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English 9

Contextual Vocabulary #1 Prologue of Oedipus Rex by Sophocles

Why have you strewn yourself before these altars/In supplication, with your boughs and garlands
(Sophocles 3)?
supplication (

) - _________________________________________________________________________________________________

The breath of incense rises from the city with a sound of prayer and lamentation (Sophocles 3).
lamentation (

) - _________________________________________________________________________________________________

The god of plague and pyre/Raids like detestable lightning through the city (Sophocles 4).
detestable (

) - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Think how all men call you/Liberator for your triumph long ago (Sophocles 5).
liberator (

) - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Once, years ago, with happy augury,/You brought us fortune; be the same again (Sophocles 5)!
augury (

) - _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Each of you suffers in himself alone/His anguish, not anothers (Sophocles 5).
anguish (

) - _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

I have sent Creon,/Son of Menoikeus, brother or the Queen,/To Delphi, Apollos place of revelation,/To
learn there , if he can, (Sophocles 6).
revelation (

) - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

I can tell you, great afflictions/Will turn out well, if they are taken well (Sophocles 7).
affliction (

) - __________________________________________________________________________________________________

What was the oracle? These vague words/Leave me still hanging between hope and fear (Sophocles 7).
oracle (

) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

vague (

) - ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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