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Tuyan City of Naga Cebu 6037 489-6912

February 16, 2014 Dear Mom, How are you? I just want you to know that I already processed your account for Philippine National Bank (PNB). Regarding with my subject assembly programming I already downloaded the assembler for it. I made a backup of my files in my external hard drive. Just to make sure it wont be gone. We will have an exam tomorrow about number system like octal, binary, decimal, and hexadecimal. The binary number system represents numeric values using two symbols: typically 0 and 1. I already fixed the CD-ROM of your Personal Computer. I also added a browser on it called Mozilla Firefox. My instructor in programming subject, says that a program is a process, its never finished, its always evolving. Theres a program also theres a bug. No matter what code you are coding. I hope you will help me buy a new computer this coming march. I wanted to use the latest CPU of Intel. For faster performance and multitasking. I already download a new Plugin for my database system and edit some of it. I already send your email address to the Internet Service Provider for our application about fiber optics connection. My dream job is work on Apple Inc. I wanted to built the software and hardware in my own. I have a file missing in my computer, just wondering if you had deleted it. I needed it to my html and php website. My website ip address is same with my LAN connection. I forget to tell you that I needed keyboard, monitor, mouse for my old computer. I will install two operating system on it using VMware. The Windows and Linux operating system.

Sincerely yours, Charls Brian A. Dela Cruz

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