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SEO: Honest Tea CEO Seth Goldman visits UMD Seth Goldmans mission to stimulate students success Honest

Teas CEO inspires students to live honestly By: Megan Landau

Empty Capri Sun and Go-Gurt packages lay strewn across the floor of the elementary school cafeteria. While most students darted to the door for recess, one young boy gazed at the floor and began to think. I know you sell really healthy drinks to grown-ups, but why do you put really sugary drinks in my lunch? the boy asked his father that night. The boys father recognized the novelty of his sons idea. As the President and TeaEO of Honest Tea, Seth Goldman later used his sons insight to create a line of organic juice drinks for kids. Mission Statement
Honest Tea seeks to create and promote great-tasting, truly healthy, organic beverages. We strive to grow our business with the same honesty and integrity we use to craft our products, with sustainability and great taste for all.

Goldman continues to create innovative drinks. During a speech on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at Stamp Student Union, Honest Tea President and TeaEO Seth Goldman described many of his companys mission-driven ideas. Goldman explained

how he built the nations top-selling organic bottled tea company with the same honesty and integrity he was mindful of when he founded the brand 15 years ago. (more)

Landau, Honest Tea Mainbar, page 2 Now, 15 years later, Honest Tea produces Honest Kids juice drinks using organic fruit juice instead of cane sugar. As a result, each juice pouch has less than half the sugar of most kids drinks. The meticulous process Honest Tea follows to create each juice pouch reinforces the companys mission statement. Innovation driven by mission Goldman says when he ventured into manufacturing other products, he realized honest was a much bigger idea than just how he made his teas. Instead, it I realized my business could be much more than a business, it could be a driver of change. -Seth Goldman, Honest Tea President and TeaEO

was a philosophy that inspired his innovation and is the backbone of his brand. I realized my business could be much more than a business, it could be a driver of change, Goldman said. When Honest Tea paired with Coca-Cola in 2007, the partnership decided to take a plunge into the expanding market of merging environmental consciousness, social responsibility, and health and wellness into Honest Teas core mission and values. Although these principles were neither necessary nor typical for businesses at the time, the pair predicted the ideals and philosophies would be the standard of business by 2012. They were correct. To date, each product Honest Tea manufactures upholds these values. (more)

Landau, Honest Tea Maninbar, page 3 Measuring honesty through Honest Tea Last July, Honest Tea set up a social experiment that allowed customers to choose to pay for a bottle of tea or steal a bottle with no consequences. Our company has an honest relationship with our tea, so we wanted to see if we had an honest relationship with our customers, Goldman said. The results were positive; 93 percent of people who took a beverage paid. Many customers expressed pride in their citys honesty by using (hash)honestyindex on Twitter. Goldman inspires students to create and follow goals and values.
Photo courtesy of Smith School of Business

In addition to a recap of this experiment, Goldman packed his speech with success stories about how he incorporated his mission statement into all of Honest Teas business decisions and products. College students in the audience learned that creating and following goals and values has the potential to make them successful in all of their ventures. (more)

Landau, Honest Tea Mainbar, page 4 I feel that Seth Goldman is one of the most underrated business pioneers of our generation, said junior food science major Jared Turetsky. Im inspired by Goldmans ability to say that business and global ethics shouldnt be two separate entities they should be standard.


SEO: Honest Tea measures customer honesty Honest Teas social experiment rates honesty index By: Megan Landau
The sun polishes Washingtons streets with its beaming rays. Aviator sunglasses shield the eyes of a man as salty droplets of sweat trickle across his bald head. A stunned expression rushes across his face as he spots an unmanned kiosk stocked with cold Honest Tea beverages. A sign on the kiosk asks customers to follow the honor system by paying $1 per bottle. According to the National Honesty Index study by Honest Tea, the aviator wearing, bald Washingtonian man is 79 percent likely to pay for the tea. Last July, Honest Tea created Honesty Boxes to test the honesty of people in all 50 states and Washington, D.C. They found that, on average, 93 Honest Tea measured customers honesty by state, gender, hair length and color, and possession of accessories.
Infographic courtesy of

percent of people would pay for a beverage at an unmanned kiosk.


Landau, Honest Tea Sidebar, page 2 The experiment averaged customers honesty by state, gender, hair length and color, and possession of accessories such as hats or glasses. Hidden cameras surrounding the Honesty Boxes captured consumers images and allowed the company to keep track their characteristics. Miami resident proves her honesty by paying $1 for a bottle of Honest Tea.
Photo courtesy of

As a company, Honest Tea maintains an honest relationship with its tea, and wanted to test to see if they have an honest relationship with their customers. Honest Tea President and TeaEO Seth Goldman discussed the mission-driven approach he uses to run his business in a speech on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at Stamp Student Union. Every day, we make choices. Lots of them. Individually theyre small, but collectively, they live up to something important, Goldman said. To generate your projected honesty percentage, visit the honesty index at ###

SEO: Honest Tea CEO to discuss business ethics Smith school will welcome Seth Goldman Tuesday By: Megan Landau
President and TeaEO of Honest Tea, Seth Goldman, will discuss the value of business ethics with Smith school students on Tuesday, Oct. 15. The Center for Social Value Creation and Dingman Center are co-sponsoring the event. The TeoEO will explain how he succeeded at building a business using honesty and integrity. An interactive question and answer session will follow Goldmans presentation. Goldman will speak from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Stamp Student Union Atrium. For more information, contact Melissa Carrier at or 301-405-9517.


Possible Tweets
Speech/Meeting: Honest Tea
Before: CEO Seth Goldman will speak about mission, business and success tonight from 5:30-7:30 at Stamp Student Union Atrium Characters: 139

During: "At @HonestTea, we always like to stay close to our communities and those who live in them" -Seth Goldman of Honest Tea @SmithSchool Characters: 133

After: Have you seen the highlight video from Seth Goldman of @HonestTea's speech hosted by @SmithSchool last night? Characters: 132


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