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Criterion Referenced Data from Telling Time Summative Assessment

Objective Objective 1: TLW tell and write time in hours using an analog clock. Type of Data Quantitative Achievement Data Data Collected 21/25 students met the objective. 84% of the class has met this objective. Hypothesis Some students may still have the hour hand and the minute hand confused? Action Plan Take those students in a small group and work on distinguishing between the hour and minute hand. Possibly find a rhyme or picture to help them remember. Have a whole group lesson focusing on halfhour hand placement on an analog clock.

Objective 2: TLW tell and write time in half-hours using an analog clock.

Quantitative Achievement Data

15/25 students met the objective. Only 60% of students met this objective.

Objective 3: TLW tell and write time in hours using a digital clock.

Quantitative Achievement Data

15/25 students met the objective. Only 60% of students met this objective.

Students are struggling to decide where the hour hand is placed when reading and writing halfhours. Students may be struggling with transferring from an analog clock to a digital clock.

Objective 4: TLW tell and write time in half-hours using a digital clock.

Quantitative Achievement Data

19/25 students met the objective. Only 76% of students met this objective.

Students may be struggling with transferring from an analog clock to a digital clock.

Create a graphic representation of the difference between an analog clock and a digital clock and how they are similar. Create a graphic representation of the difference between an analog clock and a digital clock and how they are similar.

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