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prehistoric architecture

PREHISTORY: refers to the time period before people could write, the time before written records. Objects are the documents of record Challenge is to "read" the nonverbal info found in objects.
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) c40,000-8,000 BCE -- mostly nomadic hunters
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) c8,000-7,000 BCE

Neolithic (New Stone Age) c7,000-2,300 BCE -- began to settle year-round

LATIN TERMS TO KNOW PALEO MESO NEO LITH MEGA old middle / between new stone large or great

Cave Dwellings, Turkey

32000yrs ago Ice Age

Chauvet Cave Art

Paleolithic Era 13000 BC

Lascaux Cave, France

Caves of Lascaux (France)

The most extensively decorated caves

Altamira, Spain

Brushwood Hut

Wood framed huts

Round House, Israel

Stilt House

Stone Age

Skara Brae, Scotland

Tepees of American Indians

trullo: Southern Italy

yurts : Mongolia

Settlement, Catal Huyuk, Turkey

Woman from Willendorf, Austria



Carnac Megaliths



Stonehenge, Salisbury Plains

Druids celebrating summer solstice

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