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SNAP TEST 02 Financial Accounting (BBL203) BBALLB II Sem School Of La ! I""! #eh$a%un All questions are compulsory.

y. Each question carries 0.25 marks. &a'( &a$)*+ 3

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The Manufacturing department recently purchased a piece of assembly line equipment for Rs. 1,50,000. It has an estimated life of 12 years and an e pected sal!age !alue of Rs. ",000. #sing the straight$line method of depreciation, %hat %ill be the depreciation !alue applied to each year of the asset&s life' (n asset)s useful life is the same as its physical life' *T+,.epreciation / pense is sometimes referred to as non$cash e penditure. *T+,(morti0ation of intangible assets and depletion of natural resources is conceptually similar to depreciation of constructed assets. *T+,-

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