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FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ERT 3056, Intro To CIM Trimester 2, 2013/14


Stu ent N!me


####Assi$nment Tit%e###

###Assem&%' Im!$e###

NO 1 # (

Marking Schemes Complexity / Creativity of t e profile Compo$e$t% profile & Fi$i% i$' )o*+me$tatio$ , -re%e$tatio$ of report

Marks (%) /!" /#" /#" /1""

ERT3056 , Tri 2, 2013/14 ( CAM Assi$nment )15*+

1. All reports must be submitted following your lab groups using the front cover above. You are encouraged to embrace teamwork. 2. You are given a raw material of dimension ,0 - ,0 - 20 mm (milling). 3. or milling! maximum depth of cut is 3mm. or "# part! ma$imum si%e allowance is 2&&mm $ 2&&mm (length and width) build. '. (esign components that are within the dimensions mentioned above and are able to be made using the )*) milling + "apid #rototyping ,achine in the )A, lab. )omple$ity and creativity are two of the important criteria for marking. -. NO restriction for using any modeling or simulation software (lab or from )*) simulator web) .. /he assignment shall be submitted in the form of printout report and the end product M.ST be submitted together with the reports. 0. /he reports shall contain at least the following items1 a. (escription of the part or component profile. b. #art drawing(s) c. *) part program (milling) d. #rofile 2imulation (milling) 3. /he assignment submission deadline is on1

20t/ 0!nu!r' 2014, Mon !', &e1ore 5200 3m

4. #lease submit the report personally to )A, lab technician! ,r. 5an 6ohanes and get his signature as proof of submission. 1&. NO %!te lab assignments. No e-4use will be accepted, unless pre7approved and under special circumstances. 11. 2tudents who miss lab and do not have a valid e$cuse will receive a %ero mark. 8ab assignment reports will NOT be graded if you do not attend the lab.

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