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Green Rice

Long grain rice with green chilli, mint and coriander cooked in coconut milk. A perfect accomplaniment for fiery Thai curry.

Ingredients 2 cups Basmati rice, soaked for 1 hour 4 cups Coconut ilk 1 !ay leaf 4 ta!lespoons chopped coriander 4 ta!lespoons fresh mint, chopped 4 green chillies, finely chopped 2 ta!lespoons oil 1 teaspoon salt For the garnish lemon wedges Method "ash and drain the rice. #eat the oil in a pan, add the rice and fry for 4 to $ minutes. Add the coconut milk, !ay leaf and salt and cook on a show flame with the lid on till all the li&uid is a!sor!ed. Lower the heat as much as possi!le, co'er the pan lightly and cook for 1( minutes more. )emo'e the !ay leaf. *tir in the coriander, mint and green chillies. *er'e hot garnished with lemon wedges.

1. 2. %. 4. $. +.

Handy tip(s) : 1. It is important to cook the rice on low heat as a high flame could cause the rice to stick to the bottom of the pan.

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