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S POETRY IN ENGLISH by Philip Pasmanick

a Parkinson's dcima I like my humorous verse 17th century Spanish style: 10 eight syllable lines, rhyme scheme abbaaccddc. I beg your pardon in advance for the off-color language, but...dang! A Parkin-son of a bitch squats obscenely in my brain makes my thoughts hard to explain makes me tremble, stumble, twitch. When it presses on the switch everything goes slightly askew. But I do what I can do to keep steady, happy, and strong, and I sing my little song that says Parkinson!s? Park you! 3X3X2 (in response to a dispairing free-verse poem from a parkquette [juipiter jane] at the end of her rope) Words are breath breath is life life is brief. Love is strong here and now breathe it in. Love Should Come Easy for jupiterjane life should come easy come easy, life come easy, love Easy come and easy go at the right moment let it come to an end like it came to be,

way easy. come to me come with me come to life come hard come easy hard for you the life within love will flow for you making it easy to know inside we!re ready to live our love and love our lives together forever easy in spite ot every spiteful arbitary agonizing perverse turn of events in our ridiculous reality show, when we simply love the love is easy and life reminds us easy or hard we need love so make it work or let it happen yin needs yang let them come together

for JJ in pain again You write with tremor jerks and spasms leaping orthographic chasms. If your body hurts like hell how!s it that you write so well?

You wont leave us till the day you have nothing more to say. When the time comes you will know it until then: you are our poet. (love you tender)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Well I couldn't help it, I had to respond in kind to her poem "Stop and listen". Little rhymes (the ToleRant) or elvish pronouncements (like 3x3x2 a few weeks ago) were not gonna do the trick this time. Jane is very seriously affected by PD and related conditions and frequently posts searing monologues in free verse describing her struggles and challenges. She can be angry, bleak and despairing of life itself. I am counting on her sense of humor and ultimate zest for life, despite her disabilities, to let her excuse my risqu double-entendre. No harm meant, it's just a poem. An attempted poem anyway, it's up to others today if I succeeded or not. CALAMITY JANE v. 01-31-12 Tell me about the last best berry fat and red and unashamed you plucked warm from the sun with trembling fingertips and how you licked your lips and placed it in your mouth just so. Tell me of the moment when, for your pleasure, you bore down hard, releasing the earthy essence, tart and sweet as late summertime that lingered on your tongue as you swallowed deeply, satisfied. Tell me, Jane, did you sigh then with loss, with contentment, with grateful amazed clarity that even a strawberry can be crazy in love with you? Life is a brutal beast, a bully, a brat. And yet in all its arbitrary calamities

it delivers grace notes here and there, because that is how it happens to be. Tell me you know, dear sister and hold on tight to life There are more berries coming. Dear sister, hold on. Blessings upon the hand From a poet with Parkinson!s, for our lovers, and for those PWPs who must be their own lovers. Inspired by JupiterJane, and Delia Castro, my far-flung parqui sisters, and my own dear wife whom I treasure for this and ever so much more Blessings upon the hand Let there be copious blessings upon the hand, wise and slow, that finds its way across the explosive expanse of tender flesh bypassing delicately the minefields of reactive muscle primed to cramp and knot, dexterously skirting the rusty razor wire of tortured nerves stretched tight stopping when and where the focus of desire pulses, mutely, waiting. The hand does next to nothing, resting, nested in the exact place. Being all there. But then a simple song of longing can be heard, the oldest song, the prayer that we don!t know we know until we utter, a few softly aspirated vowels. For Parkinson!s limericks and a humorous rap, as welll as copiousu rhymming verse in Spanish, please see my Scribd page (Philip Pasmanick)

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