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Essay on Materialism or Money The preference of money and money related a goods is called materialism.

It has nothing to do with values, religion, customs, family feelings and emotions. All luxuries of life like new model cars, large villas, elegant furniture and tours around the world are part of materialism. There are two types of people in the world. The one who really give importance to family, love, care and value and the other who give importance to money. So the people who give importance to money are materialistic people. The people with money belong to upper class of the society. They are the people who use to influence other social classes of the society because they are the trend setters. The political leaders, pop stars, star players, celebrities, and the business men who earn money by other ways are the people who form upper class. These people seem to be very much contended and satisfied from their life but the reality is otherwise. Most of them suffer from deadly diseases or indulge in the intake of drugs. They cant enjoy their life and its blessings fully. Most of the youngsters of this class use to spend money on buying new cars, mobiles, computer games, or laptops. They consider themselves to be the superior creature of the society and in this illusion they become alone. Most of them meet a very drastic end. Their consciences dont work upon them so they dont care for any relations in life. Money is important in life. One cant deny its value in a humans life. It can provide the basic needs. If a person is having a desire to have money to pay off his dept is not something in greed. The want for more and more money is greediness. And greed has the ability to paralyse the conscience. One with such traits doesnt care for the norms and values to put the others fate in a whirl pool. Money cant be the solution to every problem. We cant buy happiness and love. We cant buy satisfaction on the expense of money. Money can buy you a good health but cant stop you dying. The love of money is the root of all evil. Let money be the servant to obey you, not a master to rule upon you.

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