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The Horse and Urban Environment

produced between fifteen and thirty-five pounds of manure a day and about a quart of urine, usually distributed along the course of its route or deposited in the stable paving of streets accelerated the problem, as wheels and hoofs ground the manure against the hard surfaces and amplified the dust Bolce charged that each year 20,000 New Yorkers died from maladies that fly in the dust, created mainly by horse manure! average streetcar horse had a life e"pectancy of about four years, and it was common to see drivers and teamsters whip and abuse their horses to spur them to pull heavy loads in #$$0, New York %ity removed #&,000 dead horses from its streets horse carcasses, as well as those of other animals, were sometimes dumped with garbage into the bays or the rivers, often floating there or washing up on the beaches

Back in the 1800s getting where you needed to go was to either walk or go by horse. Now we believe that having their energy generated by horses is energy efficient. Although this may be true back then they also faced other problems besides energy pollution. They face pollution from the horse as well. inor! but still effects. A horse then produced between fifteen and thirty"five pounds of manure a day and about a #uart of urine which was typically spread out along the courses of its route or deposited in the stables. The stench would bother citi$ens. %hat accelerated the problem though was the paving of streets. As the wheels and hoofs smashed the manure against the surface it amplified dust. According to Bolce each year &0!000 New 'orkers would die from (maladies that fly in the dust! created mainly by horse manure.) *ven though horses did cause some trouble for the people! the people didn+t treat them all that great either. The average streetcar horse had a life e,pectant of about four years. -t was very common to see divers and teamsters whip and or abuse their horse to make them carry heavier loads. Because of this their were many dead horses. -n 1880! New 'ork .ity removed about 1/!000 dead horses from the street. The problem with this is that the horses carcasses and those of other dead animals! use to be dumped with garbage into the bays or rivers and would end up either floating there or washed up on the beaches. - was ama$ed when - read this article. - never knew this happened. -t surprised me when - read about the abusive drivers. -t truly is sad that is how they treated the animal that was already helping them. -n a sense what was happening to the people was karma due to how they were treating the horses. 0f course -+m not saying that the death of all those people is okay! but it is #uiet curious. 1orses though are probably better for the environment due to the fact that they don+t deprive us from natural resources! but they do cause other pollution like in our oceans and soil.

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