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Letters to the reviewer

Camille Hello Maam, I would like to say that you are successful teaching me your English subject. My grammar is better than before. I am very thankful for your patience and time you gave to us in teaching your subject. God Bless Maam! Ella Good Day Maam. First of all, I would like to thank you for the time that you gave to us to teach your subject. I am very sorry for the bad things that w have to you (not sure what it is). I am now better in English than before and it is because of you. God Bless you Maam. Tria Hello Maam. I would like to say that you are one of the caring teacher that I ever met. I am very thankful that you have sacrificed your time and effort in teaching us your subject English. I also like to say that I am better in English grammar now. I have learned many because of you. Keep up the good work!. Monica Greetings Maam, I would like to thank you for giving us your time and effort. Because of your effort, I have learned many things especially English. My grammar is better now than before. Hope that you will not stop teaching English because you are good in it. God Bless Maam Burgos!. Mariella Hello Maam Burgos, I am very thankful that you are my teacher in English because you are a good teacher teaching English. I have learned too much thats why I am better in English now. I know that you are having a hard time teaching us English but it resulted positive. Thank you Maam!. Lyndel Good Day Maam Burgos. I am now better in English grammar and that is because of you. I am also very thankful because you have gave your time in teaching us your English subject. I can now use it in applications in life in case of my job in the future involves English. Thank you again Maam :D Jerico Greetings, I am better in English speaking now and that is because of you. I also wanted to thank you for all the time and effort that you have gave to us in teaching your subject English. I also wanted to thank you because of teaching us values in life. I have learned many from that. Now, I will do my best to get rid of bad occurrences that will happen. Thank you again Maam Burgos. Kurt Hello Maam, I know that I frequently disappointing you. I am very sorry for that. But now, I will do my best so my journey in learning English will continue and try to reach the goals that is required to have good life in the future. I am now better in English but still not in grammar, but dont worry. I will not stop learning English. Thank you and God Bless Maam ^_^.

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