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To Kill a Mockingbird Test (Chapters 16-30)

Matching Directions: Match the characters with their description. 1. ____ Miss Maudie A. The black woman at church that says that Scout and Jem shouldnt be there. 2. ____ Mrs. Gates 3. ____ Nathan 4. ____ Mr. Avery 5. ____ Lulu 6. ____ Mrs. Dubose 7. ____ Mr. Dolphus 8. ____ Alexandra 9. ____ Jimmy 10. ____ Henry (Francis) B. A grumpy old neighbor that seems to dislike children and snow. C. The aunt that comes to stay with them and is very opinionated. D. The man that is supposedly the town drunk and has mulatto kids. E. The mean old neighbor lady addicted to morphine. F. The annoying cousin that makes every Finch Christmas a nightmare. G. The man who cemented up the knothole in the tree. H. The third grade teacher who is a hypocrite and hates Hitler. I. The neighbor lady who supports Atticus and is like a mom to the kids. J. The annoying uncle who tells scout she is too big for her britches. Name: ____________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Vocabulary Section Directions: Match the vocabulary word with its meaning. ___11. Malevolent ___12. Piety ___13. Mortification ___14. Benevolence ___15. Bewilderment ___16. Prowess ___17. Feeble ___18. Antagonized A. Physically weak from age or sickness, frail B. Inclination to perform charitable acts C. Condition of being confused D. Being treated like an enemy E. Religious devotion and reverence to God F. Having or exhibiting hatred G. A feeling of shame or humiliation H. Superior skill or ability, showing courage

One Sentence Answers/Related to the Vocabulary Section (Answers need to be in a complete sentence)

19. Who was supposedly malevolent in this book? AND WHY? ______________________________________________________________________________ 20. Who, in the neighborhood, did Miss Maudie say was extremely pious? (foot-washing Baptist?) AND WHY? ______________________________________________________________________________ 21. Who did the children consider feeble? WHY? ______________________________________________________________________________ 22. After the trial, who was being antagonized and by whom? ______________________________________________________________________________ 23. Who demonstrated benevolence in this book and how? ______________________________________________________________________________
Multiple Answer Multiple Choice Directions: Please write down the letters that pertain to the many themes we discussed while reading this book. (Make sure you get all the answers or it is wrong) 24. A. Love B. Bravery/Courage F. C. Loneliness Injustice D. Judgment/Persecution

E. Racism and Prejudice

G. Growing up

Directions: Please write down the letters that contain answers to the following question. 25. What items did Jem and Scout find in the knothole outside the Radley House? (Make sure you get all the answers or it is wrong) A. Gum D. A pocket watch G. A spelling bee medal B. Three marbles C. Two soap figures resembling themselves F. Two Indian head pennies I. A note written to them

E. A ball of grey twine

H. An aluminum pocket knife

____________________________________________________________________________________ Keep going You are about halfway through!

Order of Events in the Book (Plot Sequence) Similar to Drag and Drop SAGE questions Directions: Please read the following events and place them in order (Blanks) on the timeline below. 26. Tom is found guilty 27. Mrs. Dubose dies 28. Jem invites Walter to lunch

29. Scout finds gum in the knothole 30. Scout is told she cannot read with Atticus by Ms. Caroline 31. Atticus goes to guard Tom at the Jailhouse 33. Jem cuts down Mrs. Duboses flowers 32. The kids try to see Boo before Dill leaves

34. Tom is shot trying to escape 36. Jem and Scout are attacked going home

35. Scout is in the school play (at the Halloween pageant) 37. Scout finally meets Boo Box # 3.

38. Jem and Scout tell Dill about the legend of Boo Radley 5. 7. 9. 11.

38 35 37 _____________________________________________________________________________________ .

Box # 2.







Fill in the blank CLOZE Word Bank FYI There are more answers than blank (TRICKY)
A. Her B. blacks C. Mayella D. Aunt Alexandra E. Persecution F. Atticus G. Helen Robinson H. Calpurnia I. Democracy J. Perspective K. Spits L. Judge Taylor M. Bob One day in school, Scouts third grade teacher, Miss Gates, lectures the class on the wickedness of Hitlers ____36____ of the Jews and on the virtues of equality and _____37____. Scout listens and then asks Jem how Miss Gates could say that when she was at the trial and told Miss Stephanie that it was about time that someone taught the _____38____ in town a lesson. Jem becomes furious with Scout for bringing up the trial and yells at her to never do it again. By the middle of October, ____39 ___ Ewell gets a job and loses it a few days later. He blames ____40_____. He sees Atticus in the post office, ___41_____ at him and threatens him. Also, in the middle of October, ___42___ is home alone and hears someone prowling around; when he goes to investigate, he finds his screen door open and sees a shadow creeping away. Bob Ewell then begins to follow ____43____ to work, keeping his distance but whispering at her. Link Deas threatens to have Bob arrested. These events begin to worry ____44___, who point out that Ewell seems to have a grudge against everyone involved with the case.

Multiple Choice 45. Why was Calpurnia mad at Jem and Scout, but especially Jem when they snuck into the trial? (Chapter 21)
A. B. C. D. They ran off without letting anyone know Scout heard things she shouldnt They should have known better All of the above

46. What does Aunt Alexandra forbid Scout from doing? And why? (Chapter 23) A. B. C. D. Acting like a boy, because it is not lady like and she needs to become a lady Inviting Walter Cunningham for dinner, because he is trash Calling Mr. Avery fat, because it is rude and unbecoming of a lady Going to the lake, because the boys are teaching each other to swim.

47. What does Dill want to be when he grows up? (Chapter 25)
A. Fireman B. Cop C. Clown D. Lawyer

48. What does Jem order Scout not to kill? (Chapter 25)
A. B. C. D. A bird An ant A roly poly A spider

49. To what does Mr. Underwood compare Tom Robinson? (Chapter 25)
A. B. C. D. A snake A songbird A rat A dove

50. What is Scouts last request before she dies? (Chapter 26)
A. B. C. D. She wants to spend each summer with Dill for the rest of her life. She wants Walter to come to dinner She wants to meet Boo Radley She wants to become a lady

Almost done 51. What was Scout in the Halloween pageant? What did she do wrong? (chapter 27)
A. B. C. D. She was a ham and she beat up Cecil Jacobs She was a ghost and tipped over the drinks on the table She was a ham, fell asleep, and missed her cue She was a bum and asked people for money (said she was Mr. Ewell)

52. Who or what saved Scout in the attack, on the way home? (Chapter 29)
A. B. C. D. Jem stood her up so she could run Bob let her get away because he was too busy with Jem Her costume She kicked the attacker in a sensitive place.

____________________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Please make sure your short answers are 3-5 complete sentences. 53. Why do you believe there are rumors about Boo Radley? What is your final judgment of him and why? Is he a killer? Why was he so important to the story?

54. How are Tom Robinson and The Scottsboro boys stories similar? Why would Harper Lee want to base her story on that famous trial? What could have been her purpose?

55. Which characters (at least 3) could be considered mockingbirds in this book? AND why? (Refer to the quote below to write your short answer essay, IF you want FULL CREDIT)

* Remember Atticus and Miss Maudie said, Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit em, but remember its a sin to kill a mockingbird." That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it. "Your fathers right," she said. "Mockingbirds dont do one thing except make music for us to enjoy. They dont eat up peoples gardens, dont nest in corn cribs, they dont do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird.

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