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Green Peas Renedy

Colourful and spicy.

For the green peas mixture 4 teacups green peas 5 green chillies, finely chopped 2 pinches soda bi-carb juice of 2 lemons 1 1/2 teaspoons (appro .! sugar " teaspoons oil salt to taste For the paneer balls 15# grams grated paneer 1/4 teaspoon green chillies 1 le$el teaspoon cornflour salt to taste For the potato puris 5 potatoes, boiled and mashed 4 green chillies, finely chopped 1/4 teaspoon turmeric po%der 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar salt to taste " teaspoons oil For cooking 1 le$el teacup plain flour (maida! bread crumbs oil for deep frying For serving tomato sauce For the green peas mixture &ash the green peas %ith the green chillies. 'eat the oil, add the green peas mi ture, soda bi-carb, lemon juice, sugar and salt and coo( for 2 minutes. Cool. For the paneer balls &ash the paneer %ith the green chillies, cornflour and salt. )hape into small round balls. For the potato puris &ash the potatoes %ith the green chillies. *dd the turmeric po%der, sugar and salt and mi %ell. 'eat the oil, add the potato mi ture and coo( for 1 minute. Cool. +i$ide the mi ture into , portions. -oll out each portion into a thin round of about 1## mm. diameter. How to proceed .ut a paneer ball in each potato round and fold to co$er the paneer ball completely. Co$er the paneer potato puri balls %ith the green peas mi ture. .ress $ery %ell. &i the flour in 1 1/2 teacups of %ater. +ip the balls in this mi ture. -oll into bread crumbs and deep fry in hot oil. Cut each balls into t%o and ser$e hot %ith tomato sauce.

1. 2. ". 1. 2. 1. 2. ". 4. 1. 2. ". 4.

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