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Team Leaders Assignment Sheet

To attend endorsement Preconference To assign members

Together with the team, do initial assessment to the patient prior to endorsement have a pre-conference with team for any concerns prior to duty Review patients chart of both patients

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Assigned member patient/Rm & Bed No.

Team /eader 0 /oren1o $ngelo 2" Co3

Check levels of IV for both patients

Check medication sheet for new orders and make sure to obtain medication cards of the patient and place it in the medication bo! together with the correct medication" This is to prevent medication errors" To assist team members interact with the patient to build rapport and establish trust monitor vital signs do morning care including bed bath, bed making and nail#foot care, mouth care, dusting and cleaning if needed To coordinate member activities $dminister due medications to patient %.'%%$* *edication 5urse 0 ookson, /isette $ileen 6aye3 %+'-%$* 4edside 5urses 0 ulmaran, 6ris /ynn 7" and Iso, *ichellin3 Team /eader 0 /oren1o $ngelo 2" Co3


To assist the team in caring for the patient

assist the medication nurse in giving the medication after giving the medication to the patient, make sure to forward the medication card to the ne!t .';%$* timing plot the vital signs in the patient8s chart immediately after getting, to avoid delay stay with the patients and refer immediately all abnormalities noted provide emotional and psychological support to the patients make sure that all bedside care procedures %.'%)$* check from time to time patient8s chart for new orders follow up medication nurse if IV fluids are closely monitored and properly computed and drawn at %.'-%$* the back of the medication sheet, if there are %<'%%$* any Check members for completion of assignments Check input and output sheets ,;'%% noon 4edside 5urses 0 ulmaran, 6ris /ynn 7" and Iso, *ichellin3

Team /eader 0 /oren1o $ngelo 2" Co3 4edside 5urses 0 ulmaran, 6ris /ynn 7" and Iso, *ichellin3 Team /eader 0 /oren1o $ngelo 2" Co3

To make final rounds

To give endorsement To do postconference

*onitor Vital 9igns :o final charting endorse the patient accordingly to the staff nurse before end of the shift have a postconference with team for any %,'%%P* %,',)P*

4edside 5urses 0 ulmaran, 6ris /ynn 7" and Iso, *ichellin3

concerns after the duty give constructive feedback to team members who were unable to complete assignments

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