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2.1.1 Electric fields [QB]Questions 1 2 3 What is the force on an electron in an electric field of 300#V#m1?

What is the strength of an electric field that ill !ut a force of 1.2" #mult$ 101%#& on a !roton? 'o much acceleration ill an al!ha !article undergo hilst in an electric field of 10#(V#m1?

4 )n the electron *eam of a cathode ra+ oscillosco!e, electrons are accelerated through a !otential difference of 3000#V hich is set u! *et een electrodes hich are 3#cm a!art. a b c d [2QB] [34] 5ns ers 16 7." 0 10819 & 26 "000 V m81 36 7." 0 1011m s82 76a6 1 0 10% V m81 c6 <3000 V -alculate the electric field strength *et een these electrodes, assuming it is a uniform field. 'o fast ill the electrons *e hen the+ emerge from this field? /ra a !icture to illustrate the field !roduced *+ these !lates. /escri*e and e0!lain ho the field1s effects ould *e different if a !roton ere !laced in it.

*6 1.:2 0 109 m s81 0V

d6 5cceleration is in the o!!osite direction *ecause the !roton1s charge is the o!!osite sign to an electron; and the acceleration is less as the !roton mass is greater than an electron1s.

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