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Luo Guanzhong Charlotte Brontë Fyodor Mikhaylovich Hermann Hesse Pearl Sydenstricker Buck Albert Camus Antoine de Saint

Hesse Pearl Sydenstricker Buck Albert Camus Antoine de Saint Exupéry Sohachi Yamaoka Asa Earl Carter Akira Toriyama Paulo Coelho Dohyun An Haruki Murakami Mark Haddon Yusun Jeong
1900— 1944
1330?-1400? 1816 -1855 Dostoyevsky1821 –1881 1877 – 1962 1892 —1973 1913 - 1960 1950 - 1967 1925 - 1979 1955 1947 - 1961 - 1949 - 1962 - 1958 -

1400 1500 1600 1700

1300 1800 1850 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

A Miracle is not coming like A Miracle - 2008

Romance of the Three Kingdoms - 13??

Crime and Punishment - 1866

Tokugawa Ieyasu - 1950

The Stranger - 1942

The Education of Little Tree - 1976

The Little Prince - 1943
The Good Earth - 1913
Demian - 1919

of The Dog - 2003

Dragonball - 1984
Jane Eyre - 1847

The Alchemist - 1988

Salmon - 1996
Kafka on the Shore -2002

The Curious

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