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Title Eight - CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS Chapter One Destruction of Life Article 246. Parricide Article 247.

. Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional circu stances Article 24!. "urder. Article 24#. $o icide Article 2%&. Penalty for frustrated parricide' urder or ho icide Article. 2%(. Death caused in a tu ultuous affray. Article. 2%2. Physical injuries inflicted in a tu ultuous affray Article 2%). *i+in, assistance to suicide Article 2%4. Dischar,e of firear s Article 2%%. -nfanticide Article 2%6. -ntentional a.ortion. Article 2%7. /nintentional a.ortion Article 2%!. A.ortion practiced .y the 0o an herself of .y her parents. Article 2%#. A.ortion practiced .y a physician or id0ife and dispensin, of a.orti+es Art. 26&. 1esponsi.ility of participants in a duel. Art. 26(. Challen,in, to a duel Chapter 20o Physical -njuries Article 262. "utilation Article 26). 3erious physical injuries Article 264. Ad inisterin, injurious su.stances or .e+era,es Article 26%. Less serious physical injuries Article 266. 3li,ht physical injuries and altreat ent 4 1A !&4# 5$a6in, La07 1A !)%) Article 2668A. 1ape9 :hen And $o0 Co Article 2668;. Penalties Article 2668C. <ffect of Pardon Article 2668D. Presu ptions 4 1A #262 5Anti =A:C7 itted

descendants' or his spouse' shall .e ,uilty of parricide and shall .e punished .y the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death. ELEMENTS: (. person is killed 2. deceased killed ! the acc"sed 3. deceased is the@ a. #ather .. $other :hether le,iti ateFille,iti ate c. child should not .e less than ) days old .ecause if so' ,uilty of infanticide d. Legiti$ate other ascendant e. Legiti$ate other descendant f. Legiti$ate spo"se .est proof@ arria,e certificate or testi ony of the accused that he is arried to the deceased Essential ele$ent@ relationship of the offender 0ith the +icti 9 only relati+es .y .lood and in direct line' except spouse>thus' adopted AO2 includedB Aote@ Accordin, to sir' an adopted child is considered a le,iti ate child so p0ede. $o0e+er' the parents of the adopter is not included since accordin, to fa ily la0' the relationship is exclusi+e .et0een the adopter and adopted.

relationship M%ST e ALLEGE&B -f not' then' cannot .e con+icted of

parricide .ut only of urder and relationship 0ill .e considered only as an a,,ra+atin, circu stance. there is parricide throu,h rec?less i prudence if accused had no intent to ?ill anyone. parricide .y ista?e 0hen accused not ?no0 the relationship of the person he ?illed. CD la0 does not reEuire ?no0led,e of relationship .et0een the lia.ility of stran,er 0ho cooperates@ ,uilty of ho icideF urder

Chapter One Destruction Of Life 3ection One. > Parricide' urder' ho icide

Article 246. Parricide. > Any person 0ho shall ?ill his father' other' or child' 0hether le,iti ate or ille,iti ate' or any of his ascendants' or

Cases@ People 's( )"$a*an ++, SCRA -./ 0Septe$ er 1.2 +/314 5acts@ Presentacion 0anted to secure the si,nature of 1odolfo on a docu ent a,reein, to a separation fro his 0ife so that they can .oth re arry. 1odolfo did not si,n. At #@)& p ' a 0itness sa0 the accused, the +icti in a slau,hterhouse. At ((p ' another 0itness sa0 the +icti .ein, dra,,ed .y the accused. :hen 1odolfo did not return ho e' other 52rinidad7 loo?ed for hi and found hi dead near the 0ater. R"ling:

Presentacion should ha+e .een accused of parricide .ut as it is9 her relationship of the deceased is not alle,ed in the infor ation. 3he li?e the others can .e con+icted of urder only Eualified .y a.use of superior stren,th. Althou,h not alle,ed in the infor ation' relationship as an a,,ra+atin, circu stance should .e assi,ned a,ainst the appellants. &octrine: 1elationship should .e alle,ed in the infor ation for the accused to .e con+icted of parricide. People 's( To$otorgo +., SCRA 1.3 0April .62 +/374 5acts@ Gai e ,ot ad .ecause his 0ife' "a,dalena tried to lea+e hi ' so he pic?ed up a piece of 0ood and started hittin, his 0ife until she fell to the ,round co plainin, of se+ere pain on her chest. 3he died. Gai e then dresses his 0ife and reported the incident to ;aran,ay Captain and surrendered and he .rou,ht the piece of 0ood 0hich he used in .eatin, his 0ife. Gai e 0as then char,ed 0ith the cri e of Parricide. R"ling@ 1eliance of Art. 26), ,raduated penalties for the correspondin, physical injuries co itted is entirely isplaced and irrele+ant considerin, that in this case' the +icti died +ery soon after she 0as assaulted. 2he fact that Gai e only intended to altreat "a,dalena does not exe pt hi fro lia.ility for resultin, and ore serious cri e co itted. &octrine@ -t is not physical injuries 0hen the +icti after0ards. dies i ediately

b. parent 5 ay .e le,itFille,it7 o# "nder +3 !r( old single

da"ghter li'ing *ith hi$

0ho s"rprises his spo"se 0in #lagrant ad"lter!4 9da"ghter in the act

o# co$$itting se:"al interco"rse *ith another person HsurpriseI8to co e upon suddenly and unexpectedly does not apply if accused did not see the act of co ittin, sexual intercourse' thus' AO2 applica.le if sa0 only sleepin, to,ether or after the act. ;%T it is eno"gh that the circ"$stances sho* reasona l! that the carnal act is eing co$$itted or has <"st een co$$itted( there ust .e sexual intercourse and so it does AO2 include preparatory acts. D-33<A2@ 5Gustice Laurel7 no need for actual sexual intercourse.

2. acc"sed@ a. kills an! or oth or

( In#licts an! serio"s ph!sical in<"ries -n the act or i ediately thereafter necessary that ?illed or inflicted the 0ounds 0hile they 0ere in the act of sexual intercourse or if a.le to run a0ay' i ediately after surprisin, the in the act of sexual intercourse. disco'er!2 escape2 p"rs"it and the killing $"st all #or$ part o# one contin"o"s act

3. acc"sed did not pro$ote or #acilitate the prostitution of his

0ifeFdau,hter or not consented to the in#idelit! of the other spouse Aote@ Apparently this article is not .ased on any oral consideration .ut ore of the concept of o0nership. As in' you o0n your spouseFdau,hter' therefore no one else can HuseI the 0ithout your per ission.

Article 247. Death or physical injuries inflicted under exceptional circumstances. > Any le,ally arried person 0ho ha+in, surprised his spouse in the act of co ittin, sexual intercourse 0ith another person' shall ?ill any of the or .oth of the in the act or i ediately thereafter' or shall inflict upon the any serious physical injury' shall suffer the penalty of destierro. -f he shall inflict upon the physical injuries of any other ?ind' he shall .e exe pt fro punish ent. 2hese rules shall .e applica.le' under the sa e circu stances' to parents 0ith respect to their dau,hters under ei,hteen years of a,e' and their seducer' 0hile the dau,hters are li+in, 0ith their parents. Any person 0ho shall pro ote or facilitate the prostitution of his 0ife or dau,hter' or shall other0ise ha+e consented to the infidelity of the other spouse shall not .e entitled to the .enefits of this article. RE8%ISITES 5OR APPLICATION: 1. that acc"sed is@ a( legall! $arried person

this article does not de#ine or penali=e a #elon!> 2hus' the reEuisites ust .e esta.lished .y the e+idence of the defense
so as .e to punished only of destierro accused cannot enter into a conditional plea of ,uilty and .e sentenced 0ith destierro since accused 0ill .e char,ed 0ith paricideFho icide or serious physical injuries.

killing $"st e the direct !-prod"ct o# the acc"sed?s rage9 actually

oti+ated .y .lind i pulse and not .e influences .y so e external factor. reason of the ?illin, ust .e@ for ha+in, surprised her in the act of sexual intercourse 0ith another person

Aote@ passion and o.fuscation is only a iti,atin, circu stance unli?e in the /3 0here te porary insanity is a.solutory. AO C1-"-AAL L-A;-L-2C -J@ only inflicted less serious or sli,ht physical injuries or 0hen inflicted to a )rd person cau,ht in the crossfire .ecause accused 0as not co ittin, urder .ut inflictin, death under exceptional circu stances. ;anish$ent not intended as penalt! "t to protect the killer spo"se fro the acts of reprisals .y relati+es of the deceased. :$<A PA11-C-D< AO2 P/A-3$<D :-2$ 1<CL/3-OA P<1P<2/A 2O D<A2$@ (. Parricide co itted throu,h ne,li,ence 2. co itted .y ista?e ). co itted under exceptional circu stances Case@ People 's( A arca +7. SCRA -.7 0Septe$ er +@2 +/3-4 5acts: Jrancisco A.arca cau,ht his 0ife' Genny' ha+in, sex 0ith Khin,sley Koh. $e stole an "(6 fro a PC soldier and opened fire at a ahjjon, session after 0arnin, others not in+ol+ed to ,et out' ?illin, Koh and injurin, t0o others. R"ling@ 2hou,h one hour had passed .et0een the ti e of the sexual intercourse and shootin,' the shootin, ust .e understood to .e a continuation of the pursuit of the +icti . 1PC only reEuires that the death .e the proxi ate result of the outra,e o+er0hel in, the accused after chancin, upon his spouse in the .asest act of infidelity. 2he ?illin, ust .e the direct .y8product of the accusedLs ra,e. &octrine: 1PC does not say he should co it the ?illin, instantly after 0itnessin, the infidelity' it only reEuires that the ?illin, .e the direct result of the outra,e suffered .y the cuc?olded hus.and. Article 248. Murder. > Any person 0ho' not fallin, 0ithin the pro+isions of Article 246 shall ?ill another' shall .e ,uilty of urder and shall .e punished .y reclusion temporal in its axi u period to death' if co itted 0ith any of the follo0in, attendant circu stances@ (. :ith treacher!2 taking ad'antage o# s"perior strength2 *ith the aid o# ar$ed $en2 or e$plo!ing $eans to *eaken the de#ense or o# $eans or persons to ins"re or a##ord i$p"nit!. 2. -n consideration of a price2 re*ard2 or pro$ise. ). ;y eans of in"ndation2 #ire2 poison2 e:plosion2 ship*reck2 stranding o# a 'essel2 derail$ent or assa"lt "pon a street car or loco$oti'e2 #all o# an airship2 ! $eans o# $otor 'ehicles2 or *ith the "se o# an! other $eans in'ol'ing great *aste and r"in.


ay .e a.sor.ed dependin, on the circu stances 5e.,. .o . in car7 4. On occasion of any of the cala$ities enu erated in the precedin, para,raph' or of an earthA"ake2 er"ption o# a 'olcano2 destr"cti'e c!clone2 epide$ic or other p" lic cala$it!. Aote@ not a.sor.ed9 this +iolates the oral expectation to lend assistance and therefore a?es the act ore e+il. %. :ith e'ident pre$editation. 6. :ith cr"elt!' .y deli.erately and inhu anly au, entin, the sufferin, of the +icti ' or o"traging or sco##ing at his person or corpse. ELEMENTS: +( person *as killed +icti ust .e ?illed to consu ate the cri e. -f not then only atte pted or frustrated urder 1( acc"sed killed hi$ .( killing *as attended ! ANB o# the A"ali#!ing circ"$stances 0hen ore than one of the circu stances entioned' others considered as ,eneric a,,ra+atin, Eualifyin, circu stance ust still .e ALL<*<D in the infor ationB -f not' then only ho icide @( killing is not parricide or in#anticide

0hen attendant circu stance is M) urder co

itted .y eans of fire' poison' explosion' ship0rec? and etc' there ust .e -A2<A2 to ?ill to .e lia.le for urder. ho0e+er' no intent to ?ill needed in the other attendant circu stances.

21<AC$<1C8 attac? is sudden and unexpected to the point of incapacitatin, the +icti to repel or escape it. 8sudden and unexpected and the +icti s 0ere not in a position to defend the sel+es 8 eans' ethods or for s of attac? ust .e consciously adopted .y the offender Nexa ple@ ?illin, of a child of tender yearsO Aote@ can .e a.sor.ed in a.use of superior stren,th 2AK-A* AD=AA2A*< OJ 3/P<1-O1 321<A*2$8 superior stren,th .e ta?en ad+anta,e of. Nexa ple@ sex and 0eapon ,i+in, superiorityO ust

:-2$ A-D OJ A1"<D "<A8 accused had co panions 0ho 0ere ar ed 0hen he co itted the cri e9 accused ust a+ail hi self of their aid or rely upon the 0hen the cri e is co itted

<"PLOC-A* "<AA3 O1 P<13OA3 2O -A3/1< O1 AJJO1D -"P/A-2C8 pre+ent his .ein, reco,ni6ed or to secure hi self a,ainst detection and punish ent 8Nexa ple@ co+erin, of face 0ith hand?erchiefO -A COA3-D<1A2-OA OJ A P1-C<' 1<:A1D O1 P1O"-3<8 person 0ho recei+ed the price or re0ard or 0ho accepted a pro ise of price or re0ard 0ould not ha+e ?illed the +icti 0ere it not for that price' re0ard' or pro ise. Aote@ cannot .e a.sor.ed .ecause it relates to oti+e. treachery and e+ident pre editation are -A$<1<A2 in urder .y eans of PO-3OA ;/2 in a case' 3C held that it is AO2 correct to say that the use of poison is inherent in urder. -t .eco es inherent only 0hen the offender has the intent to ?ill the +icti and he uses the poison as a eans to ?ill hi . :-2$ <=-D<A2 P1<"<D-2A2-OA8present 0hen the prosecution pro+es the ti e 0hen the offender deter ined to ?ill his +icti 9 act of the offender anifestly indicatin, that he clun, to his deter ination to ?ill his +icti 9 a sufficient lapse of ti e .et0een the deter ination and the execution of the ?illin,. Aote@ not a.sor.ed9 it relates to preparatory acts. :-2$ C1/<L2C8 other injuries or 0ounds are inflicted 0hich are not necessary for the ?illin, of the +icti . Case@ People 's( ;"ens"ceso +.1 SCRA +@. 0Septe$ er 132 +/3@4 5acts@ Police en apparently shot Pariseo 2aya, .ecause he refused to surrender his fan ?nife. R"ling@ :here the +icti died as a result of 0ounds recei+ed fro se+eral persons actin, independently of each other' .ut it has not .een sho0n 0hich 0ound 0as inflicted .y each assailant' all of the assailants are lia.le for the death of the +icti . Aote@ 2here 0as no direct tie .et0een the ,uns of the police and the 0ounds of the deceased. -f there is dou.t as to 0ho inflicted the fatal shot' the de,ree of participation is considered. Article 249. omicide. > Any person 0ho' not fallin, 0ithin the pro+isions of Article 246' shall ?ill another 0ithout the attendance of any of the circu stances enu erated in the next precedin, article' shall .e dee ed ,uilty of ho icide and .e punished .y reclusion te poral. $O"-C-D<8 unla0ful ?illin, of any person' 0hich is neither parricide' nor infanticide ELEMENTS: urder

(. person *as killed person ust .e ?illed to consu ate the cri e. -f +icti not ?illed' only atte pted or frustrated ho icide there ust .e satisfactory e+idence of the fact of death and the identity of the +icti 2. acc"sed killed hi$ *itho"t an! <"sti#!ing circ"$stance ). acc"sed had the intention to kill2 *hich is pres"$ed 4. killings *as not attended ! an! o# the A"ali#!ing circ"$stances o# $"rder2 or ! that o# parricide or in#anticide

intent to kill- pres"$ed *hen death res"lted> 2hus' 0hen death

resulted' e+en if there is no intent to ?ill' the cri e is ho icide 8 needed only for atte ptedFfrustrated sta,es .ecause if intent not pro+en .eyond reasona.le dou.t then only lia.le for physical injuriesB 8 2hus' no offense for frustrated ho icide throu,h i prudence. <le ent of intent to ?ill in frustrated ho icide is inco pati.le 0ith ne,li,ence or i prudence. 8 3o eti es sho0n .y the ?ind of 0eapon9 parts of the +icti Ls .ody at 0hich the 0eapon 0as ai ed. ?illin, ust AO2 .e justified in the a.sence of clear proof of any circu stances that 0ould Eualify as urder the ?illin, of the deceased' the ,uilty person should .e sentenced only for ho icide.

*o"nds that ca"sed death *ere in#licted ! 1 di##erent persons2

e'en i# the! *ere not in conspirac!2 each one o# the$ is g"ilt! o# ho$icide( ;/2 if can .e sho0n that the 0ound inflicted .y hi did not cause the death of the +icti ' then' he 0ill not .e punished for ho icide this is applica.le only 0hen there is AO conspiracy .et0een or a on, the accusedB ACC-D<A2AL $O"-C-D<8 death of a person .rou,ht a.out .y a la0ful act perfor ed 0ith proper care and s?ill' and 0ithout ho icidal intent>AO L-A;-L2C CO1P/3 D<L-C2- 5 eans the actual co ission of the cri e char,ed78 cri e 0as actually perpetrated and does not refer to the .ody of the urdered person Case@ People 's( P"ga! +,- SCRA @./ 0No'e$ er +-2 +/334 5acts@ Jernando Pu,ay poured ,asoline on ;ayana "iranda' a entally disa.led' and ;enja in 3a son set fire to hi ' intendin, to a?e fun of the

+icti . ;ayani died. R"ling@ 2he accused Pu,ay is ,uilty of ho icide throu,h rec?less i prudence since he failed to exercise all the dili,ence necessary to a+oid the conseEuences of the act. 2he accused 3a son is ,uilty of ho icide. Althou,h they did not intend to ?ill the +icti ' they are still cri inally responsi.le for co ittin, a felony 5causin, injuries .y settin, fire to a person7 althou,h the 0ron,ful act done .e different fro the one intended 5Art 47. Aote@ 2he intent to ?ill ust .e intentional for the use of fire to .e appreciated as a Eualifyin, circu stance. Article 2!". Penalty for frustrated parricide# murder or homicide. > 2he courts' in +ie0 of the facts of the case' ay i pose upon the person ,uilty of the frustrated cri e of parricide' urder or ho icide' defined and penali6ed in the precedin, articles' a penalty lo0er .y one de,ree than that 0hich should .e i posed under the pro+ision of Article %&. 2he courts' considerin, the facts of the case' ay li?e0ise reduce .y one de,ree the penalty 0hich under Article %( should .e i posed for an atte pt to co it any of such cri es. courts ay i pose a penalty 2 de,rees lo0er for J1/321A2<D parricide' urder or ho icide courts ay i pose a penalty ) de,rees lo0er for A22<"P2<D parricide' urder or ho icide

2. they did not co$pose gro"ps organi=ed #or the co$$on

p"rpose o# assa"lting and attacking each other reciprocall! 0hen 2 identified ,roups' no tu ultuous affray ). se'eral persons A"arreled and assa"lted one another in a con#"sed and t"$"lt"o"s $anner exists 0hen at least 4 persons too? part 5D ust they .e ar edDDD7 4. so$eone *as killed in the co"rse o# the a##ra! need not .e one of the participants of the affray %. it cannot e ascertained *ho act"all! killed the deceased -f ?no0n 0ho inflicted the fatal 0ound' cri e is ho icide 6. that the person or persons *ho in#licted serio"s ph!sical in<"ries or *ho "sed 'iolence can e identi#ied CDO ARE LIA;LE@ (. personFs 0ho inflicted the serious physical injuries are lia.le 2. if it is not ?no0n 0ho inflicted the serious physical injuries on deceased' all the persons 0ho used +iolence upon the person of +icti are lia.le' .ut 0ith lesser lia.ility only if it cannot deter ined 0ho inflicted the serious physical injuries on deceasedB

the the .e the

PD (((&8A8 an atte pt on or conspiracy a,ainst the life of the Chief <xecuti+e' e .er of his fa ily' any e .er of his ca.inet or e .ers of latterLs fa ily is punisha.le .y death Article. 2!$. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. > :hen' 0hile se+eral persons' not co posin, ,roups or,ani6ed for the co on purpose of assaultin, and attac?in, each other reciprocally' Euarrel and assault each other in a confused and tu ultuous anner' and in the course of the affray so eone is ?illed' and it cannot .e ascertained 0ho actually ?illed the deceased' .ut the person or persons 0ho inflicted serious physical injuries can .e identified' such person or persons shall .e punished .y prision mayor. -f it cannot .e deter ined 0ho inflicted the serious physical injuries on the deceased' the penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods shall .e i posed upon all those 0ho shall ha+e used +iolence upon the person of the +icti . ELEMENTS: 1. there .e se'eral persons

Article. 2!2. Physical injuries inflicted in a tumultuous affray. > :hen in a tu ultuous affray as referred to in the precedin, article' only serious physical injuries are inflicted upon the participants thereof and the person responsi.le thereof cannot .e identified' all those 0ho appear to ha+e used +iolence upon the person of the offended party shall suffer the penalty next lo0er in de,ree than that pro+ided for the physical injuries so inflicted. :hen the physical injuries inflicted are of a less serious nature and the person responsi.le therefor cannot .e identified' all those 0ho appear to ha+e used any +iolence upon the person of the offended party shall .e punished .y arresto mayor fro fi+e to fifteen days. ELEMENTS: 1. there is a t"$"lt"o"s a##ra! 2. participant or so$e participants s"##ered@ a. serio"s ph!sical in<"ries ( Ph!sical in<"ries o# a less serio"s nat"re i. Aot include sli,ht physical injuries. Only less serious injuries thus' unli?e 2%(' +icti ust .e a participant ). person responsi le cannot e identi#ied

if identified' 0ill .e lia.le for physical injuries actually co itted 4. all those *ho appear to ha'e "sed 'iolence "pon the person o# the o##ended part! are kno*n

Article 2!%. &i'in( assistance to suicide . > Any person 0ho shall assist another to co it suicide shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor9 if such person leads his assistance to another to the extent of doin, the ?illin, hi self' he shall suffer the penalty of reclusion temporal. $o0e+er' if the suicide is not consu ated' the penalty of arresto mayor in its ediu and axi u periods' shall .e i posed. ACTS P%NISDA;LE: +( assisting another to co$$it s"icide2 *hether cons"$$ated or not furnishin, the person 0ith the eans to co it suicide 2. lendin, his assistance to another to co it s"icide to the e:tent o# doing the killing hi$sel# penalty the sa e for the ,i+in, assistance to suicide if offender is father' other' child or spouse. person 0ho atte pts to co it suicide is not cri inally lia.le Article 2!4. Dischar(e of firearms. > Any person 0ho shall shoot at another 0ith any firear shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its ini u and ediu periods' unless the facts of the case are such that the act can .e held to constitute frustrated or atte pted parricide' urder' ho icide or any other cri e for 0hich a hi,her penalty is prescri.ed .y any of the articles of this Code. ELEMENTS@ (. o##ender discharges a #irear$ against or at another person if firear not dischar,ed' no cri e of dischar,e of firear dischar,e to0ards the house of +icti is not ille,al dischar,e of firear <33<A2-AL prosecution ust pro+e that the dischar,e of the firear 0as directed precisely a,ainst the offended party 2. o##ender has no intention to kill that person if there is intent' then' it ay .e classified as frustrated or atte pted parricide' urder or ho icide and not erely ille,al dischar,e of firear

purpose in dischar,in, is only to inti idate or fri,hten the offended party 0hen distance is 2&& eters' there is AO intent to ?ill there is a co$ple: cri$e o# illegal discharge o# #irear$ *ith serio"s or less serio"s ph!sical in<"riesNexa ple@ in the ille,al dischar,e of firear ' the offended party is hit and 0oundedO no co plex cri e if only sli,ht physical injuries are inflicted .ecause this is only a li,ht felony. the cri$e is discharge o# #irear$2 e'en o# the g"n *as not pointed at the o##ended part! *hen it *as #ired2 as long as it *as initiall! ai$ed .y the accused at or a,ainst the offended party. Aote@ does not include firin, in the air. 3ection 20o. > -nfanticide and a.ortion. Article 2!!. )nfanticide. > 2he penalty pro+ided for parricide in Article 246 and for urder in Article 24! shall .e i posed upon any person 0ho shall ?ill any child less than three days of a,e. -f the cri e penali6ed in this article .e co itted .y the other of the child for the purpose of concealin, her dishonor' she shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods' and if said cri e .e co itted for the sa e purpose .y the aternal ,randparents or either of the ' the penalty shall .e prision mayor. -AJAA2-C-D<8 ?illin, of any child less than ) days of a,e ELEMENTS: +( child *as killed child ust .e .orn ali+e and fully de+eloped and that it can sustain an independent life. child ust AO2 .e dead or althou,h .orn ali+e' it could not sustain an independent life 0hen it 0as ?illed 1( deceased child *as less than . da!s o# age .( acc"sed killed the said child *hen #ather2 $other or legiti$ate other ascendant kills the child2 the! shall s"##er the penalt! o# parricide any other person 0ho ?ills>suffer penalty of urder "-2-*A2-A* C-1C/"32AAC<@ concealing o# dishonor .y other or aternal ,randparents 0ho co itted the cri e. 8 only others entitled to this ust .e of ,ood reputation and ,ood orals' thus' prostitutes not entitled to iti,atin, circu stance. stran,er cooperatin, 0ith the other in ?illin, the child8 ,uilty of urderB

Article 2!6. )ntentional a*ortion. > Any person 0ho shall intentionally cause an a.ortion shall suffer@ (. 2he penalty of reclusion temporal' if he shall use any +iolence upon the person of the pre,nant 0o an. 2. 2he penalty of prision mayor if' 0ithout usin, +iolence' he shall act 0ithout the consent of the 0o an. ). 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods' if the 0o an shall ha+e consented. A;O12-OA8 0illful ?illin, of the fetus in the uterus' or the +iolent expulsion of the fetus fro the aternal 0o . 0hich results in the death of the fetus ELEMENTS: +( pregnant *o$an 1( 'iolence is e:erted2 or dr"gs or e'erages ad$inistered2 or acc"sed acts "pon s"ch pregnant *o$an .( #et"s dies2 either in *o$ or a#ter ha'ing een e:pelled @( a ortion is intended :AC3 OJ CO""-22-A* -A2<A2-OAAL A;O12-OA@ (. usin, +iolence upon the person of the pre,nant 0o an 2. actin,' 0ithout +iolence' 0ithout the consent of he 0o an 5ad inisterin, dru,s or .e+era,es upon such pre,nant 0o an 0ithout her consent7 ). actin, 0ith the consent of the pre,nant 0o an A;O12-OA +s. -AJAA2-C-D< A;O12-OA -AJAA2-C-D< Jetus could not sustain independent Jetus could sustain an independent life. life after separation fro the otherLs Ao le,al +ia.ility. 0o . Article 2!7. +nintentional a*ortion. > 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ini u and ediu period shall .e i posed upon any person 0ho shall cause an a.ortion .y +iolence' .ut unintentionally. ELEMENTS: (. there is a pregnant *o$an 2. 'iolence is "sed "pon s"ch pregnant *o$an *itho"t intending an a ortion ). 'iolence is intentionall! e:erted

4. res"lt o# the 'iolence- #et"s dies2 either in the *o$ or e:pelled there#ro$ co itted only .e +iolence actual physical forceB ust .e intentionally exertedB Conflictin, +ie0s on :OA accused ,uilty e+en if not ?no0 that +icti pre,nantP. there is a co plex cri e of ho icide 0ith unintentional a.ortionB People 's( Sal"#rania +7/ SCRA @6+ 0March .62 +/334 5acts: A son testified that his he sa0 his parents in a Euarrel and he sa0 his father .ox his pre,nant other in the sto ach and once fallen on the floor' his father stran,led her to death. Accused 0as char,ed 0ith of parricide 0ith intentional a.ortion. Accused alle,es that' assu in, that he indeed ?illed his 0ife' there is no e+idence to sho0 that he had the intention to cause an a.ortion. R"ling: Accused intent to cause a.ortion has not .een sufficiently esta.lished. "ere .oxin, of the sto ach ta?en to,ether 0ith the i ediate stran,lin, of the +icti in a fi,ht' is not sufficient proof to sho0 an intent to cause a.ortion. 2he accused ust ha+e erely intended to ?ill the +icti .ut not necessarily to cause the a.ortion. 2he accused is lia.le for the co plex cri e of parricide 0ith unintentional a.ortion. &octrine: 2here ust .e intent to cause the a.ortion to .e ,uilty of intentional a.ortion9 it cannot .e erely incidental to a ?illin,. Aote@ $e ?ne0 his 0ife 0as pre,nant. ;oxin, her sto ach 0as .ound to ha+e an effect. $o0e+er' the Court focused ore on the pri ary intention to ?ill. Article 2!8. A*ortion practiced *y the ,oman herself of *y her parents( > 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods shall .e i posed upon a 0o an 0ho shall practice a.ortion upon herself or shall consent that any other person should do so. Any 0o an 0ho shall co it this offense to conceal her dishonor' shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its ini u and ediu periods. -f this cri e .e co itted .y the parents of the pre,nant 0o an or either of the ' and they act 0ith the consent of said 0o an for the purpose of concealin, her dishonor' the offenders shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods. ELEMENTS: 1. there is a pregnant *o$an *ho s"##ered an a ortion


2. a ortion is intended 3. a ortion ca"sed !@ a. pregnant *o$an .. an! other person *ith her consent c. parents *ith her consent #or the p"rpose o# concealing her dishonor CDO ARE LIA;LEE Only 0o an or her parents8 to conceal dishonorB88Q if purpose of parents not to conceal her dishonor' cri e of intentional a.ortion. Article 2!9. A*ortion practiced *y a physician or mid,ife and dispensin( of a*orti'es. > 2he penalties pro+ided in Article 2%6 shall .e i posed in its axi u period' respecti+ely' upon any physician or id0ife 0ho' ta?in, ad+anta,e of their scientific ?no0led,e or s?ill' shall cause an a.ortion or assist in causin, the sa e. Any phar acist 0ho' 0ithout the proper prescription fro a physician' shall dispense any a.orti+e shall suffer arresto mayor and a fine not exceedin, ('&&& pesos. ELEMENTS: 1. 2here is a pregnant *o$an *ho has s"##ered an a ortion 1( a ortion is intended .( o##ender $"st e: a( ph!sician ( $id*i#e 4. takes ad'antage o# his or her scienti#ic kno*ledge or skill c( phar$acist i. no proper prescription ii. dispenses 0ith an a.orti+e punishes a phar acist 0ho erely dispenses 0ith an a.orti+e 0ithout the proper prescription of a physician. -f phar acist ?ne0 that the a.orti+e 0ould .e used for a.ortion' he 0ould .e lia.le as an acco plice in the cri e of a.ortion
3ection 2hree. > Duel

-n any other case' the co .atants shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor' althou,h no physical injuries ha+e .een inflicted. 2he seconds shall in all e+ents .e punished as acco plices. &"el for al or re,ular co .at pre+iously concerted .et0een t0o parties in the presence of t0o or ore seconds of la0ful a,e on each side' 0ho a?e the selection of ar s and fix all the other conditions of the fi,ht. ACTS P%NISDA;LE: (. ;y ?illin, oneLs ad+ersary in a duel. 2. ;y inflictin, upon such ad+ersary physical injuries. ). ;y a?in, a co .at althou,h no physical injuries ha+e .een inflicted. CDO ARE LIA;LEE (. the person 0ho ?illed or inflicted physical injuries upon his ad+ersary' or .oth co .atants' as principals 2. the seconds' as acco plices the penalty for duel is the sa e as ho icide' if death resulted. *<A<1AL P1-AC-PL<@ 0hen there is intent to ?ill' the inflictin, of physical injuries is either atte pted or frustrated ho icide. :here there is an a,ree ent to fi,ht to the death' then there is intent to ?ill on .oth parties. $o0e+er' the Code disre,ards the intent to ?ill if only physical injuries resulted.

Art. 26$. .hallen(in( to a duel. > 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ini u period shall .e i posed upon any person 0ho shall challen,e another' or incite another to ,i+e or accept a challen,e to a duel' or shall scoff at or decry another pu.licly for ha+in, refused to accept a challen,e to fi,ht a duel. ACTS P%NISDA;LE: (. ;y challen,in, another to a duel. 2. ;y incitin, another to ,i+e or accept a challen,e to a duel. ). ;C scoffin, at or decryin, another pu.licly for ha+in, refused to accept a challen,e to fi,ht a duel. PERSONS RESPONSI;LE: (. challen,er 2. insti,ators Chapter 20o

Art. 26". -esponsi*ility of participants in a duel. > 2he penalty of reclusion temporal shall .e i posed upon any person 0ho shall ?ill his ad+ersary in a duel. -f he shall inflict upon the latter physical injuries only' he shall suffer the penalty pro+ided therefor' accordin, to their nature.

Physical -njuries :$A2 A1< 2$< C1-"<3 OJ P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3D (. "utilation 2. serious physical injuries ). ad inisterin, injurious su.stance or .e+era,es 4. less serious physical injuries %. sli,ht physical injuries and altreat ent Article 262. Mutilation. > 2he penalty of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua shall .e i posed upon any person 0ho shall intentionally utilate another .y depri+in, hi ' either totally or partially' or so e essential or,an of reproduction. Any other intentional utilation shall .e punished .y prision mayor in its ediu and axi u periods. "/2-LA2-OA@ loppin, or the clippin, off of so e part of the .ody 1 FIN&S O5 M%TILATION@ (( intentionall! $"tilating another ! depri'ing hi$2 either totall! or partiall!2 o# so$e essential organ #or reprod"ction ELEMENTS: a. there .e castration utilation of or,ans necessary for ,eneration Nexa ple@ penis or o+ariu O b. caused p"rposel! and deli eratel! to depri'e the o##ended o# that part( 2here ust .e intent to castrate the offended party. 2hat the end is to castrate the person and not another purpose. 2. Intentionall! $aking other $"tilation other than so$e essential organ #or reprod"ction and to depri'e hi$ o# that part o# the od!( a?a ayhe . in+ol+es another part of the .ody 0ith a deli.erate purpose of depri+in, hi of that part of his .ody offender ust ha+e the intention to depri+e the offended party of that part of his .ody cause if not' it shall .e considered as physical injuries 1A 76(& 0hen offended party is under (2 yo' penalty shall .e ( de,ree hi,her than that i posed .y la0 Aote@ "utilation is al0ays intentional.

Article 26%. /erious physical injuries( > Any person 0ho shall 0ound' .eat' or assault another' shall .e ,uilty of the cri e of serious physical injuries and shall suffer@ (. 2he penalty of prision mayor' if in conseEuence of the physical injuries inflicted' the injured person shall .eco e insane' i .ecile' i potent' or .lind9 2. 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods' if in conseEuence of the physical injuries inflicted' the person injured shall ha+e lost the use of speech or the po0er to hear or to s ell' or shall ha+e lost an eye' a hand' a foot' an ar ' or a le, or shall ha+e lost the use of any such e .er' or shall ha+e .eco e incapacitated for the 0or? in 0hich he 0as therefor ha.itually en,a,ed9 ). 2he penalty of prision correccional in its ini u and ediu periods' if in conseEuence of the physical injuries inflicted' the person injured shall ha+e .eco e defor ed' or shall ha+e lost any other part of his .ody' or shall ha+e lost the use thereof' or shall ha+e .een ill or incapacitated for the perfor ance of the 0or? in 0hich he as ha.itually en,a,ed for a period of ore than ninety days9 4. 2he penalty of arresto mayor in its axi u period to prision correccional in its ini u period' if the physical injuries inflicted shall ha+e caused the illness or incapacity for la.or of the injured person for ore than thirty days. -f the offense shall ha+e .een co itted a,ainst any of the persons enu erated in Article 246' or 0ith attendance of any of the circu stances entioned in Article 24!' the case co+ered .y su.di+ision nu .er ( of this Article shall .e punished .y reclusion temporal in its ediu and axi u periods9 the case co+ered .y su.di+ision nu .er 2 .y prision correccional in its axi u period to prision mayor in its ini u period9 the case co+ered .y su.di+ision nu .er ) .y prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods9 and the case co+ered .y su.di+ision nu .er 4 .y prision correccional in its ini u and ediu periods. 2he pro+isions of the precedin, para,raph shall not .e applica.le to a parent 0ho shall inflict physical injuries upon his child .y excessi+e chastise ent. $o0 is the cri e co ittedD (. 0oundin, 2. .eatin, ). assaultin, 4. ad inisterin, injurious su.stance ay .e co itted .y rec?less i prudence or .y si ple i prudence or ne,li,ence Nexa ple@ lac? of precautionO

there ust .e AO intent to ?illB -f thereLs intent to ?ill' it 0ill .e atte ptedFfrustrated urder' parricideFinfanticideP 0here the cate,ory of the offense of serious physical injuries depends on the period of illness or incapacity for la.or' there ust .e <=-D<AC< of the len,th of that period9 other0ise' the offense is only sli,ht physical injuries there is AO -ACAPAC-2C if the injured party could still en,a,e in his 0or? althou,h less effecti+ely than .efore P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3 +s. "/2-LA2-OA P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3 "/2-LA2-OA AO special intention to clip off so e 2here is a special intention to clip off part of the .ody so as to depri+e the so e part of the .ody so as to offended party of such part depri+e the offended party of such part P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3 +s. A22<"P2<DFJ1/321A2<D $O"-C-D<

P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3

Ao intent to ?ill

A22<"P2<DFJ1/321A2<D $O"-C-D< Offender inflicts physical injuries Atte pted@ no need for physical injuries :ith intent to ?ill

R/AL-JC-A* C-1C/"32AAC<@ (. co itted a,ainst persons defined in the cri e of parricide 2. attendance of circu stances entioned for urder 3<1-O/3 P$C3-CAL -AG/1-<3 ;C <SC<33-=< C$A32-3<"<A2 ;C PA1<A23 AO2 R/AL-J-<DB Aotes@ -nsanity is (. loss of reasonF0ill 2. failure to deter ine ri,ht fro 0ron, ). failure to percei+e thin,s as they are Penalty 0hen co itted a,ainst father' other' or child' 0hether le,iti ate or ille,iti ate' or any of his ascendants' or descendants' or his spouse O1 0hen attended .y Eualifyin, circu stances of urder 1eclusion te poral in its ediu and axi u period Prision correccional in its period to prision ayor in its period Prision correccional in its axi u period axi u ini u

SERIO%S PDBSICAL IN)%RIES ConseEuence of the physical injuries inflicted on offended party Penalty of offender (. 0oundin, 2. .eatin, ). assaultin, ;eco es insane' i .ecile' i potent 5include ina.ility to copulate AAD sterility7 or .lind 52 eyes7 (. loses the use of speech 5 ute7 or the po0er to hear 5deaf7 N2 earsO or to s ell or loses an eye' a hand' a foot' an ar ' or a le, 2. loses the use of any such e .er 5 ust .e per anentB7 ). .eco es incapacitated for the 0or? in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed in conseEuence of the physical injuries inflicted 1. .eco es defor ed .. physical u,liness' c. per anent and definite a.nor ality d. conspicuous and +isi.le injury cannot .e repaired .y the action of nature. N<xception to the rule in+ol+in, teeth8 children and old anO 2. loses any other e .er of his .ody 5not those entioned in par.27 Nex@ loss of ( ear' fin,ers .ut if loss of the use of fin,ers resulted to loss of the hand' then par. 2O ). loses its use Prision ayor 1A76(&8 one de,ree hi,her than that i posed .y la0 if +icti under (2yo Prision correccional in its ediu and axi u periods Prision correccional in its ini u and ediu period



4. .eco es ill 50ound did not heal 0ithin that period7 or incapacitated for the
perfor ance of the 0or? in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed for $ore than /6 da!s .ecause of the physical injuries inflictedco plete incapacity injured party ust ha+e an a+ocation or 0or? at the ti e of the injury Offended party .eco es ill or incapacitated for la.or for $ore than .6 da!s "t not $ore than /6 da!s as a result of the injuries inflicted. incapacity is for AAC ?ind of la.or5physical in nature7

Arresto ayor in its axi u period to prision correccional in its ini u period

Prision correccional in its ediu period

ini u


LESS SERIO%S PDBSICAL IN)%RIES Offended party incapacitated for la.or for +6 da!s or $ore "t not $ore than .6 Arresto ayor da!s or needs edical assistance 5 ust .e actual edical attendance and it is reEuired7 for the sa e period edical certificate usually indicates the no. of days e+en if no incapacity' if there 0as less serious physical injuries edical treat ent for ore than (& days' then'

TEualifyin, circu stance@N4fineO@ (. there is anifest intent to insult or offend the injured 2. there are circu stances addin, i,no iny to the offense Nhi,her penaltyO (. +icti is either@ a. offenderLs parents .. ascendants c. ,uardians d. curators e. teachers 2. person of ran? or person in authority pro+ided that the offense does not a ount to direct assault

SLIGDT PDBSICAL IN)%RIES Physical injuries incapacitate the offended party for la.or fro +-/ da!s O1 reEuire Arresto enor edical attendance Physical injuries do not pre+ent the offended party fro en,a,in, in his ha.itual 0or? Arresto enor O1 a fine not or reEuire edical attendance. exceedin, P2&& and censure Nexa ple@ .lac? eyeO Offended ill8treats another .y deed :-2$O/2 causin, any injuryno percepti.le Arresto enor in its ini u period O1 a fine not injury exceedin, P%& Nexa ple@ slappin, of the face 0ithout causin, dishonorO

Article 264. Administerin( injurious su*stances or *e'era(es . > 2he penalties esta.lished .y the next precedin, article shall .e applica.le in the respecti+e case to any person 0ho' 0ithout intent to ?ill' shall inflict upon another any serious physical injury' .y ?no0in,ly ad inisterin, to hi any injurious su.stance or .e+era,es or .y ta?in, ad+anta,e of his 0ea?ness of ind or credulity. ELEMENTS: (. o##ender in#licted serio"s ph!sical in<"ries thus not apply if the injuries inflicted are only less serious or sli,ht 2. done ! kno*ingl! ad$inistering to hi$@ a( an! in<"rio"s s" stance9 e'erages ad inisterin, injurious su.stance eans introducin, into the .ody the su.stance and not just .y thro0in, che icals on face or .ody ( ! taking ad'antage o# his *eakness o# $ind or cred"lit! ay ta?e place in the case of 0itchcraft' philters' a,netis ). no intent to kill 0ith intent' frustrated urder not ?no0 injurious su.stance@ not lia.le Article 26!. 0ess serious physical injuries. > Any person 0ho shall inflict upon another physical injuries not descri.ed in the precedin, articles' .ut 0hich shall incapacitate the offended party for la.or for ten days or ore' or shall reEuire edical assistance for the sa e period' shall .e ,uilty of less serious physical injuries and shall suffer the penalty of arresto mayor. :hene+er less serious physical injuries shall ha+e .een inflicted 0ith the anifest intent to ?ill or offend the injured person' or under circu stances addin, i,no iny to the offense in addition to the penalty of arresto mayor' a fine not exceedin, %&& pesos shall .e i posed. Any less serious physical injuries inflicted upon the offenderUs parents' ascendants' ,uardians' curators' teachers' or persons of ran?' or persons in authority' shall .e punished .y prision correccional in its ini u and ediu periods' pro+ided that' in the case of persons in authority' the deed does not constitute the cri e of assault upon such person. Article 266. /li(ht physical injuries and maltreatment. > 2he cri e of sli,ht physical injuries shall .e punished@ (. ;y arresto menor 0hen the offender has inflicted physical injuries 0hich shall incapacitate the offended party for la.or fro one to nine days' or shall reEuire edical attendance durin, the sa e period.

2. ;y arresto menor or a fine not exceedin, 2& pesos and censure 0hen the offender has caused physical injuries 0hich do not pre+ent the offended party fro en,a,in, in his ha.itual 0or? nor reEuire edical assistance. ). ;y arresto menor in its ini u period or a fine not exceedin, %& pesos 0hen the offender shall ill8treat another .y deed 0ithout causin, any injury. super+enin, e+ent con+ertin, the cri e into serious physical injuries after the filin, of the infor ation for sli,ht physical injuries can still .e su.ject of a ne0 char,e

REP%;LIC ACT NO( 36@/ 0Da=ing La*4 AA AC2 1<*/LA2-A* $AV-A* AAD O2$<1 JO1"3 OJ -A-2-A2-OA 1-2<3 -A J1A2<1A-2-<3' 3O1O1-2-<3' AAD O1*AA-VA2-OA3 AAD P1O=-D-A* P<AAL2-<3 2$<1<JO1 :hat is ha=ingD An initiation rite or practice as a prereA"isite #or ad$ission into $e$ ership in a #raternit!2 sororit! or organi=ation .y placin, the recruit neophyte or applicant in so e e$ arrassing or h"$iliating sit"ations such as #orcing hi$ to do $enial2 sill!2 #oolish and si$ilar tasks or acti'ities or other0ise s" <ecting hi$ to ph!sical or ps!chological s"##ering or in<"r!. :hen 0ill ha6in, .e allo*edD :hen there is prior *ritten notice to the school authorities or head of or,ani6ation se+en 577 days .efore the conduct of such initiation. 2he 0ritten notice shall indicate the period of the initiation acti+ities 0hich shall not exceed three 5)7 days' shall include the na es of those to .e su.jected to such acti+ities' and shall further contain an underta?in, that no physical +iolence .e e ployed .y any.ody durin, such initiation rites. 2he head of the school or or,ani6ation or their representati+es $"st assign at least t*o 014 representati'es o# the school or organi=ation as the case ay .e' to e present d"ring the initiation. -t is the duty of such representati+e to see to it that no physical har of any ?ind shall .e inflicted upon a recruit' neophyte or applicant. :hen 0ill the acts .e p"nisha leD a7 if death2 rape2 sodo$! or $"tilation results therefro .7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall .eco e insane2 i$ ecile2 i$potent or lind. c7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall ha+e lost the "se o# speech or the po*er to hear or to s$ell2 or shall ha'e lost an e!e2 a hand2 a #oot2 an ar$ or a leg or shall ha'e lost the "se o# an! s"ch

$e$ er shall ha'e eco$e incapacitated #or the acti'it! or *ork in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed. d7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall eco$e de#or$ed or shall ha'e lost an! other part o# his od!2 or shall ha'e lost the "se thereo# or shall ha'e een ill or incapacitated #or the per#or$ance o# the acti'it! or *ork in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed #or a period o# $ore than ninet! 0/64 da!s( e7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall ha+e .een ill or incapacitated #or the per#or$ance on the acti'it! or *ork in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed for $ore than thirt! 0.64 da!s. f7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall ha+e .een ill or incapacitated #or the per#or$ance o# the acti'it! or *ork in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed #or ten 0+64 da!s or $ore' or that the injury sustained shall reEuire edical attendance for the sa e period. ,7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti shall ha+e .een ill or incapacitated #or the per#or$ance o# the acti'it! or *or? in 0hich he 0as ha.itually en,a,ed fro one 0+4 to nine 0/4 da!s' or that the injury sustained shall reEuire edical attendance for the sa e period. h7 if in conseEuence of the ha6in, the +icti s"stained ph!sical in<"ries *hich do not pre'ent hi$ #ro$ engaging in his ha it"al acti'it! or *ork nor reA"ire $edical attendance. 2he $a:i$"$ penalt! herein pro+ided shall .e i posed in any of the follo0in, instances@ a7 0hen the recr"it$ent is acco$panied ! #orce2 'iolence2 threat2 inti$idation or deceit on the person o# the recr"it *ho re#"ses to <oin9 .7 0hen the recr"it2 neoph!te or applicant initiall! consents to <oin "t upon learnin, that ha6in, 0ill .e co itted on his person' is pre'ented #ro$ A"itting( c7 0hen the recr"it neoph!te or applicant ha'ing "ndergone ha=ing is pre'ented #ro$ reporting the "nla*#"l act to his parents or ,uardians' to the proper school authorities' or to the police authorities thro"gh #orce2 'iolence 2 threat or inti$idation9 d7 0hen the ha6in, is co$$itted o"tside o# the school or instit"tion9 e7 0hen the +icti is elo* t*el'e 0+14 !ears o# age at the ti e of the ha6in,. Cho are lia leD 1. the o##icer and $e$ ers of the fraternity' sorority or or,ani6ation 0ho act"all! participated in the infliction of physical har shall .e lia.le as principals 2. o*ner of the place 0here ha6in, is conducted shall .e lia.le as an acco$plice' 0hen he has actual ?no0led,e of the ha6in, conducted therein .ut failed to ta?e any action to pre+ent the sa e fro occurrin,

3. -f the ha6in, is held in the ho$e of one of the officers or e .ers of

the fraternity' ,roup' or or,ani6ation' the parents shall .e held lia.le as principals 0hen they ha+e actual ?no0led,e of the ha6in, conducted therein .ut failed to ta?e any action to pre+ent the sa e fro occurrin, school a"thorities includin, faculty e .ers 0ho consent to the ha6in, or 0ho ha+e actual ?no0led,e thereof .ut failed to ta?e any action to pre+ent the sa e fro occurrin, shall .e punished as acco$plices for the acts of ha6in, co itted .y the perpetrators o##icers2 #or$er o##icers2 or al"$ni of the or,ani6ation' ,roup' fraternity' or sorority 0ho actually planned the ha6in, altho"gh not present 0hen the acts constitutin, the ha6in, 0ere co itted shall .e lia.le as principals O##icers or $e$ ers of an or,ani6ation' ,roup' fraternity' or sorority *ho kno*ingl! cooperated in carryin, out the ha6in, .y ind"cing the 'icti$ to e present thereat shall .e lia.le as principals #raternit! or sororit!Gs ad'iser 0ho is present 0hen the acts constitutin, the ha6in, 0ere co itted and failed to ta?e any action to pre+ent the sa e fro occurrin, shall .e lia.le as principal



6. 7.

1AP< 51A !)%)7 Article 2661A. -ape2 3hen And o, .ommitted. 4 -ape is .ommitted > (7 ;y a an 0ho shall ha+e carnal ?no0led,e of a 0o an under any of the follo0in, circu stances@ a7 2hrou,h force' threat' or inti idation9 .7 :hen the offended party is depri+ed of reason or other0ise unconscious9 c7 ;y eans of fraudulent achination or ,ra+e a.use of authority9 and d7 :hen the offended party is under t0el+e 5(27 years of a,e or is de ented' e+en thou,h none of the circu stances entioned a.o+e .e present. 27 ;y any person 0ho' under any of the circu stances entioned in para,raph ( hereof' shall co it an act of sexual assault .y insertin, his penis into another personUs outh or anal orifice' or any instru ent or o.ject' into the ,enital or anal orifice of another person. Article 26615. Penalties. > 1ape under para,raph ( of the next precedin, article shall .e punished .y reclusion perpetua. :hene+er the rape is co itted 0ith the use of a deadly 0eapon or .y t0o or ore persons' the penalty shall .e reclusion perpetua to death.

:hen .y reason or on the occasion of the rape' the +icti has .eco e insane' the penalty shall .e reclusion perpetua to death. :hen the rape is atte pted and a ho icide is co itted .y reason or on the occasion thereof' the penalty shall .e reclusion perpetua to death. :hen .y reason or on the occasion of the rape' ho icide is co itted' the penalty shall .e death. 2he death penalty shall also .e i posed if the cri e of rape is co itted 0ith any of the follo0in, a,,ra+atin,FEualifyin, circu stances@ (7 :hen the +icti is under ei,hteen 5(!7 years of a,e and the offender is a parent' ascendant' step8parent' ,uardian' relati+e .y consan,uinity or affinity 0ithin the third ci+il de,ree' or the co on8la0 spouse of the parent of the +icti 9 27 :hen the +icti is under the custody of the police or ilitary authorities or any la0 enforce ent or penal institution@ )7 :hen the rape is co itted in full +ie0 of the spouse' parent' any of the children or other relati+es 0ithin the third ci+il de,ree of consan,uinity9 47 :hen the +icti is a reli,ious en,a,ed in le,iti ate reli,ious +ocation or callin, and is personally ?no0n to .e such .y the offender .efore or at the ti e of the co ission of the cri e9 %7 :hen the +icti is a child .elo0 se+en 577 years old9 67 :hen the offender ?no0s that he is afflicted 0ith $u an uno8 Deficiency =irus 5$-=7FAcEuired une Deficiency 3yndro e 5A-D37 or any other sexually trans issi.le disease and the +irus or disease is trans itted to the +icti 9 77 :hen co itted .y any e .er of the Ar ed Jorces of the Philippines or para8 ilitary units thereof or the Philippine Aational Police or any la0 enforce ent a,ency or penal institution' 0hen the offender too? ad+anta,e of his position to facilitate the co ission of the cri e9 !7 :hen .y reason or on the occasion of the rape' the +icti has suffered per anent physical utilation or disa.ility9 #7 :hen the offender ?ne0 of the pre,nancy of the offended party at the ti e of the co ission of the cri e9 and (&7 :hen the offender ?ne0 of the ental disa.ility e otional disorder andFor physical handicap of the offended party at the ti e of the co ission of the cri e. 1ape under para,raph 2 of the next precedin, article shall .e punished .y prision mayor. :hene+er the rape is co itted 0ith the use of a deadly 0eapon or .y t0o or ore persons' the penalty shall .e prision mayor to reclusion temporal. :hen .y reason or on the occasion of the rape' the +icti has .eco e insane' the penalty shall .e reclusion temporal. :hen the rape is atte pted and a ho icide is co itted .y reason or on the occasion thereof' the penalty shall .e reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua.

:hen .y reason or on the occasion of the rape' ho icide is itted' the penalty shall .e reclusion perpetua. Reclusion temporal shall also .e i posed if the rape is co itted 0ith any of the ten a,,ra+atin,FEualifyin, circu stances entioned in this article. co ELEMENTS O5 RAPE IN PAR(+ (. o##ender is a $an 2. o##ender had carnal kno*ledge o# a *o$an there ust .e sexual intercourse penetration' e+en partial is necessary sli,htest penetration is enou,h if no sexual intercourse and only acts of le0dness are perfor ed' the cri e ay .e acts of lasci+iousness ). act is acco$plished thro"gh: a. #orce or inti$idation there ust .e physical stru,,le' taxin, her po0ers to the ut ost9 it ust .e anifest and tenacious if the 0o an had contri.uted is so e 0ay to the reali6ation of the act' ay constitute an offense different fro rape. force need not .e so ,reat' it is enou,h that the force used is sufficient to consu ate the offenderLs purpose of ha+in, sex 0ith a 0o an. depends on a,e' si6e and stren,th of the parties inti idation8 includes the oral ?ind such as fear caused .y threatenin, the ,irl 0ith a ?nife or pistol .. *o$an is depri'ed o# reason or is "nconscio"s +icti has no 0ill sex 0ith a deaf8 ute is not rape in the a.sence of proof that she is i .ecile /ACOAC-O/3@8asleep9 lethar,y .ecause of sic?ness9 ?noc?ed unconscious9 narcotic ad inistered to the 0o an9 potion ,i+en to a 0o an $O:<=<1' if liEuor or dru,s induced her consent to incite her passion and not depri+e her of her 0ill po0er' AO2 rapeB c. ! $eans o# #ra"d"lent $achination or gra'e a "se o# a"thorit! d. *o$an is "nder +1 !ears or de$ented rape co itted e+en if ,irl consented. e+en if prostitute' rape still co ittedB AAC of these circu stances is sufficient

ELEMENTS O5 RAPE IN PAR(1 1. o##ender co$$its an act o# se:"al assa"lt 1( act o# se:"al assa"lt co$$itted !: a. inserting penis into another person?s $o"th or anal ori#ice .. inserting an! instr"$ent or o <ect into the genital or anal ori#ice o# another person 3. act o# se:"al assa"lt is acco$plished "nder ##( circ"$stances@ a. usin, force or inti idation .. 0o an is depri+ed of reason or is unconscious c. .y eans of fraudulent achination or ,ra+e a.use of authority d. 0o an is under (2 yo. or de ented. :ho can co it rapeD "ale or fe ale 1AP< ay .e P1O=<D .y the uncorro.orated testi ony of the offended 0o an ;/2 the testi ony ust .e conclusi+e' lo,ical and pro.a.le

There $"st e intent on the part of the accused to ha+e carnal ?no0led,e of the 0o an a,ainst her 0ill. resi,nation to consu ated act is AO2 consent Character of 0o an is i aterial in rape

) principles in re+ie0in, e+idence for rape@ (. an accusation for rape can .e ade 0ith facility' is difficult to pro+e' .ut ore difficult for the person accused' thou,h innocent' to dispro+e. 2. only 2 persons are usually in+ol+ed' the testi ony of the co plainant ust .e scrutini6ed 0ith extre e caution ). e+idence for the prosecution ust stand and fall on its o0n erits' and cannot .e allo0ed to dra0 stren,th fro the 0ea?ness of the e+idence for the defense. COA3/""A2<D 1AP<@ it is not essential that there .e a co plete penetration of the fe ale or,an9 neither is it essential to rupture the hy en. It is eno"gh that the la ia o# the #e$ale organ *as penetrated( AO J1/321A2<D 1AP<@ fro the o ent the offender has carnal ?no0led,e 0ith the +icti ' he actually attains his purpose and fro then on' all the reEuisites for the offense has .een acco plished. Jrustrated rape can ne+er .e co itted .ecause .y doin, all the acts necessary to produce the cri e' already consu ated .ecause there is nothing else to pre'ent> A22<"P2<D 1AP<@ there is no penetration of the fe ale or,an .ecause not all the acts of execution 0as perfor ed. Offender erely co enced the co ission of a felony directly .y o+ert acts.

CDEN P%NISDE& ;B &EATD: 1. ! reason or occasion o# rape2 ho$icide is co$$itted 53P<C-AL CO"PL<S C1-"<7 :hen ho icide is co itted AO2 .e reason or on the occasion of rape' not special co plex cri e .ut ay .e a,,ra+atin, the cri e of urder 0ith i,no inyFcruelty 2. 'icti$ "nder +3 AN& o##ender is a. parent .. ascendant c. stepparent d. g"ardian e. relati'e ! consang"init! or a##init! *ithin the .rd ci'il degree f. co$$on-la* spo"se o# the parent o# the 'icti$ 3. +icti "nder the c"stod! o# the police or $ilitar! a"thorities or an! la* en#orce$ent or penal instit"tion 4. rape co$$itted in #"ll 'ie* o#: a. h"s and .. parent c. an! o# the children d. other relati'es *ithin the .rd ci'il degree o# consang"init! 5. +icti is a religio"s engaged in the legiti$ate religio"s 'ocation or calling AN& is personall! kno*n to e s"ch .y the offender .efore or at the ti e of rape 6. +icti elo* - !rs old 7. offender kno*s he is a##licted .y@ a. DIH .. AI&S c. Other se:"all! trans$issi le disease AN& 'ir"s9disease is trans$itted !. offender is@ a. any $e$ er o# A5P9para$ilitar! "nits .. PNP c. An! la* en#orce$ent agenc! d. Penal instit"tion

9. 10. 11.

And took ad'antage o# his position to facilitate the co ission of the cri e .y reason or on the occasion of rape' the +icti s"##ered per$anent ph!sical $"tilation or disa ilit! offender kne* that 'icti$ *as pregnant at the ti e of the co ission of the offense offender ?ne0 of the $ental disa ilit!2 e$otional disorder and9or ph!sical handicap o# the o##ended part! at the ti e of the co ission of the cri e

-AD<"A-2C -A 1AP<@ P%&'&&&8 andatory after the findin, of the fact of rape P7%'&&&8 if death penalty P(&&'&&&8 rape 0ith ho icide DA"A*<3 -A 1AP<@ P%&'&&&8 auto atically re0arded for oral da a,es 0ithout proof of or physical sufferein,

Aote@ 1ape used to .e a cri e a,ainst chastity. Ao0 it is a cri e a,ainst persons. 2he ad+anta,e@ 3tate can no0 prosecute in .ehalf of the +icti since this is no lon,er a pri+ate cri e. -t i,ht encoura,e ore rape +icti s to press char,es. 2he disad+anta,e@ :hen it 0as still a cri e a,ainst chastity' a +icti can actually ?ill the perpetrator in self8defense since honor X life. -n rape cases no0' a +icti cannot in+o?e self8defense 0hen heFshe ?ills the rapist a.sent a clear sho0in, of a threat on hisFher life. -n other 0ords' if you are not in dan,er of dyin, 0hile .ein, raped' you cannot ta?e the life of your rapist in self defense. People 's( Orita +3@ SCRA +67 0April .2 +//64 5acts: Cristina' (# yr old student arri+ed in her .oardin, house and Cielito Orita held her and po?ed a ?nife at her nec?. (st position: Lito ordered Cristina to lie do0n on the floor and he ounted her and ade her hold his penis and to insert it in her +a,ina. 3he follo0ed hi .ut he cannot fully penetrate her and so only a portion entered .ecause Cristina ?ept o+in,. 2nd position@ Cristina 0as to ount hi . A,ain' only a s all part 0as penetrated. Physical exa @ hy en intact' no lacerations. 12C@ ,uilty of J1/321A2<D 1AP< .ecause there is no conclusi+e proof of penetration of the ,enital or,an of the +icti . R"ling@ 2here is no cri e of frustrated rape. Dr. Va ora did not rule out penetration of the ,enital or,an of the +icti . $e erely testified that there 0as uncertainty :OA there 0as penetration. Cristina also said in her testi ony that there 0as penetration e+en only partially. -n consu ation of rape' perfect penetration is AO2 essential. Any penetration of the fe ale or,an .y the ale or,an is sufficient. <ntry of the la.ia of the fe ale or,an 0ithout the rupture of the hy en or laceration of the +a,ina is sufficient to 0arrant con+iction. Aecessarily' rape is atte pted if there is no penetration of the fe ale or,an .ecause not all the acts of execution 0ere perfor ed. 2he offender erely co enced the co ission of a felony directly .y o+ert acts. Cri e of rape is consu ated fro the ti e offender has carnal ?no0led,e of his +icti ' he actually attains his purpose and fro that o ent also' all the essential ele ents of the offense ha+e .een acco plished. &octrine: 2here is no such thin, as frustrated rape. 2here is just a frustrated rapist. People 's( Mangalino +31 SCRA .1/ 05e r"ar! +72 +//64 5acts: 3e ion "an,alino inserted his fin,er and later on introduced his sexual or,an into "arichelleLs' six yr old' unde+eloped ,enitalia. Physical exa in A;- concluded that .ruises on "arichelleLs +a,ina@ caused .y a hard o.ject li?e an erected penis and an indication of an unsuccessful penetration.


Article 2661.. 6ffect of Pardon. > 2he su.seEuent +alid arria,e .et0een the offender and the offended party shall extin,uish the cri inal action or the penalty i posed. -n case it is the le,al hus.and 0ho is the offender' the su.seEuent for,i+eness .y the 0ife as the offended party shall extin,uish the cri inal action or the penalty@ Pro+ided' 2hat the cri e shall not .e extin,uished or the penalty shall not .e a.ated if the arria,e is +oid a. initio. <JJ<C2 OJ "A11-A*<@ extin,uishes not only the penal action .ut also the penalty that ay .e i posed $o0e+er' it does not extin,uish lia.ility of acco plices and accessories and also to the other principals Article 2661D. Presumptions. > Any physical o+ert act anifestin, resistance a,ainst the act of rape in any de,ree fro the offended party' or 0here the offended party is so situated as to render herFhi incapa.le of ,i+in, +alid consent' ay .e accepted as e+idence in the prosecution of the acts punished under Article 2668A.W EHI&ENCE CDICD MAB ;E ACCEPTE& IN TDE PROSEC%TION O5 RAPE: 1. any ph!sical o'ert act $ani#esting resistance a,ainst the act of rape in any de,ree fro the offended party 2. 0here the o##ended part! is so situated as to render hi Fher incapa le o# gi'ing consent.

2hey discounted the pro.a.ility of an accident since there 0as no contusion on the la.ia. 3e ion denied the char,es and ar,ued that .ruises ay .e self8inflicted. 3he 0as constantly runnin, and i,ht ha+e .u ped her pel+is a,ainst a chair 0hich explained the a.sence of contusions on the la.ia. R"ling: $e is ,uilty of statutory rape. Jor rape to .e co itted' full penetration is not reEuired. -t is enou,h that there is proof of entrance of the ale or,an 0ithin the la.ia or pudendu of the fe ale or,an. <+en the sli,htest penetration is sufficient to consu ate the cri e of rape. Accordin, to the A;- report' rape could ha+e .een perpetrated. Dr. *arcia certified the existence of indications of recent ,enital trau a. =esti.ular ucosa 0as dar? red and nor ally' it 0as supposed to .e pin?ish. 2he forci.le atte pt of an erected penis caused the ).% c contusion prior to the hy en. 2he penile8 +a,inal contact 0ithout penetration 0as due to ( c dia eter openin, of "arichelleLs hy en. 2he +icti .ein, youn,' the penetration could only ,o as deep as the la.ia. Offender and +icti .ein, nei,h.ors explain the a.sence of +isi.le si,ns of physical injuries. 2he reason 0hy "arichelle did not cry 0as that she did not feel any pain durin, the atte pted sexual intercourse. &octrine: 2he +icti .ein, youn,' the penetration could only ,o as deep as the la.ia. Jor rape to .e co itted' full penetration is not reEuired. -t is enou,h that there is proof of entrance of the ale or,an 0ithin the la.ia or the pudendu of the fe ale or,an. People 's( ;al "ena +1/ SCRA +6 0April 1-2 +/3@4 5acts: <l+ira Polintan accepted an in+itation to join the drin?in, party in A.elardo ;al.uenaLs apart ent 0ith lon, ti e friend' Guanito 2orres. After <l+ira consu ed half a ,lass of ,in' she felt di66y and too? a rest on a .ench. 2hen' A.elardo undressed her and re o+ed her pants and .riefs and spread her le,s. A.elardo 0ent on top of the .illiard ta.le and succeeded in ha+in, sex 0ith her. $e then 0ent do0n the .illiard ta.le and Guanito too? his turn. Around t0o onths later' she told her other a.out 0hat happened and the follo0in, day' they 0ent to the police and reported the incident. 3he 0as exa ined .y Dr. 1eyes of A;- and there 0as no si,n of extra,enital physical injury and that she could ha+e had sex 0ith a an on or a.out the date alle,ed. R"ling@ 2he delay in reportin, the incident 0as reasona.le. -t is not easy for a Jilipina to easily decide 0hether to co e out in the open 0here pu.lic conte pt and ridicule 0ould result in the prosecution of the case. 2he innate odesty of Jilipinas and their inherent reluctance to .e exposed to the ri,ors of a trial scandali6in, the fa ily na e. 3he 0as also fearful .ecause of the threats ade .y A.elardo that they 0ould ?ill her fa ily especially so that she resides near the houses of Guanito and A.elardo. A.sence of injury can .e explained .ecause it 0as a onth after the incident that she 0as exa ined. 2here 0as also no torn dress or under0ear .ecause she 0as 0earin, pants and .riefs. <l+ira is a to .oy and so she is sexually attracted to fe ales than to ales. 3he 0ould not 0illin,ly su. it herself to sex 0ith a

ale. <+idence also clear that accused e ployed force in consu atin, the offense. Jro the .ench she 0as lyin, do0n' she 0as pulled to the .illiard ta.le and .odily raised on top of the ta.le 0here she 0as forced to lie do0n. A.ad83antos Dissent@ Jilipino 0o en are odest and shy so that she 0ill not pu.licly co plain of ha+in, .een raped and there.y expose herself to sha e and ridicule unless she 0as in fact raped .ut <l+ira is not a typical 0o an .ecause not yet 2(' she 0as already a ,u66ler of stron, spirits. &octrine: 2he testi ony of the +icti is ost often the only one a+aila.le to pro+e directly its co ission. 2he +ery fact that she ca e for0ard in this case is in itself a silent .ut persuasi+e e+idence of an outra,e done upon her honor. Aote@ (. 2o .oys can .e raped. 2hey are naturally attracted to fe ales and therefore 0ill not 0illin,ly ha+e sex 0ith a an. 2. /,ly ,irls cannot ,et raped. ;ut since the perpetrators 0ere in a state of intoxication' her physical appearance 0as not a .ar to the co ission of the offense. ). *in ,u66lers cannot .e raped. 2hey are not typical Jilipinas. People 's( Castro +/, SCRA ,-/ 0Ma! +,2 +//+4 5acts: 6 year old Diana 1ose 0as ade to stand on the toilet .o0l so Kuya Delfin inserted his penis into her causin, her pain. A;-@ contused or .ruised area inside the ,enital or,an' purplish or dar? red and it 0as su.ject to so e a ount of force or it could ha+e co e in contact 0ith a hard o.ject done 0ith a certain a ount of force. 2he hy en 0as intact. R"ling: 2he +icti .ein, of tender a,e' the penetration could only ,o as deep as the la.ia. -n any case' for rape to .e co itted' full penetration is not reEuired. -t is enou,h that there is proof of entrance of the ale or,an 0ithin the la.ia or pudendu of the fe ale or,an. <+en the sli,htest penetration is sufficient to consu ate the cri e of rape. Perfect penetration' rupture of the hy en or laceration of the +a,ina are not essential for the offense of consu ated rape. <ntry to the la.ia or lips of the fe ale or,an is sufficient. DianaLs re ainin, a +ir,in does not ne,ate rape. &octrine@ DianaLs re ainin, a +ir,in does not ne,ate rape. 2he +icti .ein, of tender a,e' the penetration of the ale or,an could only ,o as deep as the la.ia. Also' Ada son students ha+e to su.stantiate their scholastic achie+e ents. People 's( Atento +/, SCRA .7- 0April 1,2 +//+4 5acts: *lenda Arin,o' a (6 yr old de+elop entally8challen,ed person' clai s that Cesar Atento' her nei,h.or' raped her %x. fro April (#!6. 3he said she 0as raped 4 ore ti es. -t 0as at this ti e that she felt tic?led and descri.ed

the act as H asarapI. 3he could not any ore conceal her condition .ecause she 0as already % onths pre,nant. R"ling: *lenda has the intellectual capacity of a # and (2 yr old and is 0ithin a entally defecti+e le+el. $er jud, ent unsound and her capacity for hi,her perceptual processes is unsatisfactory. Althou,h it is not clear the Cesar e ployed force' he is still ,uilty under Para,raph 2 50hen the 0o an is depri+ed of reason or is other0ise unconscious7 .ecause *lenda is depri+ed of reason .y .ein, entally deficient. $e is also lia.le under par. ) 50hen the +icti is under (27 .ecause she has the entality of a ,irl less than (2 yrs old at the ti e she 0as raped. 2he a.sence of 0ill deter ines the existence of the rape. 3uch lac? of 0ill ay exist not only 0hen the +icti is unconscious or totally depri+ed of reason' .ut also 0hen she is sufferin, so e ental deficiency i pairin, her reason or free 0ill. 2he depri+ation of reason need not .e co plete. "ental deficiency or a.nor ality is sufficient. &octrine: Para,raph ) does not only refer to chronolo,ical a,e .ut also to ental a,e. Aote@ 3C i,ht ha+e .een confused. Par 2 refers to a situation 0herein the 0o an is dru,,ed or drun?' etc. People 's( Ca$p"han .1/ SCRA 1-6 0March .62 16664 5acts: Cora6on Pa intuan heard her 4 yr old dau,hter' Crysthel' cry and she rushed to the .edroo 0here she sa0 Pri o Ca puhan ?neelin, .efore Crysthel 0hose jo,,in, pants 0ere already re o+ed 0hile his short pants 0ere already do0n to his ?nees. Accordin, to Cora6on' Pri o 0as forcin, his penis into CrysthelLs +a,ina. Accordin, to the physical exa ' there 0as no e+ident si,n of extra8,enital physical injury. $er hy en 0as intact and her orifice 0as only .&% in dia eter. R"ling: "ere touchin, of the external ,enitalia .y the penis is sufficient to constitute carnal ?no0led,e. ;ut the act of touchin, should .e understood as inherently part of the entry of the penis into the la.ias and not the ere touchin, alone of the ons or the pudendu . 2here ust .e sufficient and con+incin, proof that the penis indeed touched the la.ias or slid into the fe ale or,an' and not erely stro?ed the external surface thereof' for the accused to .e con+icted of consu ated rape. A.sent any sho0in, of the sli,htest penetration of the fe ale or,an' it can only .e atte pted rape' if not acts of lasci+iousness. Pri oLs ?neelin, position rendered an un.ridled o.ser+ation i possi.le. Prosecution 0as not a.le to pro+e that any inter8,enital contact 0as achie+ed. All the ele ents for atte pted rape are present9 hence' the accused should .e punished only for it. &octrine: "ere touchin, does not penetrate. ean stro?in,. 2here ust .e intent to

People 's( Gallo .+7 SCRA @,+ 0Septe$ er 1/2 +///4 5acts@ -n (##!' an 12C decision found 1o eo *allo ,uilty of the cri e of Eualified rape 0ith the penalty of death. -n (###8 *allo filed a "otion to 1e8 Open the Case see?in, odification of the death sentence to reclusion perpetua in line 0ith the ne0 court rulin,s on the attendant circu stances in 3ec (( of 1A 76%#. Accordin, to People +s. *arcia@ the additional attendant circu stances introduced in 1A 76%# should .e considered as special Eualifyin, circu stances distinctly applica.le to the cri e of rape and if not pleaded as such' could only .e appreciated as ,eneric a,,ra+atin, circu stances. 2he infor ation filed a,ainst *allo does not alle,e his relationship 0ith the +icti "arites *allo 5his dau,hter7' thus it CAAAO2 .e considered as a Eualifyin, circu stance. R"ling@ Gudicial decisions applyin, or interpretin, the la0 or the constitution for part of the le,al syste of the land and so the doctrine for s part of the penal statutes and therefore ay .e applied retroacti+ely .ein, fa+ora.le to the accused 0ho is not a ha.itual cri inal' not0ithstandin, that final sentence has already .een pronounced a,ainst hi . 2he doctrine of People +s. *arcia ay .e retroacti+ely applied as it is fa+ora.le to hi . 2he case is reopened and the jud, ent is odified fro death to reclusion perpetua. &octrine: 3pecial Eualifyin, circu stances ha+e to .e alle,ed in the infor ation for it to .e appreciated. People 's( ;erana .++ SCRA ,,@ 0)"l! 1/2 +///4 5acts: <arly ornin,' (4 yr old "aria <lena Garcia 0as a0a?ened .y her .ro8in8la0' 1aul ;erana. $e pointed a H.untot pa,eI 5lon, 0ith so e protrudin, parts and 0ith lon, and pointed tip7 at her nec? and 0arned her not to a?e any noise or else she 0ill .e ?illed. 3he 0as ade to lie do0n and ;erana raised her duster and re o+ed her shorts and under0ear. $e ashed her .reasts and laid on top of her. $e inserted his penis to her +a,ina and she felt uch pain. $e ?issed her and ade se+eral push and pull o+e ents and then' "aria <lena felt so ethin, liEuid in her or,an. After this' ;erana sat do0n and told "aria <lena not to tell anyone. $e then did it a,ain. Accused clai s he 0as seduced .y <lena. R"ling: Physical resistance need not .e esta.lished in rape cases 0hen inti idation is exercised upon her and she su. its herself a,ainst her 0ill to the rapistLs lust .ecause of fear for life and personal safety. 1elationship Eualifies the cri e fro reclusion perpetua to death under 1A 76%#. 2o effecti+ely prosecute ;erana for the cri e of rape co itted .y a relati+e .y affinity 0ithin the )rd ci+il de,ree' it ust .e esta.lished that@ (. he is le,ally arried to <lenaLs sister 2. <lena and ;eranaLs 0ife are full or half8.lood si.lin,s Prosecution esta.lished relationship .y the testi onies of <lena 5sayin, that he ?no0s ;erana .ecause he is the hus.and of y sister7 and her other 5sayin, that he ?no0s ;erana .ecause he is the hus.and of her

dau,hter' 1osa Garcia7. -t .ased its con+iction on ;eranaLs letter addressin, <lenaLs parents as H a a at papaI and his use of the phrase Hany inyon, anu,an,' 1aulI. 3ince relationship Eualifies the cri e of rape' there ust .e clearer proof of relationship and in this case' it 0as not adeEuately su.stantiated. <+idence presented is not sufficient to dispel dou.ts a.out the true relationship. Althou,h he clai s that <lena initiated the act' he ne+er entioned this on his letters and instead' unceasin,ly as?s for for,i+eness' ad ittin, cate,orically the offense char,ed. &octrine: 1elationship ust .e pro+en for it to .e appreciated as a special Eualifyin, circu stance. Aotes@ 2he letters ay sho0 re orse for a co pletely different thin, 5li?e H-L sorry - ,a+e in to the seductionI7 and not an apolo,y for rape. REP%;LIC ACT No( /1,1 0Anti HACC4 AA AC2 D<J-A-A* =-OL<AC< A*A-A32 :O"<A AAD 2$<-1 C$-LD1<A' P1O=-D-A* JO1 P1O2<C2-=< "<A3/1<3 JO1 =-C2-"3' P1<3C1-;-A* P<AAL2-<3 2$<1<JO1<' AAD JO1 O2$<1 P/1PO3<3 :hat constitutes 'iolence against *o$en and childrenD

6. inflictin, or threatenin, to inflict ph!sical har$ on onesel# #or the

p"rposes o# controlling the *o$an

7. causin, or atte ptin, to cause the



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

causin, ph!sical har$ threatening to cause ph!sical har$ atte$pting to cause ph!sical har$ placin, the in #ear o# i$$inent ph!sical har$ atte ptin, to co pel or co pellin, the to engage in cond"ct *hich the! ha'e a right to desist #ro$ or desist #ro$ cond"ct *hich the! ha'e a right to engage in or atte$pting to restrict or restricting their #reedo$ o# $o'e$ent or cond"ct .y force or threat of force or other har or threat of physical or other har or inti idation directed a,ainst the 0o an or child 0hich includes@ a. threatenin, to depri'e or act"all! depri'ing the$ o# c"stod! to hisFher fa ily b. depri'ing or threatening to depri'e the$ o# #inancial s"pport or deli.erately pro+idin, ins"##icient #inancial s"pport c. depri+in, or threatenin, to depri'e the$ o# a legal right d. pre+entin, the 0o an in engaging in an! legiti$ate pro#ession2 etc or controlling the 'icti$?s o*n $one! or properties2 or solel! controlling the con<"gal or co$$on $one! or properties

to engage in an! se:"al acti'it! *hich does not constit"te rape ' .y force or threat of force' physical har ' or throu,h inti idation directed at the or herFhis i ediate fa ily en,a,in, in p"rpose#"l2 kno*ing2 or reckless cond"ct2 personall! or thro"gh another2 that alar$s or ca"ses s" stantial e$otional or ps!chological distress to the 0o an or child. 2his includes@ a. stalking the in pu.lic or pri+ate places b. peering in the *indo* or lingering o"tside the residence c. entering or re$aining in their d*elling or on their property against her9his *ill d. destro!ing the propert! and personal elongings or in#licting har$ to ani$als or pets of the 0o an or her child e. en,a,in, in an! #or$ o# harass$ent or 'iolence causin, $ental or e$otional ang"ish2 p" lic ridic"le or h"$iliation to the$2 incl"ding repeated 'er al a "se and e$otional a "se2 and denial o# #inancial s"pport or c"stod! of inor children of access to the 0o anLs childFchildren

:hat relationships are incl"dedD 1. $arried relationship 2. dating relationship the parties li+e as hus.and and 0ife 0ithout the .enefit of arria,e O1 are ro antically in+ol+ed o+er ti e and on a continuin, .asis durin, the course of the relationship. A casual acEuaintance or ordinary sociali6ation .et0een t0o indi+iduals in a .usiness or social context is AO2 a datin, relationship 3. se:"al relations sin,le sexual act 0hich ay or ay not result in the .earin, of a co on child :hat is a protection orderD -t is an order issued for the p"rpose o# pre'enting #"rther acts o# 'iolence against a *o$an or her child and granting other necessar! relie#. 2he relief ,ranted under a protection order ser+e the purpose of sa#eg"arding the 'icti$ #ro$ #"rther har$2 $ini$i=ing an! disr"ption in the 'icti$?s dail! li#e2 and #acilitating the opport"nit! and a ilit! o# the 'icti$ to independentl! regain control o# her li#e( Cho can #ile a petition for a protection orderD

1. the o##ended part! 2. parents or g"ardian of the offended party 3. ascendants2 descendants or collateral relati'es *ithin the @th
ci'il degree o# consang"init! or a##init!

8. at least 1 concerned responsi le citi=ens of the city or

unicipality *ho has personal kno*ledge of the offense co itted Chere can !o" #ile for a protection orderD 12C' "2C' "C2C 0ith territorial jurisdiction or in a fa ily court if a+aila.le in the area. Aote@ 2he protection order ta?es the shape of a penalty and +iolates the constitutional ri,ht of presu ption of innocence. -t presu es the perpetrator is ,uilty e+en .efore he is heard.

4. o##icers or social *orkers of the D3:D or social 0or?ers of L*/s 5. police o##icers' those in char,e of 0o en and childrenLs
des?s ,( P"nong ;aranga! or ;aranga! Faga*ad 7. la*!er2 co"nselor2 therapist or healthcare pro'ider of the petitioner

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