin3] T1R'' TOT( (sin3) We #ep#esent the /u a$y /eague% the /u a$y /eague% The /u a$y /eague And in the name o! the /u a$y /eague We wish to we come you to *unchkin and" [T"REE TOU4" )*DS m'1e 'nsta3e/ dance and sin3] T1R'' TO@;1 D37( (sin3) We #ep#esent the /o ypop ;ui d% the /o ypop ;ui d% The /o ypop ;ui d And in the name o! the /o ypop ;ui d [T"REE TOU4" )*DS hand L'%%y&'& t' DOROT";/ then m'1e 2ac- t' 'ther (UN$")*NS] T1R'' TO@;1 D37( (sin3) We wish to we come you to *unchkin and" *@NB1D3N( (sin3) We we come you to *unchkin and T#a a a a a a T#a a a t#a a a T#a a a a a a a [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] [E++ECT CUE #____: +"G 0ACHI#E: Le(t] [S"U#$ CUE #____: EK7L"SI"# S"U#$] [The +*$)ED +*T$" ', the +est (EL!"A#A) a&&ears As she m'1es t' ,arm h'0se/ (UN$")*NS scream and c'wer She %''-s at +itch ', the East>s ,eet &r'tr0din3 ,r'm 0nder the ,arm h'0se ] 7OROT14: (h'%ds TOTO/ ,ri3htened/ whis&ers t' 4L*NDA) 3 thought you said she was dead" ;/3N7A: That was he# siste# << the Wicked Witch o! the 'ast" This is the Wicked Witch o! the West" And she's wo#se than the othe# one e&e# was" [The +*T$" t0rns away ,r'm the ,arm h'0se AA and r'ars at 4L*NDA and DOROT";] '/01A2A: Who ki ed my siste#? Who ki ed the Witch o! the 'ast? Was it you? Answe# me,

;/3N7A: /ea&e he# a one, '/01A2A: 4ou stay out o! this, 3'm he#e !o# &engeance, (o it was you% was it? 4ou ki ed he# didn't you? 7OROT14: No << No, 3t was an accident, 3 didn't mean to ki any$ody, Rea y 3 didn't, [4L*NDA n'ds at the (UN$")*NS/ wh' r0n and stea% the s%i&&ers ',, the ++OTE6s ,eet] '/01A2A: 7idn't mean it% eh? Accident% eh? We % my itt e p#etty% 3 can cause accidents% too << and this is how 3 do it, ;/3N7A: A#en't you !o#getting the #u$y s ippe#s? '/01A2A: The s ippe#s << yes"""""the s ippe#s, [She t0rns t' &0%% the s%i&&ers ',, her sister6s ,eet #0t the (UN$")*NS are a%ready &0ttin3 them 'n DOROT";6s ,eet] '/01A2A: They'#e gone, The #u$y s ippe#s, What ha&e you done with them? ;i&e them $ack to me% o# 3' <<< ;/3N7A: 3t's too ate, The#e they a#e% (she &'ints t' 7OROT14:( ,eet) and the#e they' stay, 7OROT14: (reacts as she %''-s d'wn J 3as&s A then %''-s 0& at ;/3N7A) Oh, '/01A2A: ;i&e me $ack my s ippe#s, 3'm the on y one that knows how to use them" They'#e o! no use to you, ;i&e them $ack to me, ;i&e them $ack, ;/3N7A: Deep tight inside o! them << thei# magic must $e &e#y powe#!u % o# she wou dn't want them so $ad y, '/01A2A: 4ou stay out o! this% ;a< inda% o# 3' !i9 you as we , ;/3N7A: (%a03hs) Oh% #u$$ish, 4ou ha&e no powe# he#e" 2e gone% $e!o#e some$ody d#ops a house on you% too" '/01A2A: Ae#y we << 3' $ide my time << and as !o# you% my !ine ady% it's t#ue% 3 can't attend to you he#e and now as 3'd ike% $ut )ust t#y to stay out o! my way )ust t#y, 3' get you% my p#etty% and you# itt e dog% too, (%a03hs) [The +*$)ED +*T$" 2ac-s away ,r'm DOROT"; and 4L*NDA She %a03hs menacin3%y AA the (UN$")*NS h03 the 3r'0nd with ,ear] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] [E++ECT CUE #____: +"G 0ACHI#E: Le(t] [S"U#$ CUE #____: EK7L"SI"# S"U#$] [The +*$)ED +*T$" disa&&ears in a c%'0d ', ,'3] ;/3N7A: 3t's a #ight" 4ou can get up << she's gone"

[The (UN$")*NS rise/ start t' m'1e t'ward 4L*NDA and DOROT"; ] ;/3N7A: 3t's a #ight" 4ou can a get up" 0ooh, << what a sme o! su phu#, 3'm a!#aid you'&e made #athe# a $ad enemy o! the Wicked Witch o! the West" The soone# you get out o! O8 a togethe#% the sa!e# you' s eep% my dea#" 7OROT14: Oh% 3'd gi&e anything to get out o! O8 a togethe# << $ut which is the way $ack to Dansas? (%''-s at ,armh'0se) 3 can't go the way 3 came" ;/3N7A: No << that's t#ue" The on y pe#son who might know wou d $e the g#eat and wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8 himse !, 7OROT14: The Wi8a#d o! O8? 3s he good o# is he wicked? ;/3N7A: Oh% &e#y good% $ut &e#y myste#ious" 1e i&es in the 'me#a d Bity% and that's a ong )ou#ney !#om he#e" 7id you $#ing you# $#oomstick with you? 7OROT14: No% 3'm a!#aid 3 didn't" ;/3N7A: We % then% you' ha&e to wa k" The *unchkins wi see you sa!e y to the $o#de# o! *unchkin and" And #emem$e#% ne&e# et those #u$y s ippe#s o!! you# !eet !o# a moment% o# you wi $e at the me#cy o! the Wicked Witch o! the West" 7OROT14: 2ut% how do 3 sta#t !o# 'me#a d Bity? ;/3N7A: 3t's a ways $est to sta#t at the $eginning << and a you do is !o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" 7OROT14: 2ut << what happens i! 3 <<< ;/3N7A: ?ust !o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" 7OROT14: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road? 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road? 1(T *@NB1D3N: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" +N7 *@NB1D3N: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" JR7 *@NB1D3N: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" KT1 *@NB1D3N: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" A// *@NB1D3N( =sing> 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" 5o ow% !o ow% !o ow% !o ow% 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" (DOROT"; and the (UN$")*NS dance d'wn the r'ad as they sin3) 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road" 4ou'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d

The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8 4ou' !ind he is a whi8 o! a Wi8 3! e&e# a Wi8 the#e was" 3! e&e# oh e&e# a Wi8 the#e was The Wi8a#d o! O8 3s one $ecause 2ecause% $ecause% $ecause% $ecause% $ecause""" 2ecause o! the wonde#!u things he does"""" 4ou'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8, [DOROT"; dances ar'0nd 2ehind the sta3e as the s'n3 ends The (0nch-ins scatter as 4L*NDA watches them %ea1e] [SCE#E 4] ;/3N7A: That's #ight% you )ust take that one #oad% the who e time" (+a1es ',,sta3e ) Oh% 3 hope they don't get ost" 3'm so $ad at gi&ing di#ections" (She sees the h'0se/ &ic-s 0& ,%'wers and %ays them in ,r'nt ', the h'0se ) Oh% Nessa" [EL!"A#A reAa&&ears ] '/01A2A: What a touching disp ay o! g#ie!" ;/3N7A: 3 don't think we ha&e anything !u#the# to say to one anothe#" '/01A2A: 3 wanted something to #emem$e# he# $y% and a that is e!t we#e those shoes% and now that w#etched itt e !a#m gi# has wa ked o!! with them" (o 3'd app#eciate some time% a one% to say good$ye to my siste#" [4L*NDA 2ac-s away as EL!"A#A wa%-s t'ward the h'0se ] '/01A2A: Nessa% p ease% p ease% p ease !o#gi&e me""" ;/3N7A: ' phie""" you mustn't $ ame you#se !" 3t's d#ead!u % it is% to ha&e a house !a on you% $ut accidents wi happen" '/01A2A: 4ou ca this an accident? ;/3N7A: 4es, We % may$e not an accident""" '/01A2A: We % what do you ca it? ;/3N7A: We """ a #egime change" Baused $y a $i8a##e and une9pected twiste# o! !ate" '/01A2A: 4ou think cyc ones )ust appea# out o! the $ ue? ;/3N7A: 3 don't know% 3 ne&e# #ea y""" '/01A2A: No% o! cou#se you ne&e#, 4ou'#e too $usy te ing e&e#yone how wonde#!u e&e#ything is, ;/3N7A: 3'm a pu$ ic !igu#e% now" 0eop e e9pect me to"""

'/01A2A: /ie? ;/3N7A: 2e encou#aging, And what e9act y ha&e you $een doing $esides #iding a#ound on that !i thy% o d thing? '/01A2A: We % we can't a come and go $y $u$$ e" Who's in&ention was that% the Wi8a#d's? O! cou#se% e&en i! it wasn't 3'm su#e he'd sti take c#edit !o# it" ;/3N7A: 4es% we % a ot o! us a#e taking things that don't $e ong to us% a#en't we? '/01A2A: Now wait )ust a c ock tick, 3 know it may $e di!!icu t !o# that $ iss!u % $ onde $#ain o! you#s to comp#ehend that someone ike 5iye#o cou d actua y choose someone ike me, 2ut it's happened""" it's #ea " And you can wa&e that #idicu ous wand a you want% you can't change it, 1e ne&e# $e onged to you% he doesn't o&e you% and he ne&e# did, 1e o&es me, [4L*NDA S%a&s "er ] [S"U#$ CUE #____: SLA7] '/01A2A: ($ac-%es) 5ee $ette# now? ;/3N7A: 4es% 3 do" [She s%a&s 4L*NDA ] [S"U#$ CUE #____: SLA7] '/01A2A: ;ood% so do 3" [They 2'th &0%% 2ac- int' a ,i3htin3 stance 4L*NDA then twir%s her wand s-i%%,0%%y and EL!"A#A arms herse%, with her 2r''m They circ%e/ char3e and c%ash wea&'ns twice On the third &ass/ they dr'& their Gwea&'nsG and 2eat each 'ther sense%ess%y ] ;@AR7: 1a t, 3n the name o! the Wi8a#d, [The 4UARDS r0n in They 3ra2 EL!"A#A ] '/01A2A: (top, /et me go, /et me go% 3 a most had he#, ;@AR7: (o##y it took us so ong to get he#e% *iss" '/01A2A: 3 can't $e ie&e you wou d sink this ow, To use my siste#'s death as a t#ap to captu#e me?, ;/3N7A: 3 ne&e# meant !o# this to happen, ' phie, [:*;ERO enters carryin3 a ri,%e ] 534'RO: /et the g#een gi# go, ;/3N7A: 5iye#o% how in O8? 534'RO: 3 said et he# go, ("e aims at 4L*NDA) O# e9p ain to a O8 how the Wi8a#d's gua#ds watched whi e ; inda the ;ood was s ain"

;/3N7A: 5iye#o""" 534'RO: 3 said% et he# go" [The 4UARDS re%ease her ] 534'RO: ' pha$a% go% now" '/01A2A: No% not without you" ;/3N7A: 5iye#o% p ease" 534'RO: 1ush, Now, ;o, [EL!"A#A hesitates ] ;/3N7A: 7o it, [EL!"A#A r0ns ',, ] ;@AR7: (ei8e him, ;/3N7A: Wait% what?, What a#e you doing? (top it, 3n the name o! goodness% stop, 7on't you see? 1e wasn't going to ha#m me% he )ust""" he )ust""" he o&es he#" 534'RO: ; inda% 3'm so so##y, ;@AR7: Take him up to that !ie d the#e, 0ut him up on one o! those po es unti he te s us whe#e the witch went" [They dra3 :*;ERO ',,sta3e ] ;/3N7A: No% don't hu#t him, 0 ease% don't hu#t him, 5iye#o,,,, '/01A2A: 5iye#o,,,, =sings> '/'DA NA1*'N NA1*'N AT@* AT@* '/'DA NA1*'N '/'DA NA1*'N NA1*'N AT@* AT@* '/'DA NA1*'N /'T 13( 5/'(1 NOT 2' TORN /'T 13( 2/OO7 /'AA' NO (TA3N% W3// T1'4 2'AT 13*% /'T 13* 5''/ NO 0A3N""" /'T 13( 2ON'( N'A'R 2R'AD AN7 1OW'A'R T1'4 TR4 TO 7'(TRO4 13*% /'T 13* N'A'R 73'% /'T 13* N'A'R 73', '/'DA NA1*'N NA1*'N AT@* AT@* '/'DA NA1*'N '/'DA NA1*'N NA1*'N AT@* AT@* '/'DA""" '/'DA A1, W1AT ;OO7 3( T13( B1ANT3N;? 3 7ON'T 'A'N DNOW W1AT 3'* R'A73N; 3 7ON'T 'A'N DNOW W1AT TR3BD 3 O@;1T TO TR4, 534'RO W1'R' AR' 4O@?, A/R'A74 7'A7 OR 2/''73N;? ON' *OR' 73(A(T'R 3 BAN A77 TO *4 ;'N'RO@( (@00/4, NO ;OO7 7''7 ;O'( @N0@N3(1'7 NO ABT O5 B1AR3T4 ;O'( @NR'('NT'7 NO ;OO7 7''7 ;O'( @N0@N3(1'7

T1AT'( *4 N'W BR''7 *4 ROA7 O5 ;OO7 3NT'NT3ON( /'7 W1'R' (@B1 ROA7( A/WA4( /'A7 NO ;OO7 7''7 ;O'( @N0@N3(1'7, N'((A""" 7OBTOR 73//A*ON7""" 534'RO""" 534'RO,,, ON' C@'(T3ON 1A@NT( AN7 1@RT( TOO *@B1% TOO *@B1 TO *'NT3ON WA( 3 R'A//4 (''D3N; ;OO7 OR ?@(T (''D3N; ATT'NT3ON? 3( T1AT A// ;OO7 7''7( AR' W1'N /OOD'7 AT W3T1 AN 3B' BO/7 '4'? 35 T1AT'( A// ;OO7 7''7( AR' *A42' T1AT'( T1' R'A(ON W14 NO ;OO7 7''7 ;O'( @N0@N3(1'7 A// 1'/05@/ @R;'( (1O@/7 2' B3RB@*A'NT'7 NO ;OO7 7''7 ;O'( @N0@N3(1'7 (@R'% 3 *'ANT W'//% W'// /OOD AT W1AT W'// *'ANT 737, A/R3;1T% 'NO@;1% (O 2' 3T, (O 2' 3T T1'N""" /'T A// O5 OE 2' A;R''7 3'* W3BD'7 T1RO@;1 AN7 T1RO@;1 (3NB' 3 BO@/7 NOT (@BB''7 534'RO (AA3N; 4O@ 3 0RO*3(' NO ;OO7 7''7 W3// 3 ATT'*0T TO 7O A;A3N 'A'R A;A3N, NO ;OO7 7'A7% W3// 3 7O A;A3N,,,,,,,, [LIGHT CUE #____: +LIGHT 7%ESET] [E++ECT CUE #____: +"G 0ACHI#E: u! cente- ] [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [SCE#E 8] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&S 'ic on] NARRATOR 1: (o 7o#othy was o!! to the 'me#a d Bity to meet the awesome% ama8ing% astounding Wi8a#d o! O8 with ' pha$a hot on he# hee s in pu#suit o! the #u$y s ippe#s" 3t was a ong wa k% and the#e we#e many sights to see a ong the way" One o! those happened to $e a sca#ec#ow a one in a &ast co#n!ie d" "ey/ he %''-s aw,0%%y ,ami%iarE [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&S 'ic o((] 7OROT14: 5o ow the 4e ow 2#ick Road? 5o ow the 4e ow""""? (!099%ed/ she %''-s a2'0t ) Now which way do we go? [The (BAR'BROW 'n &'%e in the c'rn,ie%d at ri3ht] (BAR'BROW: =&'ints t' ri3ht) That way is a &e#y nice way"

7OROT14: (whir%s a2'0t) Who said that? [S"U#$ CUE #____: $"G )A%E ] 7OROT14: 7on't $e si y% Toto" (ca#ec#ows don't ta k" (BAR'BROW: (&'ints t' %e,t with his 'ther arm) 3t's p easant down that way% too" 7OROT14: (t' TOTO) That's !unny" Wasn't he pointing the othe# way? (BAR'BROW: O! cou#se% peop e do"""" (cr'sses his arms and &'ints in 2'th directi'ns) go $oth ways, 7OROT14: 4ou did say something% didn't you? [The (BAR'BROW sha-es his head/ then n'ds] 7OROT14: A#e you doing that on pu#pose% o# can't you make up you# mind? (BAR'BROW: That's the t#ou$ e" 3 can't make up my mind" 3 ha&en't got a $#ain << on y st#aw" 7OROT14: 1ow can you ta k i! you ha&en't got a $#ain? (BAR'BROW: 3 don't know" 2ut some peop e without $#ains do an aw!u ot o! ta king% don't they? 7OROT14: 3 guess they do" (BAR'BROW: We " 1ow do you do? 7OROT14: Ae#y we % thank you" 1ow do you do? (BAR'BROW: Oh% 3'm not !ee ing at a we " 4ou see% it's &e#y tedious $eing stuck up he#e a day ong with a po e up you# $ack" 7OROT14: Oh% dea# << that must $e te##i$ y uncom!o#ta$ e" Ban't you get down? (BAR'BROW: 7own? No% you see% 3'm << We % << 3'm I (3est0res t' &'%e 2ehind him) 7OROT14: Oh% we % he#e << et me he p you" (BAR'BROW: Oh% that's &e#y kind o! you << &e#y kind" 3! you' )ust $end the nai down in the $ack% may$e 3' s ip o!! and""" 7OROT14: Oh"""" [7OROT14 t0rns the nai% and the (BAR'BROW ,a%%s t' the 3r'0nd] 7OROT14: 4es" (BAR'BROW: Ohhhh I 7OROT14: Ohh, (BAR'BROW: Whhhooops, (Straw ,%ies '0t ', him as he t0m2%es 'n the ,%''r) 1a<ha << the#e goes some

o! me again, 7OROT14: Oh << does it hu#t you? (BAR'BROW: Oh% no << 3 )ust keep picking it up and putting it $ack in again" 7OROT14: Ohhh I (BAR'BROW: *y% it's good to $e !#ee, [7OROT14 screams as the (BAR'BROW whir%s a2'0t and ,a%%s t' the 3r'0nd a3ain] 7OROT14: Oh, Oh, Ohhh, (BAR'BROW: 7id 3 sca#e you? 7OROT14: No% No << 3 << 3 )ust thought you hu#t you#se !" (BAR'BROW: 2ut 3 didn't sca#e you? 7OROT14: No << o! cou#se not" (BAR'BROW: 3 didn't think so" (t' DOROT";) 2oo, (n' reacti'n) Oh% as a sca#ec#ow% 3'm a !ai u#e% $ecause 3 ha&en't got a $#ain" 7OROT14: We % what wou d you do with a $#ain i! you had one? [S$ARE$RO+ st0m2%es t' his ,eet DOROT"; rises/ m'1es t' him AA h'%ds him 0& as he starts t' ,a%%] (BAR'BROW: 7o? Why% i! 3 had a $#ain% 3 cou d << (sin3s) 3 cou d whi e away the hou#s% Bon!e##in' with the ! owe#s% Bonsu tin' with the #ain" And my head 3'd $e sc#atchin' Whi e my thoughts we#e $usy hatchin' 3! 3 on y had a $#ain" 3'd un#a&e e&e#y #idd e 5o# any indi&id' e 3n t#ou$ e o# in pain" [7OROT14 h'%ds the (BAR'BROW as she sin3s] 7OROT14: (sin3s) With the thoughts you' $e thinkin' 4ou cou d $e anothe# /inco n 3! you on y had a $#ain" [DOROT"; c'ntin0es h'%din3 the S$ARE$RO+ as he sin3s AA he .0m&s/ whir%s a2'0t/ %'sin3 straw here and there/ as he c'ntin0es t' sin3] (BAR'BROW (sin3s) Oh% 3 cou d te you why

The ocean's nea# the sho#e 3 cou d think o! things 3 ne&e# thunk $e!o#e% And then 3'd sit << and think some mo#e" 3 wou d not $e )ust a nu!!in' *y head a !u o! stu!!in' *y hea#t a !u o! pain" 3 wou d dance and $e me##y""" /i!e wou d $e a ding<a<de##y 3! 3 on y had a $#ain, ;osh% it wou d $e aw!u p easin' To #eason out the #eason 5o# things 3 can't e9p ain" Then pe#haps 3' dese#&e you% And $e e&en wo#thy e#& you 3! 3 on y had a $#ain" [S$ARE$RO+ ends 0& in a hea& 'n the r'ad DOROT"; r0shes t' him AA she &ic-s 0& s'me ', his straw AA -nee%s 2y him and s&ea-s as she he%&s him &0t 2ac- s'me ', the straw] 7OROT14: Wonde#!u , Why% i! ou# (ca#ec#ow $ack in Dansas cou d do that% the c#ows'd $e sca#ed to pieces, (BAR'BROW: They wou d? 7OROT14: *m<hmm" (BAR'BROW: Whe#e's Dansas? 7OROT14: That's whe#e 3 i&e" And 3 want to get $ack the#e so $ad y 3'm going a the way to 'me#a d Bity to get the Wi8a#d o! O8 to he p me" (BAR'BROW: 4ou'#e going to see a Wi8a#d? 7OROT14: *m<hmm" (BAR'BROW: 7o you think i! 3 went with you% this Wi8a#d wou d gi&e me some $#ains? 7OROT14: 3 cou dn't say" 2ut e&en i! he didn't% you'd $e no wo#se o!! than you a#e now" (BAR'BROW: 4es << that's t#ue" 7OROT14: 2ut may$e you'd $ette# not" 3'&e got a witch mad at me% and you might get into t#ou$ e" (BAR'BROW: Witch? 1mmph, 3'm not a!#aid o! a witch, 3:&e met p enty o! them" 3'm not a!#aid o! anything <<< e9cept a ighted match" 7OROT14: 3 don't $ ame you !o# that" (BAR'BROW: 2ut 3'd !ace a who e $o9 !u o! them !o# the chance o! getting some $#ains" Won't you take me with you? 7OROT14: Why% o! cou#se 3 wi ,

[DOROT"; and the S$ARE$RO+ rise ,r'm the r'ad AA the S$ARE$RO+ .0m&s 0& AA ye%%s AA DOROT"; h'%ds him 0&] (BAR'BROW: 1oo#ay, We'#e o!! to see a Wi8a#d, 7OROT14: Oh << we << you'#e not sta#ting out &e#y we " (BAR'BROW: Oh% 3' t#y, Rea y% 3 wi " 7OROT14: To O8? (BAR'BROW: To O8, 2OT1 (sin3) We'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8, (DOROT"; and S$ARE$RO+ head ',, d'wn the r'ad/ and ar'0nd 2ehind the sta3e) [SCE#E 9] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 4&S 'ic on] NARRATOR +: (o% togethe# with thei# new !#iend% 7o#othy and Toto continued down the 4e ow 2#ick Road to the 'me#a d Bity to meet the magnanimous% muni!icent% mi#acu ous Wi8a#d o! O8" 3t was sti a &e#y ong wa k% and the#e we#e sti many mo#e sights to see a ong the way" They came upon one o! those )ust outside an a$andoned app e o#cha#d[S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 4&S 'ic o((] [7OROT14 and (BAR'BROW c'me s-i&&in3 ar'0nd the sta3e 'n the ;#R] 7OROT14: Why% ook, 3t's a man, A man made out o! tin, (BAR'BROW: What? 7OROT14: 4es" Oh << ook I [(BAR'BROW and 7OROT14 examine the T3N *AN AA he tries t' s&ea-] T3N *AN: Oi can"""""Oi can"""" 7OROT14: 7id you say something? T3N *AN: Oi can"""" (BAR'BROW: Oi can whatH 7OROT14: Oi can? Oh << oh% he#e it is, (&ic-s 0& 'i% can) Whe#e do you want to $e oi ed !i#st? T3N *AN: *y mouth << my mouth,

(BAR'BROW: 1e said his mouth" 7OROT14: 1e#e << he#e I (she 'i%s him a2'0t the m'0th) (BAR'BROW: The othe# side"""" 7OROT14: 4es <<< the#e" [The T3N *AN tries t' m'1e m'0th AA sB0ea-s '0t a ,ew s'0nds6 T3N *AN: *m"""""mm"""mm"""m"""m"""my% my% my% my goodness << 3 can ta k again, Oh << oi my a#ms% p ease I oi my e $ows" [7OROT14 starts t' &0%% the axe arm ', the T3N *AN d'wn AA (BAR'BROW 'i%s him] [S"U#$ CUE #____: SLUEAE ] 7OROT14: Oh""" [7OROT14 %'wers the ri3ht arm ', the T3N *AN s' that it han3s nat0ra%%y] T3N *AN: Oh I 7OROT14: Oh% did that hu#t? T3N *AN: No << it !ee s wonde#!u " 3'&e he d that a9e up !o# ages" Oh <<< 7OROT14: Oh% goodness, 1ow did you e&e# get ike this? [As (BAR'BROW 20sies himse%, with the 'i% can AA the T3N *AN 2e3ins his st'ry] T3N *AN: Oh << we % 3 was chopping that t#ee << minding my own $usiness << when sudden y it sta#ted to #ain% and #ight in the midd e o! a chop% 3"""3 #usted so id" And 3'&e $een that way e&e# since" 7OROT14: We % you'#e pe#!ect now" T3N *AN: *y"""my neck" *y"""my neck" 0e#!ect? Oh << $ang on my chest i! you think 3'm pe#!ect" ;o ahead << $ang on it, [She d'es ] [S"U#$ CUE #____: )A#G .nd ECH"] 7OROT14: Oh <<, (BAR'BROW: 2eauti!u , What an echo, T3N *AN: 3t's empty" A witch took away my hea#t" 7OROT14 AN7 (BAR'BROW: No hea#t? T3N *AN: No hea#t" 7OROT14: Oh I

T3N *AN: A ho ow" Oh << [T3N *AN ,a%%s 2ac- as (BAR'BROW and 7OROT14 enter t' he%& him AA he h'%ds them ',, AA 2e3ins t' sin3] T3N *AN (sin3s) When a man's an empty kett e% 1e shou d $e on his mett e" And yet 3'm to#n apa#t" ?ust $ecause 3'm p#esumin' That 3 cou d $e kind<a human% 3! 3 on y had a hea#t" 3'd $e tende# << 3'd $e gent e And aw!u sentimenta Rega#ding /o&e and A#t 3'd $e !#iends with spa##ows""" And the $oy who shoots the a##ows 3! 3 on y had a hea#t" 0ictu#e me""""a $a cony""""A$o&e a &oice sings ow" 7OROT14 (in Sn'w +hite6s 1'ice) Whe#e!o#e a#t thou% Romeo? T3N *AN (sin3s) 3 hea# a $eat""""how sweet, ?ust to #egiste# emotion ?ea ousy << 7e&otion << And #ea y !ee the pa#t% 3 cou d stay young and chippe#% And 3'd ock it with a 8ippe#% 3! 3 on y had a hea#t""", [T3N *AN swin3s his axe/ (BAR'BROW tries t' 3et '0t ', the way and ,a%%s '1er AA 7OROT14 3ra2s the T3N *AN:s hand AA] 7OROT14: Oh% a#e you a #ight? T3N *AN: 3'm a!#aid 3'm a itt e #usty yet" 7OROT14: Oh% dea# << That was wonde#!u , 4ou know << we we#e )ust wonde#ing why you cou dn't come to 'me#a d Bity with us to ask the Wi8a#d o! O8 !o# a hea#t" T3N *AN: 'me#a d Bity? Why% that's a ong and dange#ous )ou#ney" And it might #ain on the way" (BAR'BROW: 2ut you'&e )ust $een saying how much you want a hea#t" 7OROT14: And 3' keep the oi <can handy" T3N *AN: We % suppose the Wi8a#d wou dn't get me one when we got the#e?

7OROT14: Oh% $ut he wi , 1e must, We'&e come such a ong way a #eady" [LIGHT CUE #____: )ACE LIGHT S7ECIAL on] T3N *AN: Ohh << what's that? Oh I '/01A2A =o!!stage> 4ou ca that ong? [The +*T$" and (ON)E;S a&&ear as shad'ws 'n 2ac-dr'&] '/01A2A: Why% you'&e )ust $egun, 5o#gotten a$out me% eh? We % 3 ha&en't !o#gotten a$out you, 1e ping the itt e ady a ong% a#e you% my !ine gent emen? We % stay away !#om he#, =points at the (BAR'BROW> O# 3' stu!! a matt#ess with you, And you, [T*N (AN &'ints t' the trem2%in3 S$ARE$RO+ AA then &'ints t' himse%,] '/01A2A: 3' use you !o# a $ee<hi&e, = aughs> And as !o# you% my itt e 7o#othy% 3 wish you uck with the Wi8a#d o! O8" And a happy )ou#ney $ack to Dansas, [The +*T$" t0rns and wa%-s away] [LIGHT CUE #____: )ACE LIGHT S7ECIAL o((] (BAR'BROW: 3'm not a!#aid o! he#" 3' see you get sa!e y to the Wi8a#d now% whethe# 3 get a $#ain o# not, (tu!! a matt#ess with me, 1ah, T3N *AN: 3' see you #each the Wi8a#d% whethe# 3 get a hea#t o! not" 2ee<hi&e << $ah, /et he# t#y and make a $ee<hi&e out o! me, 7OROT14: 3t:s )ust that the Witch is so wicked" 3 don't think you two ought to come with me $ecause you' get into t#ou$ e" (BAR'BROW: Oh% you don't think we'#e going to et you !ace he# a one% do you? T3N *AN: No% si#, (BAR'BROW: No% si#, 7OROT14: Oh% you'#e the $est !#iends any$ody e&e# had, (BAR'BROW: To O8? T3N *AN: To O8, [The T"REE %'c- arms as they dance d'wn the 2ric- r'ad and ar'0nd 2ehind the sta3e] T1' T1R'' (sin3) We'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8,

[SCE#E ?] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&S 'ic on] NARRATOR: (o% togethe# with thei# new !#iend% 7o#othy% Toto and the (ca#ec#ow continued down the 4e ow 2#ick Road to the 'me#a d Bity to meet the wonde#mous% sp endi!e#ous% magica icious Wi8a#d o! O8" 3t was sti a &e#y% &e#y ong wa k% and the#e we#e sti many% many mo#e sights to see a ong the way" 2ut !i#st they had to t#a&e th#ough a deep% da#k% and c#eepy !o#est-" [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 1&S 'ic o((] [S"U#$ CUE #____: +"%EST S"U#$S] [DOROT";/ S$ARE$RO+ and T*N (AN cree& ner1'0s%y d'wn the ;#R] 7OROT14: 3 don't ike this !o#est, 3t's << it's deep% da#k and c#eepy, (BAR'BROW: O! cou#se% 3 don't know% $ut 3 think it' get da#ke# $e!o#e it gets ighte#" 7OROT14: 7o << do you suppose we' meet any wi d anima s? T3N *AN: We might" 7OROT14: Oh I (BAR'BROW: Anima s that << that eat st#aw? T3N *AN: (ome << $ut most y ions% and tige#s% and $ea#s" 7OROT14: /ions? (BAR'BROW: And tige#s? T3N *AN: And $ea#s" 7OROT14: Oh% my, A// T1R'': /ions and tige#s and $ea#s, 7OROT14: Oh% my, [L*ON snea-s 0& 2ehind them and ,'%%'ws] A// T1R'': /ions and tige#s and $ea#s, 7OROT14: Oh% my, A// T1R'': /ions and tige#s and $ea#s, 7OROT14: Oh% my, A// T1R'': /ions and tige#s and $ea#s, [L*ON %ea&s 'nt' the r'ad in ,r'nt ', them]

7OROT14: Oh% my, What so#t o! an anima is that? T3N *AN: 3t<it<it<it < it's a huge one, (BAR'BROW: 7<d<d<don't $e !#<!#<!#ightened" 3 < 3' <3' p#otect you" /3ON: 0ut 'em up, 0ut 'em up, Which one o! you !i#st? 3' !ight you $oth togethe# i! you want, 3' !ight you with one paw tied $ehind my $ack" 3' !ight you standing on one !oot" 3' !ight you with my eyes c osed" (t' T*N (AN) Oh <<pu ing an a9e on me% eh? (t' S$ARE$RO+) (neaking up on me% eh? (snar%s) T3N *AN: 1e#e << he#e" ;o 'way and et us a one, /3ON: Oh% sca#ed% huh? A!#aid% huh? 1ow ong can you stay !#esh in that can? (%a03hs) Bome on << get up and !ight% you shi&e#ing )unk ya#d, (t0rns t' S$ARE$RO+) 0ut you# hands up% you op<sided $ag o! hay, (BAR'BROW: Now that's getting pe#sona % /ion" T3N *AN: 4es << get up and teach him a esson" (BAR'BROW: We << what's << w#ong with you teaching him? T3N *AN: We << we <<% 3 ha#d y know him" [S"U#$ CUE #____: $"G )A%E] /3ON: (t' TOTO) We % 3' get you% anyway% 0ee<Wee" (starts ,'r T't') 7OROT14: (s%a&s his hand) (hame on you, /3ON: (2ac-s away J cryin3) What << what did you do that !o#? 3 didn't $ite him" 7OROT14: No% $ut you t#ied to" 3t's $ad enough picking on a st#aw man% $ut when you go a#ound picking on poo# itt e dogs I /3ON: We % you didn't ha&e to go and hit me% did you? 3s my nose $ eeding? 7OROT14: We % o! cou#se not" *y goodness% what a !uss you'#e making" We % natu#a y% when you go a#ound picking on things weake# than you a#e << Why% you'#e nothing $ut a g#eat $ig cowa#d, /3ON: 4ou'#e #ight << 3 am a cowa#d" 3 ha&en't any cou#age at a " 3 e&en sca#e myse !" /ook at the ci#c es unde# my eyes" 3 ha&en't s ept in weeks" T3N *AN: Why don't you t#y counting sheep? /3ON: That doesn't do any good << 3'm a!#aid o! 'em" (BAR'BROW: Oh% that's too $ad" 7on't you think the Wi8a#d cou d he p him% too? 7OROT14: 3 don't see why not" Why don't you come a ong with us? We'#e on ou# way to see the Wi8a#d now (&'ints at Tin (an) To get him a hea#t" T3N *AN: (&'ints at Scarecr'w) And him a $#ain"

7OROT14: 3'm su#e he cou d gi&e you some cou#age" /3ON: Wou dn't you $e ashamed to $e seen in the company o! a cowa#d y ion? 3 wou d" 7OROT14: No% o! cou#se not" /3ON: ;ee% that's << that's aw!u y nice o! you" *y i!e has $een simp y un$ea#a$ e" 7OROT14: Oh? /3ON (sin3s) 4eh% it's sad% $e ie&e me% *issy When you'#e $o#n to $e a sissy% Without the &im and &e#&e" 2ut 3 cou d show my p#owess << 2e a ion not a mou<ess << 3! 3 on y had the ne#&e 3'm a!#aid the#e's no denyin' 3'm )ust a dande< ion << A !ate 3 don't dese#&e" 3'd $e $#a&e as a $ i88a#d << T3N *AN (sin3s) 3'd $e gent e as a i8a#d << (BAR'BROW (sin3s) 3'd $e c e&e# as a gi88a#d << 7OROT14 (sin3s) 3! the Wi8a#d is a Wi8a#d who wi se#&e" (BAR'BROW (sin3s) Then 3'm su#e to get a $#ain << T3N *AN (sin3s) A hea#t << 7OROT14 (sin3s) A home << /3ON (sin3s) The ne#&e" [ALL :OUR sin3 as they dance ,'rward a%'n3 ;#R] A// (sin3) Oh% we'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8" We hea# he is a whi8 o! a Wi8 3! e&e# a Wi8 the#e was"""" 3! e&e#% oh e&e#% a Wi8 the#e was The Wi8a#d o! O8 is one $ecause 2ecause% $ecause% $ecause% $ecause% $ecause

2ecause o! the wonde#!u things he does, We'#e o!! to see the Wi8a#d The Wonde#!u Wi8a#d o! O8, [The :OUR dance ar'0nd 2ehind the sta3e The +*T$" enters ,r'm the 'ther side/ with her :L;*N4 (ON)E;S ,'%%'win3 c%'se%y] '/01A2A: A<hah, (%a03hs) (o, 4ou won't take wa#ning% eh? A the wo#se !o# you% then" 3' take ca#e o! you now instead o! ate#, 1ah, When 3 ha&e those #u$y s ippe#s% my powe# wi $e the g#eatest in O8, Bome my $eauties% the#e:s wickedness to $e done (%a03hs) [+*T$" and (ON)E;S exit] [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [SCE#E @] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7: E0E%AL$ CITF 7%ESET] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 4&S 'ic on] NARRATOR: The $#a&e $and o! t#a&e e#s continued on !o# many mi es% na##ow y a&oiding the Wicked Witch:s g#asp at e&e#y tu#n% unti !ina y the shining towe#s o! the 'me#a d Bity we#e in sight" [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"% 4&S 'ic o((] [The :OUR emer3e ,r'm 2ehind the sta3e/ and see the Emera%d $ity] 7OROT14: /ook << 'me#a d Bity is c ose# and p#ettie# than e&e#, AO3B'( (sin3) 4ou'#e out o! the woods 4ou'#e out o! the da#k 4ou'#e out o! the night (tep into the sun (tep into the ight Deep st#aight ahead !o#"""" The most g o#ious p ace << O! the ea#th o# the sky 1o d onto you# $#eath 1o d onto you# hea#t 1o d onto you# hope << *a#ch up to the gate And $id it open <<< open <<< open" [ALL :OUR a&&r'ach 3ate J DOROT"; &0shes d''r2e%%] [S"U#$ CUE #____: $""%)ELL] [D''rman &'&s head thr0 %itt%e wind'w in d''r] 7OOR*AN: Who #ang that $e ?

A// 5O@R: We did" 7OOR*AN: Ban't you #ead? (BAR'BROW: Read what? 7OOR*AN: The notice, A// 5O@R: What notice? 7OOR*AN: 3t's on the doo# << as p ain as the nose on my !ace, 3t (%''-s at em&ty d''r) Oh << [D''rman disa&&ears AA reAenters AAhan3s si3n 'n d''r AA then exits AA c%'sin3 wind'w] A// 5O@R: (readin3 si3n) [DOROT"; -n'c-s 'n d''r] [S"U#$ CUE #____: TH%EE E#"CES] 7OOR*AN: We % that's mo#e ike it" Now% state you# $usiness, A// 5O@R: We want to see the Wi8a#d" 7OOR*AN: Ooooh, The Wi8a#d? 2ut no$ody can see the ;#eat O8, No$ody's e&e# seen the ;#eat O8, '&en 3'&e ne&e# seen him, 7OROT14: Oh% p ease, 0 ease si#" 3'&e got to see the Wi8a#d, The ;ood Witch o! the No#th sent me, 7OOR*AN: 0#o&e it" (BAR'BROW: (he's wea#ing the #u$y s ippe#s she ga&e he#" 7OOR*AN: (o she is, We % $ust my $uttons, Why didn't you say that in the !i#st p ace? That's a ho#se o! a di!!e#ent co o#, Bome on in, [The 4ate '&ens/ and the :OUR enter They are s0rr'0nded 2y OC*ANS ?''h@ and ?aah@ at their &resence]) 7OOR*AN (sin3s) 1a << ha << ha << 1o << ho << ho << And a coup e o! t#a << a << as" That's how we augh the day away 3n the *e##y O d /and o! O8" [The :OUR wa%- thr0 street ', O9 AA OC*ANS 3ather ar'0nd AA wa1e] OE3AN M1 (sin3s) 2u88 << $u88 << $u88 << Bhi#p << Bhi#p << Bhi#p << And a coup e o! a I di < das << That's how the c#ickets c#ick a day 3n the *e##y O d /and o! O8, 62e out o! o#de#" 0 ease knock"6

OE3AN M+ (sin3s) We get up at twe &e"""" And sta#t to wo#k at one Take an hou# !o# unch"""" OE3AN MJ (sin3s) ""And then at two we'#e done ?o y good !un, A// OE3AN( (sin3) 1a << ha << ha << 1o << ho << ho << And a coup e o! t#a << a << as" That's how we augh the day away 3n the *e##y O d /and o! O8, A// (sin3) 1a << ha << ha << 1o << ho << ho << 1a << ha << ha << ha << That's how we augh the day away With a ho << ho << ho 1a << ha << ha 3n the *e##y O d /and o! -"" [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE "UT] [S"U#$ CUE #____: THU#$E% S"U#$] [E++ECT CUE #____: )LACE LIGHT on] ['/01A2A6s maniaca% %a03hter is heard] /3ON: Who's he#? Who's he#? 7OROT14: 3t's the Witch, (he's !o owed us he#e, T3N *AN: Ban't that woman take no !o# an answe#? [(ON)E;S enter carryin3 LETTER S*4NS *n the dar-/ the LETTERS %i3ht 0&] 7OROT14: Oh I A// 5O@R: (<u<#<#<e<n<d<e<#< 7o#othy o# die, W" W" W" [E++ECT CUE #____: )LACE LIGHT o((] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7] [The OC*ANS %''- ar'0nd hem/ c'n,0sed] OE3AN M1: 7o#othy? Who's 7o#othy?

OE3AN M+: The Wi8a#d wi e9p ain it, OE3AN MJ: To the Wi8a#d, OE3AN MK: To the Wi8a#d, 7OROT14: 7ea#% whate&e# sha we do? (BAR'BROW: We % we'd $ette# hu##y i! we'#e going to see the Wi8a#d, ;@AR7: 1e#e << he#e << he#e << wait a minute, Wait a minute, (top < stop < stop, 3t's a #ight, '&e#ything is a #ight, The ;#eat and 0owe#!u O8 has matte#s we in hand < 3 hope << (o you can a go home" The#e's nothing to wo##y a$out" ;o on home, 7OROT14: 3! you p ease% si#" We want to see the Wi8a#d #ight away << a !ou# o! us" ;@AR7: O#de#s a#e << no$ody can see the ;#eat O8, Not no$ody << not no how, 7OROT14: Oh% $ut we must, ;@AR7: O#de#s a#e < not no$ody, Not no how, 7OROT14: Oh% $ut << $ut p ease" 3t's &e#y impo#tant" ;@AR7: Not no$ody, Not no how, Now% pa#don me" We'&e gotta change the gua#ds" ["e t0rns his 2ac-/ ta-es ',, his ,a-e m'0stache/ then t0rns 2ac- ar'0nd a3ain] ;@AR7: (in a di,,erent 1'ice) Now < what do you want? A// 5O@R: We want to see the Wi8a#d" ;@AR7: Not no$ody, Not no how, T3N *AN: That's what the othe# man said" (BAR'BROW: 2ut she's 7o#othy, ;@AR7: The Witch's 7o#othy? We << that makes a di!!e#ence" ?ust wait he#e << 3' announce you at once" [4UARD exits] (BAR'BROW: 7id you hea# that? 1e' announce us at once, 3'&e as good as got my $#ain, T3N *AN: 3 can a #eady hea# my hea#t $eating, 7OROT14: 3' $e home in time !o# suppe#, /3ON: 3n anothe# hou#% 3' $e Ding o! the 5o#est" /ong /i&e the Ding, [4UARD enters])

;@AR7: ;o on home, The Wi8a#d says go away, A// 5O@R: ;o away? 7OROT14: (sad%y) Oh I (BAR'BROW8 (sad%y) /ooks ike we came a ong way !o# nothing" 7OROT14: (2e3innin3 t' cry) Oh << and 3 was so happy, 3 thought 3 was on my way home, T3N *AN: (startin3 t' s'2) 7on't c#y% 7o#othy, We'#e going to get you to the Wi8a#d" (BAR'BROW: (2ri3htenin3) We ce#tain y a#e, (c'n,0sed) 1ow? 1ow a#e we? /3ON: Wou d"""wou d it do any good i! 3 #oa#ed? (BAR'BROW: Who at? /3ON: (sad%y) 3 don't know ;@AR7: (s'22in3) Oh% oh << p ease don't c#y any mo#e" 3' get you into the Wi8a#d somehow" Bome on" /3ON: Wait a minute% !e ahs" 3 was )ust thinkin'" 3 #ea y don't want to see the Wi8a#d this much" 3 $ette# wait !o# you outside" (BAR'BROW: What's the matte#? T3N *AN: Oh% he's )ust asca#ed again" 7OROT14: 7on't you know the Wi8a#d's going to gi&e you some cou#age? /3ON: (ashamed) 3'd $e too sca#ed to ask him !o# it" A//: B:mon, [SCE#E A] [They ti&t'e their way int' the thr'ne r''m ] [S"U#$ CUE #____: WI*A%$ D"ICE E++ECT] [E++ECT CUE #____: +"G 0ACHI#E: U7 CE#TE%] [LIGHT CUE #____: WI*A%$ %""0 7%ESET] [A h03e AO3B' 2''ms '0t] OE'( AO3B': 3 am the ;#eat Wi8a#d o! O8" Bome !o#wa#d, /3ON: Te me when it's o&e#, Oh, 3 want to go home, [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH]

OE'( AO3B': 3 am O8% the ;#eat and 0owe#!u , Who a#e you? +h' are y'0H [The :'0r react with ,ear AA the 'thers sh'1e 7OROT14 ,'rward J she c'mes ,'rward] 7OROT14: 3! << 3! you p ease% 3 < 3 am 7o#othy% (%''-s 2ac- at the 'thers) the sma and meek" We'&e come to ask you << OE'( AO3B': (i ence, [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] 7OROT14: Ohhh << ?iminy B#ickets, OE'( AO3B': The ;#eat and 0owe#!u O8 knows why you ha&e come" (tep !o#wa#d"""Tin *an, [T3N *AN sha-es/ A c'mes w'22%in3 ,'rward] T3N *AN: Ohhhh << it's me, OE'( AO3B': 4ou da#e to come to me !o# a hea#t% do you? 4ou c inking% c anking% c atte#ing co ection o! ca iginous )unk, T3N *AN: Ohhhh << yes"""yes% si# << 4<4es% you# 1ono#" 4ou see% a whi e $ack% we we#e wa king down the 4e ow 2#ick Road% and I OE'( AO3B': Cuiet, [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] T3N *AN: Ohhhhhh, [The T*N (AN r0ns 2ac- t' the 'thers] OE'( AO3B': And you% (ca#ec#ow" [The S$ARE$RO+ a%m'st c'%%a&ses AA then m'1es ,'rward and -nee%s] OE'( AO3B': 4ou ha&e the e!!#onte#y to ask !o# a $#ain? 4ou $i owing $a e o! $o&ine !odde#, (BAR'BROW: (trem2%in3) 4<4es << 4es% 4ou# 1ono# << 3 mean% 4ou# '9ce ency << 3 << 3 mean << 4ou# Wi8a#d#y, OE'( AO3B': 'nough, [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] [S$ARE$RO+ rises/ r0ns 2ac- t' 'thers] OE'( AO3B': @gh << And you"""/ion, [The L*ON 3r'ans with ,ear as he c'mes s%'w%y ,'rward "e tries t' s&ea- AA ,aints and ,a%%s t' the ,%''r AA D'r'thy and the 'thers r0n ,'rward t' him] 7OROT14: Oh << Oh << Oh,"(t0rns and s&ea-s as she %''-s t'ward the 7O*$E) 4ou ought to $e ashamed

o! you#se ! << !#ightening him ike that% when he came to you !o# he p, OE'( AO3B': (i ence, Whippe#snappe#, The $ene!icent O8 has e&e#y intention o! g#anting you# #equests, /3ON: (c'min3 t') What's that? What'd he say? [DOROT"; he%&s the L*ON t' his ,eet AA the :OUR ', them %isten as OC s&ea-s] OE'( AO3B': 2ut !i#st% you must p#o&e you#se &es wo#thy $y pe#!o#ming a &e#y sma task" 2#ing me the $#oomstick o! the Witch o! the West" T3N *AN: 2<2<2<2<2<2ut i! we do that% we' ha&e to ki he# to get it, OE'( AO3B': 2#ing me he# $#oomstick% and 3' g#ant you# #equests" [The L*ON starts t' s&ea-] OE'( AO3B': Now% go,

[They a%% r0n ,r'm the r''m/ exce&t the L*ON] /3ON: 2ut << $ut what i! she ki s us !i#st? OE'( AO3B': 3"""said% <;o, [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS +LASH] [The L*ON .0m&s with ,ri3ht They a%% r0n ,r'm the r''m ] [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [SCE#E C] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE LE+T] [S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics on] NARRATOR: And so% ou# !ea# ess !ou#some !ound themse &es $ack on the #oad again" This time% un$e ie&a$ y enough% #unning t'ward the Wicked Witch" B#a8y% huh? 2ut i! they we#e e&e# to ha&e thei# hea#ts: desi#e% they wou d !i#st ha&e to !ace thei# wo#st nightma#e" [As the NARRATOR c'ntin0es/ a sin3%e S!OTL*4"T c'mes 0& in the dar-ness O0r "EROES are &ant'mimin3 wa%-in3 in &%ace] (o $ack down the 4e ow 2#ick Road they went% taking a sha#p e!t at the deep% da#k and c#eepy !o#est% then e&entua y ea&ing the path comp ete y" *eanwhi e% '&i ' pha$a had p ans a he# own" 1o d on !o ks% this is gonna get spooky[S"U#$ CUE #____: #A%%AT"%S& 'ics o((] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE LE+T] [+itches $ast%e R''mA She is sh'0tin3 'rders at her :L;*N4 (ON)E;S]

'/01A2A (%a03hs) Take you# a#my to the 1aunted 5o#est% and $#ing me that gi# and he# dog, 7o what you ike with the othe#s% $ut 3 want he# a i&e and unha#med, They' gi&e you no t#ou$ e% 3 p#omise you that" Take specia ca#e o! those #u$y s ippe#s" 3 want those most o! a " Now% go, 2#ing me that gi# and he# s ippe#s, ;o, ;o, ;o, [The :L;*N4 (ON)E;S scam&er ',, ] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE LE+T] [OUR "EROES sti%% wa%-in3 in &%ace/ as n'w r'ad si3ns m'1e &ast them8 They read ?"AUNTED :OREST@/ ?+*T$"6S $ASTLE K (*LE@/ ?*>D TURN #A$) *: * +ERE ;OU<@] /3ON: 63'd tu#n $ack i! 3 we#e you"6 =g#ow s> [LIGHT CUE #____: )ACE LIGHTS: %E$] [The :L;*N4 (ON)E;S attac-AA DOROT"; and 3r'0& r0n ar'0nd/ tryin3 t' a1'id their 3ras& They 3ra2 DOROT"; and dra3 her ',, The 'thers try t' sa1e her/ 20t are st'&&ed 2y the (ON)E;S] T3N *AN: (swin3in3 axe at the m'n-eys) ;o away now, [(ON)E;S attac- the S$ARE$RO+] (BAR'BROW: 1e p, 1e p, [L*ON r0ns t' the center ', a 3r'0& ', m'n-eys A he d'02%es his ,ists J 3r'w%s] /3ON: Why% 3' I =(ON)E; hits him '1er the head with axe) 5ou , 5ou , [The (ON)E;S tear S$ARE$RO+ a&art J thr'win3 straw e1erywhere A S$ARE$RO+ ye%%s] (BAR'BROW: 1e p, 1e p, 1e p, 1e p, 1e p, [(ON)E;S exit] /3ON: =#unning to (BAR'BROW> They su#e knocked the stu!!ings out o! you% didn't they? (BAR'BROW: 7on't stand the#e ta king, 1e p me, We'&e got to !ind 7o#othy, T3N *AN: Oh% poo# 7o#othy" We:&e got to get he# away !#om that wicked witch," [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [SCE#E G] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE %IGHT] [+itches $ast%e R''m +*T$" %''-s at TOTO in 2as-et AA DOROT"; in chair cryin3] '/01A2A: What a nice itt e dog, And you% my dea#" What an une9pected p easu#e, 3t's so kind o! you to &isit me in my one iness" 7OROT14: What a#e you going to do with my dog? ;i&e him $ack to me,

'/01A2A: A in good time% my itt e p#etty I a in good time" 7OROT14: Oh% p ease gi&e me $ack my dog, '/01A2A: Be#tain y << ce#tain y << when you gi&e me those s ippe#s" 7OROT14: 2ut the ;ood Witch o! the No#th to d me not to" '/01A2A: Ae#y we , (t' (ON)E;S) Th#ow that $asket in the #i&e# and d#own him, [DOROT"; cries/ then ste&s 0& 'n ste&] 7OROT14: No, No << no, 1e#e << you can ha&e you# o d s ippe#s << $ut gi&e me $ack Toto" '/01A2A: =%''-s d'wn at s%i&&ers) That's a good itt e gi# " 3 knew you'd see #eason" [+*T$" reaches t'wards s%i&&ers] [S"U#$ CUE #____: S7A%EI#G S"U#$] [+*T$" .0m&s 2ac- and %''-s at her hands] '/01A2A: =in pain> Ahh, Ah, 7OROT14: 3'm so##y" 3 didn't do it, Ban 3 sti ha&e my dog? '/01A2A: No, 5oo % that 3 am, 3 shou d ha&e #emem$e#ed << those s ippe#s wi ne&e# come o!!% as ong as you'#e -a i&e" 7OROT14: What a#e you gonna do? '/01A2A: What do you thing 3'm going to do? 2ut that's not what's wo##ying me << it's how to do it" These things must $e done de icate y"""o# you hu#t the spe " 4ou'&e $een mo#e t#ou$ e to me than you'#e wo#th% one way o# anothe# $ut it' soon $e o&e# now, [+*T$" &ic-s 0& h03e h'0r3%ass AA t0rns it '1er] '/01A2A: 7o you see that? That's how much onge# you'&e got to $e a i&e, And it isn't ong% my p#etty, 3t isn't ong, 3 can't wait !o#e&e# to get those shoes, [+*T$" exits ] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE LE+T] [The T"REE &eerin3 '1er the ed3e ', the sta3e] /3ON: What's that? What's that? (BAR'BROW: That's the cast e o! the Wicked Witch, 7o#othy's in that aw!u p ace, T3N *AN: Oh% 3 hate to think o! he# in the#e" We'&e got to get he# out" (cries) (BAR'BROW: 7on't c#y now" We ha&en't got the oi <can with us and you'&e $een squeaking enough as

it is" 3'&e got a p an how to get in the#e" /3ON: 5ine" 1e's got a p an (BAR'BROW: And you'#e going to ead us" /3ON: 4eah" *e? (BAR'BROW: 4es% you" /3ON: 3 << 3 << 3 << 3 << gotta get he# outta the#e? (BAR'BROW: That's #ight" /3ON: A #ight% 3' go in the#e !o# 7o#othy << Wicked Witch o# no Wicked Witch I gua#ds o# no gua#ds << 3' tea# 'em apa#t" (3r'w%s) 3 may not come out a i&e% $ut 3'm going in the#e" The#e's on y one thing 3 want you !e ows to do" (BAR'BROW AN7 T3N *AN: What's that? /3ON: Ta k me out o! it" [#LA$)OUT] [SCE#E 1 ] [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7] [The +itch st'rms 'n/ ,r0strated ] '/01A2A: Oh% !o# O8's sake% stop c#ying,,, 3 can't isten to it anymo#e, Oh% you want to see you# p#ecious Dansas again?, Then get those shoes o!! you# !eet,,, /itt e $#at""" takes a dead woman's shoes; must ha&e $een #aised in a $a#n, (She Sees 4L*NDA ) ;o away" ;/3N7A: They'#e coming !o# you" '/01A2A: ;o away, ;/3N7A: /et the itt e gi# go% and that poo# itt e dog""" 7odo" 3 know you don't want to hea# this% $ut someone has to say it""" 4ou a#e out o! cont#o , 3 mean% come on, They'#e )ust shoes% et it go, ' pha$a% you can't go on ike this" '/01A2A: 3 can do anything 3 want" 3 am the Wicked Witch o! the West, =A *OND'4 2#ings he# a ette#"> At ast, What took you so ong? (She reads it ) What's this? Why a#e you $othe#ing me with this? (She reads 'n ) ;/3N7A: What is it? What's w#ong? 3t's 5iye#o% isn't it? 3s he""" '/01A2A: We'&e seen his !ace !o# the ast time" ;/3N7A: Oh no, '/01A2A: 4ou'#e #ight""" 3t's time 3 su##ende#" ($arries a 20c-et )

;/3N7A: ' phie"""" ' phie% what is it? '/01A2A: 4ou can't $e !ound he#e, 4ou must go" (Re,ers t' a c'rner) ;/3N7A: No" '/01A2A: 4ou must ea&e" ;/3N7A: No, ' phie% 3' te them e&e#ything" '/01A2A: No, They' on y tu#n against you" ;/3N7A: 3 don't ca#e, '/01A2A: 3 do, 0#omise me% p#omise me% you won't t#y to c ea# my name""" p#omise" ;/3N7A: A #ight""" 3 p#omise" 2ut 3 don't unde#stand" '/01A2A: =sings> 3'* /3*3T'7 ?@(T /OOD AT *'% 3'* /3*3T'7 AN7 ?@(T /OOD AT 4O@% 4O@ BAN 7O A// 3 BO@/7N'T 7O% ;/3N7A

'/01A2A: 1e#e" ;o on" Take this" ("ands her the 4rimmerie ) ;/3N7A: ' phie""" you know 3 can't #ead that""" ' phie""" '/01A2A: We then% you' ha&e to ea#n =sings> NOW 3T'( @0 TO 4O@ 5OR 2OT1 O5 @( NOW 3T'( @0 TO 4O@ '/01A2A: 4ou'#e the on y !#iend 3'&e e&e# had" ;/3N7A: And 3'&e had so many !#iends""" $ut on y one that matte#ed" =sings> 3'A' 1'AR7 3T (A37 T1AT 0'O0/' BO*' 3NTO O@R /3A'( 5OR A R'A(ON 2R3N;3N; (O*'T13N; W' *@(T /'ARN AN7 W' AR' /'7 TO T1O(' W1O 1'/0 @( *O(T TO ;ROW 35 W' /'T T1'* AN7 W' 1'/0 T1'* 3N R'T@RN W'//% 3 7ON'T DNOW 35 3 2'/3'A' T1AT'( TR@' 2@T 3 DNOW 3'* W1O 3 A* TO7A4 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@ /3D' A BO**3T 0@//'7 5RO* OR23T% A( 3T 0A(('( A (@N /3D' A (TR'A* T1AT *''T( A 2O@/7'R 1A/5 WA4 T1RO@;1 T1' WOO7 W1O BAN (A4 35 3'A' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR T1' 2'TT'R?

2@T% 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@""" 3 1AA' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR ;OO7""" '/01A2A: 3T W'// *A4 2'% T1AT W' W3// N'A'R *''T A;A3N 3N T13( /35'T3*' (O /'T *' (A4 2'5OR' W' 0ART (O *@B1 O5 *' 3( *A7' O5 W1AT 3 /'ARN'7 5RO* 4O@ 4O@'// 2' W3T1 *' /3D' A 1AN70R3NT ON *4 1'ART""" AN7 NOW W1AT'A'R WA4 O@R (TOR3'( 'N7 3 DNOW 4O@ 1AA' R'<WR3TT'N *3N' 24 2'3N; *4 5R3'N7""" /3D' A (130 2/OWN 5RO* 3T'( *OOR3N; 24 A W3N7 O55 T1' ('A /3D' A ('A 7RO0 24 A (D4 23R7 3N A 73(TANT WOO7 W1O BAN (A4 35 3'A' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR T1' 2'TT'R? 2@T 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@ 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@ 3 1AA' 2''N B1AN;'7""" 5OR ;OO7""" AN7 ?@(T TO B/'AR T1' A3R 3 A(D 5OR;3AN'(( 5OR T1' T13N;( 3'A' 7ON' 4O@ 2/A*' *' 5OR" 2@T T1'N 3 ;@'((% W' DNOW T1'R''( 2/A*' TO (1AR' AN7 NON' O5 3T (''*( TO *ATT'R AN4*OR', /3D' A BO*'T 0@//'7 5RO* OR23T A( 3T 0A(('( A (@N""" /3D' A (130 2/OWN 5RO* 3T( *OOR3N; 24 A W3N7 O55 T1' ('A /3D' A (TR'A* T1AT *''T( A 2O@/7'R /3D' A (''7 7RO00'7 24 A 23R7 1A/5WA4 T1RO@;1 T1' WOO7 3N T1' WOO7 W1O BAN (A4 35 3'A' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR T1' 2'TT'R? 3 7O 2'/3'A' 3 1AA' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR T1' 2'TT'R" AN7% 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@ 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@

;/3N7A: 2OT1: '/01A2A:

;/3N7A: 2OT1: ;/3N7A: '/01A2A: ;/3N7A: '/01A2A: ;/3N7A: '/01A2A: ;/3N7A: ;/3N7A: ;/3N7A: '/01A2A:


2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@ 3 1AA' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR ;OO7"""

'/01A2A: 4ou ha&e to hide" No one can know you we#e he#e" 1ide you#se !, [LIGHT CUE #____: )LACE"UT] [SCE#E 11] [LIGHT CUE #____: S7"TLIGHT: STAGE %IGHT] (+itch6s $ast%e R''m DOROT"; is ,ear,0%%y watchin3 the h'0r3%ass) 7OROT14: Oh Toto, 3:m so !#ightened" 3s this the end? Wi we e&e# see Dansas again? (O,,sta3e a n'ise is heard Then the S$ARE$RO+6s 1'ice) (BAR'BROW: Wait, We'd $ette# make su#e" 7o#othy% a#e you in the#e? /3ON: 3t's us, 7OROT14: 4es% it's me, (he's ocked me in, Oh% 3 knew you'd get he#e in time, /3ON: /isten% !e ows" 3t's he#" We gotta get he# out, Open the doo#, Open the doo#, Open the doo#, T3N *AN: (top pushing, /3ON: Open the doo#, Open the doo#, Open the doo#, (BAR'BROW: (top pushing, /3ON: Open the doo#, Open the doo#, Open the doo#, T3N *AN AN7 (BAR'BROW: =shouting> STO! !US"*N4< /3ON: Oh < 3 was on y t#ying to he p" 7OROT14: Oh% hu##y << p ease hu##y, The hou# g ass is a most empty, T3N *AN: (tand $ack, [The T"REE 20rst thr'03h and t0m2%e int' the r''m] 7OROT14: Oh my, /3ON: 7id they hu#tcha? 7OROT14: /ion << 3 knew you'd come, T3N *AN: 7o#othy,

7OROT14: 3 knew you wou d, (BAR'BROW: 1u##y << we'&e got no time to ose, [They start t' %ea1e S0dden%y/ the +*T$" a&&ears with her (ON)E;S They s0rr'0nd them]] 7OROT14: Oh, '/01A2A: ;oing so soon? 3 wou dn't hea# o! it" Why% my itt e pa#ty's )ust $eginning, (%a03hs) [LIGHT CUE #____: LIGHTS U7 "#STAGE] '/01A2A: Thought you'd $e p#etty !o9y% didn't you? We % 3'm going to sta#t in on you #ight he#e < one a!te# the othe#, And the ast to go wi see the !i#st th#ee go $e!o#e he#, And you# mangy itt e dog% too, [The +*T$" hands her 2r''m t' $histery/ wh' 3i1es her a t'rch] '/01A2A: 1ow a$out a itt e !i#e% (ca#ec#ow? [She t'0ches the S$ARE$RO+ 'n the arm "e screams in ,ear] (BAR'BROW: No << No << No << No, 7OROT14: Ohh, O11, O11, (BAR'BROW: 1e p, 3'm $u#ning, 3'm $u#ning, 3'm $u#ning, 1e p, 1e p, 1e p, [DOROT"; &ic-s 0& a 20c-et A thr'ws water at S$ARE$RO+ AA s'me ', it hits the +*T$") [E++ECT CUE #____: +"G 0ACHI#E: U7 CE#TE%] '/01A2A: Ohhh << you cu#sed $#at, /ook what you'&e done, 3'm me ting, *e ting, Oh << what a wo# d << what a wo# d, (The :OUR watch the +*T$" as she screams and sin-s t' the ,%''r J ,'3 c'mes 0& and '2sc0res their 1isi'n) '/01A2A: Who wou d ha&e thought a good itt e gi# ike you cou d dest#oy my $eauti!u wickedness,? Ohhh, /ook out, /ook out, 3'm going" Ohhhh, Ohhhhhh"""" [The +*T$" ?me%ts@ in a c%'0d ', ?,'3@/ and a,ter the ,'3 c%ears 'n%y her c%'a- and hat remain 'n the ,%''r ALL %''- d'wn ama9ed ] /'A7'R: (he's""""she's""""dead, 4ou'&e ki ed he#, 7OROT14: 3 << 3 didn't mean to ki he#""""#ea y 3 didn't, 3t's"""it's )ust that he was on !i#e, [The (ON)E;S -nee% as they hai% DOROT";] /'A7'R: 1ai to 7o#othy, The Wicked Witch is dead, *OND'4(: 1ai , 1ai to 7o#othy << The Wicked Witch is dead, 7OROT14: 4ou mean% you'#e"""you'#e a happy a$out it?

/'A7'R: Ae#y happy < now she won't $e a$ e to hit us with that $#oom anymo#e, 7OROT14: The $#oom, *ay we ha&e it? /'A7'R: 0 ease, And take it with you, 7OROT14: Oh << thank you so much, Now we can go $ack to the Wi8a#d and te him the Wicked Witch is dead, /'A7'R: The Wicked Witch is dead, A// =sing> 7ing 7ong, The Wicked Witch is dead" Which o d Witch? The Wicked Witch, 7ing 7ong, The Wicked Witch is dead" Wake up% you s eepy head" Ru$ you# eyes ;et out o! $ed" Wake up% the Wicked Witch is dead, (he's gone whe#e the ;o$ ins go 2e ow"""2e ow"""2e ow 4o << ho% et's open up and sing And #ing the $e s out" 7ing 7ong, The me##y<oh, (ing it high (ing it ow /et them know The Wicked Witch is dead, [SCE#E 14] NARRATOR: With $#oomstick in hand% 7o#othy and he# !#iends #etu#ned to the Wi8a#d% who kept his p#omise and ga&e them a thei# hea#ts: desi#e" The (ca#ec#ow got his $#ain% the Tin *an his hea#t% and the /ion his cou#age" And 7o#othy !ina y !ound he# way $ack to Dansas" 7OROT14:s AO3B': The#e:s no p ace ike home" The#e:s no p ace ike home" The#e:s no p ace ike home NARRATOR: The co##upt Wi8a#d was sent packing% 2ut the#e was sti one mo#e thing that the (ca#ec#ow desi#ed% mo#e than anything e se in the wo# d" [The (BAR'BROW =534'RO> wa ks on stage" 1e $ends down H knocks on the ! oo#"G 534'RO: 3t wo#ked, [EL!"A#A c%im2s 0& ,r'm 0nder the staBe ] '/01A2A: 5iye#o, 3 thought you'd ne&e# get he#e" [She t'0ches his straw ,ace ]

534'RO: ;o ahead% touch% 3 don't mind" Ah% you did the $est you cou d" 4ou sa&ed my i!e" '/01A2A: 4ou'#e sti $eauti!u " 534'RO: 4ou don't ha&e to ie to me" '/01A2A: 3t's not ying""" its ooking at things anothe# way" OE3AN(: NO ON' *O@RN( T1' W3BD'7 NOW AT /A(T (1''( 7'A7 AN7 ;ON', NOW AT /A(T T1'R''( ?O4 T1RO@;1O@T T1' /AN7,

;/3N7A: 5e ow O8ians% !#iends% we ha&e $een th#ough a !#ightening time" The#e wi $e othe# times and othe# things that !#ighten us" 2ut i! you et me% 3'd ike to t#y to he p" 3'd ike to t#y to $e""" ; inda the ;ood" OE3AN(: ;OO7 N'W(,,

534'RO: 3t's time to go" '/01A2A: We can ne&e# come $ack to O8% can we? 534'RO: No" '/01A2A: 3 on y wish""" 534'RO: What? '/01A2A: ; inda cou d know that we'#e a i&e" 534'RO: (he can't know% not i! we want to $e sa!e" No one can e&e# know" OE3AN(: ;OO7 N'W(""" 534'RO: Bome""" ;/3N7A: W1O BAN (A4 35 3'A' 2''N B1AN;'7 5OR T1' 2'TT'R? 2@T"""

'/01A2A H ;/3N7A: 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@""" ;/3N7A: 2'BA@(' 3 DN'W 4O@"""

'/01A2A H ;/3N7A: 3 1AA' 2''N B1AN;'7""" [:*;ERO and EL!"A#A Lea1e] ;/3N7A: OE3AN(: 5OR ;OO7" NO ON' *O@RN( T1' W3BD'7, W3BD'7""" W3BD'7,,,



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