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now about de sources he not as familiar with, bein more intrested in his machines and gizmos.

Franklyns smile, for the first time, seemed icy. Madame Delacroix is being modest. She is, you may already know, one of our countrys foremost experts on Remote Physio-Apparition. Do you know what that is, James? James didnt have the slightest idea, and yet something about the milky gaze of Madame Delacroix made him reluctant to say so. Franklyn was watching him earnestly, expecting a response. Finally, James shook his head. Before Franklyn could explain, however, Harry spoke up. It just means that the Madame has, lets say, different means of getting around. Different means is one way to put it, Franklyn chuckled. James felt uneasy, hearing that chuckle. There was something nasty in it. He noticed that Franklyn was emptying what was likely his third glass of wine. Think about it, James. Remote Physio-Apparition. Can you factor it out? It means that poor old blind Madame Delacroix can project herself, send a version of herself out into the wide world, collect things, and even bring them back. And the beauty of it is, the version of herself she can project isnt poor or old or blind. Isnt that right, Madame?

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