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Bailey Smith

To continue my growth in the field of early childhood. I hope to get more comfortable with using the Early Learning Framework as well as putting the information I have learned over the course of the last two years into practice.

June-August 2013
Early Childhood Educator

Headstart Early Learning Centre

Charlottetown PEI

Provide developmentally appropriate activities Watch over children Make sure I kept the space clean Complete the common chores (dishes, laundry, sweeping) Michaels Charlottetown

August 2012-Present

Ring customers through Organize and implement birthday parties, Kids Club and Kids Classes

September 2012 Present Working toward degree
University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown

Holland College


Early Childhood Care and Education

September 2010April 2012 Bachelor Of Arts

Finished 2 years toward a Family Science Degree

Open and welcoming personality Accepting of constructive criticism Ability to follow direction Able to work in a team Ability to solve problems

Carol Ford, Director at Headstart Early Learning Centre
11 Christie Dr. Charlottetown PEI (902)829-5916

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