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Why People Sneeze!

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By: Sophia !

! I claim that when you sneeze it's your bodies way of cleaning mucus out of your nose. First off, I'm going to tell you some fun facts about sneezing. Sneezing is your bodies way of getting rid of irritants from your nose or throat. DO NOT hold in sneezes or you will lose a brain cell. When you sneeze, you can propel air up to 100 mph. Between 18 & 35% of sneezing is of bright lights. Next, I am going to tell you the causes of why we sneeze. Causes of sneezing is sometimes when dirt and debris enters your nose it irritates the mucus membranes in your nose and throat. Allergies, pet odors, breathing in clod air, colds, us, trauma to the noes, withdraw from curtain drugs, infections, and much more. With that, that's what causes you to sneeze daily. !

! I claim that their are deadly effects when you sneeze First of all, I'm going to tell you some effects about sneezing. Surprisingly sneezing can be dangerous. When we sneeze the effects causes irritation to the nose making it red and sore to touch, heart skips a beat, minor head ache, heart rate slows down, damage to spine, cracked ribs, tearing blood vessels, and whip lash. All in all, these are the facts, causes, and effect we all have from sneezing.

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