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Framers, Assemble!

The Framers, having been doused with a biochemical hazardous material, are the newest superheroes taking America by storm. They fight for the people and avenge any one whose rights have been taken away! The Constitution is one of, but not their only, superpowers. n groups you will each create a superhero based on one of the Framers of the Constitution. !ach superhero, being based on a real person, will have a short biography of his "ob as a Framer, a super power that matches his character, a superhero name, and a costume. #nce you have your character$s biography you will begin to write the script for your episode. !ach episode should be %&'( minutes in length and include an introduction to a scene, a problem that needs to be solved, and a resolution to the problem. )ou also need to rewrite the lyrics to the Avengers Theme *ong and record your group singing the song to use in the opening and closing credits. These problems should revolve around any of the +% Amendments. The process is as follows, '- .eet in your groups and choose a different Framer +- Complete your Framer research worksheet /- Complete your superhero character sketch 0- 1rainstorm an episode idea 2- Complete a storyboard 3outline of the scenes4- 5rite a script %- Assign roles 6- .emorize lines 7- Assemble props and locations '(-Film ''-!dit '+-8ublish '/- 9eflect To me you will submit individually, '- )our Framer$s research 3typed+- )our Framer$s character sketch worksheet 3typed/- )our Framer$s biography in paragraph form / paragraphs 3typeda. 5ho was this person i. 5hich state did he represent ii. 5hat position in the state did he hold iii. 5hat did he believe the government should do iv. 5hat did he do at the convention 3speeches, took notes, helped write, etcv. nclude famous :uotes about the Constitution from this person b. 8aragraph ' i. ntroduction to the Framer$s background 3state, position in government, "obs, educationc. 8aragraph + i. Framer$s role in the convention 3beliefs about government, actions taken by the Framerd. 8aragraph / i. !nd with the :uote and e;planation of its significance

0- 9eflection <uestions answers about the superhero you created 3typeda. 5hy did you choose this Framer= b. 5hy did you give this Framer these specific powers>abilities>personalities= c. 5hy did you choose that specific amendment to protect= As a group you will submit, '- )our episode brainstorming worksheet 3handwritten+- 9oles for each member of your group 3script writing, costume, director, recorder, editor, etc- ? you will all have to share duties /- A group work schedule on calendar with group signatures that you will complete your assigned role 0- )our storyboard 3handwritten2- )our script with details 3typed4- A disc with your episode

9ubrics, *toryboard Assessment Category 0 Clarity @ *toryboard is easy Aeatness to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or drawn. Content All content is detailed and relates to topic. 5orked cooperatively all the time with no need for adult intervention.

/ *toryboard is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or drawn. .ost content is detailed and relates to topic. 5orked cooperatively most of time but had a few problems that the team resolved themselves. / !pisode is interesting but purpose is somewhat unclear. .ost students showed knowledge of content. !pisode relates to the main topic, but strays once or twice, and provides '& + supporting details and>or e;amples. *ome students wore costumes and the group used some props.

+ *toryboard is hard to read with rough drawings and labels. *ome content is detailed and relates to topic. 5orked cooperatively most of the time, but had one problem that re:uired adult intervention. + !pisode is not very interesting and purpose is somewhat unclear. *ome students showed knowledge of content. !pisode relates to the main topic, but strays fre:uently, and has no details and>or e;amples. *tudents wore no costumes, but the group used some props.

' *toryboard is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where.

Bery little content is detailed and relates to topic. 5orked cooperatively some of the time, but had several problems that re:uired adult intervention.


!pisode Assessment Category 0 nterest @ !pisode has a 8urpose clear and interesting purpose. Cnowledge All students showed e;cellent knowledge of content. !pisode stays on sub"ect, clearly relates to the main topic, and includes several supporting details and>or e;amples. All students wore costumes and the group used some props.

' !pisode is not interesting and has no discernable purpose. .ost students displayed little knowledge of content. !pisode has little or nothing to do with the main topic.


Costume @ 8rops

Ao costumes and no props were used.

Theme *ong Bideograph y

*ong creative and clearly connected to purpose of episode. .any different camera angles, sound effects, and>or careful use of zoom provided variety in the video.

*ong connected to purpose of episode. /&0 different camera angles, sound effects, and>or careful use of zoom provided variety in the video.

*ong hints at purpose of episode. Few different camera angles, sound effects, and>or careful use of zoom provided variety in the video.

*ong not connected to purpose of episode. Dittle attempt was made to provide variety in the video.

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