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Pepolino Charlotte had fired her Creative Director for once again forgetting to book the room for

a photo-shoot. It had been a long, hard day, and all she wanted was a really good meal. She stepped inside Pepolino, the quaint Italian restaurant located across the street from Composure headquarters, and for once she felt comfortable. She sat down at a table-for-one and let herself be wrapped in the warmth of the restaurant. She was surrounded by couples in love, but that didnt bother her. Charlotte didnt need a boyfriend. She needed a new Creative Director. Thats when Dalton entered the restaurant. He had a presence that demanded the attention of everyone in the roomor at least of Charlotte. Charming and handsome with dark green eyes and a nice jawlinehe looked like the kind of guy who could sweet-talk his way into anything. It wasnt long before Dalton noticed Charlotte staring at him. Charlottes face flushed red with embarrassment and she craned her neck like she had been searching out the window behind him. He chuckled to himself as he removed his jacket. The hostess asked him something and he hesitated before pointing to Charlottes table. Charlottes eyebrows crinkled and she looked behind her. The hostess stepped aside and Dalton approached the overworked editors table-for-one. Charlottes eyes were wide in disbelief as she watched him take a seat across from her. Hi, he said coolly. He raised a hand at one of the waiters to indicate he needed a place setting. Charlotte waited a moment before answering. Hi.


Ive never seen you in here before. Im Dalton. Dalton offered his hand across the table. Charlotte hesitated but shook it. Im Charlotte. The waiter arrived with a new place setting. Thank you so much, Dalton cooed as he perused the menu. So whatll it be, Char? Charlotte, she corrected. Dalton raised an eyebrow from behind the menu. Penne arrabbiata it is. Not a half hour had passed before Charlotte was staring down at a steaming bowl of spicy Italian pasta. She glanced at Dalton before spearing a few penne with her fork and lifting them to her lips. The dish was, unfortunately, the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. Dalton bought Charlotte dinner, dessert, and several glasses of wine. With every passing minute, Charlottes protests sounded less and less genuine. In fact, Antonio, the owner of the restaurant, thought the two were such an endearing spectacle that he sent them home with a photo free of charge. Charlotte couldnt remember what had happened at the office that day or why she cared. She had been so stressed out lately that she had forgotten what laughter and fun felt like. And here was Dalton to remind her. One month later, Charlotte watched Dalton stalk his prey all the way to the copy room. He was so sickeningly cool. Terri accidentally dropped a couple of papers on her way, shamelessly prolonging the charade. Who is she trying to fool? Charlotte thought. ! #!

There was only one man in this office for whom women lingered in the copy room. Actually, there was only one man in this office, period. Charlotte suspected this great ratio gap could be the only plausible reason a man as straight as Dalton would want to be Creative Director at Composure: the top magazine for women. She hated herself for hiring him. She had fallen under his spellonly for a few hoursand here she was, one year later, watching Dalton follow Terri to the copy room when he was already ten minutes late for this mornings meeting. Still, as much as Charlotte hated it, he was the best Creative Director the magazine had ever seen. She swore, however, that she would never again allow herself to be captured under Daltons deceptive smolder. Charlotte was in her office reviewing a Sexy Vs. Skanky column when a loud knock on her door broke her concentration. Yes, come in! Dalton stepped into the office. Charlotte stifled a groan and plastered a smile. Dalton, Charlotte glanced briefly at Dalton. He was wearing dark jeans and a clean, white dress shirt. He almost looked innocent, but the dark stubble growing around his chin gave him an edge. Charlotte fixed her gaze back on the column. What can I do for you? Dalton smiled back at Charlotte and took his time closing the door. He twirled a folder around in his hands as he slowly approached her desk. I wanted to apologize for my absence at proofing this morning. Charlotte nodded, keeping her focus on the papers strewn across her desk. ! $!

I know how valuable my creative input is at those meetings. This was a line Dalton had repeated and perfected. We were discussing the possibility of an editorial in the Relationship section for next months issue. Charlotte looked up to meet Daltons gaze. Your creative input is required at those meetings. Dalton nodded once, maintaining full eye contact with Charlotte. He snatched an empty silver picture frame off her desk and examined it. Still no picture in this. Charlotte plopped her pen down and pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. I havent gotten around to it. Dalton laughed. I never meant for you to have an empty picture frame staring you in the face. As we discussed, I didnt think it would be appropriate Dalton rolled his eyes. And, Char, as we discussed Charlotte. You cant hurt my feelings, Char. You think Im curling up in bed and reading How to Move On From a Bad Breakup like the saps who read this magazine? Shhhhhh! Charlotte hissed and looked anxiously at the door. Someone could hear you. Dalton ignored Charlotte and continued. But let me tell ya, the shoot for that could make a guys week. Almost as good as Bedroom Blog. ! %!

Charlotte swallowed hard. She opened her mouth to tell Dalton he was fired and would never woo another model during a Bedroom Blog shoot ever again when her cell phone rang. Charlotte recoiled and reached to answer it when Dalton placed his hand on top of hers. Dalton leaned in toward Charlotte. He smelled like sharp pine and lemon. I never thought you would have nothing to replace our picture, Char. Dalton set the frame back on the desk and exited quietly through the office doors. The phones fourth ring broke Charlotte out of her trance. Hi! Her voice cracked slightly. I was just about to call you. Charlottes brow furrowed. She stood and paced slow circles around her office. Men are idiots, Megan. Think about Dad. Theyre all the same. They never grow up and take responsibility. But you can. Speaking of taking responsibility A mans voice. Charlotte jumped. Dalton stood in her doorway with a sly smirk on his face. Damn it! Meg, Im going to have to call you back. Charlotte hung up and turned to face Dalton. What the hell do you think youre doing? Have you been listening to my entire conversation? You know what, dont answer that. Im calling security. Youre as good as fired. She made her way toward the phone on her desk. Dalton laughed. He stood propped against the door with his hands in his pockets, making no attempt to stop Charlotte. ! &!

So I guess thats a no. No to what? Charlotte was dialing the number for security. The Body Language Decoder. Charlotte froze and looked at Dalton. They had never done an editorial on body language. Why had they never done an editorial on body language? It seemed so obvious now. Charlotte let out a breath through her nose and placed the phone back on the desk. Before we do anything, youll need to be briefed on the minutes of the meeting you so conveniently missed. Dalton walked slowly toward where Charlotte was standing at her desk. He moved so smoothly through space. Charlotte caught herself wishing she could operate with that same ease. The only thing separating Dalton and Charlotte now was the desk itself. Will you brief me? Daltons lips curled into a smile. Thats Hollys job. You know that. I dont want Holly. Jesus. I dont want Jesus.


Charlotte took a deep breath in. She looked out the window at the half-naked ab man. He was an advertisement for Abercrombie & Fitch. Charlottes office on the 15th floor looked straight onto his perfectly chiseled stomach. The thought that Dalton was paid to hire and handle female versions of the half-naked ab man made what would otherwise be a flawless view a constant, disturbing reminder. Charlotte refocused on Dalton, who was writing something on a sticky note. I look forward to getting started on this. Dalton handed Charlotte the sticky note. Have a good evening. He turned and left the office before Charlotte had time to protest. Charlotte looked at the sticky note: Friday, eight oclock. See you soon, Char. She actually laughed at the mans persistence. The rational part of her brain told her not to go. Dalton was a fool if he thought she would fall for another polished trick. The irrational side of her brain, however, planted a seed of hope in her heart. What if Dalton isnt over you, and this is his way of apologizing? the irrational side argued. So hes not a saint. Who is? So hes irrational. Love is irrational. Charlotte rubbed her forehead and checked the time. She stayed late at the office every night. After all the employees had gone home or out on the town, Charlotte would pour herself a glass of wine and respond to reader complaints. Every now and then she would come up for air and stand by the window, observing the bustling city below her. Times Square was ablaze with light and color and excitement. Charlotte could always spot the locals; they were focused and didnt look up. It was the tourists she enjoyed watching. Some bulldozed over each other, as though the sights would disappear if someone else got there first. Others looked around helplessly, almost walking in circles, ! (!

too awestruck to maintain any sense of direction. Her favorite tourists were the most rare: those who had planned ahead and knew what they were doing but still indulged in the fantasy of the city surrounding them. Charlotte focused on a young couple, mid twenties. They wore trench coats with jeans and knitted gloves. They werewhats the word? Cute. And they had their whole lives ahead of them. The boy looked nice. He had an All-American vibe with his arm securely latched around his girl. Charlotte would never admit this to anyone, but she believed in him. She believed he would be good to the carefree girl at his side. She believed he would grow up and be responsible. He would do it for all the men who couldnt. Of course, Charlotte thought. Of course they have to go in there. The cute young couple entered Pepolino. Charlotte leaned her head against the cool, thick glass. From what she could see, Pepolino looked just as inviting now as it did a year ago that night. The rich smell of pasta and wood-oven pizza wafted into the crisp New York air. The orange glow of the smallish restaurant amidst the blue and black skyscrapers made Pepolino look like an island of warmth in a sea of coldness. Charlotte thought back to the events of that month. She had felt like a dewy-eyed schoolgirl, getting all worked up over some guy she barely knew. When Dalton came into Composure headquarters to interview for Creative Director, Charlotte held firm in her stance against mixing work with romance. As much as she hated it, Charlotte knew she was falling for Dalton. He had shown her its okay to enjoy life, and she didnt want that ! )!

to end by turning him into an employee. But Dalton was nothing if not persistent. He came into the office every week, each time with a new and more compelling reason to hire him. By the fourth week, Charlotte said screw it to her attitude against office romance. She burst through the doors of her office to congratulate Dalton on his new position as Creative Director and found him in a new position with her petite blonde secretary. Then Charlotte did what she would forever regret: she swallowed her pride and gave Dalton the job. Friday night came fast. The smell of butter and warmth wafted toward Charlotte from the stove. She couldnt stop fidgeting. She had no idea what to do with her hands. The aroma of home-cooked food comforted her. She realized this feeling of coziness reminded her of Pepolino, of penne arrabiata and the coy kiss on the cheek Dalton gave her that night. She giggled at the memory of Daltons attempt at ice skating in Central Park the following week. Showing off his ability to skate backwards, he crashed into a foam snowman and took a clump of preteen girls down in the process. You didnt have to go to all this trouble, Charlotte said as calmly as she could. Dalton was in constant motion, alternating between the stove, the oven, and the sink. He stirred the hollandaise sauce and checked on the lamb chops. Well, after you took the time to come all the way down here, its the least I can do.


Charlotte moved closer to Dalton. I brought a copy of the minutes from the meeting you missed. I thought we could go over Taste this. Dalton appeared with a spoonful of hollandaise in front of Charlottes lips. The rich and creamy smell of the sauce mixed with Daltons earthy pine scent. Charlotte wasnt sure if the smell was enticing or nauseating. Go on. Youll love it. Charlotte sipped the hollandaise out of the spoon. It was too rich, too buttery. Charlotte looked at Dalton and suddenly all she could see was his hand running through her secretarys blonde curls. A wave of nausea rushed over her. She turned and headed for the door. Dalton followed her through the living room. Charlotte? Are you all right? Charlotte turned to face Dalton. What do you think Dalton? How am I supposed to handle something like this? What would you do if you were me? Wait, dont answer that. Charlottes hands hung at her sides. I dont know if I can keep this up. Daltons eyebrows crinkled. Keep what up? Charlotte hesitated for a moment. Why do you never come to any meetings, Dalton? Dalton rubbed his forehead. Is this really about the meetings, Charlotte? Charlotte winced. Yes and no. Honestly, Im mad at myself. I should never have hired you.


Dalton snorted. Ouch! You dont mean that. I do. Charlotte glanced at the spoon in Daltons hand. Im sorry, Dalton, but I dont think this is going to work out. She opened the door and disappeared into the cold New York air. The next day at the office was a blur of phone calls and emails. Charlottes head was spinning with a million different thoughts. She had ninety-nine problems and ninetyeight of them were Dalton. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that life was about to get a lot easier. She was going to fire Dalton today. Right now. Charlotte marched across the hall toward Daltons office. She didnt make eye contact with anyone; nothing could distract her from her mission. She peered through the glass doors of Daltons office. He was kicked back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk. He turned the page of the latest shoot while lazily twirling a pen in his hand. Charlotte knocked on the glass. Dalton smiled and motioned for her to come in. Bedroom Blog? Charlotte asked. Dalton smirked. Howd you guess? Charlotte swallowed hard. She was going to put an end to this madness here and now. No more games. You know you missed another meeting this morning? Dalton opened his mouth to speak but Charlotte cut him off. No more excuses, Dalton. This is the last straw. Dalton nodded and stood from his chair. What was the first straw? He didnt look worried. ! ""!

Oh, there are plenty of straws! Dalton lifted up both his hands as if to say Such as Charlotte was at her wits end. There are plenty of two-legged, nice-smelling strawsotherwise known as my employeesthat you choose to treat as your personal pieces of meat! Besides the fact that its disgusting and dehumanizing, it tears the structure of my workplace to shambles. And why, why do you never come to any meetings? As Charlotte worked herself into a tizzy, Dalton slowly closed in on her. I do make it to some meetings. Oh right, just in time to put me on the spot and tell everyone Ive got some brilliant solution to the space problem on the Five Day Fitness spread. Dalton, grinning, was inches from Charlotte. Or how about that email incident? Because I think we both know Dalton kissed Charlotte. He was, unfortunately, the most delicious thing she had ever tasted.


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