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60 seconds of meditation a day - Neale Donald Walsch

In every breath, assess your life. Every breath indicates that you are alive. There is still hope, even in the orst of situations. There is li!ht, there is dar"ness but by any party. Well, you live and breathe. When you concinnities your value every second, every moment of your life, it ill seem as if every second you ill in millions. #ou ill learn to appreciate the rain that falls, alon! ith the sun shinin!. $nd live much, much better. $s you converse ith your friends, tal" to the soul that is you and hidin! in your body. Tal" to you every day. Tal" to yourself in your ne challen!es and your purpose in life. Discuss your values and tal" about relationships. Every day, ta"e time to harmoni%e your inner self. To the e&tent that you are in tune in, you'll be naturally in harmony e&ternally. It's a matter of simply consider yourself the soul and not the body. The soul, subtle and spiritual, but that is the livin! and real part.
60 seconds of meditation - Neale Donald Walsch



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