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I can't reach ideal just as I can't touch horizon. Comparing to ideal ma kes me blind, self-destructive and unhappy.

Comparing to past makes me happy. Su ccess is reaching 1 quantitive description or event and then moving to another. Hapyness is attained by practicing my unique ability. Negative people usually gather up and all they talk about is negative th ings that prevented them from being successful and happy and their brain can't l ook for positive experiences. they look only for negative expereinces and they f eel this is the reason they're unhappy. Unfortunately, this becomes self-fulfill ing prophecy. Start company which has its base on my unique ability. Outsource weaknes ses. Improving them leads to disasters. TRANSFORMING NEGATIVE ENERGY INTO POSITIVE ENERGY: 1 What was happening? What was the expectation?(ex.: people were doing e xercises faster than I and I was lagging behind; johnny is making fun of me;) Lots women I liked were around me. 2 Things that didn't work(list ALL of them): I couldn't force myself to talk to beautiful women; I couldn't run to a woman to approach her; I lost my confidence. 3 If I was going to do this again, this is how I would do it differently ? I would walk up to a woman I like the moment I saw her and say hi! to her. 4 7 things I should do: 1 I hold my eye contact on beautiful woman that attracts me 2 I stand up if I sit 3 I walk up to her 4 If she's busy, I tap her 5 I say hi! to her 6 we talk for 5 minutes 7 then I ask her to go off and take a walk Things either: 1. work or 2. they don't work. Most people, when things d on't work, go on instead of STOPPING and thinking why they don't work. Ex.: pers on fails business and then gives birth to another, successful business. He doesn 't believe if he's told he's successful because of failed business. But in reali ty, he transformed that failure into something good. Banckrupcy- ignoring helpful information or criticism about what can be done to improve perfomance or product. REFERABILITY HABITS 1 show up 15 minutes early 2 do what I said I'll do 3 finish what I start, even if I finish it badly. 4 Always say please when I want something and thank you WHEN that someth ing gets done. 5 Express gratitude 2 MEANINGS OF GRATITUDE 1 waiting for other people's deeds to become grateful 2 initiate gratitude myself (to doctors, policemen, pilo ts, nurses, patarnautojai) all above will make NO sense if I won't commit myself for gratitude. Com mit telling peopple that i'm grateful for them being around, especially closest people. Lack of gratitude destroyed great civilizations, like the roman empire a nd it's true.


DEVELOPMENT Thought-Copycats: Intelectuals Angry Individualists: Critics Optimists- wealthy: jealous Generous Mentors: Make world better.

It is impossible for a book to provide experience. Great thinkers expose teir ideas in a very simple, down to earth manner. 6 billion people CAN'T appreciate me until I do something that affects them in a positive way: *Gifts *Compliments/Advice *Touch *Quality time *Acts of service Giving away knowlege makes me grow. OUTSOURCING STRATEGIES: *Stop doing it if it's not that important. *Find someone else to do it for free. *Trade my UNIQUE ABILITY so that someone else does it. *Use technology. *Hire someone. *Get rid of: "I can do everything myself" mentality. UNIQUE ility. ABILITY GROWTH STRATEGIES: *Give yourself permission to spend time using your Unique Ability. *Talk to as many people as possible about it. Get the word out. *Seek new opportunities and audiences. *Ask others for support, suggestions, and ideas. *Look for the resources you need to grow your Unique Ability. *Put systems in your life that support the development of your Unique Ab

COMPONENTS FOR VALUE COMBINATION: *Providing direction *Providing confidence *Providing creative sollution AUDIENCE- best audiences are Individuals or organizations that both appr eciate and nurture my Unique Ability. It MUST be willing and able to deliver LAR GE REWARDS: Money, Opportunity, Recognition, Relationships, Reputation, Resource s (materials, service, staff), Mastery or Referrals for value I create. The only way to EFFECTIVELY spend LARGE amounts of time in my Unique Abi lity is to partner with others. SHARE MY UNIQUE ABILITY WITH EVERYONE I INTERACT WITH TO GET REFERRALS. I won't get far without help of others- leave behind individualism.. WHERE MY U NIQUE ABILITY IS SEEN IN ACTION AT WORK, SCHOOL OR PERSONAL LIFE? IN WHAT AREA O F LIFE DO I NEED TO LOOK FOR MORE DISTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITIES? Other people are better at spotting DISTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITIES for my unique ability- Pay attenti on to what they say. REWARDS ONLY FLOW RELIABLY TO THOSE WHO FIRST CREATE VALUE FOR OTHERS. When DISTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITY connects well with audience, I get REW ARDS that encourage me to keep developing that oportunity. Face and overcome fea r and guilt. Deep down we feel guilty when we do something we love because we ar

e conditioned to believe that only HARD work brings real rewards. UNIQUE ABILITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN How do I use my Unique Ability to create value? Spot inconsistencies for other people and solve those inconsist encies for them. Who does it create value for now? Me WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN TO MY UNIQUE ABILITY SO I INCREASE THE VALUE I CREA TE WITH IT? Help other people with it, not only myself. Identify and solve inconsistencies for RICH and INFLUENTIAL peop le. How can I reach more people? Internet Marketing OR face-to-face exposure to organisations for referrals. How Can I increase the value I create for my current audiences? Demonstrate my ability How can I reach more people and increase value I create for my current a udiences? Provide a video recording that demonstrates my unique ability What distribution channels have I developed to express my Unique Ability ? How can they be strengthened? NONE. plan- ask about distribution opportunities future friends; use internet;. Are there other ways I can create value with my Unique Ability, perhaps for other audiences? Find a job that uses those abilities; spot infonsistencies in friends lives and help them solve them. What REWARDS do I currently receive? Enjoyment, Optimism, Motivation, Satisfaction, Energy. What rewards would I like to reap in the future to support the ongoing d evelopment of my Unique Ability as well as my quality of life goals? Money, Recognition, Satisfaction, Energy on day-do-day basis- Es tablish online business that would utilize my unique ability 50% of the time. What do I need to do to grow my Unique Ability to the next level? Practice it in business/work activities. How does this fit with the kind of life I'd like to lead? I want to have income, do what I like daily and be happy. This w ould fix my inner issue of low self esteem, give income and allow me to start pi cking up beautiful women. In other words, make me lead and be happy. FEARS AND MISTAKES +Feeling validated- Some people discover unique ability and they stop. t hat's it. they don't use or seek opportunities to DEVELOP their unique ability. -Feeling inspired- gives a very large confidence boost but often makes p eople focus on achievements but not pursuing happyness and focusing all time and effort on unique ability. +Feeling overwhelmed- it's hard to believe for some people that they hav e unique ability. They are used to be in a business all the time without having time to enjoy something. ACTIVITY INVENTORY List all things I do during day. Zoom out and list things I do on scale of: *week *month *year MARK activities as they are:

Unique- create more energy than they use up. When i'm engaged in them, I lose track of time. I could to them all day long and still keep going. Excellent- I meet highest standarts but have NO SENSE OF PASSION for such activities. External benefits this activity provides don't tap into my internal motivations. Competent- Activity seems the same, day after day, which leads t o boredom. I don't feel particularly inspired to get better, and my efforts don' t bring me any kind of growth. There is little or no improvement in my performan ce over time. Incompetent- happy never to do it again. Nothing seems to work. Everything is difficult. Re-Write and Group marked activities into Unique, Excellent, Competetive , Incompetetive grops. Merge similar activities in each group into 1-3 keywords. Delegate/Outsource Competetive and Incompetetive, Ideally- all 3 activit ies except unique ones. This moves ceiling of complexity up. UNIQUE ABILITY FACTORS allow to predict success or failure and prevent frustrati on in a new situation: What triggers my unique ability in audiences, financial situations, rela tionships, teamwork? ENABLING FACTORS unexpected problem; thinking how to condense text into notes DISABLING FACTORS other people's judgment of sullution I come up with OPPPORTUNITY FINDER On a scale of -1 to 5, how much does new opportunity: Does new opportunit y FULLY takes advantage of my talent?: *Use my talents, passion, and expertise? *appreciate me- Do people say thank you? *Reward me- money, status, opportunity, travel, and perks. ? *Expand my unique ability knowlege and expertise? *Refer my Unique Ability- Do people I work with say great things about m e to other people? Compare to a situation where I worked on an opportunity where each crite ria scored 4 or 5, and then the worst project I worked on. ATTRACTING RIGHT PEOPLE * If we were meeting here three years from today, looking back to today, w hat has to have happened for you to feel happy with your progress? . If person tel ls what he wants, he seeks new experiences and will be a good partner. If he doe sn't want to answer, he oesn't trust me. If he says I don't know, he is past-bas ed and is afraid of changes. Knowing Goal and Vision will attract right people. Know How(email, in-pe rson, call) and How Often people like to be informed. Lack of communitation abou t progress towards Goal and Vision will disengage team. Share my unique ability. Get rid of people who aren't interested in find ing out THEIR unique ability. Assign tasks by listing all activities and identify person to do each ta sk who radiates energy and enjoys that activoty. Anyone else will clog the pipes . UNIQUE ABILITY AWARENESS Only way to move from time & effort Mindset towards Results Orientation is manufacturing self-responsibility. Self-responsibility is giving value withou t any hope of getting something in return AND taking risks to move towards growt h and independance. Security is the price I have to pay for self-responsibility. Each risk I take gives me more rights and less security. Fear is natural part o

f doing something new that I don't understand. Whenever I experienced fear and o vercame it, it ALWAYS produced a boost of confidence, results and independance. TIME MMANAGEMENT DAYS *Buffer- aranging, prioritising and scheduling tasks, things and time so Focus day is 1 continual task without interruptions. *Rejuvenation- Getting myself out of ordinary patterns of habits, like h elping someone in an unexpected way *Focus- Concentration, Risk taking, Creativity and Thinking on 3 MOST IM PORTANT activities that produce best results. When I start to run out of energy, take Free days. Usual week is B-F-B-F-B-R-R. GOOD COMPANY Talks about future and results it wants to achieve Has Enthusiastic Receptionist Allows to have more free time in exchange for good perfomance Devote myself ONLY if organisation can provide those ^ 3 things WHAT'S WRONG IN MY LIFE? 1. Write two items that WORK and 2 items that DON'T WORK for each area: SIMPLICITY (too much paperwork at work and home or work.) WORKING I don't seriously study unless i know it's the best mate rial; I do what I read about to learn. NOT WORKING I have too much scattered files; I can't choose area of focus for learning. BALANCE (not getting enough sleep; too many meetings) WORKING I have superb routine; I eat healthy; NOT WORKING striving to perfect every area of life, this leads to to o many tasks; constant downloading of collections of files which i'm not going to read completely anyway. FOCUS (too many buffer days, to many interruptions, overwhelmed by parti cular project.) WORKING conentration exercise to avoid distractions; writing a plan for goal achievemeng; NOT WORKING I constantly multitask between little activities instea d of nailing down most important ones- finding out what my unique ability is and starting online business; releasing tension of not focusing to find out unique ab ility, vietoi to malu suda. CONFIDENCE (not meeting my financial goals; key team member leaving; Blo od pressure too high) WORK nenusileidziu kitiems zmonems; healthy lifestyle; NOT WORKING no income; no friends. 2. What are the best opportunities for my two personal and two business investments? (Opportunity is new, better and different.) BEST PERSONAL INVESTMENTS-

get 5 deliciuos ulcer friendly recipes (2/5) ; don't download anything that's not on the current step o f my commitment that i'll dig into NOW. BEST FINANCIAL INVESTMENTSCOMPLETE study plan.

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